< Think Well On't


On the vanity of the world.

CONSIDER these words of the wisest of men: Eccles. i. 2. Vanity of vanities, and all is vanity: and reflect how truly vain are all those things which deluded worldlings seek with so much eagerness; honours, riches and worldly pleasures are all but painted bubbles, which look at a distance as if they were something, but have nothing of real substance in them; and, instead of a solid content and joy, bring nothing with them but a trifling satisfaction for a moment, followed with cares, uneasiness, apprehensions and remorse. Ah! bubbles indeed, which their admirers no sooner offer to lay hold of, but they dissolve into air, and leave their hands empty! Oh! how justly were all worldly enjoyments by the royal prophet likened to a dream! They have slept out their short sleep, and when they awake they find nothing in their hands of all those things which, in their dream, they seemed to possess. O ye sons of men, how long will ye be in love with vanity, and run after lies? Psalm iv. 3.

2. Consider that saying of St. Augustine, L. i. Confes. C. 1. Thou hast made us, O Lord, for thyself; and our hearts cannot rest till they rest in thee: and reflect, that our great Creator has given us a noble soul, made to his own image, and like him spiritual and immortal; which therefore can never find its happiness in earthly and fading things. No, my soul, thou hast an understanding and a will capable of contemplating the sovereign beauty and sovereign truth, and of enjoying the one supreme infinite good; and whatever is less than He, is not worthy of thee. Ah! resolve then no longer to tire thyself, and waste away thy spirits in running like a child after these butterflies; but since thou canst not be without seeking for happiness, seek it in God's name, where it is to be found, that is, in the way of virtue and devotion; and not in the by-paths which lead to endless misery.

3. Consider the shortness of all worldly enjoyments. Man's days are very short: the longest life is less than one moment, if compared with eternity. A thousand years, in the sight of God, that is, in very truth, are but as yesterday that is past and gone: Psalm lxxxix. 4. Alas! does not daily experience shew us, that we are here to-day, and gone to-morrow, and no sooner out of sight, but out of mind too? For as soon as we are in the grave, those that we leave behind think no more of us. All flesh is grass, says the Prophet Isaiah, chap. xl. 6. and all the glory of it but like that of the flower of the field. And what is that, but flourishing in the morning, and fading in the evening? Oh! how truly is our life likened by St. James, chap. iv. to a vapour; a thin smoke, which is dispersed by the first puff of wind, and we see no more of it? How justly is it compared by Solomon, Wisdom, chap. v. to a shadow, or to the passing of a bird upon the wing, or an arrow from the bow, which leaves no mark behind it? Ah! how vain it is to set our hearts upon what we must leave so soon!

4. Consider, what is now become of all those great ones of this world, those mighty monarchs, those gallant generals, those wise statesmen, those celebrated beauties &c; who made such a figure a hundred years ago? Alas! they are all long since dead and gone; and now few or none ever think of them, or scarce know there ever were any such persons; just so will it be with us a few years hence. Ah! worldlings, give ear for one moment to those who are gone before you, who, from their silent monuments, where the remainder of their dust lies mingled with the common earth, call upon you in the words of the wise man: Eccles. xxxviii. 23. Remember what we are come to; it will soon be the same with you; it was our turn yesterday; it will be yours to-day. We once had our parts to act upon the stage of the world; we once were young, strong, and healthy, as you are now, and thought as little as you of what we are now come to: like you, we set our hearts upon those trifles and toys, that we could but enjoy for a moment; and for these we neglected eternity. Senseless wretches as we were! we chose rather to be slaves to a cheating world, to inconstant, perishable creatures, which abandoned us so soon, than to serve that Lord and Master to whom nothing dies; and who neither in life nor death ever forsakes those who forsake not him. Christians, let us take this warning; let the miscarriages of so many others teach us to be wise; let us not set our hearts on this miserable world; nor look upon any thing as truly great, but that which is eternal.

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