< The Writings of Carl Schurz


Introduction iii
Editor's Preface v
To Charlotte Voss, October 20th 1
First impressions of the United States.
To Malwida von Meysenbug (autumn or early winter) 5
Political views changed by life in the United States.
To Mrs. Schurz, March 15th 8
Out-door life in Washington—Indian visitors—Political acquaintances.
To Mrs. Schurz, March 23d 11
The Pierce Administration—Sarah Bolton—Desire for public life aroused—Breakfasts with General [James] Shields.
To Gottfried Kinkel, January 23d 14
Nebraska bill—United States, a world-power—Annexation of Cuba.
To Gottfried Kinkel, March 25th 18
Will visit Europe but the United States to be his permanent home—America and Germany natural allies.
To Mrs. Schurz, August 6th 20
Life in Wisconsin.
To Mrs. Schurz, September 29th 21
Surveying old farm for building lots—Reflections on news from the Crimean war.
To Mrs. Schurz, October 23d 23
Invited to welcome Governor Barstow—Urged to enter politics.
To Gottfried Kinkel, December 1st, 17th 23
Speaks often in public—Studies law—Fills several public positions.
To Friedrich Althaus, February 6th 28
Lawless murders in Kansas vs. legally sanctioned murders in Europe—Attack on Sumner followed by plainer speaking in the North—Sudden death of Brooks.
To Horace Rublee, November 11th 31
Germans not to blame for Republican defeat in Wisconsin—Schurz's defeat only an incentive to future activity for the party.
To Heinrich Meyer, January 15th 32
Fraud the cause of Schurz's defeat—Financial crisis in the West.
To Gottfried Kinkel, February 15th, 23d 33
Nomination for lieutenant-governor of Wisconsin—Success of his speeches—Popularity with Americans—Colonel of militia.
To Gerrit Smith, September 14th 35
Political activity limited by lack of funds—Results from recent Republican defeat different in the West from those in the East.
To Friedrich Althaus, November 5th 36
Speech on “The Irrepressible Conflict” gives Schurz a national reputation—Member of the board of regents of the University of Wisconsin.
To J. F. Potter, December 24th 38
Fears a coalition between some Republican leaders and anti-Administration Democrats—Possible nomination for governor—Reasons for not desiring this—Douglas will destroy his own chances.
To Edward L. Pierce, March 26th 41
Action of Massachusetts legislature on suffrage question will have bad effect on foreign-born Republicans—German voters hold balance of power in the West.
To Edward L. Pierce, April 6th 45
Publication of State-rights speech in Massachusetts paper to influence vote on amendment to State constitution.
To Mrs. Schurz, April 13th, 14th, 15th 46
Enthusiastic reception in Boston—Responds to toast—Invited to meet Governor Banks—Jefferson dinner—Visits historic places.
Speech: True Americanism, April 18th 48
To Edward L. Pierce, April 22d 72
Interview with Greeley—Efforts to defeat two-year amendment—Wilson must write a “strong” letter.
To Edward L. Pierce, April 30th 73
Censured and praised for Boston speech—Responsibility of Massachusetts.
To Edward L. Pierce, May 12th 75
Wisconsin voters influenced by political action of Massachusetts.
To J. F. Potter, August 12th 77
Atlas needs financial help—State election—Potter, a delegate to State convention.
Speech: Douglas and Popular Sovereignty, January 4th 79
To Mrs. Schurz, March 2d, 5th, 9th 108
Delegate to Republican National Convention—To argue for State-rights in Booth case—Political excitement in Chicago—Success of Springfield speech.
To J. F. Potter, March 17th 107
Organized Republican activity in Indiana.
To J. F. Potter, April 12th 111
Republican party gaining in the West—Seward as Presidential candidate.
To J. R. Doolittle, April 12th 114
Pryor-Potter prospective duel—Lincoln politically stronger than Wade.
To J. F. Potter, April 17th 115
Congratulations on outcome of challenge.
To Abraham Lincoln, May 22d 116
Reason for supporting Seward—Ready to work for Lincoln—Plan of campaign.
From Abraham Lincoln, June 18th 118
Approves Schurz plan—No ill feeling because of loyalty to Seward—Fondness for Schurz.
To Mrs. Schurz, July 25th, 29th 119
Call from and dinner with Lincoln—Wideawakes escort Lincoln and Schurz to mass-meeting—Republican gain among Germans.
Speech: The Doom of Slavery, August 1st 122
To Mrs. Schurz, September 24th, 28th 160
Effect of campaign speeches on Germans—Great demonstration in Pittsburg—Return home delayed.
To Horace Rublee, October 14th 163
Itinerary to November 4th—Expenses while in field.
To Mrs. Schurz, November 14th 164
Influence sought by officeseekers—Secession movements in the South—Longs for home and rest.
To J. F. Potter, November 30th 165
End of slave-power imminent—Mission to Italy.
To Mrs. Schurz, December 17th 168
Will leave Republican party, in case of compromise.
To J. F. Potter, December 17th 168
Congressional vote on Corwin resolutions, before March 4th, must be prevented.
To J. P. Sanderson, December 22d 170
Remuneration inadequate to campaign expenses—Continued activity—Need of rest.
To J. F. Potter, December 24th 172
Republicans must not compromise—Buchanan's loyalty suspected—Rumored plan to prevent Lincoln's inauguration—Sardinian mission.
To Mrs. Schurz, December 24th, 27th 177
Republican party strengthened by Lincoln's firmness—War inevitable—Speech for a Representative—Offer from Atlantic Monthly.
To Mrs. Schurz, February 10th, March 4th 179
Hears Lincoln's inaugural—Positions for friends—Precautions at inauguration.
To President Lincoln, May 19th 180
Authority sought for organizing German troops.
From President Lincoln, May 27th 182
Directions for German regiments.
To Adolph Meyer, July 3d 182
Buying court-clothes in Paris.
To N. B. Judd, August 27th 183
Does amnesty to political offenders of '49 apply to Schurz?
To Secretary Seward, September 14th 185
Suggestions for securing the sympathy of foreign Powers by means of an anti-slavery policy.
From Secretary Seward, October 10th 191
War measures must not be influenced by questions of foreign policy.
To President Lincoln, November 11th 193
Spain's changed attitude towards the United States—Leave of absence or resignation.
To Charles Sumner, November 14th 195
Immediate emancipation imperative as a war measure—Spain's friendly attitude.
To Secretary Seward, November 16th 200
General Prim and his mission to Mexico.
To President Lincoln, May 16th 206
Hunter's emancipation proclamation—War measures subject to change because of circumstances.
To Charles Sumner, May 16th 207
Hunter's proclamation, ostentatious—Schurz anxious to enter the Army.
From Charles Sumner, July 5th 209
Northern Army should be recruited from Southern slaves.
To President Lincoln, November 8th 209
Unwise selection of counsellors and commanders, the cause of non-success.
From President Lincoln, November 10th 211
Facts of more value than opinions.
To President Lincoln, November 20th 213
Defeat of Republican party—Non-success of Union Army—Waning of popular confidence in Administration—Criticism of war policy.
From President Lincoln, November 24th 219
Responsibility of the Administration—Need of success—Accusations should be sustained.
To President Lincoln, January 24th 221
Army of the Potomac demoralized by lack of confidence, by sickness and desertion.
To President Lincoln, January 25th 222
Acknowledging nomination to major-generalship—Reasons for non-acceptance.
To Leslie Combs, November 6th 223
Calumny refuted—Test of courage proposed.
Speech: The Treason of Slavery, October 7th 225
To Theodor Petrasch, October 12th 248
Reasons for defending Lincoln's Administration—His rare qualities—Schurz and General Hooker.
To Mrs. Schurz, April 18th 252
Assassination of Lincoln—Sherman as mediator between North and South.
To Charles Sumner, May 9th 254
Efforts to restore political status to Mississippi, Georgia and North Carolina—Johnson's policy unsatisfactory.
To President Johnson, May 13th 256
Advises against secret trial of conspirators against Lincoln and his Cabinet.
To Charles Sumner, June 5th 258
President Johnson and his Southern advisers—Wendell Phillips favors repudiation—Contemplated journalistic enterprise—Agent needed for lecturing tour.
To President Johnson, June 6th 260
Vote on the restoration of South Carolina—Democratic and logical method—Letters on reconstruction.
From Charles Sumner, June 15th 263
Inconsistencies of President Johnson's reconstruction policy.
To Mrs. Schurz, June 16th 264
Sent to visit the Southern States and report on existing conditions—Mission approved by Stanton.
From Charles Sumner, June 22d 265
Johnson's policy a “defiance to God and Truth.”
To Charles Sumner, June 27th 265
Preparations for journey through the South.
To Charles Sumner, July 3d 266
Southern State-elections best delayed until after the meeting of Congress.
From Charles Sumner, July 11th 267
“Equality before the law and consent of the governed.”
To Charles Sumner, August 2d 267
Military rule alone can prevent clash between whites and blacks—Authorship of articles in the Advertiser, a secret.
To Mrs. Schurz, August 27th, September 2d 268
Passing of the negro from slavery to freedom—Conflict between General Slocum and Governor Sharkey—Efforts to secure approval of Government for Slocum.
To President Johnson, September 5th 270
Unwarranted newspaper attacks—Journalistic work necessitated by insufficient compensation—Asks justification by the Government.
To Edwin M. Stanton, October 17th 272
Asks explanation of unfriendly reception by the President.
To Charles Sumner, October 17th 274
President ignores Southern mission—Schurz writing his “report”—Meeting with Sumner and Andrew to be arranged for—Newspaper to be started at St. Louis.
From Charles Sumner, October 20th 276
Analogous treatment of the Chief Justice—Andrew will meet Schurz in New York—Delay necessary in rehabilitating rebel States—Schurz should be in Congress.
To Charles Sumner, November 13th 277
Will ask permission of the President to print Report on the South at once—Hopes it will influence the attitude of Congress and the country.
From Charles Sumner, November 15th 278
Will call for Report—President's course “disheartening”—Pertinent article in Atlantic Monthly.
Report on the Condition of the South, December 18th 279
From Charles Sumner, December 25th 374
Commends “Report on the Condition of the South.”
To Heinrich Meyer, June 10th 375
Books and papers destroyed by fire.
Speech: The Logical Results of the War, September 8th 377
To Heinrich Meyer, November 8th 417
Republican majority in Congress—Reactionary laws in the South—Defects in Johnson's character.
To Mrs. Schurz, September 4th 418
Journalistic work, its limitations and its compensations.
Speech: The Road to Peace—a Solid, Durable Peace, September 19th 419
To Benjamin F. Loan, January 7th 473
Exercise of the franchise by rebels.
Remarks before the Missouri General Assembly on being chosen U. S. Senator, January 20th 474
From C. D. Drake, January 21st 480
Welcomes Schurz as colleague in U. S. Senate.
To C. D. Drake, January 28th 481
Acknowledges congratulations.
To W. M. Grosvenor, March 29th 481
Efforts towards the repeal of the tenure of office act.
To James Taussig, April 18th 482
Government patronage a lottery—Need of reform.
To W. M. Grosvenor, March 31st 483
Annexation of Santo Domingo.
Speech: Enforcement of the Fifteenth Amendment, United States Senate, May 19th 484
To President Grant, July 17th 509
Requests private interview.
Address to the People of Missouri, September 10th 510
To Hamilton Fish, September 10th 518
America and the Franco-Prussian War.
To Matthew H. Carpenter, October 20th 520
Unfriendly attitude of Grant because of bolting Republicans.
From B. Gratz Brown, November 26th 521
Republican victory in Missouri due to the “prudence, sagacity and indomitable canvass” of Schurz.






Volume I.

October 20, 1852-November 26, 1870

The Knickerbocker Press

Copyright, 1913



The Knickerbocker Press, New York

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