(When there are several references, the most important is given first.)
Abacus, 11, 260.
Abdication, 13, 32, 231, 246.
Aborigines, 22, 28, 187, 188.
"Abt" engines, 404.
Academy of Music (Tōkyō), 343; 132
Actors, 464, 465, 467; 150, 346, 402, 463, 482.
Actresses, 464, 467, 482.
Acupuncture, 14, 315.
Adams (Sir Francis), 489.
Adams (Will), 15, 73, 253-4, 424.
Adder, 527.
Addresses, 95, 125.
Administration, 217-18; 210, 238, 354.
Adoption, 17, 312.
Advertisements, 137, 159, 277, 301.
Aeba Kōson, 292.
Age, (how reckoned), 12, 63.
Agitators, 135.
Agriculture, 19, 132, 434, 478.
Ashikaga dynasty, 233, 427, 217.
Ainos, 22, 27, 28, 68, 193, 208, 210, 232, 403, 414, 427, 520, 522, 523.
Aizu, 237, 412.
Akahito, 378.
Akiha Daisuke, 264.
Albrecht (Rev. G. E.), 335.
Albums, 72, 195.
Alcock (Sir R.), 67, 255.
Alcoves, 36, 270, 449.
Altering names, 347, 426.
Amado, 35.
Amami-Ōshima, 306, 307.
Amaterasu, 224, 420, 440.
American Board Missions, 330.
American influence, 364, 365; 73, 131, 132, 154, 180, 182, 313, 328, 329, 353, 363, 394, 488, 523, 524.
Amida, 79.
Amma, 315.
Amusements, 25, 90, 112, 126, 158, 162, 195, 215, 439.
Ancestor worship, 159, 162, 247, 419.
Anderson (Dr. Wm.), 56, 71; 47, 51, 68, 166, 270, 308, 359, 512.
Anealotes, 54, 84, 147, 148, 156, 207, 339, 400, 466.
Angels (Buddhist), 442.
Anglican missions, 328.
Anjirō, 322.
Anniversaries, 159-163, 338-9, 409.
Anthem (national), 343.
Anthologies, 378; 284, 294, 358.
Anti-foreign feeling, 158, 237, 239, 366, 462.
Antimony, 212.
Ants, 446; 161.
Aoki (Viscount), 94.
Aoyama Gakuin, 330.
Apprentices, 160, 162.
Arai Hakuseki, 103, 290.
Arashi-yama, 81, 90.
Archæology, Pref., 27, 37.
Architecture, 34, 72, 83, 152, 247, 389, 482.
"Arimas," 70.
Arisaka gun, 45.
Aristocracy, see Nobility.
Arisugawa (Prince), 395,
Armour, 41, 317; 34, 315.
Army, 42, 132, 183, 184, 241, 297, 353.
Arnold (Sir Edwin), 3, 4, 260.
Arsenals, 350; 45.
Art, 47; 28, 30, 67, 68, 78, 79, 83, 100, 104, 132, 135, 136, 146, 159, 176, 194, 206, 215, 223, 234, 245, 249, 255, 270, 289, 316, 339, 390, 392, 423, 439, 444, 451, 456, 457, 509, 520, 529.
"Art Japonais (L')," 56, 71.
Artisans, 95, 181, 248, 297, 300, 371, 410, 451, 484.
"Artistic Japan," 56.
Artists, 47-55; 194, 197, 206, 274.
Art-motives, 54, 59, 68.
"Asahi-Zakura," 292.
Asaina (hero), 117.
Asaina (journalist), 352.
Ashinoyu, 319; 83.
Ashitaka (Mount), 473, 474.
Asiatic Society of Japan, 56, et pass.
"Asiatic Transactions," 56-7, 68; 13, 14, 19, 25, 27, 34, 39, 41, 42, 56, 60, 75, 79, 80, 83, 104, 105, 112, 150, 172, 173, 177, 198, 223, 243, 250, 264, 270, 284, 296, 305, 307, 309, 316, 335, 337, 344, 399, 417, 423, 435, 449, 455, 480, 498, 514, 529.
Aso-san, 130, 209.
Assassins honoured, 220-1.
Assaults on foreigners, 239.
Aston (W. G.), Pref. 66; 34, 68, 104, 173, 223, 242, 256, 264, 278, 294, 296, 382, 402, 423, 431, 467, 483.
"Astrologia Giappionese," 164.
Astrology, 173, 477.
Atami, 319.
"Atami (Guide to), 140."
Athletics, 133, 158, 238.
Atkinson (Hoffmann), 369.
Atsumon, 156.
Audsley and Bowes’ works, 71, 85, 317.
Authors (ancient), 284-9.
Authors (modern), 289, 293.
Autumn tints, 96, 174, 296, 440, 472.
Avatars, 420.
Ayrton (Prof. W. E.), 321.
Azaleas, 174.
Babies, 92-3, 481.
Bachelors (rare), 313.
Bacon (Miss A. M.), 66, 93, 135, 251, 314, 342, 509.
Badgers, 121; 85, 86, 115, 155, 526.
Baelz (Dr. E.), 41, 115, 118, 119, 250, 270, 401, 403.
Baka, 247.
Bakin, 289, 294, 346.
Baku, 444.
Ballard (Miss S.), 155.
Balls, 437; 26, 112-3.
Bamboos, 57; 54, 55, 106, 156, 168, 222, 267, 286, 372, 374.
Bandal-san, 209.
Banko ware, 392.
Banishment, 233, 239.
Banking, 109, 110, 249.
Banquets, 147, 178, 433.
Ban-tan, 408.
"Banzai" 89.
Baptists, 330.
Basho, 378, 294.
Baskets, 58.
Batchelor (Rev. J.), 25; 23, 24, 68.
Bateren, 234.
Bathing, 60; 23, 297, 319, 320, 321, 482.
Bays, 210.
Bazaars, 82.
Beads, 34.
"Bean moon," 441.
Beans, 20, 62, 160, 161, 177, 179, 181, 441, 455.
Bears, 23, 428, 522, 526.
Bêche-de-mer, 226.
Becker, (J. E. de), 284.
Bedding, 36.
Beer, 138, 157, 415.
Bell, (Dr.), 413.
Bellessort (A.), 69.
Bells, 55, 16o, 316, 370.
Benkei, 55.
Benten, 308.
Beri-beri, 268.
Betrothal, 310.
Beverages, 178, 415; 161, 452.
Bible (versions of), 330.
Bibliography, 62, 64.
Bimetallism, 110, 299.
Bingham treaty, 490.
Bird (Miss), see Bishop (Mrs.).
Birds, 526; 40, 105, 127, 149, 205, 228, 255, 428, 443, 444, 529.
Birōdo-yuzen, 136.
Birthdays, 62.
Bishamon, 308.
Bishop, Mrs. (Miss Bird), 68; 25, 260, 524.
Bishops. 327, 328.
Black (Ishii), 440.
Black (J. R.), 69, 264, 351.
Blackening the teeth, 63.
Blakiston (T. W.), 68, 529
Blind shampooers, 315.
Block-printing, 509, 511; 396, 397.
Boating, 412.
Bôdhisattvas, 473.
Boissonade de Fontarabie, 182, 279.
Bon festival, 113, 162.
Bonin Islands, 208.
Books (Japanese), 396, and see Literature.
Books on Japan, 64; 62, et pass.
Botany, 73; 57, 358, 360, 430, 454, 497.
Bounties, 240, 426.
Bouquets, 176, 205, 441.
Bourse, 238.
Bousquet (G.), 60, 294.
Bowing, 415; 70.
Boys, 92, 93, 161, 163, 181, 331, 346.
Brahminism, 77, 246, 308.
Bramsen (Wm.), 72, 231, 479
Bran bags, 61.
Braziers, 36, 373.
Bread. 178, 180, 269, 500.
Bribery, 218, 240, 429.
Brides, 310, 311.
Brinkley (Capt. F.), 67, 243, 393; 56, 85, 150, 208, 219, 246, 274, 278, 317, 428, 447, 449, 460, 514.
British Museum, 30, 33, 56, 68.
Broadsides, 510, 511.
Brocade, 136; 81.
Bronze, 315, 321; 29, 81, and see Metal-work.
Brownell (C. L ), 69.
Buccaneers, 424.
Buddha, 77, 87, 161, 173, 306, 323, 371, 420, 473.
Buddhism, 76; 13, 32, 34, 47, 73, 75, 83, 86, 108, 131, 135, 146, 150, 152, 155, 158, 159, 177, 198, 204, 207, 217, 231, 237, 238, 246, 247, 252, 275, 286, 288, 296, 305, 308, 316, 335, 338, 340, 341, 347, 370, 371, 381, 395, 396, 408, 409, 420, 421, 422, 434, 442, 452, 453, 457, 471, 483, 507, 157.
Buddhist hymns, 381.
"Buddhist Praying Wheel," (The). 396.
Bullock-carts, 268.
Bureaucracy, 218, 238, 435
Burial, 204; 29-32, 108, 109, 291, 307, 317.
Burton (Prof. W. K.), 195
Burying alive, 30.
"Bushidō," 72, 417.
Business morality. 260, 261, 487; 95.
Busse (Dr. L.), 80, 259.
Busts, 158.
Butterflies, 526, 529, 55, 71.
Byng (S.), 56.
Cabinet (government), 218.
Cabinets (wooden), 80.
Cables, 461.
Cakes, 179.
Calendars, 163-4, 477, 478; 12, 96, 231, 238, 441.
Calligraphy, 520; 51, 270.
Camellias, 174, 273.
Cameron (Sir E.), 260.
Camphor, 80; 73, 187.
Canadian missionaries, 328.
Cannibalism, 28.
Capital cities, 80, 218, 357, 388.
"Capital of the Tycoon," 67, 255.
Capital punishment, 280; 219, 282.
Capron (General), 523.
Card-playing, 25, 27, 153, 238.
Caron (Abbé), 278.
Cars (mythological), 164.
Carts, 264, 268.
Carving, 83; 30. 35, 158, 247.
"Cash," 108.
Cassia-tree, 440; 173, 255
Caste, 95.
Castles, 151, 152; 83, 127, 314.
"Catalogue of Japanese Paintings," 56, 68, 166, 308, 359.
Catholicism (Roman), 322; 17, 67, 76, 151, 243, 332, 422.
Cats, 85; 54, 84, 155.
Cattle, 19.
Celestial stems, 477.
Census, 150, 388.
Ceramics, see Keramics.
Cereals, 177, 268, 269.
Cereals (the five), 20.
Chambers of Commerce, 238; 88.
"Changes (Book of)," 121; 104.
Cha-no-yu, 456; 391, 453, and see Tea Ceremonies.
Chanting, 341.
Chaplin-Ayrton (Mrs.), 27, 92.
Characteristics of the Japanese, 250; 3, 8, 9, 22, 34, 43, 46, 48, 52, 66, 71, 84, 89, 92, 94, 136, 154, 179, 180, 181, 183, 184, 195, 197, 218, 219, 220, 221, 240, 242, 244, 248, 249, 276, 295, 300-4, 309, 312, 313, 319, 321, 333, 350, 356, 382, 389, 392, 402, 407, 408, 422, 438, 439, 448, 449, 450, 486, 487-8, 500.
Characters, see Chinese Characters.
Charity Hospital, 137.
Charlevoix (Father), 334.
Charm-bags, 125; 87.
Charms, 86; 23, 125, 509
Chauvinism, 87, 331, 329, 352, 421.
Checkers, 215, 25.
Cherry-blossom, 89; 81, 82, 174, 180, 455.
Chess, 90, 215; 25.
Chikamatsu Monzaemon, 464, 465.
Children, 92; 17, 47, 61, 62, 63, 87, 100, 109, 124, 125, 165-6, 251, 268, 337, 338, 346, 480.
Chin (pug-dogs), 400.
China-Japan war (of 1894-5), 241, 350; 43, 45, 110, 187, 249, 297, 356, 395, 426, 495.
China-Japan war (of 1900); 43, 241.
"China's Business Methods and Policy," 261.
"China Sea Directory," 72, 100, 211.
Chinese and Japanese compared, 260-1.
Chinese books, 296; 229.
"Chinese Characteristics," 264.
Chinese characters, 514; 398; 33, 55, 123, 193, 222, 249, 277, 284, 355, 381, 397, 408, 443, 484, 515, 516, 518, 519, 520, 524.
Chinese influence, 231-2; 8, 14, 19, 20, 29, 34, 45, 47, 48, 49, 55, 59, 60, 75, 77, 78, 79, 81, 83, 89, 90, 94, 102, 103, 111, 115, 121, 131, 134, 135, 148, 149, 155, 160, 165, 172-3, 176, 186, 187, 193, 196, 197, 210, 215, 217, 221, 223, 229, 232, 239, 246, 248, 249, 259, 270, 275, 278, 284-5, 290, 295-6, 307, 314, 316, 335, 339, 340, 347, 355, 371, 375, 384, 391, 396, 397, 401, 402, 409, 413, 423, 439, 441, 444, 462, 477, 478, 503, 509, 510, 514, 515, 516, 520, 521.
Chinese language, 210, 296, 515, 519.
Chinese notices of Japan, 28, 231, 450.
Chivalry, 415-7.
Chō Densu, 48.
Cholera, 120.
Chopsticks, 58. 181, 395.
Chōshū (province and clan), 94, 132, 210, 217, 234, 236, 237.
Christianity, 322; 4, 5, 17, 76, 77, 79, 88, 152, 153, 166, 234, 252, 408, 422.
Christianity Japonised, 333.
Christian names, 345, 346, 347.
Christian nations (hypocrisy of), 4, 5, 334.
Christmas cards, 510.
"Chronological Tables," 72, 231, 479.
Chrysanthemum (order of the), 114.
Chrysanthemums, 175-6; 55, 82, 173, 174, 222, 430
Chūjō Hime, 135.
Churches, see Missions.
"Chūshingura," 191.
Cigarettes, 480.
Cipango, 249.
Cistercian friars, 327.
Cities, 80; 34, 218.
Civil wars, 233-4; 13, 232, 236, 349
Clans, 94.
Clarke (E. B.), Pref.
Class distinctions, 95; 19, 150, 235, 416, 435, 447, 448, 451, 465, 512.
"Classical Poetry of the Japanese," 198, 468.
Classicism, 49; 47, 288.
Classics (Confucian), 102, 103, 131.
Classics (Japanese), 285-6, 376-8, 421, 423.
Clay cylinders and figures, 30, 83.
Cleanliness, 60, 254.
"Clifford Wilkinson case," 496-7.
Cliffs (in Formosa), 187.
Climate, 95; 21, 180, 296, 306, 389, 405, 412, 417-8, 522.
Clocks, 474; 129, 154.
Clogs, 123; 58,
Cloisonné, 100; 81, 317.
Coal, 212; 187, 208.
Cock-fighting, 158.
Cocks (long-tailed), 304.
Codes, 279-80; 71, 182, 238, 240, 283, 284. 491, 493, 496.
Coffins, 204.
Coins, 109; 71, 88, 182, 299.
"Coins of Japan," 71, 111.
Collotype albums, 72, 195, 512.
Colour-prints, 509; 50, 87, 359, 465.
Comedy, 197-8, 463-4.
"Commentaries on the Constitution," 219, 293.
Commerce, see Trade.
Common people, 95, 123, 217, 250, 289, 300, 310, 312, 381, 402, 439, 445, 463, 474, 477, 484, 508.
Communications (ministry of), 218, 394.
Commutation of incomes, 416, 238.
Compass (points of the), 445, 481.
Concerts, 340, 344, 438.
Concessions (foreign), 487, 489, 491, 494.
Concubinage, 312, 318, 337.
Conder (J.), 41. 42, 71, 176, 177, 208.
Confucianism, 102; 26, 121, 131, 176, 275, 288, 290, 335, 336, 365, 397, 408, 421, 422, 503.
Confucianists (Japanese), 103, 104, 290.
Congee, 160.
Congregationalists, 330.
Conscription, 46; 18, 42, 188, 350.
Constitution (political), 218; 114, 136, 159, 220, 239, 240, 257, 280, 293, 332, 356, 492.
Consumption, 100, 251, 265, 514.
Conventionalism, 104; 48-50, 54, 196, 376, 460.
Convolvuli, 174, 358.
"Cooking" records, 243-4, 230.
Coolies, 90, 123, 125, 181, 188, 253, 297, 484.
Copper, 212; 109.
Coral, 528; 124, 306.
Cormorant-fishing, 105, 172.
Cosmogony, 224; 77.
Costume, see Dress.
"Costume (History of)," 42.
Cotton mills, 183,
Counting (system of), 12.
Courant (Maurice), 72.
Couriers, 393.
Court (Imperial), 45, 46, 67, 81, 93, 125, 156, 160, 205, 317, 380, 420, 422, 435.
Court of Kyōto, 232, 233, 234, 236; 137, 285-6, 295, 428.
Courtesans, 524-6; 150, 390
Cox (W. D.), Pref.
Crabs, 528.
Cranes, 528.
Crasset (Father), 334.
Craters, 130, 193, 320.
Crazes (fashionable), 157.
Cremation, 108; 33, 247, 371, 451.
Crests, 222.
Criminals, 221, 451, and see Law.
Cross, 223, 325.
Crown (Order of the), 114.
Crown Prince, 395.
Crown Princess, 344.
Crows, 441, 172; 53, 55, 86, 226.
Crustacea, 528.
Cryptomerias, 272, 411.
Crystals, 212.
Cultivated area, 19, 209.
Curios, 222, 447, 451, 458, 459.
Currency, 109, 299.
Currents, 210.
Cycle (of years), 111, 477, 478; 63.
Cycles (of legends), 225, 228-9.
Cylinders (clay), 30.
Cyclopaedias, 290.
Czar, 239, 265.
Daggers, 27, 34, 447
Daibutsu, (Hakone), 83.
Daibutsu, (Kamakura), 316, 82.
Daibutsu, (Nara), 81.
Daikoku, 308.
Daikon, 179.
Daimyō, 111; 41, 46, 94, 95, 105, 132, 189-191, 196, 197, 217, 222, 234, 236, 237, 238, 243, 245, 267, 323, 325, 337, 348, 354, 356, 383, 393, 416-7, 457, 485, 486, 499.
"Daimyō boxes," 222.
"Dai Nihon Kobunsho," 245.
"Dai Nihonshi," 285.
"Dai Nihon Shiryō," 245
Daita (monk), 207.
Daitokuji, 457.
Dakyū, 384.
Damascening, 317.
Damp, 96, 98, 100, 271.
Dances, 112; 26, 158, 195, 238, 433, 438, 462, 464.
Dancing-girls, 113, 433, 457.
Dango-zaka, 175; 82.
Danjūrō, 346, 467.
Dan-no-ura, 232, 348, 528.
Daruma, 453.
Dashi, 164.
Date Masamune, 325.
Davidson (J. W.), 189.
Death, 104, 189, 219, 228, 252, 269, 280, 306, 337, 409, 446.
Decorations (medals), 113
Decorations (New Year), 160.
Decorative art, 52; 33, 34, 35, 54, 55, 84, 100-1, 136.
Deer, 81, 174, 228, 272, 273, 369, 380, 428, 522, 526.
Deforestation, 80, 528.
Devils, see Demons.
Democratic spirit, 382, 356; 44, 131, 134-5, 459.
Demoniacal possession, 115; 85, 168.
Demons, 155, 161, 443, 445
Dengyō Daishi, 452.
Dening (Walter), 14, 19, 69, 258, 264, 435.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens, 57, 69, et pass.
Departments of Government, 218.
Deshima, 153, 266, 429.
Dialects, 277.
Diaries (classical, 286.)
Diagrams (magpie), 121.
Dickins (F. V.), 191, 363.
Dickson (W.), 219.
Dictionaries, 277; 158, 278, 278, 287, 293.
"Die Japaner," 256, 264, 335.
Diet (food), 177; 19, 21, 247, 268.
Diet (parliament), 217; 88, 240, 279, 289, 356.
Dinners, 178, 363, 438, 457, 459
Diplomacy, 362, 438, 491-6.
"Diplomatist's Wife in Japan (A)," 70.
Discomfort, 36.
Discovery of Japan, 151, 234.
Diseases, 251; 91, 115, 161, 265, 268, 274, 320, 339, 358, 389, 514.
Dittrich (R.), 342, 344
Divers (Dr. E.), 320, 341.
Divination, 121, 168, 421.
Divine generations, 224.
Divorce, 503; 313, 309-10.
Dockyards, 350; 184.
Dog-days, 162.
Dogs, 400; 26, 86, 115, 120, 122, 314, 388, 476.
"Dōji Kyō," 335, 337; 289.
Dolls, 92-3, 161.
Dolmens, 32, 33, 34, 71.
"Dolmens and Burial Mounds in Japan," 34, 71, 317, 393, 449.
Domestic animals, 526, 19
"Domestic Architecture in Japan," 41.
Doors, 35, 40, 57.
Douglas (Commander), 349
Doshisha College, 330.
"Dōwa," 288.
Doyo, 162.
Dragons, 443-4; 194, 446, 476.
Drama, 462; 78, 197-8, 468, and see Theatre.
Dramatists, 465.
Draughtiness, 36, 37.
Dreams, 121, 227, 308, 444.
Dress, 122; 26, 82, 88, 158, 238, 286, 310, 311, 370, 431, 432, 443, 446, 450, 457, 469, 476, 500
Dresser (Dr. C), 71, 317.
Dubois (Dr. F.), 341, 344.
Duck-hunting, 126.
Dumolard (H.), 69.
Duncan (Miss S. J.), 70, 146.
Dinker, 528.
Dutch in Japan, 153-5; 15, 16, 67, 131, 154, 185, 235, 239, 266, 296, 349, 366, 392, 429, 475, 486, 488, 512.
Dwarfed trees, 206.
Dynasty (Imperial), 318.
Dyspepsia, 181, 514.
Earthquakes, 127; 41, 444.
East (Alfred), 53.
Ebisu, 308; 162.
Economics, 72.
Eczema, 93.
Edgeworthia papyrifera, 360.
Education; 131; 78, 103, 182, 183, 188, 218, 220, 282, 327, 329, 330, 331, 343, 349, 367, 379, 434, 519.
Education (female), 133; 132, 331, 502.
Educational societies, 434; 133, 435.
EE-EE, 135.
Eels, 162.
Ehmann (P.), 400.
Eight, 224, 358; 121, 168.
"Eight Years in Japan," 40, 70.
Eisai, 456.
Eitel on Buddhism, 79.
Eki, 121; 104.
Ekō-in, 168; 82, 298, 513.
Electric trams, 26, 4.
Elephants, 212.
Ellis (A. J.), 341, 344.
Embassies, 236, 324, 325, 366, 429, 489.
Embroidery, 135; 52, 81.
Emigration, 389-90, 297.
Emperor (present), 317; 42, 45, 76, 139, 159, 165, 349, 380, 395.
Emperors, 233, and see Mikado.
Employés, see Foreign Employés.
Empress (present), 136; 63, 126, 344, 380, 434,
Empresses, 136, 78, 205, 228-9.
Enamel, 100; 71, 316.
Enchō, 150.
Encyclopædias, 290, 293.
Engineering College, 131, 132.
English as she is Japped, 137.
English influence, 15, 16, 110, 132, 154, 181, 184, 235, 236, 238, 328, 343, 349, 351, 352, 353, 354, 360, 365, 403, 424, 461, 488, 491, 493.
English language, 131, 134, 238, 352, 369, 491, 496.
Englishman (first in Japan), 15.
Englishmen Japonised, 65, 440.
Engraving, 509.
Enoshima, 309, 528.
Epaminondas, 291.
Epigram, 377.
Equinox, 159, 161, 162, 446.
Era, 478, 479.
Esotericism, 146, 176 206, 340, 341, 460, 513.
Eta, 149.
"Eternal Land," 226, 228.
Ethical system, 72, 102, 104, 336, 365-7, 415, 419, 420, 422.
Eurasians, 150.
European aggression, 5, 235-6, 241, 242, 325, 334.
European ideas concerning Japan, 9, 10, 66, 154, 253-262, 319, 382, 401, 436-7, 460, 489, 501, 502.
Europeanisation, 151, 237-40; 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 14, 26, 34, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 51, 55, 62, 79, 85, 87, 88, 98, 103, 108, 110, 113, 114, 125, 126, 129, 131-3, 136, 137, 157, 103, 165, 167, 173, 178, 179, 180, 181-5, 217, 218, 219, 240, 244, 249, 262, 275, 278-84, 290-2, 311, 316, 322, 338, 343, 349, 351, 352-3, 363, 364, 366-7, 371, 373, 380, 389, 390, 393, 393-4, 395, 397, 398, 403, 406, 411, 415, 424, 425, 433, 434, 437, 438, 450, 451, 455, 460-1, 465, 466, 474, 476, 478, 480, 485, 490, 492, 498, 500, 510, 520, 521, 523, 526, 529.
Europeans as they appear to the Japanese, 241, 251, 263.
"Evolution of the Japanese," 66, 89, 259, 264, 405, 411.
Exhibitions, 239; 51.
Exogamy, 314.
Exorcism, 116, 117, 120; 66, 169.
Exports, 487-8; 22, 265,, 432, 455, 529.
Extermination of animals, 528, 529.
Exterritoriality, 489, 491.
Faience, 391, 392.
Fairy-tales, 155; 24, 247, 286.
Family relations, 17, 18, 165, 166, 279, 309-12, 336, 337, 409, 500, 502-8, 525.
Fans; 156; 46, 54, 58, 123, 194, 359, 462, 510, 512.
"Fans of Japan," 157.
Farming, 19, 523.
Fashionable crazes, 157.
Fashions, 124.
Fasting, 337.
Fathers-in-law, 502 et seq.; 337.
Fauna, 526; 523, 212.
"Feudal and Modern Japan," 69,
Feudalism, 232, 415; 42, 69, 83, 94, 103, 111, 112, 113, 217, 219, 222, 234-5, 238, 293, 296, 306-7, 353, 356, 428, 479, 486, 501.
Fenollosa (Prof. E.), 56.
Fesca (Dr. M.), 22.
Festivals, 159; 62-3, 92-3, 174, 357, 371, 409, 442, 478.
Fiction, 285, 289, 439-40.
"Fifty Sounds" (table of), 516.
Filial piety, 165; 14, 102, 103, 357, 409, 504, 525.
Finance, 19, 72, 110, 183, 238, 280, 297.
Fines, 280, 353.
Firando, 16.
Fire, 446; 36, 168, 247.
Fire-arms, 45; 42, 151.
Fire-drill, 247.
"Fire-Fade," 226.
Firemen, 167, 156.
Fires, 166; 130.
"Fire-Shine," 226.
Fire-walking, 168.
Fireworks, 162.
Fish, 527; 50, 58, 93, 128, 160, 177-81, 268, 269, 528.
Fish (paper), 93, 161.
Fishing, 171; 58, 105, 208.
Five, 341, 357.
Flags, 172; 222, 370.
Flies, 527-8, 172.
"Flights Inside and Outside Paradise," 68.
Flora, 74, and see Flowers.
Florenz (Prof. Dr. K.), 68, 296, 402, 403, 423, 431, 467, 518.
Flower-cards, 25, 177.
Flowers, 173; 54-5, 89, 104, 196, 205, 206, 207, 234, 255, 305, 347, 357-8, 430, 446.
"Flowers of Japan," 176; 71, 177.
Fogs, 99.
Folk-lore, 164; 78.
Folk-lore (Aino), 24, 25.
Food, 177; 21, 22, 58, 62, 160-2, 247, 268, 306, 358, 395, 406, 459, 527.
Foot-gear, 123, 482.
Foot-prints of Buddha, 371.
Foreign employés, 181; 43, 88, 110, 114.
Foreign food, 181.
Foreign Office (British), 496.
Foreign residents in Japan, 496.
Foreign style (of architecture), 41.
Foreigners (murderous assaults on), 239.
"Forest Flora of Japan," 76.
Forfeits, 185.
Forgeries (literary), 231, 186.
Formosa, 185, 208-9; 44, 73, 80, 99, 100, 210, 239, 241, 297, 388, 389, 390, 426, 461, 465.
Formosan expedition,, 187, 239.
Fortune-telling, 121.
Forty-seven Rōnins, 189, 222, 465.
Fossils, 211, 212, J23.
Fowls (long-tailed), 304, 526.
Fox-deity, 161, 370, and see Inari.
Foxes, 115; 85, 86, 185, 526.
Fox-owning, 118.
Franciscan monks, 324.
"Franklinism," 366.
Franks (Sir W.), 71.
Fraser (Mrs. Hugh), 70.
French influence, 42, 43, 45, 182, 183, 184, 235, 241, 278, 281, 282, 283, 350, 394, 489, 495.
Friars (Catholic), 17, 324.
"From Sea to Sea," 70.
Frost-pillars, 417.
Fruit, 180; 89, 179, 180, 255.
Fudō, 396.
Fuji, 191; 140, 210, 309, 369, 370, 371, 444, 468, 474.
"Fuji Hyakkei," 194.
Fujiwara family, 232; 217, 345
Fukuchi Genichirō, 293.
Fuku-ja, 455.
Fukurokuju, 308.
Fukushima (Colonel), 158.
Fukuzawa Yukichi, 365-8; 293; 132, 133, 290, 408, 502.
Fun, 105.
Funeral tablets, 347.
Funerals, 204; 29, 30, 108, 114, 158, 291, 306, 307, 332, 445.
Furniture (absence of), 36, 92.
Fushimi, 236, 459, 524.
Fusiyama, see Fuji.
Fusuma, 35.
"Fūzoku Gwahō," 113.
Gaku, 270.
Gakushi Kwai-in, 14, 19, 434, 435.
Gambling, 25, 157.
Game (birds and beasts), 428; 126.
Games, 25, 26, 90, 91, 133, 185, 215, 245, 384, 388, 457.
Garden-parties, 158, 438.
Gardens, 205; 35, 36, 59, 71, 234, 439, 481.
Gateways, 482-3; 160, 423.
Geerts (A.J.C.), 68, 212.
Geisha,433, 133.
Gekkō, 511.
Gemmyō (Empress), 32.
Genealogies, 17.
Genii, 443.
"Genji Mono-gatari," 294-5; 245, 286.
Genroku, 479.
Genroku Odori, 113.
Gentry, 95; 19, 123, 217, 314, 345, 415, 435.
Geographical Society (Royal), 307.
Geography, 208; 22, 69, 128, 185, 306, 357, 358, 430, 522.
Geology, Pref., 211; 127, 192, 523, 526.
"German Asiatic Transactions," 57, 69; 22, 80, 216, 250, 270, 278, 296, 344, 400, 403, 418.
German Evangelical Mission, 331.
German influence, 43, 45, 125, 132, 158, 182, 183, 241, 278, 281, 316, 331, 343, 491, 495.
German investigators, 430-1; 69, 153, 223, 266, 401, 429.
Ghosts, 443.
Gidayū, 464.
Gifu, 105-108.
Gilbertson (E), 449.
Ginkakuji, 458, 81.
Ginza, 41.
Gion festival, 164.
Girls, 62, 93, 125, 132, 133, 161, 163, 310-311, 331.
Girls' schools, 133; 132, 331.
Glacial epoch, 74-5.
Glass, 154, 248, 298, 407.
Glass beads, 34.
"Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan," 65.
Globe-trotters, 212; 64, 70, 135, 183-5, 252, 261, 297, 451.
Go (game), 215; 91.
Goa, 322.
Gobang, 215.
Goble, 264.
Goblins, 443.
"Gobunsho;" 80.
God (how translated), 152.
Go-Daigo (Emperor), 268.
"Godless month." 162.
Godowns, 36, 161.
Gods and Goddesses, 77, 224-7; 55, 79, 83, 86, 87, 160-3, 169, 192, 193, 194, 359, 396, 418, 419, 420, 440, 442, 471, 505.
Gohei,423, 169, 170.
Go-ju-on, 516.
Gokinai, 29, 211.
Go-Kōmei (Emperor), 108.
Gold, 212; 34, 109, 187, 273, 274, 299.
Gold standard, 109, 111, 240, 249, 299.
Gonse (Louis), 49, 56, 71.
Grace before meat, 23.
Gordon (Rev. L.M.), 335.
Gotō Islands, 323.
Government, 216; 89, 94, 125, 132, 133, 182, 183, 237, 238, 244, 248, 250, 490-2.
Gowland (Wm.), 34; 30, 33, 71, 317, 393, 449.
"Grammar of the Japanese Written Language, 278.
Grammars (Japanese), 277; 287.
Grasmann (Dr. E.), 80.
Graves, 29-32, 150, 191, 222, 307, 338, 409.
Gray (Asa), 73.
"Greater Learning for Women," 502.
Greek influence, 47.
Greene (Rev. Dr. D. C.), Pref., 68, 335, 423.
Gregory (G.E.), 105, 172.
Gribble (Henry), 455, 498.
Griffis (Rev. W.E.), 64; 26, 242, 365.
Grouse, 523.
Gubbins (J.H.), 68, 71, 112, 284.
Guérin (Abbé J. N.), Pref.
Guide-books, 287, and see Murray's Handbook.
Guilds, 147, 439, 486, 487.
Gulfs, 210.
Gulf-stream (Japanese), see Kuro-shio.
Gulick (Rev. S.L.), 66, 89, 259, 264, 403, 411.
Gunboat policy, 334, 361, 365.
Gunji (Lieut,), 343.
"Gunsho Ichiran," 62.
Gutzlaff (Rev. Ch.), 360.
Gwyther (J.H.), 260.
Gyōgi Bosatsu, 391.
Hades, 224-5; 60, 420.
Haga (Y.), 230.
Hair-dressing, 123, 124, 125, 299, 307.
Hair-pins, 124, 307.
’'Haka-mairi, 338.
Hakkei, 358,
"Hakken Den," 289, 294.
Hakluyt Society, 17.
Hakodate, 236, 237, 357, 364, 489, 522.
Hakone district, 140-1; 83, 193
Hakone (Lake), 140, 195.
Hako-niwa, 207.
Hakuga-no-Sammi, 147.
Half-castes, 150-1; 22, 23, 403.
Hanashi-ka, 440.
"Handbook of Colloquial Japanese," 278.
Hanging bridges," 439.
Happy dispatch, 221.
Hara-kiri, 219; 189-91, 235, 238, 416, 427, 447.
Hardy (Arthur S.), 335.
Hares, 173, 225, 428, 441, 476, 478, 526.
Hari no kuyō, 163.
Harvard graduates, 170.
Hasegawa's crape story-books, 69, 155.
Hassaku, 477.
Hassen, 478.
Hats, 123; 58.
Hawaii, 5, 389.
Hawes (Lieut. A.G.S.), 349, 182.
Hawking, 127.
Health, 251; 93, 100, 268.
Hearn (Lafcadio), 65, 66, 246, 264, 348, 464.
"Heart of Japan (The)," 69.
Heco (Joseph), 351.
Heike, see Taira family.
Heiniin, 95.
Hemi, 16.
Henson (H.V.), Pref.
Hepburn (Rev. Dr. J.C.), 278, 329.
Heraldry, 222; 113.
Hidari Jingorō, 84.
Hideyoshi, 234; 458-9; 69. 149, 323-5, 349.
Higan, 159.
Higo rebellion, 238.
Hildreth (R.), 72.
Hillhouse (Prof. Percy), 170.
Hi-no-maru, 172.
Hirado, 16, 424.
Hira-gana, 516-9.
Hirano water, 320.
Hirata Atsutane, 288, 421.
Hiroshige, 51, 359, 510.
Hisakata, 471.
Hisbigawa Moronobu, 509; 50, 511.
History, 223; 217; 67, 69, 73, 80, 243, 244, 285, 293, 294, 318, 361, 363-4, 402-3, 497
"History of Japanese Literature," 66, 104, 255, 264, 293, 295, 296, 382, 467.
"History of Japan from A. D, 1542 down to the Present Time," 67, 243, and see Murdoch.
Hitchcock (Romyn), 34.
Hitomaro, 378.
Hitotsubashi, 236, 427.
"Hiza Kurige," 289.
Hizen clan, 94, 217.
Hobart Hampden (E.M.), 278.
Hoffmann (Dr. J.J.), 223.
Hojo family, 233; 81, 217.
"Hōjōki," 286.
Hokkaido, 522.
Hokkei, 510.
Hokku, 377.
Hokusai, 51; 49, 56, 192, 197, 289, 346, 359, 510, 511.
Holidays, 159, 475; 62, 63, 93, 371.
Holme (Ch.), 60.
Holtham (E. G.), 40.
Holy places, 369-70, 359.
Hondo, 208.
Honour (code of), 415, 417.
Hooker (Sir J.), 73.
Hori Chiyo, 451.
"Hōrin," 396.
Horses, 44; 30, 33, 54, 84, 161, 273, 479, 481.
Hōryūji, 47.
Hosokawa Yusai, 149.
Hospitality, 437.
Hospitals, 137, 362.
Hot baths, 6062.
Hotei, 308.
Hotels, 98, 297, 301.
Hotoke, 77, 400.
"Hototogisu,' 292.
Hours (how counted), 474-5
House-cleaning, 160.
Houses, 35.
House-tax, 497.
"How I Became a Christian," 72, 335.
Huish (M. B.), 56, 85, 393.
Human sacrifices, 30.
Humbert (Aimé), 68.
"Hundred Poets," 25, 378.
Husbands (position of), 311, 313, 500, 504.
"Hyaku-nin Is shu," 378.
Ice-cream, 459.
Ichi-Roku, 475,
"Ideals of the East," 73.
Ideographs, 514-6; 277, 397, 521, and see Chinese Characters,
Iemitsu, 235, 348, 424.
Iemochi, 236.
Ieyasu, 234-5; 15. 16, 103, 348, 393, 397, 424, 522.
Ikao, 61.
Ikegami, 371.
Illustrated books (early), 509.
Images, 83; 30, 33, 76, 77.
Imbrie (Rev. Dr. Wm.), 278.
Imitativeness, 8, 259, 262.
Imperial Family, 318; 45, 127, 136, 159, 205, 217, 222, 227, 233, 280, 338, 344, 353, 380, 395, 419, 440, 479.
Imperial insignia, 173.
Imperialism, 8, 76, 159, 318, 411.
Impersonality, 66, 84, 276.
Imports, 488; 22, 489.
Inagaki (M.), 73, 88.
Inari, 161; 81, 163, 370.
Incense parties, 245.
"Inclusive" reckoning, 12, 339, 445.
Indian influence, 246; 37, 47, 77, 155, 212, 308, 423, 483, and see Buddhism.
Indian summer, 296.
Industrialism, 248; 4, 6, 110, 432.
"Industries of. Japan," 68, et pass.
Inferiority (supposed of the Japanese), 242, 262, 489.
"In Ghostly Japan," 246.
Ingwa, 395.
Inkyo, 14, 246.
Inlaid metals, 317.
Inland Sea, 208; 100, 349, 350, 355, 357, 369, 404, 412.
Inns, 370, 481.
Inō Chūkei, 309.
Inoue (Count), 94, 132, 238.
Inoue (Jukichi), 69, 434, 440.
Inoue (Tetsujiro), 422.
Insatsu Kyoku, 110.
Insects, 527.
Insubordination, 154-5, 383-4.
Insurance, 167, 249, 301, 494.
Intercalary months, 476.
Intoxicants, 415.
Inu Ou Mono, 388.
Investigators (European), 431.
Irises, 82, 174, 207.
I-ro-ha, 516-8.
"I-ro-ha Bunko" 191, 289.
Iron, 28, 34.
Irrigation, 19, 20.
Isawa (S.), 340, 341, 342.
Ise, 37, 87, 112, 156, 247, 405, 412, 420, 421.
"Ise Mono-gatari," 286, 509.
Ise Ondo, 112.
"Island Life." 74.
"Island of Formosa Past and Present (The)," 189.
Islands, 208, 358, 522.
Itō (Baron Miyoji), 352.
Itō (Jinsai), 103.
Itō (Keisuke), 73.
Ito (Marquis), 94, 132, 218, 219, 239, 293.
Iwakura (Prince), 489, 490.
Iwamoto (Mrs), 291.
Iwasaki family, 426, 425; 300.
Iwasa Matahei, 50.
Izanagi, 224; 60, 230, 471.
Izanami, 224; 230, 471.
Izu, 210.
Izumo, 224-7; 30, 118, 120, 162, 247, 402, 421.
Japan (charm of), 439.
"Japan" (Dr. Rein's), 68, et pass.
Japan (various names of), 249-50.
"Japan and China," 67, 243; and see Brinkley.
"Japan and its Art," 56, 85, 393.
"Japan as it Was and Is." 73.
"Japan closed, 424; 236, 389, 485.
Japan for the Japanese, 88, 235, 237, 279.
"Japan Herald," 408.
"Japan in Days of Yore," 69.
"Japan Mail," 219; 56, 60, 259, 296.
Japan Mail Steamship Company, 425.
Japan opened, 235-6; 364, 487, 492, 510.
Japan Society, 57; 34, 147, 243, 449, 483, 514.
"Japan Times," 352.
Japanese (origin of), 28, 401.
Japanese (words lacking in), 55, 276.
"Japanese Alps," 70.
Japanese and Chinese compared, 260-1.
"Japanese Bride," 72, 314.
Japanese Characteristics, see Characteristics.
"Japanese Girls and Women," 66, 93, 135, 251, 314, 342, 509.
"Japanese Homes," 72; 35, 41.
Japanese influence on European art, 53.
"Japanese Plays Versified," 467.
"Japanese Village," 342.
"Japanischer Humor" 56, 444.
"Japanische Dramen" 467.
"Japan's Volkswirth schaft," 72; 22.
"Japoneries d'Automne," 257.
"Japon Vrai (Le)," 87,
Jernigan (T.R.), 261.
Jesuits, 322-6; 16, 73, 152, 335, 519,
Jikkan, 477.
Jimmu (Emperor), 226-7, 114, 159, 223, 230, 318, 346, 402, 479.
Jingō (Empress), 228-9; 136; 88, 230, 346.
Jingo feeling, 87, 152, 497.
Jinrikisha, 264; 123, 267, 207.
"Jinrikisha Days in Japan," 69.
Jippensha Ikku, 289, 294.
"Jitsui-go Kyō," 335, 289.
Jizō, 396; 83.
Jōdo sect, 78.
John Kino, 185.
Joint-stock companies, 158, 249.
Jōruri, 464.
Jōsetsu, 48.
"Journal Asiatique," 72.
Journalists, see Newspapers.
Judges, 280-3, 300, 491, 492.
Jūjutsu, 513; 514.
Jū-ni-shi, 476.
Junker (Prof. A.), 343.
Junks, 424, 425, 426, 486.
Jurōjin, 308.
Kabuki, 463, 465.
Kaga, 111, 391.
Kago, 267.
Kagura, 112.
Kaibara Ekken, 290, 502.
Kaitakushi, 523, 25.
"Kajin no Kigū," 291.
Kakemon, 270; 36.
Kakke, 268; 251.
Kamakura, 81, 316; 62, 233, 316.
Kaempfer (E.), 266; 73, 254, 430.
Kan, 315.
Kama, 516-9; 398, 461.
Kanaoka, see Kose.
Kanda (Baron K.), 27.
Kanda (festival), 164.
Kane-jaku, 499.
Kanō, (J.), 514.
Kanō painters, 49.
Kappore, 113.
Karakami, 75.
Karatsu, 148.
Kata-kana, 516, 517, 518.
Katō Hiroyuki, 290.
Katō Tamikichi, 148.
Katsugawa school of painters, 510, 511.
Katsuo-bushi, 39.
Katsura (Count), 94.
Kawa-biraki, 162.
Kawachi, 29, 80.
Kawamura (Count), 94.
Kawara-mono, 150.
Kawara-yu, 61.
Kegon, 159.
Keiki, 236.
Keiko (Emperor), 228.
"Keikoku Bidan," 291.
Keiō Gijiku, 367; 132.
Ken, 185.
Keramics, 390; 67, 71.
Kibi-no-Mabi, 516.
Kido Kōin, 351.
Kimmei (Emperor), 77.
Kimono, 122, 123, 124.
Kindergartens, 132.
Kinkwa-zan, 99, 169.
Kinokuni-ya Bunzaemon, 486.
Kipling (Rudyard), 70.
Kissing, 4, 5; 375.
Kita-Shirakawa (Prince), 395
Kitchen-middens, 27, 28.
Kite (order of the), 114.
Kites (toy), 26.
Kitsuki, 464.
Knapp (A.M.), 69.
Knott (Dr. C.G.), 12, 13, 128, 309, 341, 344.
Knox (Rev. Dr. G.W.), 68, 104.
Kōbe, 497; 185, 389, 403, 406, 489.
Kōbō Daishi, 83, 372, 516.
Koehler, 512.
Kōda family, 343.
Kōfu, 248.
Koharu, 206.
Koizumi Yakumo, 65.,
"Kojiki," 284; 75. 105, 223, 227, 229, 230, 231, 230, 285, 287, 313, 423.
"Kojiki Den," 287, 288.
"Kokinsku," 378; 148, 149, 294
"Kokoro," 65.
Koku, 499; 425.
Kokusen-ya, 187, 465.
Kokyū, 341.
Kōmei Tennō, 159.
Korapira, 369, 370.
Konshinkwai 163.
Ko-no-hana-saku-ya-hime, 194.
Korea (invasions of), 228, 234, 349, 390, 397, 88.
Korean flora, 74-5.
Korean influence, 33, 47, 59, 74, 77, 78, 81, 83, 149, 223, 229, 248, 316, 390, 397, 402, 403, 514.
Korean language, 274.
"Korean wheel," 33.
Korschelt (O.), 216.
Kose-no-Kanaoka, 48, 54.
"Koshi Den," 288.
Koto, 340, 341, 344.
Koxinga, 187, 465.
Kōya-san, 109, 369.
Koyori, 373, 359.
Kōyō Sanjin, 292.
Kozaki (Rev. H.), 88.
Kōzuke, 30.
Kublai Khan, 233.
Kudan, 39, 168, 171.
Kuge, 356; 112.
Kujira-jaku, 499.
Kumehachi, 467.
Kumi-ai churches, 330.
Kunisada, 51.
Kure, 350.
Kurile Islands, 208; 28, 74, 99, 128, 130, 211, 343.
Kuroda (Count), 158.
Kuroiwa (S.), 293.
Ktir-shio, 210; 21, 99.
Kusatsu, 319.
Kwannon, 135, 359, 370.
Kwanto, 211.
Kwazoku, 356.
Kyōsai, 51, 53.
Kyōto, 81; 63, 90, 98, 100, 101, 111, 113, 132, 136, 137, 148, 150, 156, 164, 190, 194, 209, 210, 215, 218, 233, 234, 236, 268, 269, 289, 315, 316, 322, 323, 324, 328, 330, 337, 357, 369, 370, 388, 391, 394, 403, 410, 411, 449, 524.
Kyūshū, 208-9; 100, 210, 212, 228-9, 325, 405.
Labour, 248, 255, 297, 298, 405.
Lacquer, 270; 267, 497.
Ladders of swords, 448-9
Ladies' Patriotic Society, 434.
Lagoons, 209; 127.
Lake Biwa, 358; 32, 172, 194, 209, 406, 412.
Lakes, 209, 444, 446.
Land of the Gods, 236, 237.
"Landscape Gardening in Japan," 208.
Land tax, 19, 218.
Land tenure, 19, 22, 150, 284, 403, 493, 494.
Lane-Poole (S.), 363.
Lange (R.), 223, 348.
Langegg (Junker von), 69.
Language, 274; 55-0, 94, 153, 167, 194-5, 247, 314, 317-8, 329, 339, 352, 365, 368, 369, 402, 403, 463, 515, 519, 521, 524.
Language (Aino), 24; 22, 193.
Language (Luchuan), 306; 274, 402-3, 483.
Lantern processions, 159.
Lanterns, 162, 222, 359.
Lanterns (feast of), 162.
Larks, 255, 439
Law, 278; 22, 132, 182, 238, 240, 285, 309-12, 353, 451, 480, 489, 490, 496, 407, 525.
Lay (A. H.), 205.
Leather-paper, 360.
Leech (J.H.), 71, 529
Legal decisions, 496-7; 301.
Legends, 223, et seq. 54, 163, 174, 194, 207, 247, 402, 453, 462.
Legge (Rev. Dr. J.), 104.
Lepers' homes, 327.
Lepidoptera, 526, 527-8; 71, 529.
Lespedeza, 174, 358, 441.
Letters (correspondence), 141-2, 183-4, 355, 360, 384, 394, 481.
Letters (syllabaries), 517-8.
Liao-tung, 220, 241.
"Liberal churches," 331.
Libraries, 296, 396.
Lighthouses, 188, 362.
Lilies, 174, 207, 255, 305, 430, 446
Lions, 54, 113.
Literary frauds, 186, 231.
Literary party, 235, 237, 421.
Literature, 284; 374; 62, 66, 102-3, 132, 154, 197, 225, 230, 232, 235, 256, 258, 259, 351, 366-8, 421, 422, 423, 463, 467-8, 502.
Little spring, 296.
Living (cost of), 296; 21, 124-5, 156, 249.
Lloyd (Rev. A.), 78, 79; 68, 381.
Lobsters, 160, 528.
Local government, 217, 240, 280, 496.
Lock hospitals, 362.
Longevity, 54, 251.
Logic (oriental), 300.
Long-tailed fowls, 304; 526.
Lönholm (Dr. L.), 71, 284.
Loti (Pierre), 69, 126, 137, 257-8.
Lotuses, 305; 174.
Lovers, 222, 310, 313, 375, 433, 440, 442, 464.
Lowell (Percival), 66, 82, 83, 84, 168, 169, 170, 257, 264, 372, 423, 449.
Loyalty, 8, 89, 165, 219, 263, 410.
Luchu Islands, 306; 16, 59, 74, 99, 100, 185, 208, 228, 239, 274, 326, 342, 364, 402-3.
Luck, 445; 85, 86, 455.
Luck (Gods of), 308; 55, 87, 162.
Lustrations, see Purification.
Lyman (B.S.), 443.
Lyric drama, 462-3, 468; 196, 197, 233, 289, 294, 376.
Mabuchi (Kamo-no), 287, 421.
Mackay (Rev. Dr.), 188.
"Madame Chrysantheme" 69, 257.
Maejima (Baron), 394.
Maga-tama, 34.
Magazines, 352.
Magic animals, 115; 85, 443-4.
Magic mirrors, 321.
Magic swords, 227, 228, 447.
Main Island, 208, et pass.
"Makura no Sōshi," 286, 294.
Malaria, 268.
Malay influence, 403.
Mammals, 526.
Mandara, 135.
Manila, 324, 340, 342, 424.
Manufactures, 248; 298, 423-3.
Manure, 20.
Manuscripts, 397, 421.
"Man-yōshū," 284; 378, 397, 294.
Maple-trees, 81, 96, 174, 296.
Maps, 309; 429-30.
Marco Polo, 249, 266.
Marionettes, 464.
Marnas (Father), 334.
Marriage, 309; 18, ir8, 433, 442, 502.
Martin (Félix), 87.
Maru, 314.
Mason (W.B.), Pref., 211.
Massage, 313; 14.
Masujima (K.), 278, 284.
Materialism, 261, 409.
Mats, 35, 168, 269, 299, 458, 499.
Matsukata (Count), 94.
Matsumae, 522.
Matsumura (Prof. J.), 59, 60.
Matting, 40, 299.
Maximowicz (C. J.), 73, 74.
Mayors of the Palace, 427; 233.
Mayu-dama, 478.
McClatchie (T.R.H.), 41, 83, 112, 223, 417, 449, 467.
Meacham (Rev. G. M.), 262.
Meat-eating, 177, 178, 180, 238, 247, 269, 337, 500.
Medals, 114; 87.
Medicine, 14, 21, 78, 131, 132, 154, 161, 182, 238, 339, 358, 366, 429, 526.
Meiji, 479;44, 319.
"Meisho Zue," 288.
"Memoirs of the Imperial University," 25, 34, 72, 415.
Mencius, 102.
Mendez Pinto, 266.
Merchants (foreign), 261, 302, 487, 496.
Merchants (Japanese), 485, 487; 302.
Mermaids, 444.
Metalwork, 316; 29, 34, 42, 85, 101, 102, 254, 321, 372, 373, 447.
Meteorology, 97, 100, 128.
Methodists, 330.
Mexico, 491, 424.
Mi-ai, 310.
Middlemen, 310-11, 503.
Miei-dō, 156.
Mikado, 317; 216-7, 226-9; 13, 14, 29, 30, 32, 34, 42, 80, 81, 94, 108, 111, 112, 149, 159, 163, 214, 230, 231, 232, 234, 235, 237, 257, 346, 349, 356, 410, 415, 419, 421, 422, 427, 483, 513, and see Emperor and Emperors.
"Mikado's Empire," 64; 26.
Mikami (S.), 293.
Militarism, 42, 45, 46, 133, 329.
Military Virtues Society, 434.
Milk, 180.
Milky way, 442.
Millionaires, 300; 127, 435.
Milne (Prof. J.), Pref. 129-130; 28, 195, 212.
Minamoto family, 232; 217, 348, 456.
Minamoto-no-Sanetomo, 456.
Mineral springs, 319; 61-2; 57.
Mines, 212; 183, 187, 280.
Ministries, 218.
Minobu, 117.
Mint, 110, 182, 238.
Miquel (Fr. A.W.), 76.
Miracles, 66, 169, 170, 171.
Mirin, 415.
Mirrors, 321; 34, 84, 194.
Misasagi, 29-33.
Miscegenation, 22, 150, 402.
Miscellanies (literary), 286.
Missionaries, 322; 67, 73, 133, 151, 186, 188, 262.
Missions, 323.
Mitford (A.B.), 66; 60, 63, 150, 155, 191, 222, 417.
Mito (Prince of), 235, 285.
Mitsubishi Mail Steamship Company, 425.
Mitsui (house of), 486.
Mitsu-mata, 360.
Miura (Dr.), 270.
Miwa (god of), 226-7.
Miyajima, 369.
Miyanoshita, 319; 98, 309, 443.
Mnemonics, 381.
Mochi, 160, 441.
Mohl (0. von), 45, 319.
"Moji no Shirube," 522.
Molluscs, 528.
Money, 109, 147.
Money lenders, 315.
Mongol invasion, 233.
Mongols, 250; 233, 274, 401, 402, 403.
Monier Williams (Sir M.), 305.
Monkeys, 526; 50, 230, 476, 523.
Monks (Buddhist), 78, 207, 254, 286.
Monks (Christian), 234, 322, 324, 327.
Mono-gatari, 286; 285, 294-5
Monopolies, 146, 480, 486, 493.
Months, 476.
Monto sect, 78, 79, 80, 410.
Moon, 440; 55, 104, 121, 156; 173, 375, 379, 476.
Moon-God, 224, 440.
Moral maxims, 335; 165, 502.
Moralists, 102, 288, 502.
Morality, 165, 312, 313, 419.
Mori (Viscount), 220.
Moronobu (Hishigawa), 509, 511.
Morrison (Mount), 187.
Morse (Prof. E.S.), 72; 27, 28, 34, 41, 393
Mosaic, 101.
Mosquitoes, 528; 153, 165, 105.
Mothers-in-law, 312, and see p. 502, et seq.
Moths, 526, 431.
Motoori (Norinaga), 287; 89, 149, 421.
Mountains, 209; 19, 61, 70, 87, 98, 99, 187, 191, 370, 380, 404, 446.
Mountain whale, 177.
Mount Morrison, 187.
Mourning, 337; 310-11.
Moxa, 339; 14, 315
Mukojima, 82, 90.
Mulberry-trees, 180, 431; 360, 432.
Muller (Dr.), 341, 344.
Muller (Max), 296.
Munro (Dr. N. G.), 71, 111.
Munzinger (Rev. C), 256, 264, 278, 335.
Murai Gensai, 292.
Murasaki Shikibu, 295; 286.
Murata rifle, 45.
Murdoch (J.), Pref., 67, 243; 334, 430, 488.
Murray (Dr. David), 243.
Murray's "Handbook for Japan," 39, 79, 83, 86, 156, 161, 172, 195, 321, 396, 423, 468, 479, 524.
Museums, 30, 33, 82, 83, 393, 430, 448.
Music, 339; 71, 132, 147 8, 205, 254, 338, 433, 462, 464, 466.
Mystic numbers, 224.
Mythic beasts, 442.
Mythology, 223; 55, 60, 112, 173, 418, 440.
Nagasaki, 15, 16, 131, >53, 154, 212, 239, 266, 319, 325, 327, 389, 424, 429, 455, 486, 489.
Nagata Hōsei, 193.
Naga-uta, 374.
Nagoya, 101, 389.
Nagoya Sanza, 464.
Nails, 58.
Naitō Chisō, 293.
Nakamura Kei-u, 293.
Nakasendo, 411, 248, 404.
Nakōdo, 310.
Namazu, 444.
Names, 344; 247, 240, 314, 391, 392, 407-8, 418, 447, 478-9, 511.
Names altered, 347; 81, 416.
Names of Japan, 249,
Names of railways, 407-8.
Namikawa, 100.
Nanjio (Bunyiu), 73.
Nana-kusa, 357-8; 160.
Nara, 81; 29, 31, 83, 112, 316, 393, 524.
Narita, 87.
Naruto channel, 210.
National anthem, 343.
Naturalisation, 18, 334.
Naumann (Dr. E.), 212.
Navy, 348; 94, 132, 182, 183, 184, 242, 269, 314, 353, 381
Needlework, 135, 482.
Neeshima (J.H.), 335.
Nelumbium, 305.
Nengō, 478.
Netsuke, 84, 373; 52, 54.
Netto (C), 69; 26, 56, 212, 444.
Newspapers, 351; 113, 158, 184, 291, 331, 360, 367, 397, 494, 495, 525.
New Year, 160; 25, 63, 159, 308, 476, 485.
"Nicki-Nichi Shimbun," 352; 118.
Nichiren sect, 78, 79, 116, 117.
Nicknames, 346, 451.
Nicolaï (Bishop), 332.
Nietsche, 159, 365.
Nightingales, 526; 55, 255, 439.
"Nightless City (The)," 526.
Nihon, 240.
Nihon-bashi, 524.
"Nihongi," 284; 34, 223, 227, 229, 230, 243, 285, 397, 420.
Nihon Gwaishi," 285.
Nikon Kirisuto Kyōkwai, 330.
Ni-Hyaku tōka, 477.
Niitaka-yama, 187.
Ni-jū-ichi Dai Shū," 378.
Ni-jū-shi Kō, 165.
Nikkō, 35, 83, 84, 98, 159, 210, 319.
Ninagawa, 34.
Ninsei, 391.
Nintoku (Emperor), 229; 31, 431.
Ni-ō, 117.
Nippold (Dr. O.), 69.
Nippon, 249.
"Nippon Archiv," 429, 431.
Nippon Yūsen Kwaisha, 425.
Nirvana, 77, 159, 473
Nishigawa Sakenobu, 511.
Nishi Hongwanji, 410.
Nishiki-e, 510.
Nishino Buntarō, 220.
Nitobe (Inazō), 72, 73, 417.
Nō, 463, 467; 25, 196, 197, 289, 376, 382, 465, 468.
Nobility, 355; 111; 95; 31, 127, 132, 136, 217, 239, 248, 250, 268, 337, 402.
Nobunaga, 151, 234, 458.
Nodding stones, 207.
Noguchi (Y.), 73
Nori-mono, 267.
Norito, 288, 420.
Norman (Henry), 183.
Northern and Southern Courts, 233; 13.
"North Star and Southern Cross," 70.
Noto, 210.
Nouveaux riches, 300.
Novels, 285-6, 289, 291-2; 70, 150, 191, 295, 352.
Nudity, 60, 123-4, 451.
Numata, 171.
Numbers, 173, 224, 357, 445.
Numerical categories, 357; 20, 160, 341, 378, 506.
Nuns (Buddhist), 78, 135, 156, 464.
Nuns (Christian), 327.
Nyūbai, 96, 477.
Oaths, 276, 283.
Obi, 124.
"Occult Japan," 66, 168, 257, 372, 423, 449.
Ochiai Naobumi, 293.
October, 162-3.
Octopus, 444.
Oda Nobunaga, 151, 238, 458.
Odes (miniature), 374.
Officialdom, 218; 95, 125, 158, 182, 188, 219, 232, 238, 241, 300, 345, 366, 389, 404, 419, 435, 437, 474, 497.
Officials (how classed), 282.
Ogawa's collotypes, 72, , 195, 512.
Ogres, 443.
Ogyū Sorai, 10,.
Ōhara Takeyoshi, 219.
Oil-paper, 359.
Ōjin (Emperor), 229; 30.
Ō-jishin, 238.
Okakura (K.), 73.
Oki Islands, 74, 120, 208.
Okinawa, 306.
Ōkuma (Count), 133, 221, 493.
O-Kuni, 464.
Ōkyo, 50, 346.
Old age, 14, 125, 227, 229, 251.
Old Japan, 4, 6, 7, 8, 51, 66, 95, 150, 167, 191, 235, 245, 281, 364, 393, 462, 466, 474, 476.
"Old Japan" (porcelain), 391.
Oligarchical rule, 218.
Ōmori mounds, 27.
"Onna Daigaku," 502.
Oni, 443.
Ono Azusa, 293.
Ontake, 370; 168, 209.
Ōoka, 167, 289-90.
Opening of Japan, see Japan Opened.
Opening of mountains, 98.
Opening of rivers, 162.
Open ports, 489; 357; 236, 302, 354, 364, 394, 491.
Oranges, 75, 160, 180, 228, 486.
Orchids, 174.
Orders of knighthood, 114, 239.
Origin of the Japanese, 401.
Ornamentation, see Decorative Art.
Ornaments (personal), 34, 124, 373.
Orthodox Russian Church, 332.
Ōsaka, 388; 44, 110, 148, 150, 210, 218, 248, 316, 327, 328, 357, 366, 394, 403, 406, 486, 489.
Ōsaka Shōsen Kwaisha, 426.
Ōshu Kaidō, 410.
Ōtsu-e, 50.
Ōtsuki Fumihiko, 293.
Ōura (Mrs.), 455.
Owari, 107, 148, 391.
Oxen, 205.
Ōyama (Marquis), 94.
Ozaki (Miss), 155.
Paddy-fields, 20.
Page (Léon), 62, 334, 335.
Painting, see Art.
Palaces, 39, 81, 100, 112, 175, 196, 380, 458, 459.
Palanquins, 267.
Pale (John), 440.
Palgrave (Gifford), 252.
Palmer (Major-General), 27, 105.
Paper, 359; 35, 69, 156, 272, 298, 373-4, 509, 510, 528.
Paper charms, 87, 509.
Paper fishes, 93, 161.
Paper mills, 183.
Paper money, 109, 110.
Paper mulberry, 360, 431.
Paper offerings, 423.
"Papierschmetterlinge aus Japan," 69; 26, 212.
Papinot (Abbé E.), 69, 211.
Paragons of filial piety, 165, 357.
Pariahs, 149, 119.
Parker (E. H), 148.
Parkes (Lady), 194.
Parkes (Sir Harry), 360; 349.
Parks, 81, 82, 90, 127, 205, 439.
Parlett (H. G.), 278.
Parliament, see Diet.
Parsons (Alfred), 69.
Parties (political), 218; 133, 240.
Parties (social), 25, 158, 163, 438, 457.
Patents (substitute for), 147.
Patriotism, 89; 47, 114, 240, 261.
Patterns, 33, 52, 53, 55, 136, 396.
Paulownia, 222.
Panlownia (Order of), 114.
Payment in instalments, 451.
Peace Preservation Act, 239
Pearson (G. C.), 68.
Peasantry, 19, 22, 42, 95, 124, 188, 250, 268, 300, 402, 423, 474, 477, 508,
Peking (relief of), 43, 241.
Peninsulas, 210.
Pensions, 18, 105, 112, 238.
Peonies, 54, 174, 222, 430.
Perfumes, 245, 457.
Perry (Commodore), 363; 50, 235, 236, 237, 430, 488.
Perry (Prof. J.), 321.
Persecutions, 25; 67, 151, 153, 238, 332.
Persian influence, 47.
Personal names, 345, 347, 506.
Personification (rarity of), 276.
Pescadores, 200.
Petroleum, 298.
Pheasants, 526, 529; 523 et pass.
Phenix, 444.
Philosophy, 365; 88, 102, 103, 176, 254, 258, 460.
Photography, 446; 58, 136, 238, 512.
Pickles, 22, 179, 181, 298.
Picnics, 23, 159.
"Pictorial Arts of Japan," 56, 71, 270.
Pictures, 270; 87, 509, et seq. and see Art.
Pidgin-Japanese, 368.
Piggott (F.T.), 71, 177, 341, 343, 344.
Pilgrims, 369; 87, 195, 405, 478.
Pillow-words, 376, 471.
Pine-trees, 54, 160, 206.
Pipes, 372; 57, 123, 480.
Pirates, 186, 187, 239, 348, 424, 465.
Pit-dwellings, 28.
Pivots (in poetry), 376.
Place-names, 22, 192, 210-11, 345, 347
Plays, 467; 198, 468, and see Drama.
Plum-blossom, 174; 54, 55, 104, 159, 173, 255.
Poetic tournaments, 376.
Poetry, 374; 25, 46, 66, 73, 75, 78, 79, 89, 102, 105, 122, 128, 143, 144, 160, 191, 192, 196, 198, 235, 250, 276-7, 284, 285, 292, 294, 296, 308, 317, 357-8, 359, 441, 462, 468, 517.
Poets, 374-6, 378; 25, 160, 101, 192, 292, 441, 472.
Poison (lacquer), 274.
Police, 280; 60, 145-6, 281, 446, 513, 525, 526.
Political parties, 218; 94, 133, 240.
Politics (modern), 67, 218, 354, 491.
Polo, 384.
Pope (Japanese received by the), 325.
Popular school of painters, 49, 51, 156.
Population, 388; 23, 150, 307.
Porcelain, 290; 6, 67, 81, 101, 148.
Port Arthur, 43.
Portuguese in Japan, 151-3; 16, 42, 67, 155, 186, 234, 235, 322, 323, 324, 480, 485, 488,
Possession (by foxes, etc.), 115; 66, 85.
Postage stamps, 394-5; 158.
Posthumous honours, 346-7; 105, 221.
Posthumous names, 346-7; 226, 345.
Posts, 393; 183, 238, 300-1.
Potter's wheel, 33.
Pottery, 390; 28, 31, 33, 67, 81.
Prayers, 370, 395, 506.
Praying-wheel, 395.
Prefectures, 218; 210, 211.
Prehistoric pottery, 33.
Presbyterians, 329-30.
Presents, 160, 162, 310, 457.
Press-laws, 353.
Prices, 298-9; 124, 157.
Priestesses, 420.
Priests (Buddhist), 420-1; 48, 76, 79, 116, 122, 131, 156, 168, 198, 204, 245, 409, 456, 458, 462, 480.
Priests (Christian), 327-8; 322, 324, 424.
Priests (Shintō), 420; 86, 120, 169, 170, 204, 337, 371.
Prince of Wales, 451.
Princes (Imperial), 45, 395.
Printing, 396; 509.
Prison editors, 354.
Prisons, 280; 183, 269, 354.
Processions, 164, 197, 205, 267.
Prosody, 374.
Prostitution, 524; 390.
Protestant missions, 328; 133, 333, 335.
Proverbs, 399; 89, 271, 320, 383, 445, 525.
Provinces, 218; 210, 211.
Fryer (H.), 68, 529.
Psalmanazar (George), 186.
Pseudonyms 346; 51.
Public bathing, 60.
Pug-dogs, 400.
Punishments, 280, 339, 353-4, 446.
Puns, 197, 198.
Puppet emperors, 13, 232.
Pure Shintō, 421, 423.
Purification (by water or fire), 60, 170, 224, 311, 419.
Purification of temples, 422, 423, 483.
Quasi-Shintō sects, 422-3
Queues, 123, 238, 410.
Quin (J. J.), 274.
Rabbits, 157.
Race, 401; 250; 22, 28, 303.
Races (movements of), 22, 28, 401-2.
Radicals (in politics), 239; 94, 125. 135; 491, 493.
Radicals (of ideographs), 398, 514.
Radishes, 179, 222, 298.
Railways, 403; 115, 158, 183, 188, 238, 269, 381, 183, 188, 238, 498.
Rain, 96-100; 37, 124, 180.
Rainy season, 96, 477.
Ramma, 35.
Rank (official), 282.
Rathgen (Dr. K.), 72; 22.
Rats, 54.
Reaction, 239; 333; 26, 126, 158, 219, 354, 492, 493.
"Real Japan," 70, 183.
Rebellions, 238-9.
Red Cross, 434; 137, 292.
Red Cross Hospital, 137.
Redesdale (Lord), see Mitford.
Regalia, 420.
Regents, 233; 81, 234.
Reiheishi Kaidō, 411.
Rein (Dr. J.J.), 68; 22, 73, 74, 75, 76, 80, 211, 242, 274, 317, 360, 401, 430, 433, 448, 449, 455, 527, 528, 529.
Relics, 371.
Religion, 408; 76, 322, 418-9; 8, 23, 32, 86, 247, 253, 254, 256, 259, 275, 309, 316, 318, 365, 370, 457.
Religion (Aino), 23.
Religious Tract Societies, 331.
Remmon-kyō, 422.
Rennyo Shōnin, 381.
Reptiles, 527.
Republic set up, 237.
Restoration of Mikados, 237, and see Revolution.
"Résumé Statistique de l'Empire du Japon," 72, 390.
Revenue, 19.
Revival of learning, 235, 421, 397
Revival of pure Shintō, 421, 423.
Revolution (of 1868), 236-8; 8, 42, 66, 94, 95, 112, 131, 307, 349, 353, 422, 427, 464, 465, 483.
Revolving libraries, 396.
Rhyme, 3, 75, 292.
Rhys Davids, 79.
Rice, 20, 21, 22, 62, 160-2, 177-9, 180, 247, 268, 269, 306, 307, 416, 477-8, 486, 499.
Rice-beer, 415.
Rice-cakes, 160, 441.
Riess (Dr. L.), 431.
Rising Sun, 172, 173; 114, 472.
Ritter (Pastor H.), 335.
Rituals (Shintō), 2S8, 420; 39.
River (opening of), 162.
Rivers, 209; 81, 105, 162, 192, 404, 406, 442, 444.
Roads, 411; 188, 248, 268, 269.
Rohan, 292, 343.
Rokkan Shōjō, 370.
Rokuro-kubi, 443.
Rōmaji Kwai, 521.
Romances (classical), 285; 294.
Romanisation of Japanese, 521.
"Romanised Japanese Reader," 222.
Romantic stories, 84, 148.
Rōnin, 189-91.
Roofs, 34, 35, 38-9, 207.
Rowing, 412.
Russia (relations with), 43, 44, 208, 220, 236, 241, 242, 265, 523.
Russian Church (Orthodox), 332.
Russo-Japanese war (of 1904), 43, 44, 242, 351, 355, 484.
"Ryokō Annai," 408.
Ryōbu Shintō, 421, 422.
Ryūkyū, 306.
"Sacred Books of the East," 104, 122.
Sacred pictures, 86.
Sacred trees, 80.
Sada Yakko, 467.
Sado, 208.
Sages (Chinese), 102.
Saghalien, 208; 74, 209.
Saigō, 239; 187.
Saikyō, 81.
Sailors, 348; 269, 424.
Saitama insurrection, 239
Sakamoto (Mr.), 422.
Sake, 415; 63, 161, 178, 299, 441.
Salamanders, 526, 527.
Salt, 169, 170, 171.
"Salutary Influence of Tea-Drinking," 456.
Salutations, 415.
Salvation Army, 331, 525.
Salwey (Mrs.), 157.
Samba, 289.
Samisen, 340; 113, 341, 342, 344.
Sampan, 413.
Samura, 62.
Samurai, 415; 8, 42, 46, 72, 95, 219, 222, 237, 337, 447, 448, 499.
Samurai Odori, 388.
Sandals, 123; 45, 58, 298.
Sanetomo, 456.
San-ga-nichi, 160.
San-kō-min, 283.
San-indō, 211.
Sannō, 164.
Sannomiya (Baroness), 205.
San-san ku-do, 311.
Sanyōdō 211.
Sanyō Tetsudō, 404, 405.
Sapporo, 523; 132.
Sarcophagi, 31.
Sargent (C.S.), 76.
Saris (Capt.), 16.
Sasaki Nobutsuna, 292.
Sashes, 124.
Sat-Chō, 94, 217, 237.
Sato-gaeri, 311.
Satow (Sir Ernest), 30, 34, 37, 40, 59, 60, 62, 68, 76, 278, 285, 290, 294, 318, 335, 399, 423, 431, 480.
Satsuma porcelain, 391, 392.
Satsuma (province and clan), 94, 132, 217, 223, 234, 236, 237, 307, 324, 480.
Satsuma rebellion, 239; 43, 114, 425, 439.
Saturday, 475.
Savatier (L.), 73, 76.
Scale (musical), 341-2.
Scenery, 20, 72, 73, 357, 358, 439, 450.
Scheube (Dr. B.), 270.
Schoolbooks, 244.
Schools, 131-5; 227-31; 44, 47, 76, 269, 367, 513.
Schools of art, 47-51, 510.
Schopenhauer, 159.
Scidmore (Miss E.R.), 69.
Screens, 35, 48, 359.
Scriba (Dr. J.), 269.
Scriptures (Buddhist), 79; 73,77.
Scriptures (Christian), 329; 152.
Scrolls (painted), 270; 196.
Sculpture, see Carving.
Sea of Japan, 99, 209, 357.
Sea-bathing, 62.
Seals, 520; 58, 71, 283, 284.
Seasons, 476; 98, 478.
Sects (Buddhist), 78, 79, 80.
Sects (Christian), 322.
Sects (Shintō), 422.
Sei Shōnagon, 286.
Seismological Society, 129, 130; 128.
Self-government, 240, 280.
Semi-maru, 147-8.
Sengen, 104.
Sen no Rikyū, 459, 460.
Sennin, 443.
Senses (the six), 370.
Servants, 382; 160, 298-9, 506-7.
Sesshū, 49.
Seto-mono, 391.
Seven Gods of Luck, 308.
Seven herbs of autumn, 358; 104, 160.
Seven Isles of Izu, 196.
Severini (A.), 164.
Sexagenary cycle, 477; 62.
Sexes (relations between the), 500 et seq., 60, 61.
Seymour (Dr. J.N.), 41.
"Shadowings," 348.
Shaka Muni, 77.
Shamisen, 340; 113, 341. 342, 344.
Shampooers, 316, 159.
Shari, 371,
Shaving, 93, 163.
Shell-heaps of Ōmori, 27-8.
Shiba, 35, 82, 83, 84, 90.
Shiba Kōkan, 512.
Shibata Zeshin, 274.
Shidachi (T.), 514.
Shigeno An-eki, 17, 243.
Shigenobu, 51.
Shijō school of painters, 50.
Shikoku (island of), 100, 208-9, 210, 211, et passim.
Shimada Saburō, 293, 352
Shimamura (Dr.), 119.
Shimazu family, 222.
Shimo-bashira, 417.
Shimoda opened, 364.
Shimonoseki affair, 2., 6.
Shinano-Hida mountains, 209.
Shin sect, 78, 79, 80.
Shingakusha, 288.
Shingon sect, 78, 79, 396.
Shinjū, 221.
Shinnō, 458.
Shintō, 418; 60, 77, 78, 79, 108, 120, 159, 163, 204, 220, 230, 235, 237, 247, 288, 296, 308, 340, 371, 408, 409, 471, 478, 482.
Shipping, 424; 348, 314.
Ships (names of), 314.
Shirane-san, 320; 209.
Shiro-zake, 161.
Shizoku, 95, 416.
Shōguns, 427; 232-7; 42, 46, 81, 82, 131, 153, 189, 196, 215, 222, 243, 266, 285, 348, 361, 393, 421, 424, 456, 497, 522.
Shōji, 35.
Shōji Jin-emon, 524.
Shōjō, 443.
Shōkonsha, 39, 82, 85, 448.
Shonzui, 391.
Shooting, 428.
"Shosei Katagi," 291.
Shōtoku (Empress), 396.
Shōtoku Taishi, 78, 372.
Shrines (branch), 370.
Shūbun, 49.
Shunten (King), 306.
Shushi, 103.
Siam, 16, 424.
Sidotti (Father), 326.
Siebold (P.F. von), 429; 73.
Signature, 283, 520.
Silent concerts, 340.
Silk, 431; 123, 136, 248, 478.
Silk (painted), 136, 432.
Silkworms, 527, 432; 180.
Silver, 212; 34, 102, 109, 158, 274, 317, 372, 373.
Simmons (Dr. D.B.), 22, 150, 284, 402, 403.
Simpson (Wm.), 396.
Singing-girls, 433; 86, 340, 343, 346, 381, 438, 457.
Sinico-Japanese, 515-6.
Six, 224.
"Sketches of Tōkyō Life," 69.
Sliding-doors, 35, 36, 40.
Small-pox, 362.
Smells (bad), 20, 83, 105.
Smith (Rev. A.H.), 264.
Smithsonian Institute, 512.
Smoking, 372, 480; 188.
Snakes, 527; 40.
Snow, 96-7; 55, 59, 99, 124, 443, 522, 526.
"Social Departure (A)," 70, 146.
Societies, 434; 56, 57, 133, 158, 369, 521.
Society, 435; 95, 104, 279, 432, 500.
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 79, 104.
Society of Friends, 331.
Soga-no-Iname, 77.
Soldiers, 42, 94, 188, 241, 415.
Solfatara, 209.
Solstices, 160, 161.
Songs, 464, 46, 381, 440.
"Songs Ancient and Modern," 78, 294.
Sorcery, 85-6, 115, 122.
Soroban, 11.
Sosen, 50.
Sōshi, 135,
"Soul of the Far East," 66, 264.
Soup, 178, 179, 181, 272, 358.
Soy, 178-9, 297.
Spanish influence, 151, 153, 185, 234, 235, 324, 325, 342, 424, 488.
Sparrows, 54.
Spas, 319, 61.
Spears, 34.
"Spectator," 5, 257.
Speculations, 157, 158.
Spencer (Herbert), 365, 366.
Spies, 196.
Spinsters (rarity of), 313.
Spirits (beverage), 415.
Spirits (ghosts), 162.
Sponge-cake, 153.
Sponges, 528.
Sport, 428, 171; 126.
Sports, 25, 26, 126, 133, 146, 171, 384.
Stage (revolving), 465.
Stamps (postage), 394-5; 158.
Standard of living, 300.
Staples of food, 20, 21, 22.
Stars, 440; 156.
Statistics, 44, 60, 97, 132, 133, 184, 251, 269, 297-9, 313-4, 327-32, 335, 351, 371, 390, 394, 404, 405, 432, 488, 525.
Statues, 83, 84, 85, 117, 158, and see Carving.
Steamships, 425-6; 181, 238, 269.
Steichen (Abbé), 334.
Stews, 160.
Stone implements, 27, 38.
Stones, 31, 206, 207.
Storehouses, 36.
Story-tellers, 439; 346, 438.
Straits, 209, 523.
Strange (E.F.), 512.
Straw, 45, 80, 123, 124, 160, 168.
Street-criers, 351.
Strikes, 248, 282.
Strolling players, 464; 150.
Students, 134; 131, 132, 133, 142, 181, 297, 347.
Suffrage, 217.
Sugar, 187, 299, 307.
Suicide, 219, 220, 221, 222; 159, 451
Suiko (Empress), 78, 229, 210.
Suinin (Emperor), 30.
Suisei (Emperor), 227.
Sujin (Emperor), 227.
Sun, 440; 55, 156, 161, 172, 173.
Sunday, 475.
Sun-goddess, 224-7; 112, 156, 233, 369, 420, 440.
Supernatural creatures, 442; 194.
Superstitions, 444; 121; 27, 31, 32, 80, 85, 86, 88, 93, 115, 125, 128, 158, 160, 161, 164, 168, 194, 253, 263, 308, 371-2, 422, 462, 527, 528.
Surimono, 510.
Surnames, 345; 94.
Susa-no-o, 224, 440.
Sutras, 73, 77, 79, 87, 131, 247, 517.
Suzuki Harunobu, 510.
Swearing, 276, 283.
Sweet potato, 22, 444.
Swords, 447; 27, 34, 123, 163, 168, 226, 314, 317, 372, 457.
Swordsmiths, 163, 447.
Syllabaries, 516-8; 398, 247.
Symbolism, 160, 305, 308, 339, 482.
Tabako-bon, 373.
Tablets, 347, 482-3.
Tachibana Morikuni, 511.
Taema-dera, 135.
Taguchi Ukichi, 293.
Taikō, 234, and see Hide-oshi.
Taira family, 232, 217, 348, 439, 528.
Taiwan, 186.
Takagi (Surgeon-Gen.), 269, 270.
Takahasni Gorō, 293.
Takara-bune, 307.
Takasago, 185.
Takashima (K.), 121, 122.
Takatsu Kuwasaburō, 293.
Takeda Izumo, 465.
Takekoshi Yosaburō, 293.
"Taketori Mono-gatari," 286.
"Toki no Koe," 331.
"Tales of Old Japan," 66; 63, 150, 155, 191, 222, 417.
Tamenaga Shunshui, 289.
Tametomo, 306.
Tamura (N.), 314; 72.
Tanabata, 442; 162.
Tane-ga-shima, 151.
Tanka, 374.
Tansan water, 497.
Tan-yu (Kano), 49.
Taoism, 308, 421.
Tariff, 493-4, 489.
Taste, 449; 235, 459
Tattooing, 450; 23.
Taxation, 218, 284, 371, 433, 486, 494, 497
Tea, 452; 75, 90, 161, 178, 179, 187, 247, 269, 299, 408.
Tea ceremonies, 455; 196, 233, 245, 391.
Tea-houses, 98, 299, 453, 466.
Tea-parties, 457, 458.
Teeth (how blackened), 63.
Teika Kyō, 378.
"Teikoku Bungaku," 352.
Telegraphs, 460; 164, 183, 238, 362, 411.
Telephones, 461; 164, 509.
Temperance societies, 434.
Temple (Confucian), 103.
Temples (Buddhist), 37, 81; 34, 35, 77-8, 82, 83, 109, 131, 135, 156, 168, 192, 198, 220, 247, 336, 369-370, 396, 409, 410, 422, 423, 443, 445, 448, 457, 505, 513.
Temples (Shintō) 38; 37, 40, 81, 82, 84, 87, 112, 161, 163, 168, 170, 225, 227, 247, 369-370, 409, 420, 421, 423, 448, 464, 482, 505.
Tempō, 479; 110, 133.
Tendai sect, 78, 396.
Tengu, 443.
Tenjiku Hachibei, 424.
Tannin, 442.
Tenri-kyō, 422, 423.
Tenshi, 317.
"Ten Wits," 379.
Tera, 423.
Terracing, 19, 20, 454.
Thatch, 34, 35, 37, 38, 40, 423.
Theatre, 462; 25, 82, 112, 113, 150, 191, 196, 197, 300, 310.
Thirty-three Holy Places, 359, 370.
Three bird secret, 149, Three tree secret, 149.
Thunder, 99, 443.
Tiger (in art), 55.
Tiles, 34, 35, 247, 423.
Time (how computed), 474; 129.
"Times" newspaper, 70, 105.
Titles, 355; 111, 317.
Tobacco, 480, 500.
Toba-e, 48.
Toga-no-o, 453, 457.
Tōgō (Admiral), 351,
Tōkaidō, 411; 195, 289, 359, 394, 404.
Tokonoma, 270.
Tokugawa dynasty, 234-6; 42, 82, 111, 131, 217, 222, 243, 293, 348, 424, 427.
Tokunō (M.), 512.
Tokutomi Ichirō, 293.
Tokutomi Roka, 292.
Tōkyō, 81, 82; 28, 30, 33, 41, 45, 51, 56, 60, 62, 63, 83, 90, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 103, 109, 110, 113, 126, 127, 132, 133, 137, 157, 160, 162, 164, 167, 168, 174, 175, 210, 218, 220, 230, 238, 264, 282, 297, 298, 307, 327, 328, 330, 331, 332, 340, 349, 351, 353, 355, 357, 36, 365, 371, 388, 390, 393, 394, 396, 403, 412, 428, 437, 438, 440, 441, 448, 449, 460, 466, 491, 513.
Tombs, 29-33, 82.
Tomkinson (M,), 56, 85.
Tonegawa, 171.
Topography, 287.
Topsy turvydom, 480; 86, 136, 160, 475.
Torii, 482; 423.
Torii school, 510, 511.
Torpedo schools, 350.
Tortoises, 527.
Tortoise-shell, 124.
Torture, 182, 238, 282.
Tosa (province and dan), 21, 94, 217.
"Tosa Niki", 287, 294.
Tosa painters, 48, 49.
Tournaments (poetic), 376-7.
Towels, 484; 54.
Towns (principal), 388-9.
Tōyō Kisen Kwaisha, 426.
Toyokuni, 51.
Toys, 26, 58.
Tracey (Commander), 349.
Trade, 485; 21, 95, 162-3, 248, 302, 424, 432, 455.
"Trade Reports" (British), 72, 488.
"Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan," see "Asiatic Transactions."
Translations of European books, 290-1.
Transmigration, 77, 395.
Transmission of names, 348.
Transplanting trees, 206.
Travel (books of), 68-70, 286.
Travel (season for), 98.
Trays, 58.
Treasure (order of the), 114.
Treaties, 488; 364, 495.
Treaty ports, 487; 354, 357, 394.
Treaty revision, 488; 239, 240, 333, 354.
Trees, 74, 80, 160, 173, 187, 206, 270, 360, 380, 411.
Troup (James), 68, 80.
Tsubo, 499.
Tsuboi(Prof. S.), 34.
Tsubouchi Yūzō, 291, 293.
Tsugaru Strait, 209, 523.
Tsurayuki, 287, 378.
"Tsure-zure-Gusa," 286.
Tsushima, 208.
Tuke (S.), 483.
Tumuli, 29-32, 83.
Two swords (wearing of), 448.
Tycoon, 497.
Types (printing), 397-8.
Types (racial), 402; 250.
Typhoons, 99, 100, 306, 406, 446, 478.
Uchimura (Kanzō), 72, 335.
Ueno, 30, 33, 82, 83, 90, 236, 267, 393.
Uguisu, 526.
Uji, 453, 454, 457.
"Uji Shūi," 115.
Ukiyo-e school of painters, 49-51.
"Unbeaten Tracks of Japan," 68; 25, 260.
Unbusinesslikeness, 487; 261, 302-3.
Unicorn, 444.
Uniforms (military), 45; 42.
Unitarians, 331.
Universalists, 331.
Universities, 132; 72, 115, 119, 129, 131, 133, 230, 282, 297.
Uraga, 363.
Usui-tōge, 404.
Utagawa school of painters, 510, 511.
Uwabami, 527.
Utilitarianism, 366-7.
Vaccination, 362, 238.
Vases, 33, 36, 58, 101, 317, 449.
Veeder (Rev. Dr.), 344.
Vegetable wax, 497.
Vegetables, 22, 57, 177-81, 187, 255, 431.
Vegetation, 73.
Velvet, 136, 154.
Vendetta, 189, 492.
Venison, 177.
Vermicelli, 161, 179.
Views fine, 357, 358.
Visiting, 25, 179, 506.
Voice, 341, 344.
Volcanoes, 127, 192-3, 195, 209, 211, 319.
Voters, 217.
Wada (T.), 212.
Wagener (Dr. G.), 417; 56, 418, 444.
Wages, 297; 249, 298.
Wallace (Alfred), 74.
Wang Yang Ming, 365.
War correspondents, 355.
War ferns, 156.
War songs, 46.
Wars, 43, 232-4, 240-2,
Wasan, 381, 288.
Waseda College, 132-3.
Waterfalls, 210; 159, 171.
"Way of the Gods," 418.
Weaning infants, 93.
Weapons, 27, 34, 42, 45, 447.
Weddings, 309; 114, 395.
Wednesday, 475.
Weights and Measures, 498; 88.
Wei-hai-wei, 334.
Wells (sacred), 372.
Wenckstern (Fr. von), 62, 64.
Weppner (Miss Margaretha), 70.
Wemich (Dr.), 270.
Weston (Rev. Walter), 70.
Whaling, 172.
"Wheel of the Law," 396.
White, 310, 339, 432.
Whitney (Dr. W. N.), 14, 316, 339.
Wigmore (Prof. J. H.), 22, 68, 150, 284.
Wild-flowers, 174, 439.
Wills (substitute for), 17.
Wind, 96-100; 36.
Windows, 35, 46, 57.
Wistarias, 174; 37, 82, 104.
Wizards, 1x8.
Woman (status of), 500; 26, 136, 196, 310, 311, 336, 416, 436, 464, 482.
Women, 500; 26, 61, 100, 114, 116, 124, 135, 132, 133, 144, 163-4, 220, 228-9, 251, 268, 286, 295, 313, 436, 438, 443, 445, 463, 464, 480.
Women's names, 347.
Wood-carving, 83.
Wood engraving, 509; 249, 397.
Working hours, 248, 263.
Worms, 161.
Wrestling, 512; 25, 82, 158, 168, 297.
Writing, 514; 33.
Written language, 520-2; 277, 283, 352.
Xavier (St. Francis), 322; 76, 253.
Xylography, 509.
Yamada Nagamasa, 424.
Yamagata (Marquis), 94.
Yama-mayu, 432.
Yamamoto (Baron), 94.
Yamato (province), 250; 80, 81, 90, 135, 226-9, 369, 402.
Yamato (school of painting), 48.
Yamato meguri, 369.
Yamato-take, 228, 230.
Yano Fumio, 291.
Yashiki, 41, 83.
Yashiro, 423.
Yatabe (Prof. R.), 76.
Yatate, 123.
Yatsuhashi, 340.
Yatsushiro ware, 392.
Year-names, 478-9.
Yedo, 235; 83, 130, 150, 166, 167, 235, 236, 289, 315, 363, 393, 429, 486, 524, and see Tōkyō.
Yellow Peril, 9, 242.
Yezo, 522; 22, 27, 28, 99, 100, 209-11, 212, 210, 350, 389.
"Yi King," 104, 122.
Yokohama, 71, 489; 28, 56, 71, 236, 301, 309, 349, 350, 351, 357, 369, 389, 403, 404, 460, 487, 491.
Yokohama dialect, 369.
Yokoi, (T.), 88.
Yokosuka, 16, 184, 350.
Yomi-uri, 351,
Yoritomo, 232; 149, 233, 427.
"Yorozu Chōhō," 352, 413.
Yose, 439, 440.
Yoshida Shōin, 293.
Yoshimasa, 457, 462.
Yoshino, 90.
Yoshitsone, 522.
Yoshiwara, 524.
"Young Japan" 69, 264.
Young Men's Christian Association, 331, 434.
Yuinō, 310.
"Yuki no Akebono," 191, 289.
Yulo, 413.
Yūryaku (Emperor), 31.
Yūshū-kwan, 448; 82.
Zen sect, 78, 79, 456, 457.
Zipangu, 249.
Zodiac, 476; 125.
Zoology, 526; 75, 85, 400, 429, 43, 443-4.
"Zusho Gedai," 62. 有 所 權 作 著
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