< Thom's Irish Who's Who

BLAIR, William Richards; b. Co. Derry, Ireland, Nov. 7th, 1874; son of Thomas Wray Blair and Mary Richards; came to America, 1884; grad. Kan. State Normal Sch., 1895; S.B., Univ. of Chicago, 1904; Ph.D., 1906; m. Oct., 1909, Florence Lyon, dau. of Charles G. Smith, of Washington; Prin. High Sch., Pittsburg, Kan., 1897-9; Associate in Mathematics, State Normal Sch., Oshkosh, Wis.. 1900-2; Asst. Instr., Univ. of Chicago, 1903-6; entered Govt, service, Oct., 1906; research Dir. in charge upper air research, U.S. Weather Bureau, June, 1907, and of Physical Lab., June, 1910, and Exec. Officer in charge Mt. Weather Obs., Va., Nov., 1912— Dec, 1914; Prof. Meteorology, in charge aerology, U.S. Weather Bureau since June, 1915; Tellow Royal Meteorol. Soc.; Member Internat. Com. for Scientific Aeronautics; Philos. Soc. Washington, Am. Soc. Aeronautic Engrs.; Washington Acad. Sciences, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Alpha Tau Omega. Clubs: Cosmos (Washington, D.C.), etc.; Comd. Major, 1917, and assigned to Aviation Corps, with A.E.F. in France; transferred to Signal Corps, July, 1918; Lieut.-Col., Feb., 1919; Tech. Sub. Com. of Internat. Commn. for Aerial Navigation, Internat. Wireless Commn., Paris, first half, 1919. Res.: 3420 Porter Street, Washington, D.C.

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