DAVIN, William (M.P. for Leix and Offaly from 1922); b. February, 1890, in parish of Rathdowney, Queen's County. Educ. in Rathdowney National School, St. Kiernan's College, Kilkenny, and Hughes' Academy, Stephen's Green, Dublin; entered clerical staff of London and North Western Railway at North Wall, April, 1907; promoted Assistant Stationmaster Dun Laoghaire Pier, November, 1920. Representative of Irish Railway Agents, Stationmasters, and Clerks on Executive Committee of Railway Clerks Association for three years, also occupied position of Council Secretary, Branch Secretary, Dublin Branch Chairman, and various other Offices in R.C.A. from 1909; elected with highest average vote (15,167) of any member of the Dail at June, 1922, Elections.