< Thom's Irish Who's Who
- Dale, John Ainsworth
- D'Alton, Right Rev. Edward A.
- D'Alton, Rev. John F.
- Daly, Capt. Albert Peter Vincent
- Daly, Lieut.-Col. Francis Augustus Bonnor
- Daly, Ven. Henry Varian
- Daly, Captain Louis Dominic
- Dane, Sir Louis William
- D'Arcy, James
- D'Arcy-Irvine, Major Charles Cockburn
- Dargan, William J.
- Darlington, Rev. Joseph
- Dartrey, Earl of
- Dasent, Arthur Irwin
- Daunt, Achilles Thomas
- Davey, Rev. Professor J. Ernest
- Davidson-Houston, Lieut.-Col. Wilfred B.
- Davin, William
- Davison, Ald. Sir Joseph
- Dawe, Thomas F.
- Dawson, William
- Dawson, William Richard
- Day, Col. John George
- Day, Robert
- Deane, Sir Thomas Manly
- Deane-Drake, Joseph Edward
- Dease, Major Edmund James Charles
- Dease, Major Gerald
- de Burgh, Commander Hubert
- de Burgh, Lieut.-Col. Thomas John
- de Burgh, John Digby Townshend Hussey
- Decies, Baron
- de Freyne, Baron
- Delany, Patrick Bernard
- Delany, Rev. William
- de la Poer, John William Rivallon De Poher
- de la Poer, Countess, Hon. Mary Olivia Augusta
- de la Poer, Captain William Gervase
- de Montmorency, Rev. Arthur Herve Alberic Bouchard
- de Montmorency, Capt. John Pratt
- de Montmorency, Ven. Waller
- Dennis, Col. Meade James Crosbie
- Deramore, Baron
- Derham, Michael James
- de Robeck, Henry Edward Wm. de Robeck
- de Robeck, Admiral Sir John Michael
- de Ros, Baroness
- de Róiste, Liam
- Derrig, Thomas
- Derry, Bishop of
- Derry And Raphoe, Bishop of
- de Salis, Sir John Francis Chas.
- Desart, Earl of
- de Stacpoole, George
- de Valera, Eamon
- Devenish-Meares, John Frederick
- de Vere, Robert Stephen Vere
- de Versan, Raoul C.
- de Vesci, Viscount
- Devitt, Rev. Matthew
- Devlin, David
- Devlin, Joseph
- Dewhurst, Capt. Robert Henry
- Dick, Capt. Quintin
- Dickie, Thomas Wallace
- Dickson, James
- Dickson, James Hill
- Dickson, Thomas
- Dill, Sir Samuel
- Dillon, John
- Dillon, Sir John Fox
- Dilworth, William J.
- Dinneen, John
- Dixon, Alfred Cardew
- Dixon, Andrew Francis
- Dixon, Augustus Edward
- Dixon, Henry Horatio
- Dixon, Capt. Herbert
- Dixon, Sir Thomas James
- Dobbin, Sir Alfred Graham
- Dobbin, Lt.-Col. Leonard George William
- Dobbs, Lt.-Col. Conway Richard
- Dobbyn, William A.
- Dockrell, Sir Maurice E.
- Dodd, The Right Hon. William Huston
- Doig, Lieut.-Col. Claude Prendergast
- Doig, Henry Stuart
- Dolan, Charles Joseph
- Dolan, James Nicholas
- Domvile, Sir Compton Meade
- Donald, Thompson
- Donegall, Marquess of
- Donelan, Capt. Anthony John Charles
- Donnan, Frederick George
- Donnelly, Patrick
- Donoughmore, Earl of
- Donovan, John Thomas
- Donovan, Mary J.
- Donovan, Robert
- Donovan, St. John Henry
- Dopping-Hepenstal, Major Lambert John
- Doran, Major-General Beauchamp John Colclough
- Doran, Charles
- Doran, Sir Henry Francis
- Doris, William
- Dorman, Surgeon-General John Cotter
- Dorman-Smith, Major Edward Patrick
- Dougherty, The Right Hon. Sir James Brown
- Douglas, Capt. Robert Langton
- Dowdall, Sir Laurence Charles Edward Downing
- Dower, Mrs. Mary Gough-
- Down and Connor, Bishop of
- Down and Connor and Dromore, Bishop of
- Downes, Sir Joseph
- Downey, Edmund
- Downey, Edmund Alan
- Downshire, Marquess of
- Dowse, Very Rev. William
- Doyle, His Honour Charles Francis
- Doyle, Daniel Simpson
- Doyle, Lynn
- Doyle, Miss Mary Caroline
- Doyle, Michael
- Doyle, Robert J.
- Doyle, Seumas
- Doyne, Charles Mervyn
- Doyne, Dermot Henry
- Doyne, Robert Wentworth
- Drogheda, Earl of
- Dromgoole, His Honour Charles
- Dromore, Bishop of
- Drought, Major John Thomas Acton
- Drought, Capt. John Victor
- Drummond, David
- Drummond, His Honour Michael
- Drury, Henry Cooke
- Dublin, Lord Archbishop of
- Dublin, Lord Archbishop of, and Primate of Ireland
- Duff, James A.
- Dufferin and Ava, Marquess of
- Duffin, Adam
- Duffy, George Gavan
- Duffy, William
- Duggan, Edmund John
- Dunalley, Baron
- Dunbar-Buller, Charles William
- Dunboyne, Baron
- Duncan, Ellen
- Duncannon, Viscount
- Dundon, Edward Thomas
- Dunleath, Baron
- Dunluce, Viscount
- Dunne, Capt. Gerald Fitzgerald Dunne
- Dunne, Rt. Rev. Consignor James
- Dunne, Major James Stuart
- Dunne, Col. William
- Dunraven and Mount-Earl, Earl of
- Dunsany, Baron
- Dunville, Lieut.-Col. John Dunville
- Dwyer, Sir F. Conway
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