FEARON, William Robert, B.A. (Cantab.), M.A., Sc.D. (T.C.D.); Assistant to the Professor of Physiology, Dublin University; Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin (1921). Educ: Dublin. Cambridge. Assistant to Sir Henry Thompson (Scientific Adviser of the Food Ministry, London, 1917-18); Research Worker for the Food Investigation Board (Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, 1918-19. Fellow of the Institute of Chemistry, 1920. Mackinnon Research Student of the Royal Society of London, 1919-21; Ruben Harvey Prizeman of the Royal College of Physicians in Ireland, 1918; Ex-Foundation Scholar, 1st Senior Moderator (Nat. Sci. and Vice-Chancellor's Prizeman (English) in Trinity College, Dublin; Science Exhibitioner, Emmanuel College. Cambridge. Physiologist to the Adelaide Hospital and the Royal City of Dublin Hospital: b. 14th Oct., 1892; only son of the late Rev. William Fearon, of Kells, Co. Meath. Res.: 24 Trinity College, Dublin: 4 Clarinda Park, W., Kingstown. Club: University.