Bibliographical List of some of the Works referred to in the foregoing Pages.
Aberd. Eistedd. See Trans. Aberd. Eistedd.
Alpenburg. See Von Alpenburg.
Amélineau. Contes et Romans del' Égypte Chrétienne par E. Amélineau. 2 vols. Paris, 1888.
Amer. F. L. See Journal Amer. F. L.
Am Urds-Brunnen. Am Urds-Brunnen. Mittheilungen für Freunde volksthümlich-wissenschaftlicher Kunde. 6 vols. [The first two volumes entitled Am Urdhs-Brunnen, Organ des Vereins für Verbreitung volksthümlich-wissenchaftlicher Kunde.] Rendsburg, 1881-89.
Antiquary. The Antiquary, a Magazine devoted to the study of the Past. 22 vols. London, 1880-90, still proceeding.
Archivio. Archivio per lo studio delle Tradizioni Popolari Rivista Trimestrale diretta da G. Pitré e S. Salomone-Marino. 9 vols. Palermo, 1882-90, still proceeding.
Arch. Rev. The Archæological Review. 4 vols. London, 1888-90.
Arnaudin. Contes Populaires recueillis dans la Grande Lande le Born les Petites-Landes et le Marensin par Félix Arnaudin. Paris, 1887.
Aubrey, Miscellanies. Miscellanies upon various subjects. By John Aubrey, F.R.S. 4th edition. London, 1857.
—— Remaines. Remaines of Gentilisme and Judaisme. By John Aubrey, R.S.S. 1686-87. Edited and annotated by James Britten, F.L.S. London, 1881. (Folk-Lore Society.)
Bahar-Danush. Bahar-Danush; or Garden of Knowledge. An Oriental Romance. Translated from the Persic of Einaint Oollah. By Jonathan Scott. 3 vols. Shrewsbury, 1799.
Baring-Gould. Curious Myths of the Middle Ages. By S. Baring-Gould, M.A. New edition. London, 1869.
Bartsch. Sagen, Märchen und Gebräuche aus Meklenburg. Gesammelt und herausgegeben von Karl Bartsch. 2 vols. Wien, 1879-80.
Basset. Contes Populaires Berbères recueillis, traduits et annotés par René Basset. Paris, 1887.
Bent. The Cyclacles, or Life among the Insular Greeks. By J. Theodore Bent, B.A. London, 1885.
Birlinger, Aus Schwaben. Aus Schwaben Sagen, Legenden, Aberglauben, Sitten, Rechtsbräuche, Ortsneckereien, Lieder, Kinderreime Neue Sammlung von Anton Birlinger. 2 vols. Wiesbaden, 1874.
—— Volksthümliches. Volksthümliches aus Schwaben. Herausgegeben von Dr. Anton Birlinger. 2 vols. and Wörterbüchlein. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1861-62.
Bladé. Contes Populaires de la Gascogne par M. Jean-François Bladé. 3 vols. Paris, 1886.
Border Minstrelsy. Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border: consisting of Historical and Romantic Ballads, collected in the Southern Counties of Scotland. 3rd edition. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1806.
Bowker. Goblin Tales of Lancashire. By James Bowker, F.R.G.S.I. London, n.d.
Braga. Ethnographia Portugueza. O Povo Portuguez nos sens Costumes, Crenças e Tradições por Theophilo Braga. 2 vols. Lisboa, 1886.
Brand. Observations on Popular Antiquities: chiefly illustrating the origin of our vulgar Customs, Ceremonies, and Superstitions. By John Brand, M.A., F. and Sec. S.A. Arranged and revised, with additions by Henry Ellis, F.R.S., Sec. S. A. 2 vols. London, 1813.
Brauns. Japanische Märchen und Sagen gesammelt und herausgegeben von David Brauns. Leipzig, 1885.
Bray. See Mrs. Bray.
Brett. The Indian Tribes of Guiana: their condition and habits. By the Rev. W. H. Brett. London, 1868.
—— Legends and Myths. Legends and Myths of the Aboriginal Indians of British Guiana. Collected and edited by the Rev. William Henry Brett, B.D. London, n.d.
Brython. See Y Brython.
Burton, Nights. A plain and literal translation of the Arabian Nights' Entertainments, now entituled The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, with introduction, explanatory notes, &c. by Richard F. Burton. 10 vols. Privately printed. 1885.
—— Suppl. Nights. Supplemental Nights to The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night with notes anthropological and explanatory by Richard F. Burton. 6 vols. Privately printed. 1886-88.
Busk, Sagas. Sagas from the Far East; or Kalmouk and Mongolian Traditionary Tales. With historical preface and explanatory notes by the author of Patrañas, &c. [Miss R. H. Busk]. London, 1873.
Campbell. Popular Tales of the West Highlands orally collected with a translation by J. F. Campbell. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1860–62.
Campbell, Lord A. See Lord A. Campbell.
Carnoy. Littérature Orale de la Picardie par E. Henry Carnoy. Paris, 1883.
Castren, Altaischen Völker. M. Alexander Castren's Ethnologische Vorlesungen über die Altaischen Völker nebst Samojedischen Märchen und Tartarischen Heldensagen. Herausgegeben von Anton Schiefner. St. Petersburg, 1857.
Cavallius. Schwedische Volkssagen und Märchen. Nach mündlicher Ueberlieferung gesammelt und herausgegeben von Gunnar Olof Hyltén Cavallius und George Stephens. Mit Varianten und kritischen Anmerkungen. Deutsch von Carl Oberleitner. Wien, 1848.
Certeux et Carnoy. Contributions au Folk-Lore des Arabes. L'Algérie Traditionnelle Légendes, Contes, &c., par A. Certeux et E. Henry Carnoy. First vol. only published. Paris, 1884.
Chambers. Popular Rhymes of Scotland. Robert Chambers. London, 1870.
Child. The English and Scottish Popular Ballads edited by Francis James Child. Boston, U.S.A. Privately printed. [The prospectus is dated 1882. It announced "about 8 parts": only six of these (making three volumes) have been issued to date.]
Choice Notes. Choice Notes from "Notes and Queries." Folk Lore. London, 1859.
Comparetti. Novelline Popolari Italiane pubblicate ed illustrate da Domenico Comparetti. First vol. only published. Roma, 1875.
Corpus Poet. Bor. Corpus Poeticum Boreale. The Poetry of the Old Northern Tongue from the earliest times to the thirteenth century. Edited by Gudbrand Vigfusson, M.A., and F. York Powell, M.A. 2 vols. Oxford, 1883.
Cosquin. Emmanuel Cosquin. Contes Populaires de Lorraine comparés avec les Contes des autres Provinces de France et des Pays Étrangers. 2 vols. Paris, n.d.
Count Lucanor. Count Lucanor; or The Fifty Pleasant Stories of Patronio. Written by the Prince Don Juan Manuel and first done into English by James York, M.D., 1868. London, 1888.
Cromek. Remains of Nithsdale and Galloway Song with Historical and Traditional Notices relative to the Manners and Customs of the Peasantry, now first published by R. H. Cromek, F.A.S. Ed. London, 1810. Reprint: Paisley, 1880.
Curtin. Myths and Folk-Lore of Ireland by Jeremiah Curtin. London, 1890.
Cymmrodor. See Y Cymmrodor.
Cymru Fu. "Cymru Fu"; yn cynwys Hanesion, Traddodiadau, yn nghyda Chwedlau a Dammegion Cymreig (oddiar lafar gwlad a gweithiau y prif awduron). Wrexham, n.d. [Preface dated October 1862.]
Cymru Fu N. and Q. Cymru Fu: Notes and Queries relating to the past History of Wales and the Border Countries. 2 vols. Cardiff, 1887-90, still proceeding.
Davies, Mythology. The Mythology and Rites of the British Druids by Edward Davies, author of Celtic Researches. London, 1809.
Day. Folk-Tales of Bengal by the Rev. Lal Behari Day. London, 1883.
De Gubernatis, Novelline. Le Novelline di Santo Stefano raccolte da Angelo De-Gubernatis. Torino, 1869.
—— Usi Natal. A. De Gubernatis. Storia comparata degli Usi Natalizi in Italia e presso gli altri popoli Indo-Europei. Milano, 1878.
—— Zool. Myth. Zoological Mythology or The Legends of Animals by Angelo De Gubernatis. 2 vols. London, 1872.
Dennys. The Folk-Lore of China, and its affinities with that of the Aryan and Semitic Races. By N. B. Dennys, Ph.D., F.R.G.S. London, 1876.
Des Michels. Contes Plaisants Annamites traduits en Français pour la première fois par Abel Des Michels. Paris, 1888.
Dorman. The Origin of Primitive Superstitions and their Development, &c., among the Aborigines of America. By Rushton M. Dorman. Philadelphia, 1881.
Dorsa. La Tradizione Greco-Latina negli usi e nelle credenze popolari della Calabria citeriore per Yincenzo Dorsa. 2a edizione. Cozenza, 1884.
Early Trav. Early Travels in Palestine, edited by Thomas Wright Esq., M.A., F.S.A., &c. London, 1848.
Ellis. The Tshi-speaking Peoples of the Gold Coast of West Africa. Their religion, manners, customs, laws, language, &c. By A. B. Ellis. London, 1887.
Farrer. Primitive Manners and Customs. By James A. Farrer. London, 1879.
F. L. Espan. Folk-Lore Español. Biblioteca de las Tradiciones Populares Españolas. 11 vols. Sevilla, 1883-90, still proceeding.
Folk-Lore. Folk-Lore, a quarterly Review of Myth, Tradition, Institution, and Custom. London, 1890, still proceeding. [Organ of the Folk-Lore Society.]
F. L. Journal. The Folk-Lore Journal. 7 vols. London, 1883–89. [Organ of the Folk-Lore Society.]
F. L. Record. The Folk-Lore Record. 5 vols. n.d. [1878–82. Organ of the Folk-Lore Society.]
Fleury. Littérature Orale de la Basse-Normandie (Hague et Yal-de-Saire) par Jean Fleury. Paris, 1883.
Garnett. The Women of Turkey and their Folklore by Lucy M. J. Garnett. The Christian Women. London, 1890.
Gent. Mag. Lib. The Gentleman's Magazine Library: being a classified collection of the chief contents of the Gentleman's Magazine from 1731 to 1868. Edited by George Lawrence Gomme, F.S.A. 11 vols. London, 1883–90, still proceeding. [Vols. not numbered, but distinguished by the title of their contents.]
Gerv. Tilb. Des Gervasius von Tilbury Otia Imperialia. In einer Auswahl neu herausgegeben und mit Anmerkungen begleitet von Felix Liebrecht. Hannover, 1856.
Gesta Romanonun. Gesta Romanorum translated from the Latin by the Rev. Charles Swan, revised and corrected by Wynnard Hooper, B.A. London, 1877.
Giles. Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio. Translated and annotated by Herbert A. Giles. 2 vols. London, 1880.
Gill. Myths and Songs from the South Pacific. By the Rev. William Wyatt Gill, B.A. London, 1876.
Girald. Cambr. The Itinerary of Archbishop Baldwin through Wales, translated by Sir Richard Colt Hoare, Bart., in The Historical Works of Giraldus Cambrensis, edited by Thomas Wright Esq., M.A., F.S.A. London, 1887.
Gonzenbach. Sicilianische Märchen. Aus dem Volksmund gesammelt von Laura Gonzenbach. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1870.
Gredt. Sagenschatz des Luxemburger Landes. Gesammelt von Dr. N. Gredt. Luxemburg, 1885.
Gregor. Notes on the Folk-Lore of the North-East of Scotland. By the Reverend Walter Gregor, M.A. London, 1881. (Folk-Lore Society.)
Grey. See Sir G. Grey.
Grimm, Märchen. Kinder- und Haus-Märchen gesammelt durch die Brüder Grimm. 17te Auflage. Berlin, 1880.
—— Tales. Grimm's Household Tales. With the author's notes translated from the German and edited by Margaret Hunt. 2 vols. London, 1884.
—— Teut. Myth. Teutonic Mythology by Jacob Grimm translated from the fourth edition with notes and appendix by James Steven Stallybrass. 4 vols. with continuous pagination. London, 1880–88.
Grinnell. Pawnee Hero Stories and Folk Tales with notes on the Origin, Customs, and Character of the Pawnee People by George Bird Grinnell. New York, 1889.
Grohmann. Sagen aus Böhmen gesammelt und herausgegeben von Dr. Josef Virgil Grohmann. Prag, 1883.
Grundtvig. Dänische Volksmärchen von Svend Grundtvig. Übersetzt von Willibald Leo. Neue Ausgabe. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1885.
Gubernatis. See De Gubernatis.
Hahn. See Von Hahn.
Haltrich. Deutsche Volksmärchen aus dem Sachsenlande in Siebenbürgen. Gesammelt von Josef Haltrich. 4te Auflage. Wien, 1885.
Hapgood. The Epic Songs of Russia by Isabel Florence Hapgood. New York, n.d. [Preface dated August 1885.]
Harland and Wilkinson. Lancashire Legends, Traditions, Pageants, Sports, &c. By John Harland, F.S.A., and T. T. Wilkinson, F.R.A.S. London, 1873.
Hazlitt, Fairy Tales. Fairy Tales, Legends and Romances illustrating Shakespeare and other Early English writers to which are prefixed two preliminary dissertations by Joseph Ritson. [Edited by W. C. Hazlitt.] London, 1875.
Henderson. Notes on the Folk-Lore of the Northern Counties of England and the Borders. New Edition. By William Henderson. London, 1879. (Folk-Lore Society.)
Howells. Cambrian Superstitions, comprising Ghosts, Omens, Witchcraft, Traditions, &c. By W. Howells. Tipton, 1831.
Hunt. Popular Romances of the West of England or the Drolls, Traditions and Superstitions of Old Cornwall collected and edited by Robert Hunt, F.R.S. 3rd edition, revised and enlarged. London, 1881.
Imbriani. La Novellaja Fiorentina fiabe e novelline stenografate in Firenze dal dettato popolare da Vittorio Imbriani. Ristampa accresciute di molte novelle inedite, &c., nelle quali è accolta La Novellaja Milanese dello stesso raccoglitore. Livorno, 1877.
Im Thurn. Among the Indians of Guiana being sketches chiefly anthropologic from the interior of British Guiana. By Everard F. im Thurn, M.A. London, 1883.
Indian N. and Q. Indian Notes and Queries (late "Panjab Notes and Queries"), a Monthly Periodical conducted by Captain R. C. Temple and others. 7 vols. Allahabad, 1883–90, still proceeding.
Irish Folk Lore, or Irish F. L. Irish Folk Lore: Traditions and Superstitions of the Country; with humorous tales. By "Lageniensis." Glasgow, n.d. [Preface dated April 1870.]
Jahn. Volkssagen aus Pommern und Rügen. Gesammelt und herausgegeben von Dr. Ulrich Jahn. Stettin, 1886.
Jannsen. Märchen und Sagen des estnischen Volkes gesammelt und übersetzt von Harry Jannsen. Two series. 1st ser. Dorpat, 1881: 2nd ser. Riga, 1888.
Jones and Kropf. The Folk-Tales of the Magyars. Collected by Kriza, Pap and others. Translated and edited by the Rev. W. Henry Jones and Lewis L. Kropf. London, 1889. (Folk -Lore Society.)
Journal. Amer. F. L. The Journal of American Folk-Lore. 3 vols. Boston, 1888–90, still proceeding. [Organ of the American Folk-Lore Society.]
Kalewala. Kalewala, des National-Epos der Finnen, nach der zweiten Ausgabe ins Deutsche übertragen von Anton Schiefner. Helsingfors, 1852.
Kathá Sarit Ságara. The Kathá Sarit Ságara, or Ocean of the Streams of Story translated from the original Sanskrit by C. H. Tawney, M.A. 2 vols. Calcutta, 1880–84.
Keightley. The Fairy Mythology, illustrative of the Romance and Superstition of various Countries by Thomas Keightley. New Edition, revised and greatly enlarged. London, 1882.
Kennedy. Legendary Fictions of the Irish Celts. Collected and narrated by Patrick Kennedy. London, 1866.
Kirby. The New Arabian Nights. Select Tales, not included by Galland or Lane. Translated and edited by W. F. Kirby. London, n.d.
Knoop. Volkssagen, Erzählungen, Aberglauben, Gebräuche und Märchen aus dem östlichen Hinterpommern. Gesammelt von Otto Knoop. Posen, 1885.
Knowles. Folk-Tales of Kashmir. By the Rev. J. Hinton Knowles. London, 1888.
Krauss. Sagen und Märchen der Südslaven. Zum grossen Teil aus ungedruckten Quellen von Dr. Friedrich S. Krauss. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1883–84.
—— Volksgl. Volksglaube und religiöser Brauch der Südslaven. Vorwiegend nach eigenen Ermittlungen von Dr. Friedrich S. Krauss. Münster i W. 1890.
Kreutzwald. Ehstnische Märchen. Aufgezeichnet von Friedrich Kreutzwald. Aus dem Ehstnischen übersetzt von F. Löwe. Halle, 1869.
Kuhn. Märkische Sagen und Märchen nebst einem Anhange von Gebräuchen und Aberglauben gesammelt und herausgegeben von Adalbert Kuhn. Berlin, 1843.
Kuhn und Schwartz. Norddeutsche Sagen, Märchen und Gebräuche aus Meklenburg, &c. Aus dem munde des Volkes gesammelt und herausgegeben von A. Kuhn und W. Schwartz. Leipzig, 1848.
Lady Wilde. Ancient Legends, Mystic Charms and Superstitions of Ireland. By Lady Wilde. 2 vols. London, 1887.
La Croix. Manners Customs and Dress during the Middle Ages and during the Renaissance Period by Paul La Croix (Bibliophile Jacob). 4th thousand. London, 1876.
Landes. Contes et Légendes Annamites par A. Landes. Saigon, 1886.
La Tradition. La Tradition Revue Générale des Contes, Légendes, Chants, Usages, Traditions et Arts populaires. 4 vols. Paris, 1887–90, still proceeding. [Organ of the Société des Traditionnistes.]
Leland. The Algonquin Legends of New England, or Myths and Folk-Lore of the Micmac, Passamaquoddy, and Penobscot Tribes by Charles G. Leland. London, 1884.
Lemke. Volksthümliches in Ostpreussen von E. Lemke. 2 vols. Mohrungen, 1884–87.
Liebrecht. Zur Volkskunde. Alte und neue Aufsätze von Felix Liebrecht. Heilbronn, 1879.
Llyvyr Coch. See Y Llyvyr Coch.
Lord A. Campbell, Waifs and Strays. Waifs and Strays of Celtic Tradition. I. Argyllshire Series. Edited by Lord Archibald Campbell. London, 1879.
Luzel, Contes. Contes Populaires de Basse-Bretagne par F. M. Luzel. 3 vols. Paris, 1887.
—— Légendes Chrét. Légendes Chrétiennes de la Basse-Bretagne par F. M. Luzel. 2 vols. Paris, 1881.
—— Veillées. Veillées Bretonnes par F.-M. Luzel. Morlaix, 1879.
MacInnes. Waifs and Strays of Celtic Tradition. Folk and Hero Tales. Collected, Edited and Translated by the Rev. D. MacInnes, With Notes by the Editor and Alfred Nutt. London, 1890.
MacRitchie. The Testimony of Tradition by David MacRitchie. London, 1890.
Malory. La Mort d' Arthure. The History of King Arthur and of the Knights of the Round Table. Compiled by Sir Thomas Malory, Knt. Edited from the text of the edition of 1634 by Thomas Wright Esq., M.A., F.S.A. 2nd edition. 3 vols. London, 1866.
Map. Gualteri Mapes De Nugis Curialium Distinctiones Quinque. Edited from the unique manuscript in the Bodleian Library at Oxford by Thomas Wright Esq., M.A., F.S.A., &c. London, 1850.
Masnavi i Ma'navi. Masnavi i Ma'navi. The Spiritual Couplets of Maulána Jalálu-'d-Dín Muhammad i Rúmí. Translated and abridged by E. H. Whinfield, M.A. London, 1887.
Maspons y Labros. Folk-Lore Catalá. Cuentos Populars Catalans per lo Dr. Francisco de S. Maspons y Labros. Barcelona, 1885.
Meier. Deutsche Sagen, Sitten und Gebräuche aus Schwaben, gesammelt von Ernst Meier. Stuttgart, 1852.
—— Märchen. Deutsche Volksmärchen aus Schwaben. Aus dem Munde des Volks gesammelt und herausgegeben von Dr. Ernst Meier. 3te Auflage. Stuttgart, n.d.
Mélusine. Mélusine Recueil de Mythologie, Littérature Populaire, Traditions et Usages publié par H. Gaitloz et E. Rolland. [Since vol. iii. by H. Gaidoz alone.] 5 vols. Paris, 1878–90, still proceeding.
Michels. See Des Michels.
Mrs. Bray. The Borders of the Tamar and the Tavy; their Natural History, &c., by Mrs. Bray. New Edition. 2 vols. London, 1879.
Müller. Siebenbürgische Sagen gesammelt und herausgegeben von Dr. Friedrich Müller. Zweite veränderte Auflage. Wien, 1885.
Napier. Folk Lore: or Superstitious Beliefs in the West of Scotland within this Century. By James Napier, F.R.S.E., F.C.S., &c. Paisley, 1879.
Nicholson. Folk Lore of East Yorkshire. By John Nicholson. London, 1890.
Niederhöffer. Mecklenburg's Volkssagen. Gesammelt und herausgegeben von M. Dr. A. Niederhöffer. 4 vols. Leipzig, n.d. [Vorwort dated Februar 1857.]
Ortoli. Les Contes Populaires del' Ile de Corse par J. B. Frédéric Ortoli. Paris, 1883.
Panjab N. and Q. See Indian N. and Q.
Pitré. Biblioteca delle Tradizioni Popolari Siciliane per cura di Giuseppe Pitré. 18 vols. Palermo, 1871–88.
Poestion. Lappländische Märchen, Volkssagen, Räthsel und Sprichwörter. Nach lappländischen, norwegischen und schwedischen Quellen von J. C. Poestion. Wien, 1886.
Powell and Magnusson. Icelandic Legends (collected by Jón Arnason) Translated by George E. J. Powell and Eiríkr Magnusson. 2nd series. London, 1866.
Preller, Röm. Myth. Römische Mythologie von L. Preller. 3te Auflage. 2 vols. Berlin, 1881–83.
Prym und Socin. Kurdische Sammlungen. Erzählungen und Lieder im dialekte des Tûr 'Abdin. Gesammelt, herausgegeben und übersetzt von Eugen Prym und Albert Socin. St. Petersbourg, 1887. [A second part, by Socin only, consisting of tales and songs in the dialect of Bohtan, has since been published, 1890.]
Radloff. Proben der Volkslitteratur der Türkischen Stämme Süd-Sibiriens, gesammelt und übersetzt von Dr. W. Radloff. 6 vols. [the last two entitled P. der V. der Nördlichen Türkischen Stämme.] St. Petersburg, 1866–86.
Ralston, R. F. Tales. Russian Folk-Tales by W. R. S. Ralston, M.A. London, 1873.
—— Tibetan Tales. Tibetan Tales derived from Indian Sources. Translated from the Tibetan of the Kah-Gyur by F. Anton von Schiefner. Done into English from the German by W. R. S. Ralston, M.A. London, 1882.
Rappold. Sagen aus Kärnten. Zusammengestellt und theilweise neu erzählt von Professor J. Rappold. Augsburg, 1887.
Revue des Trad. Pop. Revue des Traditions Populaires. 5 vols. Paris, 1886–90, still proceeding. [Organ of the Société des Traditions Populaires.]
Rhys, Hibbert Lectures. The Hibbert Lectures, 1886. Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion as illustrated by Celtic Heathendom. By John Rhys. London, 1888.
Rink. Tales and Traditions of the Eskimo by Dr. Henry Rink. Translated from the Danish by the author. Edited by Dr. Robert Brown. Edinburgh, 1875.
Robertson Smith. Lectures on the Religion of the Semites. First Series. The Fundamental Institutions. By W. Robertson Smith, M.A., LL.D. Edinburgh, 1889.
Romero. Contos Populares do Brazil collegidos pelo Dr. Sylvio Roméro. Lisboa, 1885.
Romilly. From my Verandah in New Guinea Sketches and Traditions by Hugh Hastings Romilly, C.M.G. London, 1889. Rösenol. Rosenöl oder Sagen und Kunden des Morgenländes aus arabischen, persischen und türkischen Quellen gesammelt. 2 vols. Stuttgart, 1813.
Rudder. A New History of Gloucestershire. Cirencester, Samuel Rudder, 1779.
Sastri. The Dravidian Nights Entertainments: being a translation of Madanakamarajankadai. By Pandit S. M. Natesa Sastri. Madras, 1886.
Saxo, Gesta Dan. Saxonis Grammatici Gesta Danorum, herausgegeben von Alfred Holder. Strassburg, 1886.
Schleicher. Litaüische Märchen, Sprichworte, Rätsel und Lieder. Gesammelt und übersetzt von August Schleicher. Weimar, 1857.
Schmidt. Griechische Märchen, Sagen und Volkslieder gesammelt, übersetzt und erlautert von Bernhardt Schmidt. Leipzig, 1877.
Schneller. Märchen und Sagen aus Wälschtirol. Gesammelt von Christian Schneller. Innsbruck, 1867.
Schreck. Finnische Märchen übersetzt von Emmy Schreck. Weimar, 1887.
Sébillot, Contes. Paul Sébillot. Contes Populaires de la Haute Bretagne. Paris, 1880. Do. 2me série. Contes des Paysans et des Pêcheurs. Paris, 1881. Do. 3me série. Contes des Marins. Paris, 1882.
—— Litt. Orale. Littérature Orale de la Haute Bretagne par Paul Sébillot. Paris, 1881.
—— Trad. et Super. Traditions et Superstitions de la Haute Bretagne par Paul Sébillot. 2 vols. Paris, 1882.
Shortland. Traditions and Superstitions of the New Zealanders: with illustrations of their manners and customs. By Edward Shortland, M.A. 2nd edition. London, 1856.
Sikes. British Goblins: Welsh Folk-Lore, Fairy Mythology, Legends and Traditions. By Wirt Sikes. London, 1880.
Simrock. Handbuch der Deutschen Mythologie mit Einschluss der nordischen. Von Karl Simrock. 3te Auflage. Bonn, 1869.
Sir G. Grey. Polynesian Mythology, and Ancient Traditional History of the New Zealand Race, as furnished by their Priests and Chiefs. By Sir George Grey. London, 1855.
Spitta Bey. Contes Arabes Modernes recueillis et traduits par Guillaume Spitta-Bey. Leide, 1883.
Steere. Swahili Tales, as told by natives of Zanzibar. With an English translation. By Edward Steere, LL.D. London, 1870.
Stephens. The Literature of the Kymry: being a critical essay on the history of the Language and Literature of Wales during the twelfth and two succeeding centuries. By Thomas Stephens. 2nd edition. London, 1876.
Sternberg. The Dialect and Folk-Lore of Northamptonshire. By Thomas Sternberg. London, 1851.
Taylor. Te Ika a Maui; or New Zealand and its Inhabitants. By the Rev. Richard Taylor, M.A., F.G.S. 2nd edition. London, 1870.
Temple, Legends of the Panjab. The Legends of the Panjab. By Captain R. C. Temple. 2 vols. Bombay, n.d. [Preface to vol. i. dated May 1884.] Still proceeding.
Tettau. See Von Tettau.
Theal. Kaffir Folk-Lore; a Selection from the Traditional Tales current amongst the people living on the eastern border of the Cape Colony. By George M'Call Theal. London, n.d. [Preface dated Jan. 1882.]
Thomas of Erceldoune. The Romance and Prophecies of Thomas of Erceldoune, printed from five manuscripts. Edited, with introduction and notes, by James A. H. Murray, LL.D. London 1875 (Early Eng. Text Soc.).
Thorburn. Bannú; or, Our Afghan Frontier. By S. S. Thorburn. London, 1876.
Thorpe. Northern Mythology, comprising the principal popular traditions and superstitions of Scandinavia, North Germany, and the Netherlands. Compiled by Benjamin Thorpe. 3 vols. London, 1851–52.
—— Yule-Tide Stories. Yule-Tide Stories. A collection of Scandinavian and North German Popular Tales and Traditions. Edited by Benjamin Thorpe. London, 1853.
Tradition. See La Tradition.
Trad. Pop. Revue des. See Revue des Trad. Pop.
Train. An Historical and Statistical Account of the Isle of Man, from the earliest times to the present date. By Joseph Train, F.S.A. Scot. 2 vols. Douglas, 1845.
Trans. Aberd. Eistedd. Eistedfodd Genedlaethol y Cymry. Cofnodion a Chyfansoddiadau Buddugol Eisteddfod Aberdar, 1885. Transactions of the National Eisteddfod of Wales, Aberdare, 1885. Caerdydd, 1887.
Tylor. Primitive Culture: Researches into the development of Mythology, Philosophy, Religion, Art, and Custom. By Edward B. Tylor. 2 vols. London, 1871.
Vernaleken. In the Land of Marvels. Folk-Tales from Austria and Bohemia by Theodor Vernaleken. London, 1889.
Volkskunde. See Zeits.f. Volkskunde.
Von Alpenburg. Mythen und Sagen Tirols. Gesammelt und herausgegeben von Johann Nepomuk Ritter von Alpenburg. Zürich, 1857.
Von Hahn. Griechische und albanesiche Märchen. Gesammelt übersetzt und erläutert von J. G. von Hahn. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1864.
Von Tettau. Die Volkssagen Ostpreussens, Litthauens und Westpreussens. Gesammelt von W. J. A. von Tettau und J. D. H. Temme. Berlin, 1837.
Von Wlislocki. Märchen und Sagen der Transsilvanischen Zigeuner Gesammelt und übersetzt von Dr. Heinrich von Wlislocki. Berlin, 1886.
Waldau. Böhmisches Märchenbuch. Deutsch von Alfred Waldau. Prag, 1860.
Waldron. A Description ot the Isle of Man by George Waldron, Gent. Edited by William Harrison, Esq. Douglas, 1865.
Webster. Basque Legends: collected chiefly in the Labourd by Rev. Wentworth Webster, M.A. 2nd edition. London, 1879.
Wenzig. Westslawischer Märchenschatz. Deutsch bearbeitet von Joseph Wenzig. Neue Ausgabe. Leipzig, 1886.
White. The Ancient History of the Maori, his Mythology and Traditions by John White. 4 vols. Wellington, 1887–89, still proceeding.
Wide Awake Stories. Wide Awake Stories. A collection of tales told by little children, between sunset and sunrise, in the Panjab and Kashmir. By F. A. Steel and R. C. Temple. Bombay, 1884.
Wilde. See Lady Wilde.
Wirt Sikes. See Sikes.
Wlislocki. See Von Wlislocki.
Wratislaw. Sixty Folk-Tales from exclusively Slavonic sources. Translated, with brief introductions and notes, by A. H. Wratislaw, M.A. London, 1889.
Wright, Middle Ages. Essays on subjects connected with the Literature, Popular Superstitions and History of England in the Middle Ages. By Thomas Wright, M.A., F.S.A. 2 vols. London, 1846.
Y Brython. Y Brython: Cylchgrawn Llenyddol Cymru; dan olygiad y Parch. D. Silvan Evans. 5 vols. Tremadog, 1858–63.
Y Cymmrodor. Y Cymmrodor, embodying the Transactions of the Cymmrodorion Society of London. 10 vols. London, 1877–90, still proceeding.
Y Llyvyr Coch. Y Llyvyr Coch o Hergest. Y gyvrol I. The Text of the Mabinogion and other Welsh Tales from the Red Book of Hergest edited by John Rhys, M.A. and J. Gwenogfryn Evans. Oxford, 1887.
The Mabinogion, from the Welsh of the Llyfr Coch o Hergest (The Red Book of Hergest) in the Library of Jesus College, Oxford. Translated, with notes, by Lady Charlotte Guest. London, 1877.
Zeits. f. Volksk. Zeitschrift für Volkskunde in Sage und Mär, Schwank und Streich, Lied, Rätsel und Sprichwort, Sitte und Brauch herausgegeben von Dr. Edmund Veckenstedt. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1889–90, still proceeding.