< The Science of Fairy Tales
Actæon, 71 |
Afghan legend, 183 |
Alsatian tales, 213, 216 |
American Indians, Tales of North, 268, 271, 314, 315 |
Ananci tale, 294 |
Animism, 25 |
Annamite tales, 200, 323 |
Arabian Nights Entertainments, 50, 69, 79, 84, 255, 260, 267 |
Arab tales (see Arabian Nights Entertainments), 202, 300, 316, 319 |
Ardshi-Bordshi, 81 |
Arthur, King, 205, 207, 211, 212, 234 |
Art of Story-telling, 1, 5, 20. In Western Highlands, 5; Brittany, 7; Portugal, Brazil, Gascony, Wales, England, 8; France, Sicily, 9; Panjab, 11; Cashmere, New Zealand, Polynesia, Greenland, 12; among the Malagasy, Ahts, Indian tribes of Guiana, 13; in India, 14; among the Algonkins, ancient Germans, Anglo-Saxons, ancient Welsh, 15; Arabs, Guslars, 16; Swahilis, 17; Eskimo, 12, 19. |
Ascension Day, 90 |
Aubrey, John, 148, 244 |
Bahar Danush, 260 |
Ballafletcher, Cup of, 156 |
Bantik. See Celebes |
Bards, Welsh, 15 |
Baptism, superstitions concerning, 94, 101 |
Barrows, haunted, 141, 142, 146, 231 |
Basque tale, 293 |
Berchta, Dame, 70, 90 |
Blanik mountain, 184, 219, 220 |
Blood relationship among savages, 47 |
Bohemian tales, 56, 119, 175, 184, 219, 245, 251, 260, 294 |
Bona Dea, 84, 87 |
Bornoese tales, 300, 311, 324 |
Breton tales, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 67, 116, 138, 174, 190, 192, 293 |
Briar Rose, 247 |
Buddhist influence on tales, 295, et seqq. |
Bulgarian tales. See Slavonic |
Burmese tale, 267, 297 |
Burton, Sir Richard F. (see Arabian Nights Entertainments), 16 |
Cabalists, the, a mediæval sect, 341 |
Carinthian tales, 173, 240 |
Cashmere, tales from. See Indian |
Celebes Islands, tale from, 267, 297 |
Changelings, 93, et seqq. |
Chinese superstitions, 97, 98 |
Chinese tales, 177, 178, 299, 300 |
Christening. See Baptism |
Christmas, 141, 142, 157, 159 |
Coals turned to gold, 49 |
Cologne, Three Kings of, 149, 150 |
Coptic tale, 181 |
Corpus Christi Day, 89 |
Corsican tale, 274 |
Cosquin, Emmanuel, 267, 297 |
Coventry. See Godiva |
Cretan tales. See Greek |
Cyclades, tale from. See Greek |
Danish superstitions, 96, 99, 231 |
Danish tales, 40, 44, 50, 56, 67, 103, 114, 130, 131, 140, 141, 144, 151, 185, 213, 294 |
Dardistan, tale from, 49 |
Davies, Rev. Edward, 136 |
Dean, Forest of. See Forest |
Death, savage belief on, 27 |
Derceto, a Phœnician goddess, 324 |
Devil, the, 42, 47, 69, 263, 280 |
Diana, 71 |
Diedrich, 213, 233 |
Dobocz, the robber chief, 218, 233 |
Dracs of the Rhone, 65, 100 |
Duffus, story of Lord, 148 |
Dyak. See Bornoese |
Edenhall. See Luck |
Edgehill, Battle of, 235 |
Edric the Wild, 302, 338, 340 |
Eggshells, changelings detected by, 153, et seqq., 125 |
Elidorus, tale of, 135 |
English superstitions, 96, 100, 205 |
English tales, 59, 61, 63, 64, 66, 68, 69, 106, 116, 124, 126, 139, 145, 146, 147, 178, 189, 211, 234, 244 |
Epimenides, tale of, 183 |
Eskimo tales, 137, 262 |
Esthonian tales, 201, 273, 280 |
Etiquette of various nations, 309, 321 |
Ezra, 182 |
Fairy Births and Human Midwives, 37, et seqq., 59, et seqq. |
Fairyland, 43, 47, 161, 196, 222 |
Fairy Tales, definition of, 3; divisions of, 22; principles of explanation of, 32 |
Feather-robe, 258, 267, 268, 298, 300, 301 |
Females, kinship through. See Kinship |
Finnish tales, 259, 329 |
Fire, superstitions respecting, 96, 97 |
Forest of Dean, 78 |
Folktale (see Art of Story-telling), connection with folksong, 14; how to be reported, 21 |
Frazer, J. G., 31, 249, 252 |
Frederick Barbarossa, 172, 213 |
French superstitions, 96 |
French tales (see Breton), 42, 47, 65, 114, 119, 272, 293, 324, 342 |
Frog, Fairy as. See Toad. |
Gaelic tales. See Scottish |
Gerald, Earl, 210, 233 |
German superstitions, 95, 96, 99, 108, 140, 143, 279, 281 |
German tales (see Alsatian, Pomeranian, Rügen, Swabian, Transylvanian), 48, 103, 113, 114, 118, 124, 126, 130, 137, 138, 139, 140, 142, 143, 149, 152, 172, 177, 185, 188, 192, 212, 214, 215, 216, 217, 238, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 259, 281, 327 |
Gervase of Tilbury, 65, 100, 145, 212, 234, 272, 284 |
Giraldus Cambrensis, 135 |
Gloucestershire (see Forest of Dean, St. Briavels), 145 |
Godiva, legend of Lady, 71, et seqq. |
Gold Coast, custom at, 86 |
Gold Coast, tales of, 313, 324 |
Gold, fairy, turns to dross, 50 |
Grateful animals. See Buddhist |
Gratitude, fairy, 48, 218, 312, 316 |
Greek superstitions, 99, 100 |
Greek tales, 55, 82, 242, 267, 269, 290, 317 |
Grey, Sir George, 12, 285 |
Grimm, 120, 140, 212, 213, 216, 233 |
Guiana, tales from, 261, 289, 297, 299, 324 |
Guernsey, tales from, 62, 66, 114 |
Hades, food of, must not be eaten, 43, 44, 45, 47 |
Harold II., King, 72, 205 |
Hasan of Bassorah, tale of, 255, 291, |
Hebrew tale, 41, 55 |
Helpful beasts. See Buddhist |
Herla, King, tale of, 178, 234 |
Hero, the Hidden, the Sleeping, 205, et seqq., 228, 235 |
Hertha, a German goddess, 71, 89, 90 |
Hindoo customs, tales. See Indian |
Highland tales. See Scottish |
Holle, Dame, 215, 236 |
Icelandic tales, 113, 193 |
Imagination among savages, 2, 33 |
Im Thurn, Everard, 13, 230 |
Indian customs, 84 |
Indian tales, 82, 227, 268, 296, 317, 318, 338 |
Iolo Morganwg, 207 |
Irish superstitions, 96, 121, 123, 210, 211 |
Irish tales, 50, 52, 63, 107, 116, 118, 122, 128, 196, 198, 202, 210, 211, 259, 314, 324, 338 |
Iron, dislike of supernatural beings to, 50, 97, 126, 164, 306 |
Irving, Washington, 177, 181 |
Italian superstitions, 99 |
Italian tales (see Corsican, Sicilian, Tirolese), 199, 293 |
Japanese tales, 174, 178, 194, 273, 301 |
Jewish tales. See Hebrew |
Jeremiah the prophet, 181 |
Kaffir tale, 328 |
Kan Püdäi, 42 |
Kathá-sarit-ságara, 318 |
Keats, 313 |
Kinship through females, 228, et seqq. |
Kirk Malew, Cup of, 155 |
Koran. See Mohammed |
Kurdish tale, 262, 292 |
Kurroglú, the robber-poet, 80 |
Kyffhäuser, 172, 214, 215, 229 |
Lady Wilde. See Wilde |
Lapp superstitions, 108 |
Lapp tales, 38, 57, 173, 329 |
Liebrecht, Felix, 79,; his Ghost Theory, 337 |
Lithuanian superstitions, 96 |
Lithuanian tales, 104, 120, 220, 221 |
Lî Kî, a Chinese classic, 321 |
Loo Choo Islands, tale from, 318 |
Longfellow, 187 |
Luck of Edenhall, 153 |
Luther on Changelings, 109, 124 |
Luxemburg, 240, 253, 324 |
Luzel, F. M., 7, 190 |
Mabinogion, 188 |
MacRitchie, David, his Finn Theory, 349, et seqq. |
Mahábhárata, 317 |
Magyar tale, 260 |
Malagasy tale, 287 |
Malory, Sir Thomas, 205 |
Manx superstitions, 108, 210 |
Manx tales, 41, 106, 117, 155 |
Maori customs, 290 |
Maori tales, 45, 274, 285, 288, 289, 317, 319 |
Map, Walter, 178, 234, 302, 338, 240, 341 |
Marko, Prince, or King, tale of, 218 |
Marquis of the Sun, tale of, 264, 291, 293 |
Marriage settlements, Indian, 321, 322 |
Maundeville, Sir John, 111, 239 |
Meddygon Myddfai, 325 |
Melusina, 240, 253, 272, 273, 321, 324, 327 |
Merlin, 209 |
Messia, the Sicilian story-teller, 9 |
Metamorphosis, 26, 31 |
Midsummer Day. See St. John's Day |
Midwives, adventures of. See Fairy-Births |
Minstrel in Middle Ages, 15 |
Mohammed, 182, 224 |
Mohel, adventure of a, 41, 55 |
Moravian tale, 274 |
Morgan the Fay, 43, 204 |
Morris, William, 239, 260, 261 |
Mother-right. See Kinship |
Myddfai, Physicians of. See Meddygon |
Names, Savage feeling about, 309 |
Napoleon I., 206 |
Nereids, 55, 99, 242, 267, 317, 325 |
Netherlands, tale from, 188 |
New Guinea, tale from, 322 |
New Year's Eve and Night, 69, 248 |
New Zealand. See Maori |
Nightmare, the, 278, et seqq. |
Norwegian tales. See Scandinavian |
Odin. See Woden |
Ogier the Dane. See Olger |
Ointment, Magical, 59, et seqq. |
Oisin, 196, 198 |
Oldenburg Horn, 149 |
Olger the Dane, 43, 204, 213 |
Omens, 30 |
Osburg, foundress of nunnery at Coventry, 90 |
Ossian. See Oisin |
Ovid, 71 |
Owen Glendower, 209 |
Owen Lawgoch, 209 |
Parsees. See Sad Dar |
Peeping Tom. See Godiva |
Peleus. See Thetis |
Perrault, 247 |
Pitré, Dr., 9, 53, 192 |
Pliny, 86, 183 |
Pomeranian tales, 48, 51, 141, 217, 237, 242, 243, 251, 262, 281 |
Polynesian tales, 44, 45, 267, 319, 324 |
Portuguese superstition, 206 |
Portuguese tale, 181 |
Princess, the Enchanted, 237 et seqq., 262 |
Proserpine, 43, 48 |
Revenge, Fairy, 52, 59, et seqq., 65, et seqq. |
Rhys, Professor, 37, 64, 66, 110, 163, 164, 188, 231, 325, 330 |
Rip van Winkle, 177 |
Robberies from Fairyland, 135, et seqq. |
Roger of Wendover. See Godiva |
Roman superstition, 96 |
Russian tales, 119, 259, 265, 294, 298, 344 |
Rügen, Island of, tales from, 71, 89, 127, 152, 236 |
Sad Dar, a sacred book of Parsees, 96 |
Samoyede tale, 268 |
Savage ideas, 22; evidence of, 32 |
Savages, imagination among, 2 |
Saxo Grammaticus, 44 |
Scandinavian tales (see Icelandic, Danish), 38, 115, 142, 150, 155, 217, 258, 281, 294, 318 |
Scottish superstitions, 94, 95, 96, 127, 133 |
Scottish tales, 55, 61, 98, 105, 111, 112, 118, 120, 121, 122, 125, 127, 130, 131, 132, 144, 148, 165, 166, 167, 180, 186, 241, 266, 293, 312 |
Sebastian, Don, 206 |
Sébillot, Paul, 67 |
Seven Sleepers, the, 182 |
Siberian tales, 42, 169 |
Sicilian superstitions, 100, 111 |
Sicilian tales, 53, 192, 212, 299 |
Siegfried, or Sigurd, 212, 247 |
Sikes, Wirt, 64, 123, 137, 165, 278 |
Simrock, Karl, 101, 116 |
Slavonic superstitions, 206, 279 |
Slavonic tales (see Bohemian, Russian, Lithuanian), 218, 266, 267, 298, 312 |
Southam, procession at, 85 |
Southey, 187 |
Spanish superstitions, 100, 205 |
Spanish tales, 187, 226, 264, 294, 315, 325, 339 |
Spirits, doctrine of, 25, 42 |
St. Augustine, 100, 235 |
St. Briavels, custom at, 78, 87 |
Stephens, Professor Dr. Geo., 150 |
St. John's Day, 214, 236, 238, 248 |
Story-telling, Art of. See Art |
Stoymir, the Knight, 220, 233 |
Swabian tales, 39, 52, 147, 244, 245, 253 |
Swan-maidens, 202, 255, et seqq., 283, et seqq., 337 |
Swedish tales. See Scandinavian |
Swiss tale, 49 |
Taboo, 270, 302, 304, 305, 306, 309, 311, 312, 318, 320, 337 |
Tacitus, 15, 71, 89 |
Tam Lin, ballad of, 242 |
Tawhaki and Tango-tango, tale of, 285, et seqq. |
Thetis, 242, 317, 329 |
Thomas of Erceldoune, 43, 102, 103 |
Time, supernatural lapse of, 161, ee seqq., 196, et seqq., 222, et seqq. |
Tini-rau, tale of, 286, et seqq. |
Tir na n 'Og. See Oisin |
Tirolese tales, 70, 184, 274, 293, 315, 325, 329, 348 |
Toad or frog, fairy as (see Princess), 51, 52, 53, 338 |
Totemism, 27, 324, 331, 346 |
Tradition, definition of, 34 |
Traditions, variable value of, 4, 24 |
Transformations, doctrine of, 26, 31 |
Transylvanian tales, 52, 176, 189, 246, 258, 347 |
Ulrich von Rosenberg, 220, 233 |
Van Pool, Lady of the, 274, 325, 330 |
Vikramâitya, 81 |
Vitra, 38 |
Wäinämöinen, 45 |
Waldron, Geo., 41, 108, 156 |
Wastin of Wastiniog, tale of, 302 |
Welsh superstitions, 110, 126, 207, 209 |
Welsh tales, 37, 62, 63, 103, 113, 115, 122, 123, 126, 128, 135, 136, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 187, 188, 207, 209, 225, 269, 274, 294, 301, 302, 304, 305, 317, 325, 327, 330 |
Wenzel, King, 184, 219 |
Western Highlands, story-telling in, 5 |
Weyland Smith, 318 |
Wilde, Lady, 102, 128 |
Wild Edric. See Edric |
Wild Hunt, the, 233, 234, 236 |
William of Newbury, 146 |
Witchcraft, 29 |
Witches, 99, 143, 173, 336, 348 |
Woden, 212, 233, 247, 339 |
Yatsh, or demon, wedding, 49 |
York, custom at, 90 |
Yorkshire, 189, 211 |
Zoroaster, 96 |
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