< The Raccolta (1857)



At the prayer of the priests of the Pious Union of St. Paul, first erected in Rome in the church of S. Maria in Cappella, afterwards transferred to the church of S. Maria della Pace, Pius VII., by a decree of the S. Congr. of Indulgences, dated April 28, 1815, grants to all the faithful who, with contrite hearts and with devotion, assist at the Mass and accompanying Thanksgiving-Prayers to the Most Holy Trinity for the high gifts and privileges bestowed on most holy Mary, and pray according to the intention of the Sovereign Pontiff—

i. The 300 days Indulgence every time they assist at the said exercise.

ii. The Plenary Indulgence twice a month, should they assist at it every day for a month, on any two days when, truly penitent for their sins, they shall, after Confession and Communion, pray as aforesaid.

As regards the said Mass, one only Votive Mass of the Most Holy Trinity is permitted to be celebrated each day, and this in one church alone in each several city, or village, &c., which church shall he designated by the ordinary; and the said Mass may he said on days when the office is of an ordinary double festival. On days when the rite is a major double, or double of the second class, the Mass of the day must be said with a Commemoration of the Most Holy Trinity; this permission, however, does not extend to Sundays of the first class, or other days which are doubles of the first class. The above-named permission rests on two decrees of the S. Congr. of Bites, April 15 and July 13, 1815, which contain also the approval of the following prayers to he recited after the said Mass. To render this devotion easier to be accomplished, the said Mass may be applied according to the intention of benefactors, or for any other pious object whatever; it may likewise be applied in suffrage for the faithful departed, even on those days when, according to the rubrics, the Mass of Requiem ought to be said: this is clear from the Papal rescript of January 10, 1807, given through

the Segretaria of Memorials, and preserved in the Archivium of the said Pious Union of St. Paul.


In nomine Patris, &c.

i. Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Three Persons and One God, we devoutly adore Thee, and with all our heart we love Thee and we praise Thee for the high gifts and glories granted to Mary most holy in her glorious and Immaculate Conception.

Three Gloria Patri and one Ave Maria.

ii. Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, we devoutly adore Thee, and with all our heart we love Thee and we praise Thee for the high gifts and glories granted to Mary most holy in her glorious Nativity.

Three Gloria Patri and one Ave Maria.

iii. Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, we devoutly adore Thee, and with all our heart we love Thee and we praise Thee for the high gifts and glories granted to Mary most holy in her glorious Presentation in the Temple.

Three Gloria Patri and one Ave Maria.

iv. Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, we devoutly adore Thee, and with all our heart we love Thee and we praise Thee for the high gifts and glories granted to Mary most holy in her glorious Annunciation.

Three Gloria Patri and one Ave Maria.

v. Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, we devoutly adore Thee, and with all our heart we love Thee and we praise Thee for the high gifts and glories granted to Mary most holy in her glorious Visitation.

Three Gloria Patri and one Ave Maria.

vi. Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, we devoutly adore Thee, and with all our heart we love Thee and we praise Thee for the high gifts and glories granted to Mary most holy in her glorious Purification.

Three Gloria Patri and one Ave Maria.

vii. Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, we devoutly adore Thee, and with all our heart we love Thee and we praise Thee for the high gifts and glories granted to Mary most holy in her most glorious Assumption.

Three Gloria Patri and one Ave Maria.

Lastly, we give Thee most hearty thanks for that Thou hast exalted and glorified the most holy and most sweet name of Mary throughout the whole world.


Mary, dear mother! mother most lovely! mother most tender! mother full of love and sweetness for thy children! we pray thee, by this our loving act of thanksgiving to the Most Holy Trinity get us all grace ever to employ the powers of our soul, the five senses of our body, in all our words and works, to the honour and glory of God, One in Three Persons, that we may ever love Him with pure and tender hearts, even as thou didst love Him here on earth; and thus with thee attain to the enjoyment of Him in the bliss of heaven for ever and ever.

Bless us, mother Mary, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

All say Salve Regina, and then—

V. Benedicamus Patrem, et Filium cum Sancto Spiritu.

R. Laudemus, et superexaltemus Eum in sæcula.


Omnipotens sempiterne Deus, qui dedisti famulis tuis in confessione veræ Fidei æternæ Trinitatis gloriam agnoscere, et in potentia Majestatis adorare Unitatem; quæsumus, ut ejusdem Fidei firmitate ab omnibus semper muniamur adversis. Per Christum Dominum mostrum. R. Amen.

V. Let us bless the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

R. Praise and exalt Him above all for ever.

Let us pray.

Almighty and eternal God, who hast given to us Thy servants grace by the confession of the true faith to acknowledge the glory of the eternal Trinity, and in the power of Thy majesty to adore the Unity, grant we beseech Thee that we being grounded in this faith may by it ever be defended from all adversities. Through Christ our Lord. R. Amen.

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