Phoebe Cary. Arr. from
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
1. Faint - er and faint - er may fall on my ear The
2. Whit - er and whit - er may turn with each day The
3. Dark - er and dark - er a - bove thee may spread The
voice that is sweet - er than mu - sic to hear;
locks that so sad - ly are chang-ing to gray;
clouds of a fate that is hope-less and dread;
More and more ea - ger - ly then will I list, That
Dear - er and dear - er shall these seem to me, The
Bright-er and bright-er the sun of my love Will
nev - er a word or an ac - cent be missed.
few - er an whit - er an thin - ner they be,
shine, all the shad - ows and mists to re - move.
Slow - er and slow - er the foot - steps may grow, Whose
Weak - er and weak - er may be the light clasp Of the
En - vy and mal - ice thy life may as - sail,
fall is the pleas - ant - est sound that I know;
hand that I hold so se - cure in my grasp;
Fa - vor and for - tune and friend - ship may fail;
Quick - er and quick - er my glad heart shall learn To
Strong - er and strong-er my own to the last Will
Per - fect and sure, and un - dy - ing shall be The
catch its faint ech - o and bless its re - turn.
cling to it, hold - ing it ten - der - ly fast.
trust of this heart that is cen - tred in thee!

This work was published before January 1, 1927, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.