< The Raccolta (1857)


Onde promuovere la pietà dei fedeli nell' Inghilterra Ambrogio di S. Giovamii, Sacerdote dell' Oratorio di S. Filippo Neri nella Diocesi di Birmingham, umilmente supplica, che si possa stampare in lingua Inglese, previa l'approvazione dell' Eminentissimo Arcivescovo di Westminster, una traduzione del libretto intitolato Raccolta di Orazioni &c. alle quali sono annesse le SS. Indulgenze, e che si possano guadagnare dai fedeli, che si servono di questa traduzione, le medesime Indulgenze annesse all' originale.

Ex Audientiâ Sanctissimi habitâ die 3 Febr. 1856. Sanctissimus Dominus noster Pius Divinâ Providentiâ PP. IX., referente me infrascripto S. Congregationis de Propagandâ Fide Secretario, benigne annuit pro gratis juxta petita, dummodo traductio fiat ex recentiore editione Romanâ, firmo remanente Decreto in calce ejusdem editionis impresso.

Datum Romæ ex Ædibus dictæ S. Congregationis die et anno prædicto.

Gratis, sine ullâ solutione quocunque titulo.

AL. BARNABÒ, à Secretis.

Loco ✠ sigilli.

Approbamus virtute supra exarati Rescripti Sanctissimi.

Westmon. die 28 Oc. 1857.



In order to promote thereby the piety of the faithful in England, Ambrose St. John, Priest of the Oratory of St. Philip Neri, in the Diocese of Birmingham, humbly prays for permission to print in English a translation of the book entitled Raccolta di Orazioni &c. alle quali sono annesse le SS. Indulgenze, having first obtained the approbation of his Eminence the Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster; and also that the faithful who make use of this translation may gain all the Indulgences annexed to the original.

After an audience of the Holy Father, granted February 3, 1856, our most Holy Lord Pius IX., by Divine Providence Pope, on an application made by me, the undersigned Secretary of the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, has of his goodness answered by Rescript in favour of the grace, according to the terms of the petition, provided the translation be made from the last Roman edition, and it being understood that the Decree printed at the end of this edition remains in full force.

Given at Rome from the House of the same Sacred Congregation, on the day and year aforesaid.

Gratis, without any payment on any plea whatever.

AL. BARNABÒ, Secretary.

In the place of ✠ the seal.

We approve of the Translation by virtue of the above Rescript of His Holiness.

Westminster, Oct. 23, 1857.

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