< The Riverside song book


Eugene Field. Arr. from Voigtlaender.

Affettuoso allegretto.

1. O Moth -er- my - Love, if you'll give me your hand, And

2. There'll be no lit-tle tired - out boy to un - dress, No

3. And when I am tired I'll nes - tle my head In the

go where I ask you to wan - der, I will

ques-tions or cares to per - plex you, There'll be

bo - som that's sooth'd me so oft - en, And the

lead you a - way to a beau - ti - ful land,—The

no lit - tie bruis - es or bumps to ca - ress, Nor

wide a - wake stars shall sing in my stead, A

dream-land that's wait - ing out yon - der. We'll

patch -ing of stock - ings to vex you; For I'll

song which our dream - ing shall soft - en. So,

walk in a sweet po - sie - gar - den out there, Where

rock you a - way on a sil - ver - dew stream, And

Moth - er - my - Love, let me take your dear han, And a-

moon -light and star - light are stream-ing, And the

sing you a - sleep when you're wea - ry, And

way thro' the star - light we'll wan - der,— A -

flowers and the bird are fill - ing the air With the

no one shall know of our beau-ti - ful dream But

way through the mist to the beau-ti - ful land,—The

fra - grance and mu - sic of dream - ing.

you and your own lit - tie dear - ie.

dream - land that's wait - ing out yon - der.

This work was published before January 1, 1927, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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