< The Three Colonies of Australia


Abstract of the New Constitution for the Colonies 194
Adelaide, a lady's description of 224
Adventures of John Buckley 204
Agreements between masters and servants, as arranged by Mrs. Chisholm 139
Agricultural stock, prices of, in 1792 36
"Algerine Clauses," the, of Governor Gipps 157
America, transportation to 20
Andrew Thompson, a valuable colonist 61
Anecdote about letter-franking 149
Ant-eater, engraving of the 293
Anti-convict contest, the 170
Antipodes Islands, sketch of the 189
Anti-transportation League, the 181
Apology for Earl Grey's colonial policy 180
Appendix 395
Archdeacon Scott 73
Arnheim's Land 15
Arrest of John M'Arthur by Governor Bligh 56
Arrival of overlanders at Adelaide 227
Arrival of the first judge in New South Wales 72
Association of Tasmanian settlers 202
Association, the Squatters' 171
Australia from 1520 to 1770 11
Australia, Geographical portion of 243
"Australia," as named by Flinders 13
Australian Agricultural Company, the 77
Australian declaration of rights 157
Australian discovery, records of 14
"Australian" newspaper established 74
Ballarat, gold-washing at 280
Bass' and Flinder's explorations 46
Bass, George, particulars regarding 51
Bathurst Plains, discovery of 66
Batman's estate at Port Phillip, how first obtained 202
Battle of the District Councils 157
Bendigo to Melbourne, diary of a journey from 365
Bingara diggings, the 346
Bishoprics in Australia 302
Black Forest, Bendigo to Melbourne by the 385
Blacks under gunyah, sketch of 274
Bligh, Governor, arrival of 40
Bligh, Governor, cowardice wrongly imputed to 57
Bligh 's expulsion from the Governorship 57
Blue Mountains, Macquarie's journey across the 67
Blue Mountains, passage found across the 66
Blue Mountains, road made across the 88
Bonded myrmicobius, or ant-eater 293
Botany Bay 13
Bounty system, evils of emigration by the 134
Bourke's Church and School Act 107
Bourke's regulations regarding convicts 105
Boyd's evidence on emigration 131
Boyd's protective association 130
Braidwood diggings, the 342
Breweries in New South Wales 317
Brisbane Downs, discovery of 201
Brisbane's (Governor) insult to the Presbyterians 74
Brisbane's regulations for the sale of land 87
Brisbane, Sir T., recal of 76
Bristol, Judge Jeffries at 22
Bronze-winged pigeon, sketch of the 270
Bubble, bursting of the South Australian 230
Buckley's adventures at Victoria 204
Burra-Burra mines, profits of the 297
Burra Burra mines, results of the 295
Burra Burra mines, struggle for the purchase of the 239
Bursting of the South Australian Bubble 230
Captain Sturt's discoveries 82
Case cooked for the House of Commons 233
Cathedral, Roman Catholic, founded at Sydney 73
Cattle, value of, in 1796 38
Charles Campbell, Mr., on the price of labour 132
Children cradling 354
Chisholm, Mrs., colonial opposition to 135
Chisholm, Mrs., liberal treatment of, by the settlers 139
Chisholm, Mrs. Caroline 134
Church and School Act for New South Wales 107
Church, first brick-built 62
City of Adelaide, description of the 291
City of Melbourne, approach to the 276
Climate of Australia, the 246
Cloth, manufacture of, in New South Wales 318
Colonel Gawler's Government of South Australia 217
Colonel Torrens' Colonisation Scheme 209
Colonial Commissions, Mrs. Chisholm's 153
Colonial Constitution, abstract of the new 194
Colonial Lunatic Asylums, management of 120
Colonial opinion, defiance of, by Earl Grey 178
Colonial policy, Earl Grey's apology for his 180
Colonial revenue under Governor Gipps 114
Colony of Swan River founded 90
Commissioner Bigge's Report 72
Committee of the House of Lords 189
Committees on emigration 129
Company, the Australian Agricultural 77
Comparative prices of labour at Melbourne 390
Conclusion 393
Contest between Governor Gipps and the colonists 159
Contest, the anti-convict 170
Contradictions in labour market 130
Convicts employed to make roads 61
Convicts, first batch of 24
Convicts selected for promotion by Macquarie 61
Convicts, treatment of, by Governor Darling 79
Convict ships, early management of 33
Convict system, colonial report on the 173
Cook's first landing-place 13
Cook's voyages 17
Correspondence of Rev. Henry Styles 137
Correspondence with Parliamentary Agent 182
Costume of the South Australian overlanders 227
Counties in the Port Phillip district 255
Cowper, Parson, unjust treatment of 71
Cow Pastures, how originated 38
Criminals, number of, in New South Wales 312
Crown lands, sale of, in New South Wales 320
Customs' dues and taxes in New South Wales 322
Dampier's three visits to New Holland 61
Darling's land regulations, effect of 88
Darling's treatment of the convicts 79
Debt, the, of South Australia 235
De Caen's shameful treatment of Flinders 51
Defaulting Registrar, the 117
Description of Port Jackson 257
"Devil and the Governor," the 165
Diaries of Diggers 358
Diary of a journey from Melbourne to Bendigo 365
Diggers, diaries of 358
Dingoe, or native dog, the 63
Discovery of Bathurst Plains 66
Discovery of land at Adelaide 238
Discovery of Mount Alexander 205
Dispensary opened in Sydney 80
Distilleries in New South Wales 316
District Councils 156
Dodging the Commissioner 333
Dog, the native, or dingoe 63
Do-nothings, the, in the colonies 141
Dover emigrant to South Australia, the 235
Drive to the Burra Burra, a 298
Dr. Kerr's hundred pound nugget 334
Dr. Lang and his opinions 80
Dr. Leichardt, portrait of 271
Duck-billed platypus, sketch of the 69
Dugong, or sea-pig, description of 267
Dutch, explorations of the 13
Earl Grey on the land question 192
Earl Grey's despatches to Van Diemen's Land 176
Earl Grey's indifference about the gold discoveries 327
Earl Grey's unchanging policy 185
Eastern Australia, tabular view of 250
Education in Australia, past and present state of 303
Edward Hargreaves, portrait of 324
Election of Councillors 156
Emigrant females, dispersion of 139
Emigrant, sketch of a successful 223
Emigrants, proposed mode of apprenticing 394
Emigration 127
Emigration, Boyd's evidence on 131
Emigration, committees on 129
Emu, engraving of the 380
Evidence of Mrs. Chisholm before the Legislative Council 146
Explorations of Wentworth and his companions 66
Exports and imports of New South Wales 321
Exports and imports of South Australia 240
Expulsion of Governor Bligh 57
Extract from Macquarie's first despatch 59
Failure of Mr. G Wakefield's South Australian Charter 210
Failure of the South Australian gold-fields 387
Fair agreements between masters and servants 139
Famine and mortality in 1792 36
Father O'Flynn expelled from the colony 72
Father Therry 73
Female emigrants, treatment of, on board government ships 135
Females, distribution of, in the bush, by Mrs. Chisholm 139
First Australian newspaper established by a convict 40
First Australian steamer launched 80
First brick church built 62
First gold-commissioner appointed 330
First Governor, immense powers given to 29
First Governor of New South Wales 24
First insurrection at Sydney 40
First judge, arrival of the 72
First official proclamation about the gold discoveries 328
First overland journey from Sydney to Port Phillip 76
First revolution in New South Wales 57
Fisheries of New South Wales, the 319
Flinders, infamous treatment of, by De Caen 51
Flinders, neglect of, by the British government 51
Flinders, Matthew, portrait and account of 45
Flood, the Gundagai 168
Foot journey to Mount Alexander 375
Forest Creek, gold-seeking at 375
Francis Scott, Mr., the colonial correspondence with 182
Franking letters by Mrs. Chisholm 149
Free grant of land to emigrants 89
Future evils of the land system 191
General Post Office established in New South Wales 80
Geographical description of South Australia 283
Gentlemen emigrants to South Australia 222
George Barrington a thriving farmer 39
George Bass, account of 45
Gibbon Wakefield and South Australia 208
Gibbon Wakefield's colonisation scheme 93
Gipps, Sir George, integrity of 159
Gipps', Sir George, acknowledgments of Mrs. Chisholm's services 149
Gipps' Land, first discovery of 281
Gipps' treatment of the colonists 112
Gold diggings at Ophir 326
Gold discoveries, history of the 325
Gold, first mention of the existence of 325
Gold escort, sketch of the 350
Gold diggers at dinner 377
Gold fields, failure of the South Australian 387
Gold fields of Victoria 349
Gold first found about 1840 325
Gold seeking at Forest Creek 375
Gold washing at Ballarat 280
Gold washing, illustration of 343
Governesses, sham 141
Government Gazette, establishment of a 38
Government of Sir Charles Fitzroy 169
Government of Sir Richard Bourke 84
Governor Bligh, arrest of, by the colonists 57
Governor Bligh, arrival of 40
Governor Bligh, tyrannical conduct of 53
Governor Bourke's administration 83
Governor Darling's administration 76
Governor Fitzroy's declaration 175
Governor Gawler's enthusiasm and innocence 220
Governor Gipps's administration 111
Governor Grey's administration 231
Governor Grose, arrival of 35
Governor Hindmarsh, doings of, at Adelaide 214
Governor Hunter, arrival of 36
Governor King, arrival of 39
Governor Macquarie, arrival of 58
Governor Macquarie's departure for England 73
Grant of land to John M'Arthur 85
Grass trees 370
Graves, gold seekers', on the Turon 392
Grey, Governor, administration of 231
Grey-headed vampire 19
Grievances, colonial, under Governor Gipps 116
Grievances unconnected with land 157
Grose, Governor, arrival of 35
Gulf of Carpentaria, why so called 15
Gum trees near Melbourne 202
Gundagai flood, the 168
Hanging Rock diggings, the 344
Hargreaves', Mr., gold discoveries 327
Hawkesbury, great flood on the river 40
History of Port Phillip 200
History of the gold discoveries 325
History of South Australia 208
"Home," description of the building used by Mrs. Chisholm as a 137
House of Lords' committee 189
House of Lords' committee, Mrs. Chisholm before the 151
How to appoint a colonial school-master 306
Hundredweight of gold found 334
Hunter, Governor, arrival of 36
Hyde-park barracks, convicts at 121
Imports and exports of New South Wales 321
Imports and exports of South Australia 240
Increase of free emigrants in 1849 178
Inscription on Flinders' obelisk 285
Integrity of Governor Gipps 159
Jamaica, transportation to 21
Jemmy Nyrang 158
Johnstone, Major, unrewarded by the colonists 58
Joseph Smith, statement of 42
Journey across the Blue Mountains by Governor Macquarie 67
Journey from Port Jackson to Port Phillip 273
Judge Jeffries, legend of 22
Kangaroo Island, in theory and practice 212
Kapunda mine, discovery of the 238
Labour, comparative prices of, at Melbourne 390
Labour market, contradictions in the 130
Land Board, establishment of a 88
Land auctions 122
Land, free grant of, to emigrants 89
Land-fund system of emigration 127
Land, grant of, to John M'Arthur 85
Land jobbing, Earl Grey on 192
Land mania in New South Wales 104
Land mania, result of the 123
Land orders, Mr. Lowe's pamphlet on the 187
Land question, Mrs. Chisholm on the 190
Land question, the 121
Land system, future evils of the existing 191
Land tenure, laws of 85
Land, upset price of, raised 122
Lang the agitator 80
Lake Alexandrina, discovery of 82
La Perouse, monument to 26
Last letter from Dr. Leichardt 270
Laughing jackass, engraving of the 352
Law in New South Wales 308
Lead first discovered at Adelaide 238
Legislative Council, answer of the, to Earl Grey 179
Legislative Council, first meeting of, at Sydney 80
Legislative Council, Mrs. Chisholm's proposition to the 145
Leichardt's expeditions, account of 269
Leipoa, description of the mounds built by the 290
"Letter from Sydney," Wakefield's 92
Life at the Summerhill diggings 337
Life in Adelaide before the crisis 225
Lodger, a pleasant, at Melbourne 362
Lodging-house, a novel 364
Lodgings in Melbourne 362
Lord Grey on the convict system 175
Lord Stanley and Mr. Cardwell 164
Lord Stanley's appointment of a prothonotary 119
Lowe's (Mr. Robert) pamphlet on the land orders 187
Loyalty of the Australians 34
Lunacy in New South Wales 312
Lunatic Asylum, management of a colonial 120
Lyre-bird, description of the 282
Marine lodging-house, a 364
M'Arthur (Mr. Peter) on the price of land 125
M'Arthur's enterprise and success 55
Macquarie, arrival of Governor 58
Macquarie's colonial tours 62
Macquarie the first talented governor 60
Magistrate, a convict appointed as a 61
Major Johnstone, trial of, at Chelsea 58
Management of early convict ships 33
Mania, result of the land 123
Maneroo, discovery of 201
Maneroo Plains, exploration of 76
Manufactures in New South Wales 316
Megapodius, engraving of the 291
Melbourne, description of the city of 278
Melbourne first planned out by Sir R. Bourke 205
Melbourne, morality of the diggers in 361
Melbourne to Ballarat, tandem drive from 351
Merino ram, the 54
Middle District, counties south and west of the 254
Mines of South Australia 294
Mitchell (Sir Thomas) and his works 70
Morality in Melbourne 361
Mound-building birds, family of 289
Mount Alexander, foot journey to 375
Mountains in New South Wales, list of 250
Mount Alexander, first discovery of 205
Mount Disappointment 201
Moore (Mr.) on the land question 125
Monument to La Perouse 24
Mrs. Chisholm's appeal for her emigrants' "Home" 136
Mrs. Chisholm's "Countess" 140
Mrs. Chisholm's departure from the colonies 153
Mrs. Chisholm's "Home" for female emigrants 136
Mrs. Chisholm's colonial commissions 153
Mrs. Chisholm's colonial statistics 148
Mrs. Chisholm's registry-office 139
Mudie's attack on Sir Richard Bourke 105
Murray, steam traffic on the river 288
Names of towns in New South Wales 250
Native dog, sketch of the 63
New Australian constitution, how received 194
Newcastle, sketch of 37
New constitution for New South Wales 193
New South Wales, early incidents in 32
New South Wales, early judicial system at 32
New South Wales, first governor of 24
New South Wales, first revolution in 57
New South Wales, geographical sketch of 249
New South Wales, history and origin of 11
New South Wales, land mania in 104
New South Wales, list of counties in 250
New South Wales, new constitution for 193
New South Wales, "Voluntary Statements" of the people of 151
Nobs and snobs in South Australia 239
Northern counties of New South Wales 253
Nugget of gold, engraving of a large 336
Obelisk to Flinders at Port Lincoln 285
Objections to "indenting" emigrants 394
Obnoxious Order in Council, withdrawal of the 181
Official report on District Councils 157
Ophir diggings, account of the 341
Opossum, sketch of an 374
Origin of transportation 20
Overland journey between Adelaide and Mount Alexander 377
Palmer, disgraceful cowardice of Captain 49
Pamphlet, Mrs. Chisholm's first 138
Paradox, or water-mole, description of 68
Parliamentary report of 1812 62
Particulars regarding George Bass 51
Parson Cowper, shameful neglect of, by government 71
Passage, discovery of a, across the Blue Mountains 66
Peel River diggings, the 345
Platypus, or paradox, sketch of 69
Policy, Earl Grey's apology for his colonial 180
Population of New South Wales 310
Port Jackson, description of 257
Port Jackson, why so named 17
Port Phillip declined sending representatives to Sydney 206
Port Phillip district, mountains in the 255
Port Phillip, history of 200
Port Phillip, or Victoria 199
Port Phillip satisfied with the new Constitution 196
Port Phillip statistics 323
Port Phillip, why so called 13
Portrait of Edward Hargreaves 324
Portrait of the first gold-commissioner 331
Post-office returns for New South Wales 320
Post-office, the, at Sofala, Turon river 357
Practice versus theory 197
Presbyterians insulted by Governor Brisbane 74
Press, liberty of the, conceded to New South Wales 74
Price of labour, Campbell on the 132
Price of land, Leslie Foster on 125
Princess Royal outcroppings 239
Prisoners, recollections of 40
Proceedings of the Australian Agricultural Company 78
Proceedings in South Australia 388
Profits of the Burra Burra mines 297
Promotion of convicts by Governor Macquarie 61
Protective Association, Mr. Benjamin Boyd's 130
Prothonotary, Lord Stanley's appointment of a 119
Public works effected by Governor Macquarie 65
Question, Earl Grey on the land 192
Reapers, soldiers hired as 61
Rebels, transportation of 21
Reception of the new Constitution in South Australia 196
Recital of Henry Hale 43
Recollections of prisoners 40
Records of Australian discovery 13
Registrar, the defaulting 117
Registry-office, Mrs. Chisholm's 139
Religion in Australia, state of 302
Religious denominations in Australia 303
Remonstrance of the Sydney Legislative Council 196
Report, Mrs. Chisholm's remarkable 140
Report of Commissioner Bigge 72
Report of Dr. Lang's committee 147
Report of Parliamentary committee in 1812 62
Report of the colonial-grievance committee 157
Reports of the Commons' committee on South Australia 233
Report on the convict system 172
Retirement of Sir George Gipps 160
Responsible government 155
Results of Governor Macquarie's administration 71
Right sort of emigrants, the 223
Rivers of Australia, the 44
Rivers of New South Wales, list of 250
Rivers in the Port Phillip district 255
River Torrens, real and alleged capabilities of the 219
Roads first made by convicts 61
Road made across the Blue Mountains 89
Roman Catholic cathedral founded at Sydney 73
Romantic doings at Adelaide 226
Rude speeches of Governor Macquarie 60
Rum-drinking in New South Wales 71
Rum hospital at Sydney 71
Satin, or bower-bird, the 289
Schaffer, appointment of Mr. 35
Schoolmaster, singular appointment of a colonial 306
Schools in New South Wales 311
Scott, Archdeacon 73
Sea-pig, or dugong, description of 267
Sectarian zeal, singular instance of 304
"Self-supporting " colony, statistics of a 236
Sham governesses 141
Shelter, want of, for emigrants 365
Shepherd's hut, sketch of a 366
Ship-building in New South Wales 319
Shoal Bay, harbour of 265
"Shovelling" out emigrants to Australia 23
Sir Charles Fitzroy 169
Sir George and the Gibbet 168
Sir Richard Bourke's foresight 100
Sir Roderick Murchison's opinion regarding gold in Australia 325
Sir Thomas Brisbane's government 73
Sir Thomas Mitchell's evidence on the land question 189
Sketch of an opossum 374
Sketch of the lyre-bird 282
Smith's (Mr.) discovery of gold unheeded 327
Snobs and nobs at Adelaide 239
Soap and candle manufactures in New South Wales 319
Soil, varied character of the Australian 247
Soldiers hired as reapers 61
Songs of the Squatters 161
South Australia, difficulty in procuring a governor for 211
South Australia, history of 208
South Australia, proceedings in 388
"South Australian Gazette," establishment of the 211
South Australian Land Company, formation of the 209
Special survey system, effect of, in South Australia 216
"Spectator," the Sydney, to Mrs. Chisholm 154
Spirit currency in the colony 37
Squatters' Association, the 171
Squatters, songs of the 161
Squatting statistics of New South Wales 313
Statement of Mrs. Smith 43
Statistics, Mrs. Chisholm's colonial 148
Statistics of Port Phillip 323
Steam-boat first launched in Australia 80
Steam traffic on the Murray river 288
Straw-necked ibis, engraving of the 348
Styles' (Rev. Henry) correspondence with Mrs Chisholm 137
Suburbs of Melbourne 363
Success of Mrs. Chisholm's female emigration 139
Sudds and Thompson, treatment of, by Governor Darling 81
Sugar refining in New South Wales 317
Summary of Governor Gipps' administration 161
Summerhill diggings, life at the 337
Swan River, colony of, founded 90
Swan River Settlement, failure of the 91
Sydney cove, why so called 27
Sydney, dispensary opened in 80
Sydney, first insurrection at 40
Sydney, first meeting of the Legislative Council at 80
Sydney Legislative Council, remonstrance of the 196
Sydney, Roman Catholic cathedral founded at 73
Sydney, rum hospital at 71
Tabular view of New South Wales 250
Tambaroura Creek diggings 344
Tandem drive from Melbourne to Ballarat 351
Tasmanian settlers, association of 202
Tasman's voyages 16
Tenure, the laws of land 85
"The Assyrian came down," &c. 164
Theory versus practice 197
Thompson and Sudds, treatment of 81
Timber, import and export of, in New South Wales 319
"Tityre tu Patulæ," an Australian version of 162
Tobacco, manufacture of, in New South Wales 318
Tours, Macquarie's annual 62
Towns, names of, in New South Wales 250
Transportation first legalised 20
Transportation of rebels 21
Transportation, origin of 20
Transportation to America 21
Transportation to Jamaica 21
Trial of Major Johnstone 58
Turon gold-fields, the 341
Turon, gold-seekers' graves on the 392
University of Sydney 307
Unchanging policy of Earl Grey 185
Vampire, the grey-headed 18
Van Diemen's Land, Earl Grey's despatches to 177
Van Diemen's Land, first penal settlement founded in 40
Victoria, first Legislative Council assembled at 207
Victoria, list of counties in 255
Victoria, or Port Phillip  199
"Voluntary Statements" collected by Mrs. Chisholm 151
Wakefield's colonisation theories 95
Wakefield's "Letter from Sydney" 92
Water-mole, description of 68
Wentworth's, Lawson's, and Blaxland's explorations 66
Wesleyan chapel opened at Sydney 73
"Wives wanted!" 152
Wool-growing, success of McArthur in 65
Wool projects of Mr. McArthur 54
Women, Macquarie's protest against, as colonists 60
Wonga wonga pigeon, description of the 262
Works of Sir Thomas Mitchell 70
Yarra Yarra, the 201
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