< The Exeter Book (Jebson)

Ic þis giedd wrecebī mē ful gēomorre,
mīnre sylfre sīð.Ic þæt secgan mæg,
hwæt ic yrmþa gebād,siþþan ic ūp āwēox,[1]
nīwes oþþe ealdes,nō mā þonne nū.
Ā ic wite wonnmīnra wræcsīþa. 5

Ǣrest mīn hlāford gewātheonan of lēodum
ofer ȳþa gelāc;hæfde ic ūhtceare
hwǣr mīn lēodfrumalondes wǣre.
Ðā ic mē fēran gewātfolgað sēcan,
winelēas wræcca,for mīnre wēaþearfe. 10
Ongunnon þæt þæs monnesmāgas hycgan
þurh dyrne geþōht,þæt hȳ tōdǣlden unc,
þæt wit gewīdostin woruldrīce
lifdon lāðlicost,ond mec longade.
Hēt mec hlāford mīnherheard niman, 15
āhte ic lēofra lȳton þissum londstede,
holdra frēonda.Forþon is mīn hyge gēomor.
Ðā ic mē ful gemæcnemonnan funde,
mōd mīþendne,morþor hycgendne[2] 20
blīþe gebǣro.Ful oft wit bēotedan
þæt unc ne gedǣldenemne dēað āna
ōwiht elles;eft is þæt onhworfen,
is nū swa hit nǣfre[3] wǣre
frēondscipe uncer.Sceal[4] ic feor ge nēah 25
mīnes felalēofanfǣhðu drēogan.

Heht mec mon wunianon wuda bearwe,
under āctrēoin þām eorðscræfe.
Eald is þes eorðsele,eal ic eom oflongad,
sindon dena dimme,dūna ūphēa, 30
bitre burgtūnas,brērum beweaxne,
wīc wynna lēas.Ful oft mec hēr wrāþe begeat
fromsīþ frēan.Frȳnd sind on eorþan,
lēofe lifgende,leger weardiað,
þonne ic on uhtanāna gonge 35
under āctrēogeond þās eorðscrafu.
Þǣr ic sittan[5] mōtsumorlangne dæg,
þǣr ic wēpan mægmīne wræcsīþas,
earfoþa fela;forþon ic ǣfre ne mæg
þǣre mōdcearemīnre gerestan, 40
ne ealles þæs longaþesþe mec on þissum līfe begeat.

Ā scyle geong monwesan gēomormōd,
heard heortan geþōht,swylce habban sceal
blīþe gebǣro,ēac þon brēostceare,
sinsorgna gedreag.Sȳ æt him sylfum gelong 45
eal his worulde wyn,sȳ ful wīde fāh
feorres folclondes,þæt mīn frēond siteð
under stānhliþestorme behrīmed,
wine wērigmōd,wætre beflōwen
on drēorsele,drēogeð se mīn wine 50
micle mōdceare;hē gemon tō oft
wynlicran wīc.Wā bið þām þe sceal
of langoþelēofes ābīdan.


  1. MS weox
  2. MS hycgende
  3. MS no
  4. MS seal
  5. MS sittam
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