GILL, Thomas Patrick, Secretary of Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland; Commissioner for Intermediate Education, Senator of National University of Ireland, 1910-14; Member of Consultative Committee for Co-ordinating Educational Administration, etc.; b. Ballygraigue, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary, 25th Oct., 1858; son of Robert Gill, C.E. Educ.: Trinity College, Dublin. Editor of the Catholic World magazine of New York, and an associate editor of the North American Review, 1883-85; M.P., South Louth, 1885-92; a member of Recess Committee promoted by Mr. Horace Plunkett, acted as its Hon. Secretary and drew up its report on the Establishment of a Department of Agriculture and Industries for Ireland, 1895; Member of the General Assembly of the International Institute of Agriculture, Rome; Chairman Departmental Committee on Irish Forestry, 1907-8; Member of Departmental Committee on Agricultural Credit, 1913-14; Corresponding Member of the French Academy of Agriculture, etc. Dept. of Agriculture, Upper Merrion Street, Dublin.