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Shepheardes Calender
Conteyning tvvelue Æglogues proportionable
to the twelue monethes.
To the Noble and Vertv-
ous Gentleman most worthy of all titles
both of learning and cheualrie M.
Philip Sidney.
At London.
Printed by Hugh Singleton, dwelling in
Creede Lane neere vnto Ludgate at the
Signe of the gylden Tunne, and
are there to be solde.
To His Booke.
Goe little booke: thy selfe present,
As child whose parent is vnkent:
To him that is the president
Of noblesse and of cheualree,
And if that Enuie bark at thee,
As sure it will, for succoure flee
Vnder the shadow of his wing,
And asked, who thee forth did bring,
A shepheards swaine saye did thee sing,
All as his straying flocke he fedde:
And when his honor has thee redde,
Craue pardon for my hardyhedde.
But if that any aske thy name,
Say thou wert base begot with blame:
For thy thereof thou takest shame.
And when thou art past ieopardee,
Come tell me, what was sayd of mee:
And I will send more after thee.