1431. - Dutch sailors re-discover and colonize the Azores.
1567. - Spanish invasion of the Netherlands. Flight of Walloons.
1577. - First National Synod of the Netherlands Church.
1581. - Dutch Declaration of Independence. Reward of 25,000 guilders offered for a new way to China.
1597-1616. - Dutch circumnavigations of the globe.
1602. - The Dutch East India Company formed.
1609. - Great Truce. Henry Hudson enters the Great River.
1609-1614. - Visits of fur-traders. Huts on Manhattan.
1614. - Block’s Exploration and Map. New Netherland named. The United New Netherland Company. Trading posts.
1621. - The West India Company chartered.
1622. - Jesse de Forest in Leyden enrolls emigrants for America.
1623-1624. - Walloons colonize New Netherland.
1626. - Civil government. Minuit buys Manhattan.
1628. - First Dutch Church. Domine Michaelius.
1630. - Feudalism introduced. The Patroon system. Colony at Rensselaerwijk begun by Nijkerk Dutch people.
1633. - Adam Roelandsen, first schoolmaster, arrives.
1633-1638. - Walter van Twiller, Director-General.
1637. - Arendt van Curler arrives. Peace policy with the Iroquois.
1638-1647. - Kieft Director-General. Indian wars.
1640. - New Netherland open to all. Free village communities.
1641. - First popular assembly. The Twelve Men.
1642. - Domine Megapolensis. Church formed.
1643. - Second popular assembly. The Eight Men.
1647-1664. - Peter Stuyvesant, Director-General.
1647. - Election of the Nine Men by the people.
1653. - Hebrews arrive at Manhattan.
1655. - Fall of New Sweden.
1661. - Wiltwijk, Schenectady, and settlements of free farmers.
1664. - English conquest. New York a feudal province.
1673. - Dutch recapture New Netherland.
1674. - Treaty of Westminster. Surinam given to the Dutch.
1675. - Andros governor. Manhattan monopoly of bolting flour.
1683. - Charter of Liberties. “Governor, Council, and the people met in general assembly.” Arrival of the Huguenots in New York.
1685. - Charter annulled. New York a royal province.
1688. - Revolution in England. William III, of Holland, King.
1690. - Uprising of the people. Jacob Leisler governor. First Congress of the Colonies. French invasion from Canada. Schenectady burned. Attempts of British governors to force a State Church on the people. Resistance of the Assembly. British failure.
1695. - The Dutch obtain it charter of free Church government.
1702-1708. - Cornbury’s oppression causes a large Dutch emigration into the Raritan valley.
1705. - Cessation of legislation in behalf of the Church of England.
1708-1792. - Struggle for ecclesiastical independence from Holland. The battle of languages.
1766. - Charter of Rutgers College signed.
1771. - Dutch Church congress and written constitution.
1775-1783. - War of the Revolution. Its chief seat within the area of New Netherland.
1776. - First foreign salute to the American flag by Governor de Graeff at St. Eustatius.
1780. - Recognition of the American by the Dutch Republic.
1792-1800. - Holland Land Company, purchasing four million acres, develops western New York and Pennsylvania.
1796. - Emigration westward of New Jersey Dutchmen.
1800. - English language in general use.
1844. - Large immigration of Dutch into the Western States.
1904. - Second person with Dutch name elected President of the United States.
In addition to the standard authorities, Wassenaer, de Laet, van Meteren, de Vries, van der Donck, and the early Dutch writers, I have made plentiful use of the local town, city, and church records of New Netherland, though not always trusting the published translations, but consulting the originals; also: —
Het Onderwijs to Nijkerk na de Hervorming. (1593-1630.)
Nijkerk voor Twee Eeuwen.
Het Landgericht van Veluwe. By G. BEERNINK.
Geldersse Geschiedenissen, door Arend van Slichtenhorst. Arnhem, 1654.
Geschiedenis van het Nederlandsche Volk. P. J. BLOK. 8 vols.
Levenschets van Rev. Dr. A. C. Van Raalte. D.D. DOSKER.
De Nederlandsche Geschlachtsnamen. WINKLER.
Joan Derek van der Capellen tot den Pol. SILLEM.
Brieven van en an Joan Derek Capellen. BEAUFORT.
Volkomen Woordenboek. SEWEL-BUYS. (1776.)
De Post Acta of Nahandelingen van de National Synode van Dordrecht. DR. H. H. KUYPER.
Ecclesiastical Records of the State of New York (“The Amsterdam Correspondence”). (E. T. CORWIN, DANIEL VAN PELT, HENRY UTTERWICK, HUGH HASTINGS.) 6 vols. (1621-1810.) Published 1905.
Year Books of Holland Society. (1888-1906.)
Documentary History of New York and Colonial History of New York.
The Records of New Amsterdam. 15 vols. (1653-1674.) Edited by BERTHOLD FERNOW.
Papers from the archives of Amsterdam, Middleburg, Leeuwarden, Nijkerk, etc.
Church Records and Schenectady First Church Memorial. PEARSON — GRIFFIS.
History of Schenectady Patent. PEARSON — MACMURRAY.
First Families of Schenectady and of Albany. 2 vols. PEARSON.
BRODHEAD’S History of the State of New York.
History of the Reformed Church in the Netherlands. HANSEN.
Manual of the Reformed Church in America. (4th ed.) CORWIN.
The Huguenot Element among the Dutch. VERMILYE.
The Leisler Troubles in 1689. VERMILYE.
Institutes of Laws of Holland. VAN DER LINDEN.
Francis Adrian van der Kemp. FAIRCHILD.
The Old Dutch Church of Sleepy Hollow. J. K. ALLEN.
Anthology of New Netherland. H. G. MURPHY.
The de Forests of Avesnes. J. W. DE FOREST. 1900.
The Founding of New Sweden. C. T. ODHNER (KEEN). 1876.
The Rensselaer-Bowier Manuscripts. E. VAN LAER. 1908.