The completion of the present volume imposes on its Editor the pleasing duty of thanking the many friends who, by their contributions or suggestions, have so ably helped him to the performance of the task he had undertaken.
The contents speak for themselves; but the Editor cannot omit expressing his satisfaction that in quality they are not inferior to those of any volume which appeared during the long management of his lamented and experienced predecessor. The papers by Captain Feilden, "On the Mammalia of North Greenland and Grinnell Land," and by Mr. Warren, "On the Birds of the Moy Estuary," may, without disparagement of any others, be especially cited as furnishing valuable information not before published.
As in most former years. Ornithology continues to fill the greatest number of pages; but the Editor, who certainly cannot be accused of indifference to its great fascination, would yet remind his correspondents that for this journal justly to maintain its title of 'The Zoologist,' many other groups of animals deserve attention as well as Birds, and he trusts that in future more appreciation may be shown of their attractions than has been exhibited during the past year.
It is very gratifying, also, to find that the number of subscribers has considerably increased, for this fact testifies to the growth of the taste for, and of the study of, that branch of Natural History which it is the object of this journal to advance.
It is confidently hoped that as the present series progresses the encouragement hitherto received from both subscribers and contributors will in no degree abate.
1st December, 1877.
Contents of The Zoologist, 3rd series, vol. 1 (1877) | ||
PAGE | ||
Issue 1 (January, 1877) | ||
Harting, James Edmund | Editor's Address | 1 |
Newton, Alfred | On the European Redpolls | 5 |
Cordeaux, John | On the Migration of Birds on the N.E. Coast of England in the Autumn of 1876 | 7 |
Editor, The | On the Occurence for the First Time in England of the American Red-breasted Thrush (Turdus migratorius) | 14 |
Occasional Notes | 17 | |
Proceedings of Scientific Societies | 28 | |
Notices of New Books | 35 | |
Issue 2 (February, 1877) | ||
Boyes, Frederick | On the Autumnal Migration of Birds on the Yorkshire Coast | 41 |
Gatcombe, John | Ornithological Notes from Devon and Cornwall during the Autumn of 1876 | 44 |
Occasional Notes | 47 | |
Proceedings of Scientific Societies | 61 | |
Notices of New Books | 68 | |
Issue 3 (March, 1877) | ||
Ullmann, P.D. and Harting, J.E. | On the Geographical Distribution of the Fallow Deer Past and Present | 81 |
Dawkins, W. Boyd | On the Northern Range of the Fallow Deer in Europe | 89 |
Stevenson, Henry | Ornithological notes from Norfolk | 95 |
Occasional Notes | 100 | |
Proceedings of Scientific Societies | 109 | |
Notices of New Books | 116 | |
Issue 4 (April, 1877) | ||
Adams, A. Leith | Ancient and Extinct British Quadrupeds | 121 |
[Mahony, James A.] | The Natural History of Donegal | 149 |
Boyes, Frederick | Ornithological notes from Beverley | 153 |
Kerr, W.J. | Ornithological notes from St. Andrews, N.B., during the Autumn and Winter of 1876 | 159 |
Gatcombe, John | Ornithological notes from Devon | 162 |
Bidwell, Edward | Observations on Egg-blowing | 164 |
Harting, J.E.F. (The Editor) | Wild Fowl Preservation | 167 |
Occasional Notes | 172 | |
Proceedings of Scientific Societies | 184 | |
Issue 5 (May, 1877) | ||
Mitchell, F.S. | A Spring Tour in Norway; With Notes on the Birds Observed There | 193 |
Cordeaux, John | On the Migration of Birds | 205 |
Saunders, Howard | On the Occurrence of the Smaller Sooty Tern at the Mouth of the Thames | 213 |
Garrod, A.H. | On the Anatomical Characters Distinguishing the Swallow and the Swift | 217 |
Cornish, Thomas | On the Occurence of the Centrine Shark off the Coast of Cornwall | 221 |
Occasional Notes | 223 | |
Issue 6 (June, 1877) | ||
Warren, Robert | The Birds of the Moy Estuary and the Surrounding District, part 1 | 233 |
Gurney, J.H., Jun. | On the Claim of the Pine Grosbeak to be Regarded as a British Bird | 242 |
Occasional Notes | 250 | |
Proceedings of Scientific Societies | 262 | |
Issue 7 (July, 1877) | ||
Durnford, W.A. | Ornithological notes from the Lake District and Walney Island (first part) | 273 |
Gatcombe, John | Ornithological Notes from Devon and Cornwall | 278 |
Warren, Robert | The Birds of the Moy Estuary and the Surrounding District, part 2 | 284 |
Occasional Notes | 290 | |
Proceedings of Scientific Societies | 303 | |
Notices of New Books | 310 | |
Issue 8 (August, 1877) | ||
Feilden, H.W. | On the Mammalia of North Greenland, and Grinnell Land (first part) | 313 |
Warren, Robert | The Birds of the Moy Estuary and the Surrounding District, part 3 | 321 |
Mathew, Murray A. | On the Occurrence of the Marsh Warbler near Taunton | 333 |
Occasional Notes | 338 | |
Proceedings of Scientific Societies | 344 | |
Notices of New Books | 350 | |
Issue 9 (September, 1877) | ||
Feilden, H.W. | On the Mammalia of North Greenland, and Grinnell Land (concluded) | 353 |
Pengelly, W. | The Ossiferous Caverns of Devonshire | 361 |
Occasional Notes | 379 | |
Proceedings of Scientific Societies | 391 | |
Issue 10 (October, 1877) | ||
Reid, Lieut. | The Birds of the Bermudas | 393 |
Editor, The | On the Former Nesting of the Spoonbill in the County of Sussex | 425 |
Stevenson, Henry | Ornithological notes from Norfolk | 430 |
Feilden, H.W. | Arctic Molluscan Fauna | 435 |
Occasional Notes | 440 | |
Proceedings of Scientific Societies | 453 | |
Notices of New Books | 458 | |
Issue 11 (November, 1877) | ||
Flower, W.H. | On the Preparation of Skeletons for Museum Purposes | 465 |
Feilden, H.W. | Birds Observed between Cape Farewell and Cape Clear | 468 |
Harting, J.E.F. ("The Editor") | On the Occurrence of the Hobby in Ireland | 471 |
Reid, Lieut. | The Birds of the Bermudas (Part 2) | 473 |
Gatcombe, John | Ornithological Notes from Devon and Cornwall | 493 |
Occasional Notes | 495 | |
Proceedings of Scientific Societies | 498 | |
Notices of New Books | 501 | |
Issue 12 (December, 1877) | ||
Smith, Alfred Charles | The Swannery at Abbotsbury | 505 |
Cordeaux, John | Spring Migration of Birds on the East Coast|Spring Migration of Birds on the East Coast | 512 |
Harting, J.E. ("the Editor") | On the Occurrence in England of Dutrochet's Land Leech, Trochetia subviridis | 515 |
Occasional Notes | 523 | |
Proceedings of Scientific Societies | 526 |
Ancient and extinct British Quadrupeds, 121.
Pochards breeding in the Regent's Park, 342
Herons near London, 108
Purple Gallinule in Lancashire, 381
The "Curlew" of the Wiltshire Downs, 183
Lobster burying its prey, 261
Rooks attacking acorns, 55; The Natural History of Donegal, 223; Blackcap in County Wicklow, 299
Introduction of foreign land and fresh-water Mollusca, 302
Observations on egg-blowing, 164; Tengmalm's Owl in Essex, 176; Cuckoo's egg in a Blackbird's nest, 340
Tawny Pipit at Brighton, 299
Food of the Dartford Warbler, 59; Nesting of the Brambling in Perthshire, 60; Singular accident to a Kingfisher, 178; Migration of Rooks, 388; Odd materials in a Cormorant's nest, 389
Little Owl in Sussex, 228, 296; Weasel in Ireland, 291; Black variety of the Brown Rat, 292; Singular variety of the House Martin, 343
Golden Eagle near Killarney, 25; Squacco Heron in Killarney, 57
On the autumnal migration of birds on the Yorkshire coast, 41; Scandinavian form of the Dipper in East Yorkshire, 53; Mode of progression of the Puffin, 59; Ornithological notes from Beverley, 153; Rough-legged Buzzard in East Yorkshire, 176; Buff variety of the Song Thrush, 256; Blackcap's nest suspended in a fir tree, 258; Correction of an error, 500
Canada Geese near Dunkeld, 300
Partridges coloured like Red Grouse, 256; Divers on fresh water, 296; Green Sandpiper in Stirlingshire, 441
Want of reflection in the House Sparrow, 299; Young Cuckoo in the nest of a Song Thrush, 300
Pied Flycatcher in Yorkshire, 54; Eagle Owl in Yorkshire, 177; Variety of the Sand Martin, 231; Note on the Willow Wren, 257; Pied Flycatcher nesting in Yorkshire, 297; Imitative powers of the Whinchat, 384
Cuckoo evicting young Hedge-sparrows, 341
Habits of the Great Pipe-fish, 390
A pure white Jay, 25; White Sky Lark and other birds near York, 231
Honey Buzzard in Suffolk, 24
Stock Dove in Ireland, 383
Ornithological notes from Cobham, 48; Merlins in Kent, Late assumption of adult plumage by the male Kestrel, 176
Breeding of the Otter, 100, 250
Birds observed in Glen Spean, 381
Greenfinch nesting in furze, 19; Gregarious habits of the Longeared Owl, 20; Varieties of Starling and Blackbird, 22; Spotted Redshank in Hampshire, 50; Variety of Sand Martin, 106; Breeding of the Otter and Badger, 250; The Curlew of the Wiltshire Downs, 257; Hobby nesting in Hampshire, 443; Notes from South Devon, 444
On the migration of birds on the N.E. coast of England in the autumn of 1876, 7; Migration of the Pied Flycatcher, 54; Migration of birds at Heligoland, 59; Rare Birds in the Humber district, 174; On the migration of birds, 205; Variety of the Common Guillemot, 298; Spring migration of birds on the east coast, 512
Breeding season of Crayfish, 28; Spinous Shark in Mount's Bay, 108; Tadpole Fish off Penzance, 109; Angular Crab near Falmouth, 184; Centrine Shark off the coast of Cornwall, 221; Breeding season of the Edible Crab, 261; Long-legged Spider Crab at Penzance, 390; Short-finned Tunny at Penzance, 452
Hawks in Suffolk, 179
Owls washing, 107
On the northern range of the Fallow Deer in Europe, 89
Natural History of Donegal, 223
Absence of the Weasel from Ireland, 440; Toads in Ireland, 451; Young Thrush feeding a Cuckoo, 496
Rare birds of the Exe, 104; Remarkable variety of the Wild Duck, 107; Glaucous Gull on the Exe and Teign, 108; The Knot in summer plumage on the Exe, 448; Short Sunfish in the Exe, 451
Ornithological notes from the Lake District and Walney Island, 273; Marten-cat in England and Wales, 291
Asterina gibbosa on the coast of Banffshire, 109; Bearded Tit and Hawfinch in Aberdeenshire, 255
Hobby nesting in Hampshire, 298; On the Mammalia of North Greenland and Grinnell Land, 313, 353; Arctic Molluscan Fauna, 433; Birds observed between Cape Farewell and Cape Clear, 468
Curious nesting-place for a House Sparrow, 388
On the preparation of skeletons for Museum purposes, 405
On the anatomical characters distinguishing the Swallow and the Swift, 217
Blue Shark off Plymouth, 26; Bonito at Plymouth, 27; Ornithological notes from Devon and Cornwall; 44, 162, 278, 493; Spinous Shark off Plymouth, 108; Pilot-fish and Gray Mullet, 184; Pelamid on the Cornish coast, 452
Lesser Kestrel near Dover, 298
Rare British fishes off Babbicombe, 344
Large Tunny off the coast of Norfolk, 27; A curiously-coloured Weasel, 47; Note on the Short-eared Owl, 228; Note on the Porphyrio killed at Tatterford, Norfolk, 253
Varieties of the Sky Lark, Woodcocks frequenting the sea-shore, 181; Cuckoo in reddish brown plumage in spring, 230; On the claim of the Pine Grosbeak to be regarded as a British bird, 242; Birds impaled by the wind on weather vanes, 259; Kite at Northrepps, 260; Singular variety of the Hedgesparrow, 298: The Collared Duck, 341; Hooded Crow in Norfolk in August, 443; Purple Gallinule at Hickling Broad, 447; Partridge coming in collision with a train, 448
Ornithological notes from the Isle of Wight, 23; Rooks attacking acorns, 105; Winter visitants to the Isle of Wight, 181: Reported occurrence of the Wild Cat in the Isle of Wight, 338; Pied Flycatcher and other birds in the Isle of Wight, 440; Crested Lark in the Isle of Wight, 450
Ring Ouzel nesting near Malvern, 387; Pied Flycatcher nesting near Malvern, 389
Marten-cat in Scotland, 392
King Duck in Orkney, 183
Editor's Address, 1; On the occurrence for the first time in England of the American Red-breasted Thrush, 14; Rabbits breeding above ground, 18; Rooks attacking acorns, 21; Tree Sparrow nesting in Middlesex, 24; On the geographical distribution of the Fallow Deer past and present (translated from the German of L.H. Jeitteles), 81 [see Ullmann]; Hybrid between the English Hare and the Scotch Hare, 101; Passenger Pigeon in Yorkshire, 180; On the former nesting of the Spoonbill in the county of Sussex, 423; Hobby in Ireland, 471; On the occurrence in England of Dutrochet's Land Leech, 515
Bewick's Swan and Canada Goose near Shciheld, 446; Curious death of a Swallow, 447
Osprey near Bridlington, 389
Ornithological notes from St. Andrews, N.B., during the autumn and winter of 1876, 159
Ornithological notes from Essex, 52; Rough-legged Buzzard and Peregrine Falcons at Harwich, 258; Little Gulls and Kittiwakes in Essex, 259; Spoonbills in Suffolk in June, 343; Spoonbills and Canada Geese in Suffolk, 525
Scarcity of the Corn Crake, 497
Pied Flycatcher in Epping Forest, 447
Crossbill nesting near Bournemouth, 254
Purple Gallinule in Northamptonshire, 252
Red-necked Grebe in Essex, 230; Migration of the Ring Ouzel, 442
The Natural History of Donegal, 290
Ornithological notes from Dorsetshire, 884
Fox Shark off Teignmouth, 26; Ornithological notes from the West of England, 104, 177; Purple Gallinule in Somersetshire, 178, 252, 339; Marsh Warbler near Taunton, 333; Tawny Pipit in Sussex, 342; Scarcity of the Corn Crake in the West of England, 387; Bartram's Sandpiper in Somersetshire, 389; Black Rat in Somersetshire, 440; Wood Sandpiper at Barnstaple, 448; Sunfish in the Bristol Channel, 451; Early arrival of Wild Geese, 498
A Barn Owl in the City, 297
Singular nest of the Blackbird, 108; A spring tour in Norway, with notes on the birds observed there, 193
Golden Eagle, Rough-legged Buzzard, &c., near Woodbridge, 25
Blue-throated Warbler near Lowestoft, 449
Rare birds in Wilts and Dorset, 52; Benefit of the Wild Bird Protection Act, 53; Rooks attacking acorns, 55; Curlews breeding near Salisbury, 106; Peregrine Falcons near Wareham, Rough-legged Buzzards near Tisbury, Wilts, 175: Curious effect of the recent floods, 183; Unusual hiding-place for Frogs, 184; Merlin in South Wales, 226; Marten-cat in Lincolnshire, 251; Moorhen defending its young from a Stoat, 255; Pied Flycatcher near Salisbury, 297; Swimming powers of the Mole, 440; Peregrine Falcons on the spire of Salisbury Cathedral, 450
Red-winged Starling in Yorkshire, 257
On the European Redpolls, 5; The Hawfinch in Scotland, 22; On the occurrence at Malta of the Snow Bunting, 22; On the naturalization of the Edible Frog in Norfolk, 61
Breeding season of the Edible Crab, 301; Habits of the Lobster, 302
Roosting habits of the Starling, 253
The ossiferous caverns of Devonshire, 361
Singular variety of the Common Guillemot, 57; Breeding of the Pochard and Black-headed Gull in Dorsetshire, 385
Habits of the Golden Eagle, 103
The time of day at which birds lay their eggs, 53; Magpies flocking in winter, 58; Rooks attacking acorns, 105; Black Stork in Oxfordshire, 180; Wild-fowl in Bedfordshire, 181; Curiously coloured Mole, 225; Mergansers and Divers inland, Little Bittern and Spotted Crake in Oxfordshire, 232; Gregarious habits of the Long-eared Owl, 256; Starlings nesting in Sand Martin's holes, 301; Hobby in Oxfordshire, 448: Sand Martins nesting in a stone wall, 450
Lemming in Newfoundland, 47
The birds of the Bermudas, 393, 473; Waders near Aldershot, 496
Skua and Shearwater at Christchurch and Poole Harbour, 498
White-tailed Eagle in Herefordshire, 174; Snowy Owl in the Lewes, 177
Autumnal breeding of the Otter, 17; Pomarine Skua in Mount's Bay, Gannets off the Cornish coast, Iceland and Glaucous Gulls at the Land's End, 182; Black-throated Diver on fresh water, 258; Buffon's Skua on the Cornish coast, 300; White-tailed Eagle on the north coast of Cornwall, 444; Baillon's Crake near Penzance, 497; Scaup Duck at Scilly, 525
Cuckoo laying in a Swallow's nest, 260
Dartford Warbler in Suffolk, 230; Jack Snipe in Suffolk in May, 299
Boar-fish in the Isle of Wight, 452
The migration of birds, 340
Breeding of the Badger, 251
Smaller Sooty Tern at the mouth of the Thames, 213; British-killed Purple Gallinules, 379
Reported occurrence of the Golden Eagle in Durham, 54; Scarcity of the Wood Pigeon in Durham, 55; Scarcity of the Wood Pigeon and increase of the Stock Dove in the County Durham, 179
Hedgesparrow's nest built in a cabbage, 299
South-American Rail in Wiltshire, 18; Cuckoo calling in September, 449; The Swannery at Abbotsbury, 505
Purple Gallinule in Somerset, 227, 293; Little Bittern in Guernsey, 259
On the breeding of the Otter, 172; Martens in Suffolk, 338
Ornithological notes from Norfolk, 95, 430
Unusual site for a Kestrel's nest, 342
Nesting of the Brambling, 255
Introduction of foreign and freshwater Mollusca, 260
Goshawk and other birds in Yorkshire, 179; Notes from Aldeburgh, Suffolk,, 495
Dartford Warbler in Cornwall, 23; Distribution of the Green Woodpecker in Cornwall, 24
On the geographical distribution of the Fallow Deer past and present (translated from the German), 81
[see Harting]
Spoonbill near Ely, 343
Marten-cat in Scotland and Ireland, 292
Eiders in the estuary of the Moy, County Mayo, 50; A fresh-water breeding-haunt of the Sandwich Tern, 101; The birds of the Moy Estuary and the surrounding district, 233, 284, 321; Absence of the Weasel from Ireland, 379; Green Sandpiper in the County Mayo, 524; Hoopoe in Ireland, 525
Hoopoe in Yorkshire, 298
Pallas's Sand Grouse in Ireland, 58 Scarcity of the Corn Crake, 448 Note on 'List of British Birds,' 523
Ornithological notes from Nottinghamshire, 301
Reappearance of Pallas's Sand Grouse in Ireland, Variety of the Common Snipe, 24; Roller iu Ireland, 53; Squaeco Heron in King's County, 388
Nightingales in Brittany, 259
Accentor modularis, 238
Accipiter fuscus, 421
Accipiter„ nisus, 195, 234
Acentropus, note on, 33
Acorns, Rooks attacking, 21, 55, 105
Acrocephalus palustris, 333
Actinaria, certain new forms, 185
Actinometra, the genus, 346
Actiturus Bartramius, 478
Address, Editor's, 1
Ægialitis hiaticula, 202
Ægialitis„ melodus, 475
Ægialitis„ semipalpatus, 475
Ægialitis„ vociferus, 475
Ægiothus exilipes, 5
Ægiothus„ linarius, 410
Aix sponsa, 484
Alauda arvensis, 240, 401
Alca alle, 330
Alca„ torda, 330
Alcedo ispida, 242
Alveolites, notes on the genus and on some allied forms, 266
Ampelis cedrorum, 407
Anaitis rosea, 185
Anas acuta, 324
Anas„ boschas, 323, 483
Anas„ clangula, 328
Anas„ clypeata, 323
Anas„ mollissima, 327
Anas„ obscura, 483
Anas„ penelope, 324
Anas„ strepera, 324
Anatomical characters distinguishing the Swallow and the Swift, 217
'Annual Life and Habits, Sketches of' (review), 503
'Animals, Geographical Distribution of' (review), 68
'Animals, Kindness to' (review), 504
Annelida, 346, 516 et seq.
Anous stolidus, 490
Anser albifrons, 322
Anser„ bernicla, 323
Anser„ brenta, 323
Anser„ hyperboreus, 482
Anser„ segetum, 322
Anthus ludovicianus, 402
Anthus„ petrosus, 240
Anthus„ pratensis, 199, 239
Ants, habits, 111
Aquila chrysaëtus, 194
Archibuteo lagopus, 195 ; var. Sancti-Johannis, 422
'Arctic Expedition, the Recent, Official Report of' (review), 38
Arctic Molluscan Fauna, 435
Ardea cærulea, 479
Ardea„ candidissima, 479
Ardea„ cinerea, 286
Ardea„ egretta, 479
Ardea„ herodias, 479
Ardea„ virescens, 480
Ardetta exilis, 480
Asterina gibbosa on the coast of Banffshire, 109
Astur atricapillus, 421
Astur„ palumbarius, 195
Auk, Little, 330, 493
Aulastoma, 517, 519
Aurochs, 138
Autumnal breeding of the Otter, 17
Avocet, 288
Bacteria, 347
Badger, 127 ; breeding, 250, 251
Balæna mysticetus, 360
Bat, Large Horseshoe, 146
Bat,„ Noctule or Great, 146
Bear, Brown, 124
Bear,„ White, 316
Beaver, 145
Beavers in Siberia, 172
Bees, habits, 111
Bermudas, Birds of the, 393, 473
Birds, migration on the N.E. coast of England in the autumn of 1876, 7; autumnal migration on the Yorkshire coast, 41 ; rare, in Wilts and Dorset, 52 ; the time of day at which they lay their eggs, 53 ; migration at Heligoland, 59 ; rare, on the Exe, 104 ; Act for the protection of certain Wild, during the breeding season, 167 ; rare, in the Humber district, 174 ; observed in Norway, 193; migration, 205, 340 ; near York, 231 ; of the Moy Estuary and the surrounding district, 233, 284, 321; impaled by the wind on weather vanes, 259; in the Isle of Wight, 343; observed in Glen Spean, 382 ; of the Bermudas, 393, 473; observed between Cape Farewell and Cape Clear, 468
'Birds, British, a History of' (review), 35
'Birds, List of British' (review), 458
'Birds of Marlborough' (review), 37
'Birds of South Africa' (review), 350
Bison, 138
Bittern, 97, 431
Bittern„ American, 480
Bittern„ Least, 480
Bittern„ Little, in Oxfordshire, 232 ; in Guernsey, 259
Blackbird, singular nest, 108
Blackbird„ and Starling, var-ieties, 22
Blackbird's nest. Cuckoo's egg in, 340
Blackbirds, 11, 238
Blackcap in County Wicklow, 299
Blackcap's nest suspended in a fir tree, 258
Blue Bird, Eastern, 399
Bluethroat, red-spotted, 197
Boar-fish in the Isle of Wight, 452
Bob-o'-link, 414
Bonito at Plymouth, 27
Botaurus minor, 480
Brachyotus palustris, 420
Brambling nesting in Perthshu-e, 60 ; in Norway, 109, 255
Branta canadensis, 482
Breeding, autumnal, of the Otter, 17 ; of Rabbits above ground, 18 ; season of Crayfish, 28 ; of the Otter, 100, 172, 250 ; of the Badger, 250, 251 ; season of Edible Crab, 261, 301 ; of Pochards in Eegenfs Park, 342 ; in Dorsetshire, 385 ; of Black-headed Gull in Dorsetshire, 385
Browne, Montagu, 'A List of the British Macro-Lepidoptera' (re- view), 464
Bubo ignavus, 196
Bucephala albeola, 485
Bucephala„ clangula, 485
Bulfinch, 241
Bunting, Bay-winged, 411
Bunting„ Common, 240
Bunting„ Lapland, 199
Bunting, Reed, 199, 240
Snow, 12, 199, 240, 410; at Malta, 22
Yellow, 240
Buteo borealis, 422
Buteo„ vulgaris, 235
Buzzard, Common, 96, 98, 235, 432
Buzzard„ Honey, 24, 95, 97
Buzzard„ Red-tailed, 422
Buzzard„ Rough-legged, 25, 97, 98, 258, 422, 431
Turkey, 423
Buzzards? 96
Buzzards?„ Rough-legged, near Tisbury, Wilts, 175; in East Yorkshire, 176; in Norway, 195
Calidris arenaria, 285, 477
Canis lupus, 317
Canvas-back, 485
Capercaillie, 202
Caprimulgus europaeus, 242
Carbo cormorans, 330
Carbo„ cristatus, 330
Cardinalis virginianus, 413
Carduelis elegans, 240
Carduelis„ spinus, 241
Cat Bird, 398
Cat, Wild, 129; reported occurrence in the Isle of Wight, 338, 440
Cathartes aura, 423
Cavern, Ansty's Cove, 870
Cavern„ Ash-Hole, 371
Cavern„ Bench, 374
Cavern„ Brixham, 372
Cavern„ Kent's (or Hole), 365
Cavern„ Yealm-Bridge, 370
Caverns, Oreston, 362
Cedar Bird, 407
Certhia familiaris, 242, 401
Ceryle alcyon, 418
Chætura pelasgia, 417
Chaffinch, 240
Chamæpelia passerina, 424
Chaulelasmus streperus, 483
Charadrius hiaticula, 285
Charadrius„ pluvialis, 202
Charadrius„ virginicus, 474
Chelidon urbica, 202
Chiffchaff, 238
Chordeiles virginianus, 417
Chough, 241
Chrysomitris pintis, 410
Cinclus aquaticus, 237
Circus æruginosus, 235
Charadrius„ cyaneus, 235; var. Hudsonius, 421
'Classification, Zoological' (review), 310
Coccothraustes chloris, 240
Coccothraustes vulgaris, 22, 240
Coccyzus americauus, 419
Coccyzus„ erythropthalmus, 419
Colaptes auratus, 420
Collurio borealis, 409
Columba livia, 284
Columba„ palumba, 284
Columba„ turtur, 284
Colymbus arcticus, 205, 319
Colymbus„ glacialis, 329
Colymbus„ septentrionalis, 329
Contopus borealis, 417
Contopus„ virens, 417
Coot, 290
Coot„ American, 482
Cormorant, 330
Cormorant„ Double-crested, 486
Cormorant„ Green, 330
Cormorant's nest, odd materials in, 389
Corvus americanus, 415
Corvus„ corax, 241
Corvus„ cornix, 200, 241
Corvus„ frugilegus, 242
Corvus„ monedula, 242
Coturniculus Heuslowii, 411
Coturnix vulgaris, 284
Cotyle riparia, 407
Cow Bird, 414
Crab, Angular, near Falmouth, 184
Crab„ Edible, breeding season, 261, 301
Crab„ Long-legged Spider, at Penzance, 390
Crake, Baillon's, near Penzance, 487
Crake„ Corn, scarcity in the "West of England, 387; scarcity in the northwest of London, 448; in Bermuda, 481; scarcity, 497
Crake„ Spotted, in Oxfordshire, 232 Crane, 203
Crayfish, breeding season, 28
Creeper, Black-and-'White, 402
Creeper„ Brown, 401
Tree, 242
Crex pratensis, 220, 481
Crossbill, American, 409
Crosbill„ nesting near Bournemouth, 254
Crosbill„ White-winged, 410
Crow, American, 415
Crow„ Hooded, 95, 200; in Norfolk in August, 443
Crow„ Gray, 241
Cuckoo, 202, 242; in reddish brown plumage in spring, 230, 433; laying in a Swallow's nest, 260; young, in nest of Song Thrush, 300; evicting young Hedgesparrows, 341; young Thrush feeding, 496
Cuckoo, Black-billed, 419
Cuckoo,„ Yellow-billed, 419
Cuckoo's egg in a Blackbird's nest, 340
"Curlew" of the Wiltshiree Downs, 183, 257
Curlew, 286
Curlew,„ Esquimaux, 478
Curlew,„ Hudsonian, 478
Curlew,„ Pigmy, 96
Curlews breeding near Salisbury, 106
Curvirostra americana, 409
Curvirostra„ leucoptera, 410
Cyanecula suecica, 197
Cygnus americanus, 482
Cygnus„ Bewickii, 321
Cygnus„ ferus, 321
Cyanospiza cyanea, 412
Cypselus apus, 242
Dafila acuta, 483
Danais archippus, geographical distribution, 192
Deer, Fallow, past and present geographical distribution, 81; northern range in Europe, 89; of Southern Europe, 135
Deer,„ Great-horned or Gigantic, 132
Deer,„ red, 130
Dendroëca æstiva, 403
Dendroëca„ caerulescens, 403
Dendroëca„ castanea, 404
Dendroëca„ coronata, 403
Dendroëca„ discolor, 404
Dendroëca„ palmarum, 404
Dendroëca„ pinus, 404
Dendroëca„ virens, 403
Dipper, 237
Dipper,„ Scandinavian form of, in East Yorkshire, 53
Diver, Black-throated, 205, 329, 431; on fresh water, 258
Diver,„ Great Northern, 329
Diver,„ Red-throated, 329
Divers inland, 232; on fresh water, 296
Dolichonyx oryzivorus, 414
Dotterell, 202
Dove, Carolina, 424
Dove,„ Ground, 424
Dove,„ Sea, 492
Dove,„ Stock, increase in County Durham, 179; in Ireland, 383
Dove,„ Turtle, 284
Dryocopus martius, 200
Duck, Black, 483
Duck,„ Buffel-headed, 485
Duck,„ Collared, 341
Duck,„ Dusky, 483
Duck,„ Eider, 327
Duck,„ King, in Orkney, 183
Duck,„ Lesser Scaup, 484
Duck,„ Long-tailed, 205, 328
Duck,„ Ring-necked, 485
Duck,„ Ruddy, 480
Duck,„ Scaup, at Scilly, 525
Duck,„ Summer, 484
Duck,„ Tufted, 328
Duck,„ Wild, 323, 483; variety, 107
Duck,„ Wood, 484
Dunlin, 289
Eagle, 9
Eagle,„ Bald, 423
Eagle,„ Golden, near Killarney, 25; near Woodbridge, 25; reported occurrence in Durham, 54; habits, 103; in Norway, 194
Eagle,„ Sea, 97, 99, 233
Eagle,„ White-headed, 423
Eagle,„ White-tailed, in Herefordshire, 175; on the north coast of Cornwall, 444
'Eastern Persia: an Account of the Journeys of the Persian Boundary Commission' (review), 116
Ectopistes migratorius, 423
Egg-blowing, observations on (with illustrations), 164
Eggs, the time of day at which birds lay them, 53
Eiders in the estuary of the Moy, County Mayo, 50
Elephant, ancient, 142
Elk, 134
Emberiza citrinella, 240
Emberiza„ miliaria, 240
Emberiza„ nivalis, 240
Emberiza„ schœniclus, 199, 240
Embidæ, nymph stage, 344
Empidonax Traillii, 417
Entomological Society of London, proceedings, 32, 65, 114. 191, 269, 307, 348, 391, 453, 498
Ephyra punctaria, 270
Eremophila alpestris, 402
Ereunetes pusillus, 476
Erismatura rubida, 486
Ermine, 127, 317
Erythaca rubecula, 238
Eskimo, 314
Eudromias morinellus, 202
Falco æsalon, 194, 234
Falco„ candicans, 234
Falco„ columbarius, 422
Falco„ communis, 422
Falco„ peregrinus, 234
Falco„ sparverius, 422
Falco„ tinnunculus, 194, 234
Falcon, Greenland, 234
Falcon, Peregrine, 9, 234, 422
Falcons, Peregrine, near Wareham, 175; at Harwich, 258; on the spire of Salisbury Cathedral, 450
Fauna of the West of Scotland, 302; Arctic Molluscan, 435
Fieldfare, 11, 196, 237
Fieldfares, late occurrence, 434
'Fish and Fishing, Notes on' (review), 501
Fish, Tadpole, off Penzance, 109
Fishes, amphibious and migratory, of India, 109; Indian fresh-water, geographical distribution, 263; rare British, off Babbicombe, 344
Flamingo, American, 482
Flicker, 420
Floods, recent, curious effects of, 183
Flycatcher, Hooded, 405
Flycatcher,„ Olive-sided, 417
Flycatcher,„ Pied, migration, 54; in Yorkshire, 54, 297; in Norway, 196; in Ireland, 237; in the Isle of Wight, 343; nesting near Malvern, 389; in Epping Forest, 447
Flycatcher,„ Pipiry, 416
Flycatcher,„ Spotted, 237
Flycatcher,„ Traill's, 417
Flycatcher,„ Wood Pewee, 417
Food of Dartford Warbler, 59
Fox, Arctic, 131, 318
'Fox at Home, and other Tales' (review), 79
Frigate Bird, 487
Fringilla cœlebs, 240
Fringilla„ linaria, 5
Fringilla„ montifringilla, 199
Frog, Edible, naturalization of in Norfolk, 61
Frogs, unusual hunting-place for, 184
Fulica americana, 482
Fulica„ atra, 290
Fuligula affinis, 484
Fuligula„ collaris, 341, 485
Fuligula„ cristata, 328
Fuligula„ ferina, 328
Fuligula„ marila, 205, 328
Fuligula„ vallisneria, 485
Gadwall, 324, 483
Gallinago media, 476
Gallinago„ Wilsonii, 476
Gallinula chloropus, 290; (?) var. galeata, 481
Gallinule, Florida, 481
Gallinule„ Purple, 96; in Somersetshire, 178, 227, 252, 293, 339; in Northamptonshire, 252; in England, 295; in Lancashire, 381; at Hickling Broad, 447; in Bermuda, 482
Gallinules, Purple, British-killed, 379
Gannet, 330
Gannet,„ Booby, 486
Gannets off the Cornish coast, 182
Garrulus glandarius, 200
Gecinus viridis, 201
Geese, Canada, 300, 525
Geese,„ Wild, early arrival, 498
'Geographical Distribution of Animals' (review), 68
Geothlypis trichas, 405
Glutton, 127
Godwit, Bartailed, 288
Godwit,„ Black-tailed, 288
Godwit,„ Hudsonian, 477
Goldeneye, 328, 485
Goldfinch, 240
Goniaphea ludoviciana, 412
Goosander, 486; in Co. Antrim, 107
Goose, Bean, 322
Goose,„ Canada, near Sheffield, 446; in Bermuda, 482
Goose,„ Bernicle, 323
Goose,„ Brent, 323
Goose,„ Snow, 482
Goose,„ White-fronted, 322
Goshawk, 195; in Yorkshire, 179
Goshawk,„ American, 421
Graculus dilophus, 486
Grallatores, 284
Grebe, Eared, 329
Grebe,„ Great-crested, 95
Grebe,„ Horned, 492
Grebe,„ Little, 329
Grebe,„ Pied-billed, 492
Grebe,„ Red-necked, 230, 431
Grebe,„ Sclavonian, 98, 431
Greenfinch nesting in furze, 19
Greenland, North, and Grinnell Land, Mammalia, 313, 353
Greenshank, 287
Grosbeak, Pine, claim to be regarded as British, 242
Grosbeak,„ Rose-beaked, 412
Grouse, Black, 202
Grouse,„ Pallas's Sand, reappearance in Ireland, 24, 58
Grouse,„ Red, 284; Partridges coloured like, 229, 256
Grus communis, 203
Guillemot, Black, 329
Guillemot,„ Common, 97, 329; singular variety, 57; variety, 298
Guillemot,„ Ringed, 329
Gull, Black-headed, 325; breeding in Dorsetshire, 385
Gull,„ Bonaparte's, 489
Gull,„ Common, 325
Gull,„ Glaucous, 108, 330
Gull, Great Black-backed, 320, 489
Gull,„ Herring, 326, 489
Gull,„ Iceland, 326
Gull,„ Laughing, 489
Gull,„ Lesser Black-backed, 205, 326
Gull,„ Ring-billed, 489
Gull,„ Sabine's, 490
Gulls, Black-headed, 432
Gulls,„ Glaucous and Iceland, at the Land's End, 182
Gulls,„ Little, in Essex, 259
Habits, gregarious, of Long-eared Owl, 20; of Ants, Bees and Wasps, 111; of the Lobster, 302; of Great Pipe-fish, 390
Hæmatopus ostralegus, 202, 286
Hæmopis, 517
Haliaëtus albicilla, 233
Haliaëtus„ leucocephalus, 423
Hare, English and Scotch, hybrid between, 101
Hare,„ extinct, 146
Hare,„ Northern, 353
Harelda glacialis, 205, 328
Hares, tailless, 146
Harrier, Hen, 235
Harrier,„ Marsh, 235
Hawfinch, 22, 98, 240, 432
Hawk, American Marsh, 421
Hawk,„ American„ Hen, 422
Hawk,„ Night, 417
Hawk,„ Pigeon, 422
Hawk,„ Sharp-shinned, 421
Hawks in Suffolk, 179
Hedgesparrow, 238; singular variety, 298; nest built in a cabbage, 299
Hedgesparrows, young, Cuckoo evicting, 341
Heron, 286
Heron,„ Great Blue, 479
Heron,„ Great White, 479
Heron,„ Green, 480
Heron,„ Little Blue, 479
Heron,„ Night, 480
Heron,„ Purple, 98
Heron,„ Snowy, 479
Heron,„ Squacco, in Killarney, 57; in King's County, 388
Heron, Yellow-crowned, 480
Herons near London, 108
Himantopus nigricollis, 475
Hippopotamus, Great, 140
Hirudo medicinalis, 517
Hirundo horreorum, 406
Hirundo„ riparia, 242
Hirundo„ rustica, 202, 242
Hirundo„ urbica, 242
Hobby, 96; nesting in Hampshire, 298", 443; in Oxfordshire, 448; in Ireland, 471
Hog, wild, 144
Homo groenlandicus, 314
Hoopoe in Yorkshire, 298; in Ireland, 525
Horse, extinct, 144
Hiunming Bu-d, Ruby-throated, 418
Hyæena, 129
Hyæena,„ Spotted, 129
Hybrid between the English Hare and the Scotch Hare, 101
Ibis falcinellus var. Ordii, 479
Ibis, Glossy, 479
Icterus Baltimore, 414
Im Thuru, Everard F., 'The Birds of Marlborough' (review), 37
Indigo Bird, 412
Insessores, 237
Jackdaw, 242
Jay, 200; pure white, 25
Jay,„ Siberian, 200
Jelly-fish, 110
Junco hyemalis, 411
Kestrel, 234; male, late assumption of adult plumage, 176; nest, 194
Kestrel,„ Lesser, near Dover, 298
Kestrel's nest, unusual site for, 342
'Kindness to Animals; illustrated by Stories and Anecdotes' (review), 504
King Bird, 416
King Bird,„ Gray, 416
Kingfisher, 242; singular accident to, 178
Kingfisher,„ Belted, 218
Kite in Norfolk, 260, 431
Kittiwake, 325, 489
Kittiwakes in Essex, 259
Knot, 289; in summer plumage on the Exe, 448
Lagopus albus, 202
Lagopus„ mutus, 202
Lapwing, 97, 285
Lark, Brown, 402
Lark, Crested, in the Isle of Wight, 450
Lark,„ Shore, 402
Lark,„ Sky, 240; varieties, 181; white, 230; European, 401
Larks, Shore, 96
Larks,„ Sky, migrating, 96
Larus argentatus, 326, 489
Larus„ atricilla, 489
Larus„ canus, 325
Larus„ delawarensis, 489
Larus„ fuscus, 205, 326
Larus„ glaucus, 330
Larus„ islandicus, 326
Larus„ marinus, 326, 489
Larus„ philadelphia, 489
Larus ridibundus, 323
Larus„ tridactyla, 325, 489
Layard, E.L., F.Z.S., 'The Birds of South Africa' (review), 350
Lemming in Newfoundland, 47; in Greenland, 820
Lemming„ British, extinct, 146
Leopard, 128
Lepus glacialis, 353
Lestris Buffonii, 331
Lestris„ pomarinus, 331
Lestris„ Richardsonii, 331
'Life of a Scotch Naturalist: Thomas Edward' (review), 71
Limicola platyrhyncha, 204
Limosa hudsonica, 477
Limosa„ melamura, 288
Limosa„ rufa, 288
Linaria cannabina, 241
Linaria„ flavirostris, 241
Linaria„ minor, 241
Linnean Society of London, proceedings, 28, 61, 109, 184, 262, 303, 344, 526
Linnet, Common, 241
Linnet„ Green, 240
Linnet„ Mountain, 241
Linnet„ Pine, 410
Linnet„ Redpoll, 410
Linota canesceus, 6
Linota„ exilipes, 6
Linota„ hornemanni, 5
Linota„ linaria, 5, 6
Linota„ rufescens, 6
Lion, British, 128
'List of British Birds' (review), 458; note on, 522
'List of the British Macro-Lepidoptera' (review), 464
Lizards, extinct, formerly inhabiting the Mascarene Islands, 187; sacral flexus and sacral vertebræ of, 265
Lobipes hyperboreus, 475
Lobster, 302; burying its prey, 261
Lynx, 129
Machetes pugnax, 203
Macrorhamphus griseus, 476
'Macro-Lepidoptera, List of the British' (review), 464
Magpie, 96, 200, 242
Magpies flocking in winter, 58
Mallard, 483
Mammalia of North Greenland and Grinnell Land, 313, 353
Mammalia Scotica, 225
Mammoth, 141
Man-of-War Bird, 487
Manley, J.J., M.A., 'Notes on Fish and Fishing' (review), 501
Mareca americana, 483
Marten, Beech, 127
Marten-cat in Lincolnshire, 251; in England and Wales, 291; in Scotland and Ireland, 292
Martens in Suffolk, 338
Martin, 202
Martin„ Bee, 416
Martin„ House, 242; singular variety, 343
Martin„ Purple, 407
Martin„ Sand, 242, 407; variety, 106, 331
Martins, Sand, Starlings nesting in holes of, 301; nesting in a stone wall, 450
Medusæ, varieties and monstrous forms, 110
Melospiza palustris, 411
Merganser, Hooded, 486
Merganser„ Red-breasted, 205, 329, 486
Mergansers inland, 232
Mergulus alle, 493
Mergus cucullatus, 486
Mergus„ merganser, 486
Mergus„ serrator, 486
Merlin, 194, 234, 431; in South Wales, 226
Merlins in Kent, 176
Micropalama himantopus, 476
Migrants, arrival and departure, as observed chiefly in the vicinity of Cromer and Norwich, 434
Migrants„ nocturnal, 95
Migrants„ raptorial, 432
Migration of birds on the N.E. coast of England iu the autumn of 1876, 7; autumnal, on the Yorkshire coast, 41; of Pied Flycatcher, 54; of birds at Heligoland, 59; of Sky Larks, 96; of birds, 205, 340; of Rooks, 388; of Ring Ouzels, 442
Mimus carolinensis, 398
Mniotilta varia, 402
Mole, ciuiously coloured, 225; swimming powers, 440
Mollusca, introduction of foreign land and fresh-water, 260, 302
Mollusca„ recent, number obtained in Davis Strait, and northwards in the American Arctic Circle, 440
Molluscan Fauna, Arctic, 435
Molothrus pecoris, 414
Monodon monoceros, 360
Moorhen defending its young from a Stoat, 255; in Bermuda, 481
Moose, 134
Mormon fratercula, 330
Motacilla alba, 198, 239
Motacilla„ boarula, 239
Motacilla„ Rayi, 239
Motacilla„ viridis, 199
Motacilla„ Yarrellii, 239
Moy Estuary, Birds of the, and of the surrounding district, 233, 284, 321
Mullet, Gray, 184
Muscicapa atricapilla, 196, 237
Muscicapa„ grisola, 237
Musk-ox, 355
Mustela erminea, 317
Myiodioctes mitratus, 405
Myodes lemmus in Norway, 262
Myodes„ torquatus, 320
Nares, Capt., E.N., 'The Official Report of the Recent Arctic Expedition' (review), 38
Narwhal, 360
Natatores, 321
Natural History of Donegal, 149, 223, 290
'Naturgeschichte der Vögel Europa's' (review), 351
Nest, singular, of Blackbird, 108; of Blackcap suspended in a fir tree, 258; of Swallow, Cuckoo laying in, 260; Hedgesparrow's, built in a cabbage, 299; of Song Thrush, young Cuckoo in, 300; Blackbird's, Cuckoo's egg in, 340; Kestrel's, unusual site for, 342; Cormorant's, odd materials in, 389
Nesting-place, curious, for House Sparrow, 388
New Guinea Ornithology, 187
Newton, Professor A., M.A., F.R.S., Yarrell's 'History of British Birds' (review), 35
Nightingale in Brittany, 259
Nightjar, 242
Nocturnal migrants, 95
Norway, a spring tour in; with notes on the birds observed there, 193
'Notes on Fish and Fishing' (review), 501
Numenius arquata, 286
Numenius„ borealis, 478
Numenius„ hudsonicus, 478
Numenius„ phæopus, 286
Nuthatch, Red-bellied, 401
Nyctale acadica, 421
Nyctea nivea, 420
Nyctea„ scandiaca, 196
Nyctiardea grisea var. naevia, 480
Nyctiardea„ violacea, 480
Oceanites oceanica, 490
Œdemia perspicillata, 485
Œdemia„ fusca, 205
Œdemia„ nigra, 205, 327
Ophiuridæ, new form, 186
Organisms, Lower Sarcode, recent researches among, 303
Oriole, Baltimore, 414
Ornithological notes from Aldeburgh, Suffolk, 495; from Beverley, 153, 260; from Cobham, 48; from Devon, 162; from Devon and Cornwall, 44, 278, 493; from Dorsetshire, 384; from Essex, 52; from Norfolk, 95, 430; from South Devon, 444; from St. Andrews, N.B., 159; from the Isle of Wight, 23; from the Lake District and Walney Island, 273; from the West of England, 104, 177
Ornithology of New Guinea, contributions to, 187
Ortyx virginianus, 473
Osprey, 9, 95, 389, 423, 434
Ossiferous caverns of Devonshire, 361
Otter, 127; autumnal breeding, 17; breeding, 100, 172, 250
Otus Wilsonianus, 420
'Our Birds of Prey' (review), 76
Ouzel, Ring, 11, 197, 238; nesting near Malvern, 387; migration, 442
Ovibus moschatus, 355
Owl, Acadian, 420
Owl,„ Barn, in the City, 297
Owl,„ Barred, 420
Owl,„ Eagle, 177, 196
Owl,„ Hawk, 420
Owl,„ Little, 228, 296, 433
Owl,„ Long-eared, 420; gregarious habits, 20, 256; moaning, 435
Owl,„ Short-eared, 9, 96, 228, 236, 420
Owl,„ Snowy, 98, 196, 237, 420; in the Lewes, 177
Owl,„ Tengmalm's, in Essex, 176
Owl,„ White, 236
Owls washing, 107
Ox, Musk, 137
Ox,„ Long-fronted or Small Fossil, 139
Ox,„ Primæval or Giant, 137
Oystercatcher, 202, 286
Pandion haliaëtus, 423
Panther, 128
Partridge, 284; coming in collision with a train, 448
Partridge,„ Virginian, 473
Partridges coloured like Red Grouse, 229, 256
Parula americana, 402
Parus ater, 239
Parus„ borealis, 198
Parus„ caudatus, 239
Parus cæruleus, 239
Parus„ major, 239
Pascoe, Francis P., F.L.S., 'Zoological Classification' (review), 310
Passer domesticus, 200, 240, 411
Passerculus savanna, 411
Passerella iliaca, 412
Pelamid on the Cornish Coast, 452
Pelecanus fuscus, 486
Pelican, Brown, 486
Perdix cinerea, 284
Peregrine, 96, 97
Perisoreus infaustus, 200
'Persia, Eastern' (review), 116
Petrel, Fulmar, 331
Petrel,„ Storm, 333
Petrel,„ Wilson's, 490
Phœnicopterus ruber, 482
Phaëton flavirostris, 487
Phalarope, Gray, 98
Phalarope,„ Northern, 475
Red-necked, 95, 205
Pheasant, 95, 284, 431
Pheasants in New Zealand, 25
Philohela minor, 476
Phoca barbata, 359
Phoca„ hispida, 359
Phyllodocidæ, new example, 185
Phylloscopus rufa, 238
Phylloscopus„ trochilus, 198, 238
Pica caudata, 200, 242
Picoides tridactylus, 201
Picus major, 201
Picus„ minor, 201
Pigeon, Passenger, 180, 423
Pigeon,„ Rock, 284
Pigeon,„ Wood, 55, 97, 179, 284
Pikas, 146
Pilot-fish, 184
Pintail, 324, 483
Pipe-fish, Great, habits, 390
Pipit, Meadow, 199, 239
Pipit,„ Rock, 240
Pipit,„ Tawny, 299, 342
Platalea leucorodia, 425
Plectrophanes lapponicus, 199
Plectrophanes„ nivalis in Malta, 22; in Norway, 199; in the Bermudas, 411
Plover, American Golden, 474
Plover,„ American„ Ringed, 475
Plover,„ Golden, 202, 284
Plover,„ Gray, 285, 474
Plover,„ Kildeer, 475
Plover,„ Norfolk, 432
Plover,„ Piping, 475
Plover,„ Ringed, 202, 285
Pochard, 328
Pochards breeding in the Regent's Park, 342; in Dorsetshire, 385
Podiceps auritus, 329
Podiceps„ cornutus, 492
Podiceps„ minor, 329
Podilymbus podiceps, 492
Polecat, 127
Polyzoa, 345
Pooëcetes gramineus, 411
Porphyrio killed at Tatterford, Norfolk, note on, 253
Porphyrio„ Greenbacked, 433
Porphyrio„ martinica, 482
Porzana Carolina, 481
Porzana„ jamaicensis, 481
Porzana„ noveboracensis, 481
Pratincola rubetra, 198
Procellaria glacialis, 331
Progue purpurea, 407
Protonotaria citræa, 403
Protozoa, 347
Pruritus from an unusual cause, 115
Ptarmigan, Common, 202
Ptarmigan,„ Willow, 209
Puffin, 330; mode of progression, 59
Puffinus anglorum, 333, 491
Puffinus„ major, 333, 491
Puffinus„ obscurus, 491
Pyranga æstiva, 406
Pyranga„ rubra, 406
Pyrrhocorax graculus, 241
Pyrrhula vulgaris, 241
Qua-bird, 480
Quadrupeds, British, ancient and extinct, 121
Quail, 284, 473
Querquedula carolinensis, 483
Querquedula„ crecca, 205, 324
Querquedula„ discors, 484
Rabbit, 146
Rabbits breeding above ground, 18
Rail, Black, 481
Rail,„ Carolina, 481
Rail,„ Land, 290, 481
Rail,„ Sora, 481
Rail,„ South-American, in Wiltshire, 18
Rail,„ Virginian, 481
Rail,„ Water, 290, 432
Rail,„ Yellow, 481
Rallus virginianus, 481
Rana esculenta, 61
Rangifer tarandus, 358
Raniceps trifurcatus, 109
Raptores, 233
Raptorial migrants, 432
Rasores, 284
Rat, Black, in Somersetshire, 436
Rat,„ Brown variety, 292
Raven, 98, 241, 432
Razorbill, 330
'Record, Zoological' (review), 362
Recurvirostra avocetta, 288
Red Bird, Cardinal, 413
Red Bird,„ Summer, 406
Redbreast, 238
Redpoll, Arctic, 5
Redpoll,„ Mealy, 5, 96, 431
Redpoll,„ Lesser, 6, 241
Redpolls, European, 5
Redshank, 286
Redshank,„ Common, 203
Redshank,„ Spotted, 56, 286
Redstart, 198
Redstart,„ American, 405
Redwing, 11, 197, 238
Regulus cristatus, 239
Reindeer, 135, 358
Rhinoceros, Leptorhine Two-horned, 143
Rhinoceros,„ Tichorhine Two-horned, 143
Rice Bird, 414
Robin, 397
Robin,„ Golden, 414
Roebuck, 137
Roller in Ireland, 53
Rook, 242 Rooks attacking acorns, 21, 55, 105; migration, 388
Rooper, George, 'The Fox at Home, and other Tales' (review), 79
Roosting habits of the Starling, 258
Ruff, 203
Ruticilla phœnicura, 198
Salicaria phragmitis, 238
Samoau Islanders, poisoned spears and arrows of, 186
Sanderling, 95, 285, 477
Sandpiper, Bartram's, 889, 478
Sandpiper,„ Broad-billed, 204
Sandpiper,„ Common, 203, 287
Sandpiper,„ Curlew, 289
Sandpiper,„ Green, 287; in Stirlingshire, 441; in County Mayo, 524
Sandpiper,„ Long-legged, 476
Sandpiper,„ Pectoral, 477
Sandpiper,„ Purple, 98, 289, 477
Sandpiper,„ Schinz's, 477
Sandpiper,„ Semipalmated, 476
Sandpiper,„ Solitary, 473
Sandpiper,„ Spotted, 078
Sandpiper,„ Wood, 203; at Barnstaple, 448
Saw-whet, 420
Saxicola oenanthe, 198, 238, 399
Saxicola„ rubecula, 238
Saxicola„ rubetra, 238
Scaup, 205, 328, 525
Scolopax gallinago, 203, 290
Scolopax„ gallinula, 290
Scolopax„ major, 203
Scolopax„ rusticola, 289
Scoter, 205
Scoter,„ Black, 327
Scoter,„ Surf, 485
Scoter,„ Velvet, 205
Scotland, Fauna of the West, 302 Seal, Einged, 359 Seiurus aurocapillus, 404
Seiurus„ noveboraceusis, 405
Setopliaga rutieilla, 405
Shark, Blue, off Plymouth, 26, 60
Shark,„ Centrine, off the coast of Cornwall, 221
Scoter,„ Fox, off Teignmouth, 26
Scoter,„ Spinous, off Plymouth, 108; in Mount's Bay, 108
Shearwater, Common, 333
Shearwater,„ Dusky, 491
Shearwater,„ Great, 333
Shearwater,„ Manx, 491
Shearwater,„ Wandering, 491
Sheep, Musk, 137 Shelldrake, 323
Shells, land and freshwater, of Scotlaud, 232; introduction of foreign, 260, 302
Shoveller, 205, 328, 484
Shrike, Gray, 99, 482; in County Antrim, 107
Shrike,„ Great Gray, 10
Shrike,„ Great Northern, 409
Sialia sialis, 399
Siskin, 96, 241
Sitta canadensis, 401
Skeletons, preparation for Museum purposes, 465
'Sketches of Animal Life and Habits' (review), 503
Skua, Buffon's, 300
Skua,„ Long-tailed, 331
Skua,„ Pomarine, 182, 331
Skua,„ Richardson's, 95, 381
Skua and Shearwater at Christchurch and Poole Harbour, 498
Smiles, Samuel, 'Life of a Scotch Naturalist: Thomas Edward' (review), 71
Snipe, 12, 203, 290, 476; in early winter, 99; variety, 24
Snipe,„ American, 476
Snipe,„ Great, 203
Snipe,„ Jack, 290; in May, 299
Snipe,„ Red-breasted, 476
Snow Bird, 411
Sparrow, European, 411
Sparrow,„ Fox, 412
Sparrow,„ Henslow's, 411
Sparrow,„ House, 200, 240; want of reflection in, 299; curious nestingplace for, 388
Sparrow, Savannah, 411
Sparrow,„ Swamp, 411
Sparrow,„ Tree, nesting in Middlesex, 24
Sparrowhawk, 195, 234
Sparrowhawk,„ American, 422
Spatula clypeata, 205, 484
Sphyrapicus varius, 419
Sponges, Dr. Bowerbank's collection, 262
Spoonbill, 95, 343; former nesting in the county of Sussex, 425
Spoonbills in Suffolk, 348, 525
Squalis centrina, 221
Squatarola cinerea, 285
Squatarola„ helvetica, 474
Starling, 241; roosting habits, 253
Starling,„ Red-winged, 257
Starling and Blackbird, varieties, 22
Starlings nesting in Sand Martins' holes, 301
Steam against wings, 343
Sterna anæstheta, 213
Sterna„ anglica, 490
Sterna„ arctica, 325
Sterna„ cantiaca, 324
Sterna„ fuliginosa, 213, 490
Sterna„ hirundo, 324, 490
Sterna„ lunosa, 215
Sterna„ minuta, 325
Sterna„ nigra, 325
Sterna„ paradisæa, 490
Stilt, Black-necked, 475
Stint, American, 470
Stint,„ Little, 96
Stoat, Moorhen defending its young from a, 255
Stonechat, 238
Stork, Black, in Oxfordshire, 180
Strepsilas interpres, 285, 475
Strix brachyotus, 236
Strix„ flammea, 236
Strix„ nyctea, 237
Strix„ otus, 235
Sturnus vulgaris, 241
Sula bassana, 330
Sula„ fiber, 486
Sunfish in the Bristol Channel, 451
Sunfish„ Short, in the Exe, 451
Surnia ulula var. Hudsonica, 421
Swallow and Swift, distinguishing anatomical characters of, 217
Swallow, 202, 242; Cuckoo laying in nest of, 260; curious death of, 447
Swallow,„ Bank, 402
Swallow,„ Barn, 406
Swallow,„ White-bellied, 407
Swan, 12
Swan,„ Bewick's, near Sheffield, 446
Swan,„ Whistling, 482
Swan-marks, 445
Swannery at Abbotsbury, 505
Swans, Wild, 321
Swift, 242
Swift,„ Chimney, 417
Swinhoe, Robert, F.R.S., death of, 525
Sylvia cinerea, 238
Syrnium nebulosum, 420
Tachycincta bicolor, 407
Tachypetes aquilus, 487
Tadorna vulpanser, 323
Tadpole-fish off Penzance, 109
Tanager, Scarlet, 406
Teal, 205, 324
Teal,„ Blue-winged, 484
Teal,„ Green-winged, 483
Tern, Arctic, 325
Tern,„ Black, 325
Tern,„ Common, 324, 490
Tern,„ Gull-billed, 490
Tern,„ Lesser, 325
Tern,„ Noddy, 490
Tern,„ Roseate, 490
Tern,„ Sandwich, 101, 324
Tern,„ Smaller Sooty, at the Mouth of the Thames, 213
Tern,„ Sooty, 490
Tetrao tetrax, 202
Tetrao„ urogallus, 202
Thrush, American Red-breasted, in England, 14; in Bermuda, 397
Trush,„ Golden-crowned, 404
Trush,„ Missel, 237
Trush,„ Olive-backed, 398
Trush,„ Song, 197, 237; buff variety, 256; young Cuckoo in nest, 300; young, feeding a Cuckoo, 496
Trush,„ Water, 404
Trush,„ Wood, 398
Thynnus vulgaris, 27
Tit, Blue, 239
Tit,„ Cole, 239
Tit,„ Great, 239
Tit,„ Long-tailed, 239
Titmouse, Northern Marsh, 198
Toads in Ireland, 451
Totanus calidris, 203, 283
Totanus„ flavipes, 478
Totanus„ fuscus, 286
Totanus„ glareola, 203
Totanus„ glottis, 287
Totanus„ hypoleucus, 203, 287
Totanus„ melanoleucus, 477
Totanus„ ochropus, 287
Totanus„ semipalmatus, 477
Totanus„ solitarius, 478
Trochilus colubris, 418
Tropic-bird, 486
Trichechus rosmarus, 360
Tringa alpina, 289
,, Bonapartei, 477
,, canutus, 289
,, maculata, 477
„ maritima, 289, 477
„ minutilla, 463, 470, 524
,, subarquata, 289
Tringoides macularius, 478
Tunny, large, on the Norfolk coast, 27
,, Short-finned, at Penzance, 452
Tardus iliacus, 197, 238
,, migratorius, 14, 397
,, merula, 238
„ musicus, 197, 237
,, mustelinus, 398
„ pilaris, 196, 237
,, Swainsoni, 398
„ torquatus, 197, 238
,, viscivorus, 237
Turnstone, 95, 285, 475
Tyranus carolinensis, 416
,, dominicensis, 410
Uria grylle, 329
„ lachrymans, 329
„ troile, 329
Ursus maritimus, 316
Vanellus cristatus, 285
Vennor, Hemy G., F.G.S., 'Our Birds of Prey ; or the Eagles, Hawks and Owls of Canada' (re- view), 76
Vireo, Red-eyed, 409
„ White-eyed, 407
Visitants, winter, 181
Vulpes lagopus, 318
Waders near Aldershot, 496
Wagtail, Gray, 239
,, Gray-headed, 199
„ Pied, 239
,, White, 198, 239
,, Yellow, 239
Wallace, Alfred Russel, 'The Geo- graphical Distribution of Animals' (review), 68
Walrus, 360
Warbler, Bay-breasted, 404
,, Black-throated Blue, 403
„ Black-throated Green, 403
„ Blue-eyed Yellow, 403
„ Blue-throated, 449
„ Blue Yellow-backed, 402
„ Dartford, 23, 59, 230
„ Marsh, near Taunton, 333
,, Pine-creeping, 404
„ Prairie, 404
,, Prothonotary, 403
,, Sedge, 288
,, Willow, 198
,, Yellow-crowned, 403
,, Yellow Redpoll, 404
Wasps, habits, 111
Waterhen, 296
Water Witch, 492
Weasel, curiously-coloured, 47 ; in Ireland, 291 ; absence from Ireland, 379, 440
Weather-vanes, birds impaled on by the wind, 259
Whale, Greenland, 300
Wharton, Henry T., M.A., F.Z.S., 'A List of British Birds' (review), 458
Wheatear, 198, 238, 399
Whimbrel, 286
Whinchat, 198, 238, 384
Whitethroat, 238
Wigeon, 324
,, American, 483
Wild Bird Protection Act, 53
Wild-fowl in early winter, 99 ; pre- sei-vation, 167, 170 ; in Bedford- shire, 181 ; in Norfolk, 431
Willet, 477
Wilson, Andrew, Ph.D., 'Sketches of Animal Life and Habits' (review), 603
Wings against steam, 343
Wolf, 130, 317
Woodcock, 12, 97, 289
,, American, 476
Woodcocks frequenting the sea-shore, 181
Woodpecker, Golden-winged, 420
„ Great Black, 200
„ Great Spotted, 201
„ Green, '24, 201
„ Lesser Spotted, 98, 201, 432
,, Three-toed, 201
,, Yellow-bellied, 419
Wren, 242
,, Golden-crested, 11, 239
„ Willow, 238, 257
Xema Sabinei, 490
Yarrell, William (the late), 'History of British Birds' (review), 35
Yellowshank, 478
,, Greater, 477
Yellow-throat, Maryland, 405
Zenaidura carolinensis, 424
'Zoological Classification' (review), 310
'Zoological Record' (review), 352
Zoological Society of London, pro- ceedings of, 30, 63, 113, 188, 266, 305, 527