< The Writings of Carl Schurz


To Charles Francis Adams, Jr., January 1st 1
Purpose and scope of the Chicago University address of January 4th.
Speech: The Issue of Imperialism, January 4th 1
To Charles Francis Adams, Jr., January 16th 36
Opponents of imperialism should meet—Imperialists thought ready to retreat—“Eventual independence” means prolonging our military occupation German Government does not intend to cross our purposes—The Powers should guarantee the neutrality of the Philippine Islands—Great Britain's attitude and interest—The fight against the treaty will be for delay.
From Gustav H. Schwab and Others, February 14th 38
Friends desire to tender Schurz a complimentary dinner on seventieth anniversary of birth.
To Herbert Welsh, February 25th 38
As Secretary of the Interior, Schurz attempted to arrest devastation of forests—Perhaps the first Secretary to do so—“That horrible Philippine business”—“It will soon be our duty, I think, to cry aloud and spare not.”
Remarks: At Threescore and Ten, March 2d 39
To Charles Francis Adams, Jr., March 11th 46
Pursued by kindness—The influence of the unrepresented—A fighting chance to defeat imperialistic policy—Gratitude for Adams's kindness.
From James Bryce, March 17th 47
Congratulations and “admiration for the consistent courage, rectitude and dignity of your public career.”
Address: Militarism and Democracy, April 7th 48
Address: The Policy of Imperialism, October 17th 77
From Goldwin Smith, October 20th 120
Our war fever like that in England at the time of the Crimean conflict—The junction of American and British jingoism—Kruger and Chamberlain.
To Charles Francis Adams, Jr., November 5th 121
Why Bryan is less objectionable than McKinley—Anti-imperialists and sound-money Democrats oppose McKinley.
Address: Civil Service Reform in 1899, December 14th 122
Address: For the Republic of Washington and Lincoln, February 22d 150
From William James, March 16th 190
Commends Schurz's speech and course—“Never having committed ourselves to Aguinaldo”!—Favors Bryan.
To Erving Winslow, March 28th 191
Why a third ticket is desirable.
Remarks: Dr. Abram Jacobi, May 5th 192
To Edwin Burritt Smith, July 8th 199
The impression made by National Democratic Convention—“Two rotten old party carcasses,” and a third ticket.
To Edwin Burritt Smith, August 7th 200
Death of Herbert Schurz—Unable to appear in public—Suggestions for action of “Liberty Congress”—Looking for a suitable third-party candidate.
To Moorfield Storey, August 11th 202
Still for third ticket, despite Bryan's excellent speech—Favors William Birney as third-party nominee, since John B. Henderson will not accept—Reasons for urging third ticket.
To Lyman J. Gage, September 1st 204
Denies Gage's declaration that if Bryan were elected he could force payment in silver of all the public debt, etc.—The currency law used for partisan purposes—If otherwise possible, the Republicans could prevent the action feared—Retraction suggested.
To Lyman J. Gage, September 10th 208
The attempt to frighten the people for partisan interests—The difference between 1896 and 1900—How to prevent the alleged danger—Schurz misrepresented Gage's inconsistencies—The silver question superseded by questions of great and immediate importance.
Address: For Truth, Justice and Liberty, September 28th 215
To Edward M. Shepard, October 7th 256
The way to allay the financial fear of Bryan—Otherwise the election of McKinley is likely.
From Charles Francis Adams, Jr., October 20th 257
The political drift and fear of Bryan's financial views—Importance of control of next House of Representatives—McKinley and a Democratic House would be more advantageous for sound money and anti-imperialism—Other benefits of such an outcome—To defeat Bryan and elect a Democratic House is feasible.
To Charles Francis Adams, Jr., October 25th 260
Agrees as to advisability of a Democratic House—The policy of “criminal aggression” originated and has been carried forward by the Executive—Doubts efficiency of a small Democratic majority in House—McKinley's reëlection will be represented as a popular endorsement of all that he has done—Philippine policy characterized—Agrees that anti-imperialists should vote for Democratic Representatives.
From Charles Francis Adams, Jr., October 29th 263
Why the correspondence should be published—Still believes in the effect of an opposition House—Many will not support Bryan—Half a loaf, etc.—We can work together up to a certain point.
To Charles Francis Adams, Jr., November 5th 264
Why he does not expect Bryan to succeed—Campaigns of 1872 and 1900 compared—Still prefers Bryan to McKinley.
To Louis R. Ehrich, November 13th 266
Bryan's loss of popularity before the election—We shall keep up the fight against imperialism.
Fragment: William McKinley, Winter of 1900-1901 266
To Edwin Burritt Smith, January 17th 275
Effect of General Harrison's anti-imperialistic speech—Thinks anti-imperialists should not now issue an address—Bryan and the anti-imperialists.
To M. W. Dillon, October 30th 276
Corrects a misapprehension.
To Edward M. Shepard, November 4th 277
Opposed Shepard's candidacy “with a bleeding heart”—Believes that Shepard has a political future—Suggests his offering to aid Low if latter is elected.
To William Vocke, December 5th 278
Has always appreciated the great achievements of the English people—English treatment of the Boers—That the Boers are less civilized is no excuse—The judgment of civilized mankind—American sympathy with the Boers.
To Charles Francis Adams, Jr., February 3d 281
General impression of Adams's address—Adams's attitude toward Sumner—Sumner's relations with Grant—Sumner and Fish—Sumner and the treaty of Washington—The Administration and the chairmanship of the Committee on Foreign Relations—Sumner's personal qualities—“The White-House crew.”
From Charles Francis Adams, Jr., February 7th 286
Some of Sumner's traits—Grant and Sumner—Fish—The Administration and the chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations.
To J. G. Schurman, May 8th 288
Regrets Schurman's unwillingness to serve as a member of the anti-imperialistic committee—Roosevelt not informed as to many things in the Philippines—Volunteer private agencies as a source of information—Schurz's attitude toward anti-imperialistic agitation—No effort should be spared to inform the American people of the facts—Adams and the conservative purposes of the anti-imperialistic committee.
From Charles F. Howell, May 24th 291
Requests some words of advice for college students—Schurz's answer.
To Andrew Carnegie, August 2d 292
The New York Times and Carnegie's letter to Roosevelt—Roosevelt reported to be all right as to the Philippine question—If so, he should proclaim his faith—What good might result—Barbarities in the Philippines—How we might be relieved of the disgrace—Roosevelt should compel the investigation to be thorough and should declare that what has been done in the Philippines was not to serve the ends of a selfish war of conquest—Roosevelt's opportunity, if he acts promptly—Begs Carnegie to suggest these things to Roosevelt—Schurz's irksome task.
Remarks: Franz Sigel, August 24th 296
To Wheeler H. Peckham, January 23d 298
A eulogistic and detailed characterization of Abram S. Hewitt.
To Erving Winslow, January 28th 301
Cleveland will make a pronouncement on anti-imperialism.
To Pomeroy Burton, February 5th 301
What a war between the United States and Germany would mean.
To Charles Francis Adams, Jr., February 8th 302
About anti-imperialistic agitation—The question of bringing Mobini to this country—Increased public interest in the Philippine question.
To Seth Low, May 25th 303
Kischinev atrocities—The persecution of Jews, past and present.
To Pomeroy Burton, June 6th 305
Pulitzer's “Appreciation and Apology.”
To Charles Francis Adams, Jr., August 7th 306
Expects Peabody to aid in the Philippine matter—About Miles's interview and Root's concealments—Judge Gray's attitude toward annexation.
To Charles Francis Adams, Jr., August 30th 307
The use of riches—Judge Gray again.
To Charles Francis Adams, Jr., September 2d 308
When Gray might be acceptable—Schurz's philosophy as to money.
To Charles Francis Adams, Jr., November 15th 308
Praise of Doherty's report on Philippine affairs—Why opposed to waiting ten years before promising the Filipinos independence.
To President Roosevelt, December 29th 309
Thanks for compliments on article on negro problem—The unreasonableness of race prejudice—Doubts the wisdom of consulting Booker Washington about appointing colored persons to office—Agreements and disagreements with Roosevelt.
Essay: Can the South Solve the Negro Problem? January 311
To Herbert Welsh, April 16th 348
How the South received the article on the negro problem—Recent visit to Hampton, Virginia—Improvement in Southern views as to negro education—Growing sentiment in behalf of Philippine independence—Taft as spokesman of the opposition.
To Rollo Ogden, May 26th 350
Parker favorable to Philippine independence—The alarming character of Roosevelt's letter to the Cuba dinner.
To Alton B. Parker, July 11th 351
Pleased by Parker's expressed opinions.
To Louis R. Ehrich, July 14th 352
No hope of Roosevelt favoring Philippine independence—Parker's great services to the country warrant his support by the Independents.
To Erving Winslow, July 29th 353
American pride in having aided Cuba to become free and independent—The contrast as to the Philippines—Only partisanship prevents changing Philippine policy—The undemocratic attitude of our Government toward the Philippine question and those who petitioned for a change of policy—The response of the Republican platform and of President Roosevelt—The meaning of it all—The contrast offered by the Democratic party.
To Alton B. Parker, August 1st 356
Congratulates Parker on decision to abstain from speaking during the campaign—Suggests that Parker's letter of acceptance contain a strong endorsement of the civil service plank of the Democratic platform.
To Horace White [August 9th] 357
Birthday congratulations.
From Horace White, August 10th 357
Pleased by Schurz's greetings.
From Alton B. Parker, August 29th 358
Requests Schurz to answer addresses by Hay and Root.
To Alton B. Parker, August 31st 358
Thinks it better to leave Hay's and Root's addresses unanswered—Unable to speak in the campaign, but will write some things—The importance of having a Democrat of high character as candidate for governorship of New York.
Campaign Letter: Parker versus Roosevelt, September 359
Essay: George William Curtis, October 403
To Miles Lewis Peck, November 3d 423
Comment on Peck's suggestion that Schurz return to Germany to live.
To Chandler P. Anderson, December 12th 424
In praise of international arbitration.
To Robert Erskine Ely, January 22d 427
Desires further information before becoming a member of the New York Society of the Friends of Russian Freedom.
To Moorfield Storey, May 28th 428
Regrets inability to address the Massachusetts Reform Club—Glad Storey has accepted the presidency of the Anti-Imperialist League—The two things that Roosevelt has really at heart—Expects a Republican split on the tariff.
To Charles Sprague Smith, June 29th 429
Sympathy with the popular uprising against ring-rule in Philadelphia.
To Edward Atkinson, July 31st 430
Atkinson's and Schurz's activities—What Roosevelt prefers to do rather than reform the tariff—The evil of protectionism—“I have pretty much given up public speaking.”
To President Roosevelt, September 6th 431
Congratulations on the Portsmouth peace conference—Suggestions as to how Roosevelt could help in the gradual diminution of the oppressive burdens imposed upon the nations of the world by armed peace—Roosevelt's wonderful opportunity—“The ardent wish still to witness in my day at least a hopeful beginning of so great and beneficent a work.”
From President Roosevelt, September 8th 434
“I am not clear either what can be done or what ought to be done”—Advantages of large armaments—No analogy between international law and private or municipal law—Disarmament not a hopeless cause—Doubtful about the increase of war navies—“Peace second to righteousness.”
To President Roosevelt, September 14th 436
Schurz explains his precise meaning—Admits that there may be just and beneficial wars—The armed Powers did nothing to prevent the Armenian atrocities—The mad race in building war-ships—To change this is not easy, but possible—A perfect plan not a prerequisite of an attempt to bring about a change—The grandest opportunity of the age.
To President Roosevelt, September 21st 440
“What poor comedians some of those high potentates are!”—“The real leadership will easily fall to you as it should, and I trust that you will take it resolutely.”
To Green B. Raum, November 29th 441
Unwilling to join with those seeking an increase in war pensions.
To Enos Clarke, January 11th 441
A serious accident—Schurz's tribute to Doctor Preetorius—Busy with his memoirs.
To Erving Winslow, February 20th 443
Better let the young Filipinos go ahead by themselves—A growing public opinion in favor of Philippine independence.
From Ex-President Cleveland, March 21st 444
Thanks for Schurz's congratulations and continued good-will.
To —— (Unknown), April 8th 444
The friendship between the United States and Germany—The cause of discordant voices—The way to prevent any possibility of war between the two nations.
Index 447






Volume VI.

January 1, 1899-April 8, 1906

The Knickerbocker Press

Copyright, 1913



The Knickerbocker Press, New York

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