DUNSANY, Baron (Irld., 1439), Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, 18th Baron, Captain Reserve Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers (wounded 25th April, 1916), late Lieut. 1st Batt. Coldstream Guards. Educ.: Eton. Contested (C.) W. Wilts, 1906; took part in South African War, 1899-1901, and European War. 1914-18; b. 24th July, 1878; son of 17th Baron and Ernie, dau. of Col. Francis A. P. Burton, Coldstream Guards; s. his father 1899; m. 1904, Lady Beatrice Villiers, dau. of 7th Earl of Jersey; has issue one son. Pubns.: The Gods of Pegana. 1905: Time and the Gods, 1906; The Sword of Welleran, 1908: A Dreamer's Tales, 1910; The Book of Wonder, 1912; Five Plays, 1914; Fifty-one Tales, 1915; Tales of Wonder; Plays of Gods and Men; Tales of War, 1918; Unhappy Far-off Things, 1919: Tales of Three Hemispheres, 1920. Plays: The Glittering Gate, 1909; King Argimenes, 1911; The Gods of the Mountain, 1911; The Golden Doom, 1912; The Lost Silk Hat, 1913: The Tents of the Arabs, 1914; A Night at an Inn, 1916; The Queen's Enemies; The Laughter of the Gods; Fame and the Poet, etc. Res.: Dunsany Castle, Co. Meath; Dunstall Priory Shoreham, Kent. Clubs: Carlton, Wellington, Athenaeum, London: Kildare Street, Dublin.