BOOKS printed for Bernard Lintott.

A Translation of the Iliad of Homer.Miscellanies.
The first Book of Statius Thebais Translated.
The Fable of Vertumnus and Pomona from the 14th Book of Ovid's Metamorphosis.
To a Young Lady with the Works of Voiture.
On Silence.
To the Author of a Poem Entituled Succession.
An Ode for Musick on St. Cecilia's Day.
Windsor Forrest.
An Essay on Criticism.
All these written by Mr. Pope.

The Tragedies of Jane Shore and the Lady Jane Gray. By N. Rowe Esq Poet Laureat. Callipædia, Or the Art of getting pretty Children. Translated by Mr. Oldisworth

Art of Cookery in Imitation of Horace's Art of Poetry by Dr. King. 2d. Edition.

The Art of Love in Imitation of Ovid De Arte Amandi. By Dr. King.

The Iliad of Homer, translated from the Greek into Blank Verse, by Mr. Ozel, Mr Broom, and Mr. Oldisworth. To which are added, a Preface, the Life of Homer, and Notes by Madam Dacier; illustrated with 26 Cuts copy'd by the best Gravers from the Paris Plates design'd by Coypel, in 5 Vol. 12o. The second Edition. Price 15s.

The Odes, Epodes, and Carmen Seculare of Horace in Latin and English, with a Translation of Dr. Bently's Notes. To which are added, Notes upon Notes: By several Hands. Price 10s.

The Works of Virgil, translated by the Right Honourable the Earl of Lauderdale. Printed in 2 Vol. with a new Elzevir Letter, Price 6s.

Prælectiones Poeticæ in Scholâ naturalis Philosophiæ Oxon. habitæ, Authore Josepho Trapp. A.M. Price 2s. 6d.
N.B. The second Vol. is now Publish'd.

A second Edition of an Historical Account of the Heathen Gods and Heroes; necessary for the understanding of the ancient Poets. Being an Improvement of whatever has been hitherto written by the Greek, Latin, French and English Authors upon that Subject. By Dr. King. For the Use of Westminster and all other Schools. Illustrated with Variety of Copper Plates. Price 2s.

Quintus Curtius's History of the Wars of Alexander, with a large Map of the Countries he conquer'd, and an Index. Printed in 12o on a fine Paper and new Elzevir Letter, in 2 Vol. Price 6s.

The Tragedies of Ajax, Electra and OEdipus, translated from the Greek of Sophocles into Blank Verse. In 12o. Price 12d. each.

The celebrated Works of Monsieur de Moliere, containing all his Comedies, Interludes, &c. with a large Account of his Life and remarkable Death; who, as he was acting the Part of Death in one of his Plays, was taken ill, and dyed a few Hours after. To which are added, Extracts out of divers Authors, concerning several Circumstances relating to the Life of Moliere; as likewise Judgment upon some of his Pieces: Also his Effigies engrav'd on Copper from an Original by Mr. Vertue. Printed in 6 Vol. 12o on a fine Paper and Elzevir Letter. Price 15s.

The Lives of illustrious Men done into English from the original Latin of C. Nepos. Non pluribus impar. Price 2s. 6d.

The third Edition of the Clergyman's Recreation, shewing the Pleasure and Profit of the Art of Gardening. By John Laurence, A.M. Rector of Yelvertoft in Northamptonshire. Price 1s.

A Critical Discourse upon the Iliad of Homer, translated from the French of Mr. de la Motte, a Member of the French Academy. By Mr Theobald. Price 1 s.

The Works of Mr. Edmund Smith, late of Christ-Church, Oxford; Containing, I. Phaedra and Hippolytus. II. A Poem on the Death of Mr. John Philips. III. Bodleian Speech. IV. Pocockius, &c. To which is prefix'd his Character by Mr. Oldisworth; and his Epitaph by the Reverend Mr. Adams of Christ Church, Price 1s. 6d.

The Works of Mr. Thomas Southerne, in 2 Vol. 12o. The First Vol. containing The Loyal Brother, or The Persian Prince. The Disappointment, or The Mother in Fashion. Sir Anthony Love, or The Rambling Lady. The Wives Excuse, or Cuckolds make themselves. The second Volume containing, The Maids last Prayer, or Any rather than fail. The Fatal Marriage, or The Innocent Adultery. Oroonoko. The Fate of Capua. Pr. 5s.

PLAYS by the Right Honourable the Lord Landsdown, (viz.) The She Gallants, a Comedy: Heroick Love, a Tragedy, and The Jew of Venice, a Comedy.

A Treatise upon the Modes, or a Farewel to French Kicks. Est Modus in Rebus. The Modes depend upon the Sense. Of which the chief Heads are as follows. I. The Influence of Valour and Beauty upon the Modes. II. The Genius of the French as to Epick Poetry, Eloquence, and Medals. III. Taste of the French for Musick, Painting, and their Pleas for dictating their Modes to the British Nation, and their Civility. IV. Maxims for such as Travel in France, and a Speech proper for Travellers. V. The great Cheapness of French Workmanship, with a Story of Cornelius Agrippa. VI. An Essay of Perukes, and of Poetry, and of French Education. VII. Advice to the Painters, with the History of the Feather. VIII. A Story of an Embassador that came into England a thousand Years ago. IX. Skill in Opticks necessary for a Head-dresser. X. An account of the Dutch Gentry, and of Military Exercises. XI. Parallel between Dress and Musick. XII. Apology to the French Refugees, Pr. 1s.

The Works of Mr. George Farquhar, containing all his Letters, Poems, Essays and Comedies publish'd in his Life Time, viz. Love and a Bottle, The Constant Couple, or a Trip to the Jubilee. Sir Harry Wild Air. Inconstant, or The Way to Win him. The Twin Rivals, The Recruiting Officer, and The Beaux Stratagem, with Cuts prefix'd to each Comedy. Pr. 6s.

The diverting History of the Count de Gabalis; Containing, I. An Account of the Rosicrucian Doctrine of Spirits, viz. Sylphs, Salamanders, Gnomes, and Dæmons; shewing their various influence upon human Bodies. II. The Nature and Advantages of Studying the Occult Sciences. III. The Carnal Knowledge of Women to be renounc'd. IV. Adam's Fall not occasion'd by eating the Apple, but by his carnal Knowledge of Eve. V. The Rise, Progress and Decay of Oracles. VI. A Parallel between Ancient and Modern Priestcraft. To which is prefix'd Monsieur Bayle's Account of this Work, and of the Sect of the Rosicrucians. The 2d Edition, Pr. 1s. 6d.

The Works of the celebrated and ancient English Poet Geoffrey Chaucer; carefully compar'd not only with former Editions of Value, but with many rare and ancient Manuscripts: from the collating of which the Text is in a great measure restor'd and perfected; many Errors and Corruptions that have crept in and continued in all the Editions hitherto printed, are amended; and many whole Lines omitted in all the printed Editions are inserted in their proper places. Three entire new Tales of this Author in Manuscript (never yet printed) have been recover'd, and will be added to this Edition. By which Alterations, Additions and Amendments, this Work is in a manner become new. A most useful and copious Glossary for the better understanding of this Poet than has yet been printed, will be added at the End. Begun by John Urry late Student of Christ-Church, and compleated by the Care of the Students of Christ-Church. Proposals are now Printed, and Subscriptions taken in for the Benefit of the Executor, and for the carrying on the Building of Peckwater Quadrangle; by the Undertaker Bernard Lintott.

BOOKS preparing for the Press,

A Compleat Body of Divinity, under the Title of Theologia Speculativa & Practica. In Two Volumes, Folio: In the First Volume will be explain'd the Principles, in the Second the Duties of Natural and Reveal'd Religion. The First Volume will be form'd upon these General Heads. I. The Existence and Attributes of God. II. Creation and Providence. III. Divine Revelation and the Holy Scriptures. IV. The Articles of the Christian Faith, as contain'd in the Apostles Creed. V. The Articles of the Church of England, so far as they may admit of a distinct Consideration from those of the Creed. VI. The Rewards and Punishments propos'd in the Old and New Testament. The General Heads of the Second Volume will be I. The moral and immutable Distinction of Good and Evil. II. The positive Commands of God. III. The Ten Commandments. IV. Our Saviour's Sermon on the Mount. V. The Relative Duties. VI. The Evangelical Precepts which have not fallen directly under the foregoing Heads. VII. The Reasonableness, Necessity, and Measures of Evangelical Obedience. By the Reverend Richard Fiddes, B.D. Rector of Halsham in Holderness in the County of York.

The Second Edition of a compendious History of the Church from the Beginning of the World to this Time. To which is added a compleat chronological Table, and large Indexes to each Volume. Written in French: By Lewis Ellis Du Pin, Doctor of the Sorbonne, and Regius Professor of Divinity at Paris. In Four Volumes 120. Printed on a new Elzevir Letter.

A practical Exposition of the Beatitudes, in the first Part of our Saviour's Sermon on the Mount. By James Gardiner, M.A. Sub-Dean of Lincoln. Price 3s. 6d.

A practical Exposition of the latter Part of our Saviour's Sermon on the Mount, from the Beatitudes, to the End of the Sermon. By James Gardiner, M.A. Sub-Dean of Lincoln. Price 4s. 6d.

Four Offices of Prayer and Devotion, answering four of the most important Occasions of a Christian Life. I. An Office of Preparation for Death, to be us'd often in the Days of Health. II. A Penitential Office for Times of Humiliation and Confession; more especially for Fasting Days. III. An Office commemorative of our blessed Saviour's Sufferings, Death, Resurrection, &c. for the Redemption of the World. IV. An Office of Preparation for the holy Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. All these carefully compiled out of the holy Scriptures, the Church Liturgy, and many of the best and most approv'd Books of Devotion, both of the former and present Age. By William Tilly, D.D. Price 2s. 6d.

Six Sermons on several Occasions, (viz.) I. The Difference between the Revolution and the Rebellion, preach'd Jan. 30. II. The Restoration of the King, the Act of God, May 29. III. The Necessity of Praying both for Church and State, March 7. IV. The Duty of fearing God and the King, April 10. 1715. V. Obedience to the King enforc'd from the Benefits and Advantages of a wise and just Administration, June 19. VI. Liberty and the Gospel against Popery and Slavery, July 24. By the Reverend T. Goddard, M.A. Canon of Windsor. Price 1s.

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