< The Poets' Chantry


À Wood, Anthony, 19, 21, 31
Andrews, Emily Augusta, 94, 95, 99, 100, 103
Arundel, Countess of, 6

Bellamy, Anne, 8, 9
Bellamy, Richard, 8
Ben Jonson, 13
Bridges, Robert, 72, 85, 86
Brooke, Dr. Stopford, 2
Browning, Robert, 92, 94, 95
Byles, Marianne Caroline, 102-5, 113

Cardella, Father, 102
"Castara" (see Lucy Herbert)
Cecil, Lord, 9
Challoner, Bishop, 10
Coleridge, Sara, 52
Cowley, Abraham, 37, 42, 45
Crashaw, Richard, 15, 33, 36; birth, 37; education and early life, 41; conversion, 42; visit to Italy, 43, 44; death, 45, 46-50, 63, 65, 122, 131, 156
"Against Irresolution in Matters of Religion," 43
Carmen Deo Nostro, 43
"Cupid's Cryer," 48
Epigrammatum Sacrorum Liber, 38
"Epitaph on a Newly Married Couple," 48
"Hymn to the Name and Honour of the Admirable Sainte Teresa," 47
"Love's Horoscope," 48
"Musiek's Duel," 49
"On Two Green Apricocks sent to Mr. Cowley," 42
"Sospetto d'Herode" (translation), 46
Steps to the Temple, With other Delights to the Muses, 42, 45
The Temple, 45
"The Weeper," 49
"To the Name Above Every Name," 48
"Wishes to his (supposed) Mistress," 38, 48

Crashaw, William, 37, 38

Darbyshire, Thomas, 3
Denbigh, the Countess of, 43
De Vere, Aubrey, 52-69, 101, 111
Alexander the Great, 53, 59
"Ascent of the Apennines," 65
"Autumnal Ode," 65
"Church Discipline," 64
"Death of Copernicus, The," 59
Essays, chiefly on Poetry', 69
"Evidences of Religion," 64
Fall of Rora, 59
Inisfail, 52, 53, 54
"Irish Constitution of 1872, The," 64
Legends and Records of the Church and the Empire, 53, 55
Legends of Ireland's Heroic Age, 53, 55
Legends of St. Patrick, 53
Legends of the Saxon Saints, 54
"Mater Christi," 63
May Carols, 52, 63
Mediæval Records and Sonnets, 53, 55-8

Miscellaneous and Sacred Poems, 52
"Ode to an Eolian Harp," 65
"Oiseen" poems, 55
Recollections, 52
Reminiscences, 67
St. Peter's Chains, 53
St. Thomas of Canterbury, 53, 59-61
Search after Proserpine, 52, 61
Sisters, The, 52
"Sorrow," 64
"Striving of St. Patrick," 54
The Foray of Queene Maeve, 53
"The Higher Purgatory," 56
"The Martyrdom," 63
"The Year of Sorrow," 53
"To Keats," 61
Donne, John, 32, 46
Drummond of Hawthornden, 13

Elizabeth, Queen, 2, 4, 7, 9-11, 19, 36, 37

Ferrar, Nicholas, 40

Garnett, Father, 5, 20
Gerard, Father, 6, 7, 19
Gilfillan, Rev. George, 40, 47, 50
Gosse, Edmund, 44, 99
Grosart, Dr. Alexander B., 3, 9, 12, 15, 43, 46
Gunpowder Plot, 19, 20

Habington, Edward, 19
Habington, John, 19
Habington, Mary, 19, 20
Habington, Thomas, 19, 20
Habington, William, 18, 19; birth, 20; education, 21; friendship and marriage with Lucy Herbert, 21-6; friendship with George Talbot, 26, 27, 28-30; death, 31, 32-35
"A Holy Man," 29
"A Mistris," 21
"A Wife," 25
Beaumont and Fletcher folio (verses in), 34
Castara, 19, 21, 27-33, 35
Dies Irae, 33
"Elegies," 27
History of Edward IV, King of England, 27, 31
Observations upon Historie, 30
Queene of Arragon, 27, 31
"The Grave," 34
"To Castara, being debarr'd her presence," 23
"To Castara, Inquiring why I loved her," 23
"To Castara, Praying," 22
"To Castara, Softly Singing to Herselfe," 22, 23
"To the Dew, In hope to see Castara walking," 23, 24
"Upon Castara's Departure," 33
Henrietta Maria, Queen, 43
Herbert, George, 37, 45, 46
Herbert, Lucy ("Castara"), 18, 21-29, 31
Hopkins, Gerard, birth, 70; education and conversion, 71, 72; enters Society of Jesus, 73; death, 74, 75-88, 98, 118
"Barnfloor and Winepress," 79
"God's Grandeur," 78
"Habit of Perfection, The," 72, 74, 75
"Heaven Haven," 83
"Inversnaid," 77
"Morning, Midday and Evening Sacrifice," 83
"Our Lady of the Air," 81-3
Rosa Mystica, 79, 80
Spring song, 76, 77
"The Starlight Night," 77
"Vision of Mermaids, A," 74, 77

Johnson, Lionel, 120; birth and education, 121; conversion, 122, 123; failing health, 124, 125; death, 126, 127-41
"A Proselyte," 135

Art of Thomas Hardy, The, 123, 138, 139
Book of the Rhymers' Club, 123
"By the Statue of King Charles at Charing Cross," 123
"Cadgwith," 128, 129
Catholic Faith, 126
Celtic Memories, 126
"Classics, The," 126
"Cyhiraeth," 130, 131
"Dark Angel, The," 123, 135, 136, 138
"Darkness," 135
"De Profundis," 133, 134
"Gwynedd," 127, 128
"Ideal," 138
"In England," 128
Ireland, with Other Poems, 124, 129
"Julian at Elensis," 126
"Malise, To," 127
"Morfydd," 134
Nature, 126
"Our Lady of the May," 132
"Our Lady of the Snows," 131
"Oxford Nights," 122
Poems, 123
"Precept of Silence," 136
"Sancta Silvarum," 127
"Sertorius," 126
"Sursum Corda," 133
"To Martyrum Candidatus," 132
"The Destroyer of a Soul," 135
"To Morfydd Dead," 134
"To Parnell," 130
"To Passions," 135
"Vigils," 122
"Visions," 131
"Winchester," 127, 135

Leigh Hunt, 92
Lessius, Leonard, 3
Lingard, Dr., 30
Lytton, Bulwer, 92

Manning, Cardinal, 102, 104
Mary Queen of Scots, 2, 4, 7, 19
Meredith, George, 168, 169
Meynell, Alice, 114; friendship with Francis Thompson, 144-6, 155; first poems, 159, 160-72
"After a Parting," 160, 161
"Child of Tumult, The," 167
"Colour of Life," 166
"Decivilised," 169, 170
"Hours of Sleep," 164
Later Poems, 159
"Letter from a Girl to her Own Old Age," 159, 162
"Pocket Vocabularies," 164
Poems, 159
Preludes, 159
"Renouncement," 160
"San Lorenzo Giustiniani's Mother," 159, 162
Spirit of Place, 166
"The Neophyte," 162
"The Poet to his Childhood," 162
The Rhythm of Life, 165
"To a Daisy," 159, 162
"To the Beloved," 161,
To the Children, 167, 168
Meynell, Wilfrid, 144, 145, 155
Milnes, Monckton (Lord Houghton), 93
Milton, 32, 34, 37
Mountjoy, Lord, 12

Nash, Thomas, 7
Newman, Cardinal, 72, 73, 111

Palotta, Cardinal, 43
Pater, Walter, 72, 120, 121, 125
Patmore, Coventry, 33, 65, 86, 87, 89; birth, 90; first poems and early life, 91-4; first marriage, 94, 95-8; death of Emily Patmore, 99, l00; journey to Rome, 101, 102; second marriage, 102-4, 105-12; death of Mary Patmore, 113; third marriage, 114; failing
health and death, 115, 116-19, 147, 156, 165
"Amelia, 113
"Beata," 106
"Deliciæ: Sapientiæ de Amore," 106, 108
Dieu et Ma Dame, 117
"Eros," 95
"Faint Yet Pursuing," 106
"Farewell," 112
Macbeth, essay on, 91
Odes, 104, 105, 106
"Pain," 106
Poems, 92
Principle in Art, 114
Religio Poetæ, 114, 118
"St. Valentine's Day," 113
"Spirit's Epochs, The," 98
"Sponsa Dei," 104, 118
"Tamerton Church Tower," 95
The Angel in the House, 33, 95-100, 104, 105, 115
The "Azalea" ode, 99
"The Child's Purchase," 109
"The Daughter of Eve," 98
"The Falcon," 95
"The Precursor," 118, 119
"The River," 91, 93
The Rod, the Root, and the Flower, 114
"The Toys," 100
"The Woodman's Daughter," 91
"The Yewberry," 95
"Tired Memory," 103, 106
Unknown Eros, The, 107, 109-11
"Unthrift," 98
Victories of Love, 97
"Wedding Sermon," 97, 98, 104
Patmore, Emily (see Emily Augusta Andrews)
Patmore, Emily Honoria, l00, 101, 113
Patmore, Harriet (see Harriet Robson)
Patmore, Henry, 114
Patmore, Mary (see Marianne Caroline Bytes)
Patmore, Peter George, 90, 92, 93
Phillips, Edward, 31
Procter, Mrs., 93

Robson, Harriet, 114, 115
Ruskin, John, 98, 159

Saintsbury, Professor, 15, 34
Sargent, John, 89
Shakespeare, 2, 34
Shelford, Dr., 40
Shelley, 2, 47
Shirley, 34
Sidney, Sir Philip, 15
Society of Jesus, 1, 3-5, 11, 20, 21
Southwell, Richard, 2, 6, 9
Southwell, Robert, 1; birth and early life, 2, 3; work as a priest, 4-8; imprisonment and death, 9-12, 13-17, 46, 62
Burning-Babe, 13, 14
Lift is but Loss, 13
Mæoniæ, 14
Mary Magdalen's Funeral Tears, 7
Notes on Theology, 6
St. Peter's Complaint, 12, 13
Scorn Not the Least, 13, 15
Southwell's Poems, 3
Times go by Turns, 13
Triumphs over Death, 6
What Joy to Live, 13

Talbot, George, 26, 27, 29, 35
Tennyson, Lord, 94, 95, 98
Thompson, Alice (see Alice Meynell)
Thompson, Francis, 46, 114, 115, 133, 142; first poems and early life, 143, 144, 145; death, 146, 147-58
"Any Saint," 153
"Assumpta Maria," 151
"Cloud's Swan Song, The," 157
"Corymbus for Autumn," 150
"Daisy," 155

"Dread of Height, The," 152, 153
"Ex Ore Infantium," 151, 155
"From the Night of Forebeing," 150
"Her Portrait," 147
"Holocaust," 147
"Judgment in Heaven, A," 153
Life of St. Ignatius, 145
"Love Declared," 148
"Love in Dian's Lap," 145, 146
"Making of Viola, The," 155
"Manus Animatn Pinxit," 147
"Narrow Vessel, A," 148
New Poems, 145
"Ode to the Setting Sun," the, 145, 150
"Orient Ode," the, 150
Poems, 143
Sister Songs, 145, 154, 155
"The Hound of Heaven," 145
"The Poppy," 155
"To a Snowflake," 149
"To Daisies," 149
"To Monica Thought Dying," 155
"To the Dead Cardinal of Westminster," 153
"Ultima," 147
"Ultimum," 147, 148
Topcliffe, 8, 9

Vaux of Harrowden, Lord, 5

Ward, Wilfrid, 52


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