< The Roman Hymnal
For other English-language translations of this work, see Salve Regina.

No. 69.

Salve Regina.

<< \new Staff \relative c' { \time 4/4 \key c \major \autoBeamOff 
  \partial 4 e8[ f] | g4 g g a | g4. f8 e4 r |
  f2 e | d c4 e8[ f] | g( g) g4 g a |
  g4. f8 e4 r | f2 e | d c4 r \bar "." c' b 
  a d8[ c] | \stemUp b4 \stemNeutral a g2 | c4 b a d8[ c] |
  \stemUp b4 \stemNeutral a g2 | c4 d e c | c b c2 |
  c4( b) a2 | d4( c) b2 | c4( d) e c | d2 c4 r \bar".." }
\addlyrics { \set stanza = #"1. "
  Hail! ho -- ly Queen en -- thron'd a -- bove,
  O Ma -- rí -- a! Hail! Mother of mer -- cy
  and of love, O Ma -- rí -- a! Tri -- umph
  all ye Cher -- u -- bim, Sing with us, ye
  Ser -- a -- phim, Heav'n and earth re -- sound the hymn:
  Sal -- ve, sal -- ve, sal -- ve Re -- gí -- na!  }
\addlyrics { \set stanza = #"2. " 
  Our life, our sweet -- ness here be -- low,
  O Ma -- rí -- a! Our hope in sor -- row
  and in woe, O Ma -- rí -- a! Tri -- umph }
\addlyrics { \set stanza = #"3. " 
  To thee we cry, poor sons of Eve,
  O Ma -- rí -- a! To thee we sigh, we 
  mourn, we grieve, O Ma -- rí -- a! Tri -- umph }>>

Transcribed lyrics(not individually listed)

1.Hail! holy Queen enthron'd above,
O María!
Hail! Mother of mercy and of love,
O María!

Triumph all ye Cherubim,
Sing with us, ye Seraphim,
Heav'n and earth resound the hymn:
Salve, salve, salve Regína!

2.Our life, our sweetness here below,
O María!
Our hope in sorrow and in woe,
O María! Triumph, etc.

3.To thee we cry, poor sons of Eve,
O María!
To thee we sigh, we mourn, we grieve,
O María! Triumph, etc.

4.This earth is but a vale of tears,
O Maria!
A place of banishment, of fears,
O Maria! Triumph, etc.

5.Turn, then, most gracious Advocate,
O Maria!
Tow'rds us thine eyes compassionate,
O Maria! Triumph, etc.

6.When this our exile is complete,
O Maria!
Show us thy womb-born Jesus sweet,
O Maria! Triumph, etc.

7.O clement, gracious, Mother sweet,
O Maria!
O Virgin Mary, we entreat,
O Maria! Triumph, etc.

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