Isaac B. Woodbury. Isaac B. Woodbury.
1. Speed a - way! speed a - way! on thine er - rand of light! There's a
2. And oh! wilt thou tell her, blest bird on the wing, That her
3. Go, bird of the sil - ver wing! fet - ter - less now; Stoop
young heart a - wait-ing thy com-ing to - night; She will fon-dle thee
moth-er hath ev - er a sad song to sing; That she standeth a -
not thy bright pin - ions on yon mountain's brow; But hie thee a -
close, she will ask for the lov'd. Who pine up - on earth since the
lone, in the still qui-et night, And her fond heart goes forth for the
way, o'er rock, riv - er and glen, And find our young "Day Star," ere
"Day Star" has roved, She will ask if we miss her, so long is her
be - ing of light, Who had slept in her bo - som, —but who would not
night close a - gain; Up, on - ward! let noth - ing thy mis - sion de -
stay, Speed a - way! Speed a - way! Speed a - way!

This work was published before January 1, 1927, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.