Ralph Waldo Emerson. German Air.
1. Bur - ly, doz - ing hum - ble - bee, Where thou art is
2. When the south wind, in May days, With a net of
3. Hot mid - sum - mer's pet - ted crone, Sweet to me thy
4. Wis - er far than hu - man seer. Yel - low - breeched phil-
clime for me. Let them sail for Por - to Rique,
shin - ing haze Sil - vers the hor-i - zon wall,
drow - sy tone Tells of count-less sun - ny hours,
os - o - pher! See - ing on - ly what is fair,
Far - off heats through seas to seek; I will fol - low
And with soft - ness touch- es all. Thou, in sun - ny
Long days, sol - id banks of flowers; Aught un - sav - 'ry
Thou dost mock at fate and care; When the fierce north -
thee a - lone. Thou an - i - mat - ed tor - rid zone!
sol - i - tudes, Ro - ver of the un - der - woods,
or un - clean Hath my in - sect nev - er seen;
west - ern blast Cools sea and land so far and fast,
Let me chase thy wav - ing lines, Sing - ing o - ver shrubs and vines.
The green si - lence dost dis - place With thy mel-low breezy bass.
Clov-er, catch-fly, ad - der's tongue, Bri - er ro - ses, dwelt a - mong.
Thou al - read-y slum-b'rest deep; Woe and want thou canst out-sleep.
This work was published before January 1, 1927, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.