Take these, O Christ! I would not give Thy Praise
To others, Sole True Lord of Life and Light;
For Thine the Vow, that camest Sworn to do
Thy Father s Saving Will, Who loveth not
That sinners perish; Thine the Life of toil,
The world's sharp enmity and bitter scorn,
And all the Passion, long drawn-out, which closed
In the great pain of Thy most Holy Cross.
Perfect through Suffering, Thou didst gain for us
The Rest of Paradise, where now, enthroned
As King, Thou reignst in bliss, and whence Thou callst
Poor men to come to Thee, to Whom is given
A Name above all Names, O truest Lord
Of boundless Life and Love uncircumscribed.
Long years Thy Shadow, brooding o'er these Lands,
Hath told of Peace and Hope for sinful men;
Now turn the Shadow to Reality,
And bless us as we gather round Thy Feet,
Oh Amitabha-Christ, Sole Lord of All.
A Ll.
Tokyo, Easter-tide, 1907.