< The Riverside song book
For other versions of this work, see My Country 'Tis of Thee.

tisoftheeComposer = \markup { \center-column { "Unknown" "(Air: God Save the King.)" } } 
\header { tagline = ##f subtitle = "MY COUNTRY, ’T IS OF THEE." poet = "Samuel Francis Smith" composer = \tisoftheeComposer

\score { \relative c' { << \new Voice = "a" { \time 3/4 \key g \major \tempo "Moderato." \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#f #f #f)
  <d g>^\mf <e g> <e a> | <d fis>4. <e g>8 <fis a>4 |
  <g b> <g b> <a c> | <g b>4. <fis a>8 <e g>4 |
  <e a> <d g> <d fis> | <d g>2 r4 |
  <b' d>4^\f <b d> <b d> | <b d>4. <a c>8 <g b>4 |
  <a c> <a c> <a c> | <a c>4. <g b>8 <fis a>4 |
  <g b> << { c8[ b] a[ g] } \\ { g4 d } >> | <g b>4. <g c>8 <g d'>4 |
  <g e'>8[ <a c>] <g b>4 <fis a> <d g>2 r4 \bar ".." }
\new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"a" \set stanza = #"1. " My4 coun -- try, ’t_is4. of8 thee,4 Sweet land of lib4. -- er8 -- ty,4 Of thee I sing;2 \skip4 Land4 where my fa4. -- thers8 died,4 Land of the Pil4. -- grim’s8 pride;4 From ev -- ’ry moun4. -- tain8 side,4 Let free -- dom ring.2 }
\new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"a" \set stanza = #"2. " My4 na -- tive coun4. -- try,8 thee–4 Land of the no4. -- ble8 free—4 Thy name I love;2 \skip4 I4 love thy rocks4. and8 rills,4 Thy woods and tem4. -- pled8 hills;4 My heart with rap4. -- ture8 thrills,4 Like that a -- bove.2 }
\new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"a" \set stanza = #"3. " Let4 mu -- sic swell4. the8 breeze,4 And ring from all4. the8 trees4 Sweet free -- dom’s song;2 \skip4 Let4 mor -- tal tongues4. a8 -- wake;4 Let all that breathe4. par8 -- take;4 Let rocks their si4. -- lence8 break—4 The sound pro -- long.2 }
\new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"a" \set stanza = #"4. " Our4 fa -- thers’ God,4. to8 Thee,4 Au -- thor of lib4. -- er8 ty,4 To thee we sing;2 \skip4 Long4 may our land4. be8 bright4 With free -- dom’s ho4. -- ly8 light:4 Pro -- tect us by4. Thy8 might,4 Great God, our King.2 }
\new Staff { \key g \major \clef bass \relative c {
  <g' b>4^\mf <e b'> <c c'> | <d a'>4. <d d'>8 <d d'>4 |
  <g d'> <e e'> <c e'> | <d d'>4. <d c'>8 <e b'>4 |
  <c c'> <d b'> <d a'> | <g b>2 r4 |
  <g, d''>^\f <b d'> <d d'> | <g d'>4. <d d'>8 <g d'>4 |
  <d d'> <fis d'> <a d> | <d, d'>4. <g d'>8 <d d'>4 |
  <g d'> << { e'8[ d] c[ b] } \\ { g4 g } >> | <g d'>4. <a d>8 <b d>4
  << { c8[ e ] d4 } \\ { c4 d } \\
     { \teeny  \stemDown c,4 d \stemNeutral \normalsize } >> <d c'> <g b>2 r4 } } >> }
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 4 = 96 } }

This work was published before January 1, 1927, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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