< The Riverside song book
For other versions of this work, see Afternoon in February.

\relative c' { << \new Voice = "a" { \time 4/4 \key d \major \partial 4 \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f <d fis>4 <d fis>(<e g>) <d fis>(<e g>) <fis a>(<g b>) <fis a> <e g> <d fis>(<e g>) <d fis>(<e g>) <fis a>(<g b>) <fis a>(<e g>) << { fis(g) } \\ { d2 } >> <d fis>4( ~ <d gis>) << { a'2 } \\ { e4(fis) } >> <e a> <e a> <d a'>( ~ <d gis>) <d fis>( ~ <d gis>) <cis a'>2 \fermata r4 <fis a>4 <fis a>2 <g b>4(<fis a>) <fis a>(<e g>) <e g> <e g> <e g>2 <fis a>4(<e g>) <e g>(<d fis>) <d fis> <d fis> <d fis>(<e g>) <d fis>(<e g>) <fis a>(<g b>) <fis c'> \fermata <fis c'> <g b>2 <g cis?> <fis d'> \fermata r4 \bar ".." } \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"a" \set stanza = #"1. " The4 day2 is end -- ing,4 The night2 is4 de --scend2 -- ing;4 The marsh2 is fro -- zen,4 The riv -- er is2 dead.2 \skip4 Through4 clouds2 like ash -- es4 The red2 sun flash -- es4 On vil2 -- lage win -- dows4 That glim2 -- mer red. } \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"a" \set stanza = #"2. " The4 snow2 re4 -- com -- men2 -- ces;4 The bur2 --ied fen -- ces Mark no long --er4 The road2 o’er4 the plain;2 \skip4 While4 through2 the mead -- ows,4 Like fear2 -- ful shad -- ows,4 \skip4 Slow2 -- ly pass -- es4 A fun2 -- ’ral train. } \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"a" \set stanza = #"3. " The4 bell2 is peal -- ing,4 And ev2 -- ’ry feel -- ing4 With -- in2 me4 re -- sponds2 To4 the dis2 -- mal knell;2 \skip4 \skip4 Shad -- ows4 are trail2 -- ing,4 My heart2 is4 be -- wail2 -- ing4 And toll2 -- ing4 with -- in2 Like4 a fun2 ’ral bell. } \new Staff { \time 4/4 \key d \major \partial 4 \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f d4 d2 d4 ~ d d2 cis4 cis d2 d4 ~ d d2 cis4 ~ cis d2 d4(b) cis(d) cis cis b ~ b e ~ e a,2 \fermata r4 d4 d2 d4 ~ d a2 a4 b cis2 a4(cis) d2 d4 d d2 d4 ~ d d2 d4 \fermata d g,2 a d \fermata r4 } >> }

This work was published before January 1, 1927, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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