< The Zoologist











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Contents of The Zoologist, 4th series, vol. 5 (1901)
Issue 715 (January, 1901)
Arrigoni degli Oddi, EttoreBird Notes from Brembana Valley 1
Pike, Oliver G.The Nesting Habits of Moor-hens (Gallinula chloropus) 17
Southwell, ThomasLowestoft Fish-warf 21
Gerald LeightonA Plague of Snakes 25
Notes and Queries 28
Notices of New Books 34
Editorial Gleanings 39
In Memoriam Queen Victoria 41
Issue 716 (February, 1901)
Renshaw, GrahamThe True Quagga 41
Oldham, CharlesObservations on the Noctule 51
Howard, Henry EliotThe Grasshopper-warbler (Locustella nævia) in North Worcestershire 60
Butterfield, E.P.Distribution of the Stonechat (Pratincola rubicola) in Yorkshire 64
Notes and Queries 68
Notices of New Books 76
Issue 717 (March, 1901)
Southwell, ThomasNotes on the Seal and Whale Fishery of 1900 81
Backhouse, J.Varieties of the Dunlin 91
New, Oliver H.A Few Further Notes on the Great Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopus major) 95
Arthur PattersonThe Birds of Great Yarmouth and the Neighbourhood (cont.) 98
Notes and Queries 106
Editorial Gleanings 113
Issue 718 (April, 1901)
Gurney, J.H.Ornithological Notes from Norfolk for 1900 121
Aplin, O.V.Further Notes from Lleyn, West Carnarvonshire 141
A.G.B.Obituary for Joseph Abrahams 151
Notes and Queries 153
Issue 719 (May, 1901)
Selous, EdmundAn Observational Diary of the Habits—Mostly Domestic—of the Great Crested Grebe (Podicipes cristatus)—Part 1 161
Notes and Queries 184
Notices of New Books 191
Editorial Gleanings 195
Issue 720 (June, 1901)
G.H. Caton HaighMigration of Birds in N.E. Lincolnshire during the Autumn of 1900 201
W. Warde FowlerOn the Wintering Singing of the Song-Thrush (Turdus musicus) 212
Notes and Queries 219
Notices of New Books 231
Editorial Gleanings 235
Issue 721 (July, 1901)
Bonhote, J.L.Notes on the Sciuridæ 241
Bucknill, John A.Ornithological Notes from Surrey 247
Carter,ThomasNotes from Point Cloates, N.W. Australia 255
Notes and Queries 263
Notices of New Books 275
Editorial Gleanings 278
Issue 722 (August, 1901)
Macpherson, H.A.The Rarer Birds of the Solway Firth 281
Jourdain, F.C.R.On the Breeding Habits of the Swift in Derbyshire 286
Lodge, R.B.Photo-trapping: Purple Herons and Spoonbills 290
Patterson, ArthurThe Birds of Great Yarmouth and the Neighbourhood (cont.) 294
Leighton, GeraldSloughing in Serpents 301
Renshaw, GrahamNotes on the Egyptian Jerboa (Dipus jaculus) in Captivity 305
Ed. & T.P.N.Obituary for Eleanor A. Ormerod 310
Notes and Queries 315
Notices of New Books 320
Issue 723 (September, 1901)
Distant, William LucasBiological Suggestions : Animal Sense Perceptions 321
Selous, EdmundAn Observational Diary of the Habits—Mostly Domestic—of the Great Crested Grebe (Podicipes cristatus), and of the Peewit (Vanellus vulgaris), with Some General Remarks—Part 2 339
Notes and Queries 351
Notices of New Books 359
Issue 724 (October, 1901)
Bevir, J.L.Dante as a Naturalist 361
Macpherson, H.A.Early Ornithologists 376
Ellison, AllanBreeding Habits of the Swift 384
O.E.J.Obituary of William Doherty 386
Notes and Queries 388
Notices of New Books 394
Editorial Gleanings 397
Issue 725 (November, 1901)
Coburn, F.Brief Notes on an Expedition to the North of Iceland in 1899 401
Barrett-Hamilton, G.E.H.Note on the Origin of Sexual Dimorphism, and of Nuptial Weapons and Ornamentation 420
Notes and Queries 423
Notices of New Books 432
Editorial Gleanings 438
Issue 726 (December, 1901)
Renshaw, GrahamThe Blaauwbok (Hippotragus leucophæus) 441
Gill, E. LeonardMiscellaneous Jottings on Bird Songs 449
Selous, EdmundAn Observational Diary of the Habits of the Great Crested Grebe and the Peewit—Part 3 454
Howard, H.E.On the Increase of the Starling and the Hawfinch 463
Graves, F.S. and Ralfe, P.Birds Observed on the Calf of Man 468
Notes and Queries 472

(covers of all twelve issues - front and back, 48 pages in total - are collected at the back)


The issue of the December number terminates another volume of 'The Zoologist,' and, although our pages have been necessarily—and, we hope, temporarily—reduced to the status of a previous standard, our contributors have worthily upheld the zoological position of the Journal.

In Mammalia, during what we may call the "Okapia" year, we have published full obituary notices of the Quagga (Equus quagga), and the Blaauwbok (Hippotragus leucophæus), and given illustrations of those now apparently extinct South African animals; while from the same region we have received an explanation of some tradition respecting the Scaly Ant-Eater (Mnis temmincki) . Our own British species have not been neglected, and the notes thereon are as full and interesting as usual.

Of course, in Aves we have found our strength, and the papers and notes thereon show no diminution in the activity of our ornithological contributors. Among so much information we can here refer to few features, but the record of the Wigeon (Mareca penelope) breeding in Ireland, and that, of the American Wigeon (M. americana) breeding in Iceland, are new facts of the highest ornithological interest.

Reptilia have not incited so many recorded observations as might have been wished, but we have noticed the publication of a book on British species, in which is reproduced much that had been previously recorded by the author in these pages.

Pisces.—We are still anxious for more information on this subject in 'The Zoologist.' At present there is a distinct "slump" in Fish contributions. Perhaps the most interesting record we received was that of the occurrence of the File-Fish (Balistes capriscus) off Brighton.

Other Orders of British animal life seem, so far as our pages are concerned, to excite small interest. We hope in future volumes that this cannot be said.

Another feature in 1901 has been a biographical element, or what we may venture to style a commencement of "patristic zoology." Thus we have had an appreciation of "Dante as a Naturalist," and a most interesting paper on "Early Ornithologists," written, alas! by an old contributor whose valued communications we shall never receive again.

Everywhere Zoology is an advancing science. This year the International Congress held its meeting at Berlin, while the publication of books relating to animal life is ever on the increase; and, though much of this literature may be of a compilative description, and designed for "popular" uses, it still proves that the reading public are not uninterested in the animal life around them. On all sides Zoology receives a fresh support. It is no longer the sluggard who is bid to study the way of the Ant, but the philosopher, and even the politician. Evolution has received its strongest credentials from Zoology, and Evolution is now a force recognized as much in the life of the city as in that of the fields. We can realize the past when the zoologist would be considered a "crank"; we well understand the modern equivalent of estimating the science as a "hobby"; but it only remains for zoologists to render it one of the factors in assisting to explain the mysteries of our own existence; and this may perhaps be best achieved by the bionomical method of 'The Zoologist.'



Andrews, C. W.

Fossil Vertebrates from Egypt, 318

Aplin, O.V., F.L.S., M.B.O.U.

Robin in Shetland, 106; Marsh-Warbler at Bath, 106; The origin and meaning of the names of British Birds, 109; Further notes from Lleyn, West Carnarvonshire, 141; Robin in Shetland, 154; The Whiskered Bat in Oxfordshire, 315; Great Black-backed Gull inland in Wales, 317; Montagu's Harrier in Northamptonshire, 476; The Ring-necked Duck as a British bird, 476

Archibald, Charles F.

Nesting of Long-eared Owl, 31

Austen, E.E.

Ornithomyia avicularia, 357

Backhouse, J.

Hybrid Crow, and White Wagtail, in Merioneth, 30; The Birds of Yorkshire, 33; Varieties of the Dunlin, 91

Barrett-Hamilton, G.E.H.

The coloration of the Variable Hare, 221; Note on the origin of sexual dimorphism, and of nuptial weapons and ornamentation, 420

Benson, Charles W.

With the birds in May, 1901, 272

Bevir, J.L., M.A.

Dante as a Naturalist, 361

Bingham, C.T., Lieut.-Col.

Nesting of the Pigmy Falcon in Upper Burma, 224; Hoopoe at Reigate, 269

Bonhote, J. Lewis, M.A., F.Z.S.

The nesting habits of Moor-hens, 71; Varieties of the Dunlin, 185; Notes on the Sciuridæ, 241

Bradshaw, George W.

Weights of Birds, 111; Habits of Alcedo hispida, 354; Regulus cristatus near Reading, 472; Little Owl at Henley, 476; Peregrine Falcon in Berkshire, 476

Bucknill, John A., M.A.

Ornithological notes from Surrey, 247

Butler, Lieut.-Col. E.A.

Notes from Suffolk, 477

Butterfield, E.P.

Habits of the Ring-Ouzel, 28; Distribution of the Stonechat in Yorkshire, 64

Butterfield, W. Ruskin

Occurrence of the Willow-Tit in Sussex, 29; Breeding of the Blue-headed Wagtail in Sussex, 389; Occurrence of the Broadbilled Sandpiper in Sussex, 390

Buxton, C.S.

Vanessa polychloros in December, 32

Carter, Thomas

Notes from Point Cloates, N.W. Australia, 255

Charbonnier, H.J.

Sparrow-Canary hybrid, 353; Variety of Vesperugo pipistrellus, 472

Clarke, W.J.

The sloughing of Serpents, 391; Notes from Scarborough, 477; Mosquitoes at Scarborough, 479

Coburn, F.

The occurrence of the Red-throated Pipit in Ireland, 264; Lesser White-fronted Goose in Norfolk, 317; Brief notes on an expedition to the North of Iceland in 1899, 403; Icelandic names of birds, 478

Comber, Alfred T.

A dipterous parasite in the plumage of birds, 357

Corbin, G.B.

Variety of Pied Wagtail, 154; Wildfowl on the Hampshire Avon during the winter of 1900–1, 156; Osprey in Hampshire, 427; Great Snipe and variety ot Swallow in Hampshire, 428; A dipterous parasite in the plumage of birds, 430; American Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus) at Ringwood, 474

Cottney, John

Wigeon breeding in Ireland, 269

Coward, T.A.

Non-protective coloration in the Variable Hare, 73; Climbing powers of the Long-tailed Field-Mouse, 221; The Sand-Lizard in the North of England, 355

Davenport, H.S.

Early Jack-Snipe, 31

Distant, W.L.

The death of Queen Victoria; Animal intelligence, 190; The File-Fish, 226; The protection of British Birds, 230; The late Eleanor A. Ormerod, LL.D., 310; Biological Suggestions—Animal Sense Perceptions, 321; The Scaly Ant-Eater, 352; The late Rev. H. A. Macpherson, 480

Duncan, Stanley

Notes on Bird-life from Redcar and District, 108; Varieties of the Dunlin, 156; Notes from Redcar, Yorkshire, 477

Edwards, L.A. Curtis

Rose-coloured Pastor in Kent, 223; Broad-billed Sandpiper in Kent, 390

Elliott, J. Steele-

Notes on the House-Martin and Sand-Martin, 69; Nesting of the Jackdaw, 70; Nightjar hawking May-flies, 70; Observations on the Noctule, 153; An unrecorded Kite obtained in Huntingdonshire, 354; Notes on the Swift, and the number of days taken in incubation, 473

Ellison, Rev. Allan

Breeding habits of the Swift, 384; Chiffchaff singing in autumn, 424

Evans, H.M.

The Little Bittern in Cornwall, 354

Field, Eastwick- C.

Lesser Redpoll nesting in Sussex, 315

Finn, Frank

Rosefinch released in Devon, 267; Pairing manœeuvres of Pigeons, &c., 270; Great Crested Lark, &c., released in England, 353

Flower, S.S., Capt.

Sand-Lizard in Berkshire, 430

Forrest, H.E.

The building of a Dormouse's nest, 68; Hairy-plumaged Moorhens, 108; Red-footed Falcon in Shropshire, 224; Palmate Newt in Carnarvonshire, 225; Autumnal litter of Dormice, 423; Richard's Pipit in North Wales, 425; Hobby breeding in Shropshire, 426

Fowler, W. Warde, M.A.

On the winter singing of the Song-Thrush, 212

Fox, W. Storrs

Little Bustard in Derbyshire, 270

Fryer, Herbert Fortesque

Note on the weight and specific gravity of some common eggs, 110

Gill, E. Leonard

Miscellaneous jottings on bird songs, 449

Grabham, Oxley, M.A.

The birds of Yorkshire, 33; The protection of British birds, 226

Grant, C.H.B.

Yellow Wagtails wintering in the Isle of Man, 69

Graves, Frank S.

Black Tern in Cheshire, 188; Birds observed on the Calf of Man, 468

Gunning, J.W.B., Dr.

Experiments in hybridity at Pretoria, 263

Gurney, J.H., F.L.S., F.Z.S.

British-killed Egrets, 107; Ornithological notes from Norfolk for 1900, 121; Red-footed Falcon in Essex, 426

Haagner, Alwin C.

The Aardwolf in the Transvaal Colony, 219; Suggested mimicry of the South African Weasel, 220

Haigh, G.H. Caton

Red-necked Phalarope in Lincolnshire, 72; Migration of birds in N.E. Lincolnshire during the autumn of 1900, 201

Harvey, Arthur W. Hext

Black Tern in Cornwall, 188

Horsbrugh, Charles Bethune

Nesting of the Marsh-Warbler in Somersetshire, 472

Horton, B.J.

Notes on the Leopard Snake in confinement, 159

Howard, H.E., F.Z.S.

The Grasshopper Warbler in North Worcestershire, 60; On the increase of the Starling and the Hawfinch, 463

Janson, Oliver E., F.E.S.

William Doherty, 386

Johnson, T. P.

"The mode of progression of the Phalacrocoracidæ," 31

Jourdain, Rev. F.C.E.

On the breeding habits of the Swift in Derbyshire, 286; Number of eggs laid by the Swift, 426

Langdale, Rev. H. Marmaduke

Nutcracker in Sussex, 107; BankVole in Sussex, 158

Leighton, Gerald, M.B.

A plague of Snakes, 25; Black Adder in South Wales, 273; Sloughing in Serpents, 301

Lewis, Stanley

The vibrating sounds of the Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, 184

Lodge, R.B.

Photo-trapping Purple Herons and Spoonbills, 290; Some strange nesting habits in Holland, 318; Ægialitis hiaticula nesting in Middlesex (within London postal district), 389

Lumsden, Ernest S.

The Sand-Lizard in Berkshire, 479

Macpherson, Rev. H.A., M.A.

Varieties of the Dunlin, 187; The Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, 223; The rarer birds of the Solway Firth, 281; The origin of the name "Fulmar," 355; Early ornithologists, 376; The Water-Chanter of Turner, 480

Marshall, Guy A.K.

Note on the Scaly Ant-Eater, 351

Martin, Basil W.

Curious accident to a young Mistle-Thrush, 222

Meiklejohn, A.H.

The names of British Birds, 72; Early Jack-Snipe, 108; Nesting of the Jackdaw, 154; Chiffchaflf singing in autumn, 388; Waxwing at Scarborough, 473

Mennell, Henry T., F.L.S.

House-Martins in November, 30

Nelson, T.H.

The Birds of Yorkshire, 32; Glossy Ibis in Durham, 185

New, Oliver H.

A few further notes on the Great Spotted Woodpecker, 95; Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, 107

Newman, T.P., F.R.Met.Soc.

The late Eleanor A. Ormerod, LL.D., 312

Newstead, Robert

Little Egret in Yorkshire, 70

Nicoll, Michael John

Baird's Sandpiper in Sussex, 31; Some appearances of the Ring-Ouzel at St. Leonard's-on-Sea, 69; Siskins in Sussex, 426; Osprey at Eye Harbour, 427

Noble, H.

The Birds of Berkshire, 274

Oddi, Prof. E. Arrigoni degli

Bird notes from Brembana Valley, 1

Oldham, Charles

Observations on the Noctule, 51

Page, Wesley T.

Molluscs eaten by Wood-Pigeons, 73

Parkin, Thomas

Common Roller in Sussex, 316

Patterson, Arthur

Lesser Rorqual Whale, 28; The Birds of Great Yarmouth and the neighbourhood, 98, 294; Black Rat in Great Yarmouth, 153; Weights of birds, 159; Notes from Great Yarmouth, 160; Spoonbills at Great Yarmouth, 269; Spotted Ray at Great Yarmouth, 274; Storm Petrel in confinement, 478

Pike, Oliver G.

The nesting habits of Moor-hens, 17

Playne, Herbert C.

Blackcap singing in February, 106

Pocock, R.I., F.Z.S.

Pigmy Shrew in Yorkshire, 388; Stoat and Weasel trapping, 388; The distribution of the Diadem Spider, 393; De Winton's Wood-Mouse in Worcestershire, 423

Ralfe, P.

Birds observed on the Calf of Man, 468

Ramsbotham, E.H.

Active mimicry by the Chaffinch, 223

Renshaw, Graham, M.B.

The true Quagga, 41; Notes on the Egyptian Jerboa in captivity, 305; The Blaauwbok, 441

Roberts, T. Vaughan

Autumnal litter of Dormice, 472

Russell, Harold

A stronghold of the Chough, 268; Birds in Lisbon, 270

Saxby, T. Edmondston

Robin in Shetland, 154: Notes from Shetland, 189; Ornithological notes from Shetland, 391

Selous, Edmund

An observational diary of the habits, mostly domestic, of the Great Crested Grebe and of the Peewit, 161, 339, 454

Skipworth, R.M.

Bats carrying their young, 315

Southwell, Thomas, F.Z.S.

Lowestoft Fish-Wharf. 21; Notes on the Seal and Whale Fishery of 1900, 81

Ticehurst, N.F.

Siskins in Orkney, 425

Toms, Herbert S.

File Fish off Brighton, 225

Townsend, G.

White Wagtails near Southport, 184; Chiffchaff singing in autumn, 424

Trumbull, J.

Goldcrest seven hundred miles from land, 423

Tuck, Julian G.

Shag in West Suffolk, 70; Early breeding of Wood-Pigeon and Snipe, 185; Cuckoo's eggs, 317; Birds in nest-boxes, 318; Sandwich Tern on the Norfolk coast, 390; Leadbeater's Cockatoo breeding in England, 478

Warner, W.H.

Bittern in Oxfordshire, 71; Sand-Lizard in Berkshire, 392; Chiffchaff singing in autumn, 424

Westell, W. Percival

The early life of the young Cuckoo, 155

Whitaker, J.

Rare birds in Nottinghamshire, 158; White Leveret at Rainworth, Notts, 423

Williams & Son

Variety of the Shag, 354; Puffin off the coast of Kerry, 355

Williams, W.J.

Wood-Sandpiper in Co. Dublin, 390

Wilson, W.

Some March notes from Aberdeen, 189

Witchell, Charles A.

The winter singing of the Song-Thrush, 263

Workman, W.H.

A breeding station of the Puffin, 429


Aardwolf in Transvaal Colony, 219

Aberdeen, March notes from, 189

Acanthis hornemanni, 407; linaria, 283; linaria rostrata in Island of Barra, 440

Accentor collaris, 9; modularis, 9, 204, 469

Accipiter nisus, 208

Acredula caudata, 8; irbyi, 8

Acrocephalus palustris, 106, 473; phragmitis, 204

Adder, Black, in South Wales, 273

Ægialitis asiatica, 99; cantiana, 99; hiaticula, 99, 389, 413; ruficapilla, 255

Ægiothus linaria, 12; rufescens, 12

Æsalon regulus, 6

Affection among birds, 140

Africa, South, vanishing mammalian fauna, 115; migration of birds in, 195

Alauda arborea, 11; arvensis, 11, 207, 470

Albino Leveret, 423

Alca torda, 297, 416, 471

Alcedo ispida, 7; habits of, 354

Alligator eggs, artificial incubation of, 197

America, North, Wheatears in, 197

Ampelis garrulus, 8, 473

Amytis striata, 256

Anas boscas, 208, 410; strepera, 410

Animal intelligence, 190; sense perceptions, 321

Animals, game, of Cape Colony, 114; marine, improved method of preparing and preserving specimens, 199; predatory, average weights of, 236

Anser albifrons, 410; brachyrhynchus, 208; cinereus, 408; erythropus, 317

Anseranus semipalmata, 260

Ant-Eater, Scaly, 351

Anthus campestris, 11; cervinus, 11, 264; obscurus, 204, 405, 469; pratensis, 11, 204, 405, 469; richardi, 11, 283, 425; spinoletta, 11; trivialis, 11; sp.? 405

Ants, American, compound and mixed nests of, 440

Aquila chrysaëtos, 5; maculata, 5

Aranea diadema, 393

Archibuteo lagopus, 5

Arcturus, 337

Ardea alba, 107; cinerea, 15, 208; purpurea, 15, 290; garzetta, 70, 107

Ardeola ralloides, 15

Ardetta minuta, 354

Ashanti, forests and birds in, 399

Asio accipitrinus, 6, 189; brachyotus, 283; otus, 6, 31, 189, 207

Astur palumbarius, 6

Athene noctua, 476

Australian Ornithological Union, 439

Balænoptera rostrata, 28

Balistes capriscus, 225

Bat, Whiskered, in Oxfordshire, 315

Bats carrying their young, 315

Beetles, stridulating organs of, 40

Bernicla brenta, 284; leucopsis, 284

Biblis rupestris, 8

Biological Suggestions—Animal Sense Perceptions, 321

Bird notes, from Brembana Valley, 1; life, from Redcar and district, 108; migration, in Great Britain and Ireland, 117,—-in South Africa, 195; songs, 449

Birds of Yorkshire, 32, 33; of Great Yarmouth and neighbourhood, 98, 294; British, origin and meaning of names of, 72, 109; affection among, 140; rare, in Nottinghamshire, 158; weights of, 111, 159; migration of, 117, 195, 201; British, protection of, 226; in Lisbon, 270; with the, in May, 1901, 272; of Berkshire, 274; rarer, of Solway Firth, 281; in Ashanti, 399; in nest-boxes, 318; dipterous parasite in plumage of, 357, 430; observed on Calf of Man, 468; Icelandic names of, 478

Birds' eggs, weight and specific gravity of some, 110, 111

Bittern in Oxfordshire, 71,—in Surrey, 252; Little, in Cornwall, 354

Blaauwbok (with Plate), 441

Blackcap singing in February, 106

Blanford, W.T., on Zoological divisions of British India, 113

Bombycilla garrulus, 283

Bonasa betulina, 14

Books, Natural History (Crowley Coll.), sale of, 200

Books Noticed:—

Animal Behaviour, by C. Lloyd Morgan, 34
Problems of Evolution, by F.W. Headley, 35
Reminiscences of a Falconer, by Major Charles Hawkins Fisher, 37
The Birds of Glamorgan, 38
Guide to the Zoological Collections exhibited in the Bird Gallery of the Indian Museum (Calcutta), by F. Finn, 40
British Flies, by G.H. Verrall, 76
The Mammals of South Africa, by W.L. Sclater, vol. i., 77; vol. ii., 234
The Crocodilians, Lizards, and Snakes of North America, by Edward Drinker Cope, 79
Lord Lilford, a Memoir, by his Sister, 80
American Hydroids, Part I., the Plumularidæ, by Charles Cleveland Nutting, 191
Zoological Results based on Materials from New Britain, New Guinea, Loyalty Islands, and elsewhere, by Arthur Willey, 192
First on the Antarctic Continent, being an Account of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1898-1900, by C.E. Borchgrevink, 192
Text-Book of Zoology, treated from a Biological Standpoint: Part II., Birds, Reptiles, Fishes; Part III., Invertebrates, by Dr. Otto Schmeil, 193
The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma, edited by W.T. Blanford: Arachnida, by R.I. Pocock, 194
Geological Antiquity of Insects, by Herbert Goss, 197
A Handbook of British Birds, showing the Distribution of the Resident and Migratory Species in the British Islands, &c., by J.E. Harting, 231
The Life and Letters of Gilbert White of Selborne, by Rashleigh Holt-White, 232
The Birds of Siberia, a Record of a Naturalist's Visits to the Valleys of the Petchora and Yenesei, by Henry Seebohm, 233
Zoological Gleanings from the Royal Indian Marine Survey Ship 'Investigator,' by Dr. A.W. Alcock, 239
Animal Life, a First-Book of Zoology, by D.S. Jordan and V.L. Kellogg, 275
A Synopsis of the Mammals of North America and the adjacent Seas, by Daniel Giraud Elliot, 276
Our Country's Shells, and how to know them, a Guide to the British Mollusca, by W.J. Gordon, 277
Taxidermy, comprising the Skining, Stuffing, and Mounting of Birds, Mammals, and Fish, edited by Paul N. Hasluck, 277
Cambridge Natural History—Amphibia and Reptiles, by Hans Gadow, 320
Essays and Photographs—Some Birds of the Canary Islands and South Africa, by Henry E. Harris, 359
A Descriptive Catalogue of the Indian Deep-Sea Crustacea—Decapoda, Macrura, and Anomala, in the Indian Museum, &c., by Dr. A. Alcock, 360
Bird-Watching, by Edmund Selous, 394
Manual of the Birds of Iceland, by Henry H. Slater, 395
The Life-History of British Serpents, and their Local Distribution in the British Isles, by Gerald R. Leighton, 396
A Treatise on Zoology, edited by E. Ray Lankester, the Platyhelmia, Mesozoa, and Nemertini, by W. Blaxland Benham, 432
Use-Inheritance, illustrated by the direction of Hair on the Bodies of Animals, by Walter Kidd, 433
Biometrika, a Journal for the Statistical Study of Biological Problems, 436
General Report on the Investigations in Porto Rico of the U.S. Fish Comm. Steamer 'Fish Hawk' in 1899, by Barton Warren Evermann,
Catalogue of the Arctiadæ (Arctianæ) and Agaristidæ in the Collection of the British Museum, by Sir George F. Hampson, Bart., 436
Fauna, Flora, and Geology of the Clyde Area, edited by G.F. Scott Elliot, Malcolm Laurie, and J. Barclay Murdoch, 437
How to Know the Indian Ducks, by F. Finn, 437

Botaurus stellaris, 71, 108, 208

Breeding, early, of Wood-Pigeon and Snipe, 185; of Straw-necked Ibis in W. Australia, 261; of Wigeon in Ireland, 269; of Swift, 286, 384, 426, 474; of Blue-headed Wagtail in Sussex, 389; of American Wigeon in Iceland, 411; of Hobby in Shropshire, 426; of Leadbeater's Cockatoo in England, 478

Brembana Valley, bird notes from, 1

Bubo ignavus, 7

Budytes borealis, 10; cinereocapillus, 10; feldeggi, 10; flavus, 10

Bunting, Cirl, 251

Bustard, Little, in Derbyshire, 270; in Sussex, 428

Buteo ferox, 6; lagopus, 283

Butorides javanica, 257

Butterflies, Kanara, food-plants, 198; of Borneo, seasonal variation in, 198

Cacatua leadbeateri, 478

Caccabis rufa, 15; saxatilis, 14

Calamodus schœnobænus, 10

Calf of Man, birds observed on, 468

Calidris arenaria, 103, 284

Cambridge Museums and Lecture-Rooms Syndicate, Annual Report, 280

Cape Colony, larger game animals of, 114

Caprimulgus europæus, 7, 70, 391

Carduelis elegans, 12

Carpodacus erythrinus, 267

Cephalophus monticola, 448

Certhiæ, 9

Certhia familiaris, 9

Chaffinch, active mimicry by, 223

Chanter, Water, of Turner, 480

Charadrius pluvialis, 15, 99, 189, 209, 414

Chaulelasmus streperus, 284

Chelidon urbica, 8, 30, 69

Chiffchaff singing in autumn, 388, 424

Chlorophila citrinella, 12

Chough, 248, 250; a stronghold of, 268

Chrysomitris spinus, 12, 283, 425, 426

Cinclus aquaticus?, 480; melanogaster, 9; merula, 9

Circætus gallicus, 5

Circus æruginosus, 6; cineraceus, 6, 477; cyaneus, 6

Clangula glaucion, 283; islandica, 412

Clepsine, 335

Clupea alosa, 23

Coccothraustes vulgaris, 12, 205

Coccyzus americanus, 474

Cockatoo, Leadbeater's, breeding in England, 478

Coluber leopardinus, 159

Columba palumbus, 283

Colymbus adamsi, 298; arcticus, 298; glacialis, 284, 298, 417; septentrionalis, 283, 298, 417

Conger vulgaris, 160

Connochætes gnu, 78

Coracias garrulus, 7, 316

Corixidæ, 200

Corvus corax, 13. 407, 470; cornix, 13, 30, 207, 283, 470; corone, 13, 30, 207, 407; frugilegus, 13, 189, 207, 470; monedula, 13, 70, 154, 470

Cosmonetta histrionica, 412

Cotile riparia, 8, 69, 469

Coturnix communis, 14

County Records:

Berkshire—Birds of, 274; Alcedo ispida, 354; Chiffchaff, 424; Sand-Lizard, 392, 430, 479; Regulus cristatus, 472; Peregrine Falcon, 476
Cambridgeshire—Birds' eggs, 110
Cheshire—Noctule, 51; Black Tern, 188; Long-tailed Field-Mouse, 221
Cornwall—Black Tern, 188; Little Bittern, 354
Derbyshire—Little Bustard, 270; Swift, 286, 426
Devonshire—Rosefinch, 267
Durham—Glossy Ibis, 185
Essex—Red-footed Falcon, 426
Gloucestershire—Blackcap, 106; Sparrow-Canary hybrid?, 353; Vesperugo pipistrellus, 472
Hampshire—Pied Wagtail, 154; Wildfowl, 156; Osprey, 427; Great Snipe, 428; variety of Swallow, 428; American Yellow-billed Cuckoo.
Hertfordshire—Cuckoo, 155: Dormice, 472
Huntingdonshire—Kite, 354
Kent—House-Martin, 30; Rose-coloured Pastor, 223; Chiffchaff, 388; Broad-billed Sandpiper, 390
Lancashire—Long-eared Owl, 31; White Wagtail, 184; Chiffchaff, 424
Leicestershire—Jack-Snipe, 31
Lincolnshire—Red-necked Phalarope, 72; Migration of birds, 201; Bats carrying their young, 315
Middlesex—Mistle-Thrush, 222; with the birds, 272; Ægialitis hiaticula, 389
Norfolk—Lesser Rorqual Whale, 28; Birds of Yarmouth and neighbourhood, 98, 294; notes, 121, 160; spring migration, 121; Little Bustard, 122; Long-tailed Duck, 123; Little Auk, 124; Green Woodpecker, 128; Cuckoo, 130; hybrid ducklings, 132; Corn-Crake, 133; Red necked Grebe, 134; Black Rat, 153; Spoonbill, 269; Spotted Ray, 274; Lesser White-fronted Goose, 317; Sandwich Tern, 390; Storm Petrel in confinement, 478
Northamptonshire—Montagu's Harrier, 476
Nottinghamshire—Great Grey Shrike, 158; Snow-Bunting, 158; Goosander, 158; White Leveret. 423
Oxfordshire—Bittern, 71; Whiskered Bat, 315; Little Owl, 476
Shropshire—Dormouse, 68, 423; Moor-hen, 108; Chaffinch, 223; Red-footed Falcon, 224; Hobby, 426
Somersetshire—Marsh-Warbler, 106, 472; Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, 184
Suffolk—Lowestoft Fish-wharf, 21: Shag, 70; Great Crested Grebe, 161; Wood-Pigeon, 185; Snipe, 185; Cuckoo, 317; birds in nest-boxes, 318; notes, 477
Surrey—Vanessa polychloros, 32; notes, 247; Hoopoe, 269
Sussex—Willow-Tit, 29; Baird's Sandpiper, 31; Ring-Ouzel, 69; Nutcracker, 107; Bank-Vole, 153; File-Fish, 225; Lesser Redpoll, 315; Common Roller, 316; Ornithomyia avicularia, 357; Blue-headed Wagtail, 389; Broad-billed Sandpiper, 390; Siskin, 426; Osprey, 427; Little Bustard, 428; Leadbeater's Cockatoo, 478
Warwickshire—Leopard Snake, 159; Chiffchaff, 424
Worcestershire—Grasshopper Warbler, 60; House-Martin, 69; Sand-Martin, 69; Jackdaw, 70; Nightjar, 70; Great Spotted Woodpecker, 95; Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, 107; Noctule, 153; De Winton's Wood-Mouse, 423
Yorkshire—Ring-Ouzel, 28; Birds of, 32, 33; Stonechat, 64; Little Egret, 70; Dunlin, 91; birdnotes, 108; Dunlin, 156; Pigmy Shrew, 388; Stoat and Weasel trapping, 388; Waxwing, 473; Sooty Shearwater, 477; Sandwich Tern, 477; Montagu's Harrier, 477; Black Tern, 477; Black Guillemot, 477; Grey Phalarope, 477; Mosquitoes, 479

Cracticus nigrigularis, 259

Crex pratensis, 209, 470

Crossbill, 251

Crow, hybrid, 30

Cuckoo, 7, 207, 251, 317, 470; young, early life of, 155; American Yellow-billed at Ringwood, 474

Cuckoos' eggs, 317

Cuculus canorus, 7, 155, 207, 251, 317, 470

Culex annulatus, 480; fatigans, life-history, 439

Curlew, 253

Cursorius gallicus, 283

Cuttle-fishes and Dolphins, encounter between, 238

Cyanecula wolfi, 10

Cyclopterus lumpus, 160

Cygnus bewicki, 284; musicus, 284, 410

Cypselus apus, 8; melba, 8

Dafila acuta, 284, 411

Dante as a naturalist, 361

Delamere Forest, 239

Delphinus delphis, 22

Dendrocopus major, 7, 95, 207, 283, 391; medius, 7; minor, 7, 107, 184, 223

Dendrocycna fulva, 270

Diary, Observational, of habits of Great Crested Grebe and of the Peewit, 161, 339, 454

Dimorphism, sexual, 420

Dipus jaculus, 305

Dolphins and Cuttle-fish, encounter between, 238

Dormouse nest, building of a, 68; autumnal litter, 423, 472

Duck, Ring-necked, as a British bird, 476; Tufted, 252

Dunlin, 253; varieties, 91 (fig., 92), 156, 185, 187

Echinus esculentus, 323

Eggs, common, weight and specific gravity of some, 110, 111; of Alligator, artificial incubation, 197; of Cuckoo, 317

Egret, Little, in Yorkshire, 70

Egrets, British-killed, 107

Elanus axillaris, 258

Emberiza cia, 11; cirlus, 11; citrinella, 11, 206; hortulana, 11; melanocephala, 353; pusilla, 11; rustica, 11; miliaria, 206; schœniclus, 206

Emblema picta, 261

'Emu,' The, 439

Equus burchellii, 49; hemionus, 46; quagga, 42, 47, 49

Erithacus rubecula, 10, 106, 154, 203, 469

Erythrogonys cinctus, 255

Erythropus vespertinus, 6

Esacus magnirostris, 260

Eudromias morinellus, 15, 99

Expedition to the North of Iceland, in 1899, 401

Falco æsalon, 208, 408; islandus, 407; peregrinus, 6, 208, 470, 476; subbuteo, 426; tinnunculus, 208, 470; vespertinus, 224, 426

Falcon, Labrador, picture of, by Wolf, reproduced, 400; Peregrine, in Berkshire, 476; Pigmy, nesting in Upper Burma, 224; Red-footed, with Sirex vulgaris in stomach, in Shropshire, 224,—in Essex, 426

Fauna, mammalian, of S, Africa, 115; of North-Eastern Rhodesia, 397

Ficedula atricapilla, 8; collaris, 8

Fish, File-, off Brighton, 225

Fish-wharf, Lowestoft, 21

Food-plants of Kanara butterflies, 198

Forests in Ashanti, 399

Fossil vertebrates from Egypt, 318

Fratercula arctica, 298, 355, 417, 429, 471

Fringilla cœlebs, 205, 223, 282, 391, 469; montifringilla, 282, 283

Fulica atra, 98

Fuligula collaris, 476; marila, 412

Fulmar, origin of name, 355

Fulmarus glacialis, 299, 417

Galerita cristata, 11, 353

Gallinago cœlestis, 15, 101, 189, 210, 414; gallinula, 15, 31, 101, 108, 210; major, 15, 101, 428

Gallinula chloropus, 17, 71, 108, 470

Game animals, the larger, of Cape Colony, 114

Garrulus glandarius, 14, 283

Gazèta grossa, 8; picola, 8

Gecinus canus, 7; sharpii, 271; viridis, 7

Gelochelidon anglica, 255

'Geological Antiquity of Insects,' revised edition of, 197

Geronticus spinicollis, 261

Ghizeh Zoological Gardens, Report for 1900, 240

Gladstone and Darwin, mental platforms of, 439

Glareola pratincola, 98, 283

Glaucidium passerinum, 2, 7

Goldcrest seven hundred miles from land, 423

Golden-eye, 252

Goose, Bean, 248; Lesser Whitefronted, in Norfolk, 317

Grampus griseus, 238

Grebe, Great Crested, and Peewit, observational diary of habits, 161, 339, 454; Red-necked, 254

Grouse, Black, 252

Grus communis, 98

Gull, Great Black-backed, inland in Wales, 317

Gypaëtus barbatus, 2, 4

Habits of Ring Ouzel, 28,—Great Crested Grebe and Peewit, 161, 389, 454,—Alcedo ispida, 354; nesting of Moor-hens, 17, 71, —some strange, in Holland, 318; breeding, of Swift, 286, 384, 426

Hæmatopus ostralegus, 110, 209, 414, 471

Hairs of Mylodon listai, and other American Edentata, structure of, 438

Haliaëtus albicilla, 5, 189, 407; leucogaster, 257

Haliastur girrenera, 257

Hare, Variable, coloration of 73, 221

Harelda glacialis, 412

Harrier, Montagu's, in Northamptonshire, 476

Hawfinch, increase of, 463

Heron, Purple, photo-trapping, 290, —fig., 292

Heteropygia bairdi, 31

Himantopus candidus, 71, 100; leucocephalus, 255

Hippotragus equinus, 115, 444; leucophæus, 115, 442; niger, 444

Hirundo rustica, 8, 204, 428, 469

Hobby breding in Shropshire, 426

Hoopoe at Reigate, 247, 269

Hull naturalists, bygone, 199

Hybrid Crow, 30; Ducklings, 132; Sparrow-Canary?, 353; between Blackcock and Pheasant, 477

Hybridity, experiments in, at Pretoria, 263

Hybrids between Fringilla cœlebs and montifringilla, 12

Hydrochelidon hybrida, 105; leucoptera, 105; nigra, 104, 188, 477

Ibis, Glossy, in Durham, 185; Strawnecked, breeding in West Australia, 261

Iceland, brief notes on an expedition to the north of, in 1899, 401

Icelandic names of birds, 478

Incubation, artificial, of Alligator's eggs, 197; of Swift, number of days taken in, 473

'Index Animalium,' 39

India, British, and its dependencies, zoological divisions of, 113

Insects, geological antiquity of, 197

Intelligence, animal, 190

Ireland—Red-throated Pipit, 264; Wigeon, 269; Shag, 354; Puffin, 355; Wood-Sandpiper, 390

Isle of Man, Yellow Wagtail in, 69

Iynx torquilla, 7

Jackdaw, nesting of, 70, 154

Jerboa, Egyptian, in captivity, 305

Kite in Huntingdonshire, 354

Labrus maculatus, 160

Lacerta agilis, 356, 392, 430, 479; vivipara, 356

Lagopus mutus, 14; rupestris, 413

Lamna cornubica, 160

Lanius collurio, 8; excubitor, 158, 283, 479; minor, 8

Lark, Crested, &c., released in England, 353; Wood, 251

Larus argentatus, 295, 471; cachinnans, 270,295; canus, 15, 189, 295; fuscus, 295, 415, 471; glaucus, 285, 296, 415; icelandicus, 285; leucopterus, 296; marinus, 295, 317, 415; melanocephalus, 295; minutus, 285, 294; ridibundus, 15, 295

Lepus timidus, 73, 221

Leveret, White, at Rainworth, Notts, 423

Ligurinus chloris, 12, 205, 469

Limicola platyrhyncha, 15, 102, 390

Limosa belgica, 104; lapponica, 104, 210, 283

Linota cannabina, 205, 469; flavirostris, 206; rufescens, 315, 426

Lisbon, birds in, 270

Lizard, Sand, in North of England, 355; in Berkshire, 392, 430, 479

Lleyn, West Carnarvonshire, notes from, 141

Locustella nævia, 10, 60

Lophophanes cristatus, 8

Lophophaps ferruginea, 256

Lowestoft Fish-wharf, 21

Loxia bifasciata 2, 13; curvirostra, 13; pityopsittacus, 12

Luscinia philomela, 10; vera, 10

Lycænidæ, cannabalistic propensities of, 198

Machetes pugnax, 71, 103, 283

Macrorhamphus griseus, 101, 282

Mammals, new African, 278

Manis javanica, 352; pentadactyla, 352; temmincki, 351

Manorhina flavigula, 259

Mareca americana, 411; penelope, 209, 269, 411

Marine Biological Association of West Scotland, prizes offered by, 400

Martin, House, in November, 30,—notes on, 69; Sand, 69

Melanitis ismene, 198

Melophagus ovinus, 358

Mergulus alle, 211, 285, 297, 416; merganser, 158, 283, 413; serrator, 413

Merops apiaster, 7

Merula alpestris, 9; nigra, 9; torquata, 9

Mice devouring larvæ of Emerald Moth, 239

Microhierax eutolmus, 224

Microtus glareolus, 153

Migration of birds in Great Britain and Ireland, 117; in South Africa, 195; in N.E. Lincolnshire, 201

Miliaria projer, 11

Milvus affinis, 258; ater, 6; ictinus, 6, 71, 270, 354

Mimicry, suggested, of South African Weasel, 220; active, by Chaffinch, 223

Miolania, 120

Molge palmata, 225

Monkeys, Brazilian, names of, 238

Montifringilla nivalis, 11

Monticola cyanus, 9; saxatilis, 9

Moor-hen, 253; hairy-plumaged, 108; nesting-habits, 17, 71

Mosquitoes at Scarborough, 479

Motacilla alba, 10, 31, 117, 184, 247, 284, 404; beema, 389; campestris, 69; flava, 271; melanope, 204; lugubris, 154, 189; raii, 204, 248; sulphurea, 10

Motella tricirrata, 23

Mouse, Long-tailed Field, climbing powers, 221; De Winter's Wood, in Worcestershire, 423

Mus, alexandrinus, 153; decumanus, 153; rattus, 153; sylvaticus, 221

Muscardinus avellanarius, 68, 423, 472

Muscicapa atricapilla, 204; grisola, 8, 469

Museums—Calcutta, 198; Sarawak, 198

Mylodon listai and other South Amecan Edentata, structure of hairs of, 438

Mytilus edulis, 118

Names of British birds, 72, 109

Naturalists, Hull, bygone, 199

Neopithecops gaura, 198

Nephrops norvegicus, 23

Nest of Dormouse, building a, 68

Nesting of Long-eared Owl, 31,—Jackdaw, 70, 154,—Barn Owl, 136,—Pigmy Falcon in Upper Burma, 224,—Lesser Redpoll in Sussex, 315,—Ægialitis hiaticula in Middlesex, 389,—Marsh Warbler in Somersetshire, 472; habits, of Moor-hen, 17, 71,—Oystercatcher, Common Tern, and Common Heron in Holland, 318

Nests, compound and mixed, of American Ants, 440

Nettion castaneum, 257; crecca, 209

New South Wales, importation of destructive foreign mammals in, 237

Newt, Palmate, in Carnarvonshire, 225

Nightjar hawking May-flies, 70

Nisaëtus morphnoides, 258

Noctule, observations on, 51, 153

Nomenclature, necessity for a provisional, for forms of life which cannot be at once arranged in a natural system, 119

Norfolk, ornithological notes from, 121; Natural History of, proposed volume on, 237

Norman, George, 199

Nucifraga caryocatactes, 14, 107

Numenius arquata, 104, 189, 211; cyanopus, 257; phæopus, 104, 211, 284, 415

Nutcracker in Sussex, 107

Nutrition on sex, negative evidence regarding influence of, 118

Nyctæa scandiaca, 407

Nyctala tengmalmi, 6


Queen Victoria (to face title)
Abrahams, Joseph, 151
Bedford, F.P., 280
Bowker, Col. J.H., 399
Doherty, William, 386
Fiske, John, 279
Macpherson, Rev. H.A., 480
Ormerod, Eleanor A., LL.D. (with portrait), 310
Whitehead, Alfred, 279

Oceanodroma leucorrhoa, 299

Œdicnemus crepitans, 108; scolopax, 98

Œdemia nigra, 413; perspicellata, 282

Okapia johnstoni, 278

Oriolus galbula, 13

Orkney, Siskin in, 425

Ornithomyia avicularia, 357, 431

Ornithologists, early, 376

Osprey at Rye Harbour, 427; in Hampshire, 427

Otocorys alpestris, 11, 283

Otis tarda, 98; tetrax, 98, 270, 428

Ouzel, Ring, 250; habits, 28; at St. Leonards-on-Sea, 69

Owl, Long-eared, 251,—nesting, 31; Little, at Henley, 476

Oxypterum pallidum, 358

Oystercatcher, 253, 471

Pairing manœuvres of Pigeons, &c., 181, 270

Pandion haliaëtus, 5, 427

Pangolin, 351, 352

Panurus biarmicus, 8

Parasite, dipterous, in plumage of birds, 357, 480

Parus ater, 8; cæruleus, 8, 204; major, 8; montanus kleinschmidti, 30; palustris, 8; salicarius, 29

Passara solitaria, 10

Passer domesticus, 205, 469; italiæ, 11; montanus, 11, 205; petronia 11

Passera bianca, 11

Pastor, Rose-coloured, in Kent, 223; roseus, 223

Patagonia, extinct reptiles from, 120

Patella vulgata, 118, 324

Pelias berus, 114

Pelidna americana, 187

Perdix cinerea, 14, 470

Periophthalmus, 336

Petrel, Storm, 254; in confinement, 478

Phalacrocoracidæ, mode of progression under water, 31

Phalacrocorax carbo, 70, 408, 470; fulicarius, 477; graculus, 354, 408, 470

Phalarope, Grey, 253; Red-necked, in Lincolnshire, 72,—in North Wales, 428

Phalaropus fulicarius, 100; hyperboreus, 72, 100, 209, 414

Phasma, 331

Pheasant, hen, with spurs, 139

Phoca vitulina, 114

Photo-trapping Purple Herons and Spoonbills, 290

Phylloscopus bonellii, 10; rufus, 388, 424; trochilus, 203, 469

Picoides tridactylus, 185

Pierinæ, cannibalistic propensities of, 198

Picus martius, 7

Pigeon, Wood, molluscs eaten by, 73; early breeding, 185

Pigeons, &c., pairing manœuvres of, 181, 270

Pinicola enucleator, 2, 12

Pipistrellus noctula, 51, 153

Pipit, Red-throated, in Ireland, 264; Richard's in North Wales, 425

Plague of Snakes, 25

Platalea leucorodia, 269

Plectrophanes lapponicus, 11

Plectrophenax nivalis, 11, 158, 206, 284, 407

Plegadis falcinellus, 185

Pleuronectes flesus, 160; microcephalus, 160

Pochard, 252

Podargus strigoides, 260

Podiceps auritus, 299, 417; cristatus, 108, 161, 298, 339; fluviatilis, 211, 299; griseigena, 134, 298; nigricollis, 299

Pœcilogale albinucha, 220

Point Cloates, N.W. Australia, notes from, 255

Porites, 120

Porzana maruetta, 209, 391

Pratincola rubetra, 10, 203, 469; rubicola, 10, 64, 469

Procellaria pelagica, 300, 478

Protection of British birds, 226

Proteles cristatus, 78, 219

Ptilotis leilavalensis, 259

Puffin, 254; off coast of Kerry, 355; a breeding station of, on the Shiant Islands, fig., 429

Puffinus anglorum, 299; griseus, 477; major, 299

Pyrrhocorax alpinus, 13; graculus, 13, 248, 250, 268, 470

Pyrrhula major, 12

Python molurus, 302

Quagga, the true, 41; stallion, fig., 48

Querquedula crecca, 411; discors, 282; sp.?, 411

Rabbits in New Zealand, how kept in check, 278

Raia batis, 22; oxyrhynchus, 22

Rail, Water, 253

Rallus aquaticus, 209

Rat, Black, at Great Yarmouth, 153

Ratiocination in Ants, 440

Ratufa affinis, 244; bicolor, 243, 244; ephippium, 244; gigantea, 244

Raven, 250

Ray, Spotted, at Great Yarmouth, 274

Recurvirostra avocetta, 100; novæ-hollandiæ, 255

Redcar, Yorkshire, notes, 108, 477

Redpoll, Lesser, 250; nesting in Sussex, 315

Regulus cristatus, 8, 203, 423,—near Reading, 472; ignicapillus, 8

Reptiles, extinct, from Patagonia, 120

Rhinoceros bicornis, 116; simus, 116

Rhodesia, North-eastern, fauna, 397

Rhombus lævis, 160

Rissa tridactyla, 296, 415, 471

Robin in Shetland, 106, 154

Roller, Common, in Sussex, 316

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