FIGGIS, Darrell; b. in Rathmines, Co. Dublin, 1882; engaged as tea buyer and broker in London and Calcutta, 1898-1910; literary adviser to F. M. Dent & Sons, 1911-1913; dramatic critic. The Academy, London, and Free-Lance Journalist, 1910-1914; Howth gun-running, May, June and July, 1914; lived in Achill, 1914 to 1916; arrested May, 1916, and liberated December, 1916; again arrested February, 1917, escaped May, 1917; arrested May, 1918, liberated April, 1919; Hon. Sec. Sinn Fein, October, 1917 to May, 1919; Editor The Republic June, 1919, to Sept., 1919, when paper was suppressed. Secretary Commission of Inquiry into the Resources and Industries of Ireland, September, 1919, to January, 1922: Acting Chairman of Committee appointed to draft the Constitution of the Irish Free State, January, 1922; returned as T.D., Co. Dublin, June 1922. Pubns.: A Vision of life (poems) 1909; The Crucibles of Time (poems), 1911; Shakespeare: A Study 1911; Broken Axes (a novel), 1911; Studies and Appreciations, 1912; Queen Tara (a play, produced at the Queen's Theatre, Dublin), 1913; Jacob Elthorne (a novel), 1914; The Mount of Transfiguration (poems), 1915; "Æ": A Story of a Man and a Nation. 1916; William Castleton, 1916; A Chronicle of Jails, 1917; The Gaelic State, in the Past and Future, 1917; The Freedom of the Seas, 1917; Children of Earth (a novel), 1917; The Historic Case, for Irish Independence, 1918; Byeways of Study, 1918; A Second Chronicle of Jails, 1919; The Economic Case for Irish Independence, 1920; The House of Success (a novel), 1921; Planning for the Future: an Address before the Architectural Association of Ireland, 1922: The Irish Constitution Explained, 1922. Recns.: golf and chess. Res.: 24 Kildare Street, Dublin; Mullach na gCreagan, Keel, Achill, Co. Mayo.