< National and Community Service Act of 1990
Sec. 301. Short Title.
- This title may be cited as the ``The Points of Light Foundation Act´´.
Sec. 302. Findings and Purpose.
- (a) FINDINGS.—
- Congress finds that—
- (1) community service and service to others is an integral part of American tradition;
- Congress finds that—
- (2) existing volunteers and volunteer programs should be praised for their efforts in helping and serving others;
- (3) the definition of a successful life includes service to others;
- (4) individuals should be encouraged to volunteer their time and energies in community service efforts;
- (5) if asked to volunteer or participate in community service, most Americans will do so;
- (6) institutions should be encouraged to volunteer their resources and energies and should encourage volunteer and community service among their members, employees, affiliates; and
- (7) volunteer and community service programs are intended to complement and not replace governmental responsibilities.
- (b) PURPOSE.—
- It is the purpose of this title—
- (1) to encourage every American and every American institution to help solve our most critical social problems by volunteering their time, energies and services through community service projects and initiatives;
- It is the purpose of this title—
- (2) to identify successful and promising community service projects and initiatives, and to disseminate information concerning such projects and initiatives to other communities in order to promote their adoption nationwide; and
- (3) to discover and encourage new leaders and develop individuals and institutions that serve as strong examples of a commitment to serving others and to convince all Americans that a successful life includes serving others.
Sec. 303. Authority.
- (a) IN GENERAL.—
- The President is authorized to designate a private, nonprofit organization (hereinafter referred to in this title as the Foundation) to receive funds pursuant to section 501(b), upon the determination of the President that such organization is capable of carrying out the undertakings described in section 302. Any such designation by the President shall be revocable.
- Nothing in this Act shall be construed either—
- (1) to cause the Foundation to be deemed an agency, establishment, or instrumentality of the United States Government; or
- Nothing in this Act shall be construed either—
- (2) to cause the directors, officers or employees of the Foundation to be deemed officers or employees of the United States.
Sec. 304. Grants to the Foundation.
- (a) IN GENERAL.—
- Funds made available pursuant to sections 303 and 501(b) shall be granted to the Foundation by a department or agency in the executive branch of the United States Government designated by the President—
- (1) to assist the Foundation in carrying out the undertakings described in section 302; and
- Funds made available pursuant to sections 303 and 501(b) shall be granted to the Foundation by a department or agency in the executive branch of the United States Government designated by the President—
- (2) for the administrative expenses of the Foundation.
- Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Foundation may hold funds granted to it pursuant to this title in interest-bearing accounts, prior to the disbursement of such funds for purposes specified in subsection (a), and may retain for such purposes any interest earned on such deposits without returning such interest to the Treasury of the United States and without further appropriation by the Congress.
Sec. 305. Eligibility of the Foundation for Grants.
- Grants may be made to the Foundation pursuant to this title only if the Foundation agrees to comply with the requirements of this title. If the Foundation fails to comply with the requirements of this title, additional funds shall not be released until the Foundation brings itself into compliance with such requirements.
- The Foundation may use funds provided under this title only for activities and programs consistent with the purposes described in sections 302 and 304.
- The Foundation shall not issue any shares of stock or declare or pay any dividends.
- No part of the funds available to the Foundation shall inure to the benefit of any board member, officer, or employee of the Foundation, except as salary or reasonable compensation for services or expenses. Compensation for board members shall be limited to reimbursement for reasonable costs of travel and expenses.
- No director, officer, or employee of the Foundation shall participate, directly or indirectly, in the consideration or determination of any question before the Foundation that affects his or her financial interests or the financial interests of any corporation, partnership, entity, or organization in which he or she has a direct or indirect financial interest.
- The Foundation shall not engage in lobbying or propaganda for the purpose of influencing legislation, and shall not participate or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.
- During the second and third fiscal years in which funds are provided to the Foundation under this title, the Foundation shall raise from private sector donations an amount equal to not less than 25 percent of any funds provided to the Foundation under this title in such fiscal year. Funds shall be released to the Foundation during such fiscal year only to the extent that the matching requirement of the subsection has been met.
- The accounts of the Foundation shall be audited annually by independent certified public accountants or independent licensed public accountants certified or licensed by a regulatory authority of a State or other political subdivision of the United States in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. The reports, of each such independent audit shall be included in the annual report required by subsection (l).
- In fiscal years in which the Foundation is receiving grants under this title, the accounts of the Foundation may be audited at any time by any agency designated by the President. The Foundation shall keep such records as will facilitate effective audits.
- In fiscal years in which the Foundation is receiving grants under this title, the Foundation shall be subject to appropriate oversight procedures of Congress.
- (k) DUTIES.—
- The Foundation shall ensure—
- (1) that recipients of financial assistance provided by the Foundation under this title, shall keep separate accounts with respect to such assistance and such records as may be reasonably necessary to disclose fully—
- (A) the amount and the disposition by such recipient of the assistance received from the Foundation;
- (1) that recipients of financial assistance provided by the Foundation under this title, shall keep separate accounts with respect to such assistance and such records as may be reasonably necessary to disclose fully—
- The Foundation shall ensure—
- (B) the total cost of the project or undertaking in connection with which such assistance is given or used;
- (C) the amount and nature of that portion of the cost of the project or undertaking supplied by other sources; and
- (D) such other records as will facilitate effective audits; and
- (2) that the Foundation, or any of its duly authorized representatives including any agency designated by the President pursuant to subsection (i) shall have access, for the purpose of audit and examination, to any books, documents, papers, and records of the recipient that are pertinent to assistance provided from funds granted pursuant to this title.
- The Foundation shall prepare and submit to the President and to the appropriate Committees of Congress an annual report, that shall include a comprehensive and detailed description of the Foundation's operations, activities, financial condition, and accomplishments for the fiscal year preceding the year in which the report is submitted. Such report shall be submitted not later than 3 months after the conclusion of any fiscal year in which the Foundation receives grants under this title.
- The Foundation shall prepare and submit to the President and to the appropriate Committees of Congress an annual report, that shall include a comprehensive and detailed description of the Foundation's operations, activities, financial condition, and accomplishments for the fiscal year preceding the year in which the report is submitted. Such report shall be submitted not later than 3 months after the conclusion of any fiscal year in which the Foundation receives grants under this title.
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