< The Poets' Chantry

The following contributions towards the Bibliography of the poets named in this volume may prove of assistance to the general reader.


Poetical Works. Edited by W. B. Turnbull, 1856. (Library of Old Authors.)
Complete Poems. Edited with memorial introduction and notes by Alexander B. Grosart, 1872. (Fuller's Worthies' Library.)
Complete Works. With life and death. Burns and Oates: London, 1886.


Poems (with life). Chalmers' English Poets, Vol. VI, 1810.
Castara. Arber's English Reprints, 1869.
The Queene of Arragon. 1640 fol. Also in Dodsley's Old English Plays.


Complete Works. Edited by W. B. Turnbull, 1856. (Library of Old Authors.)
Complete Works. Edited, with essay on his life and poetry, by Alexander B. Grosart, 1868. (Fuller's Worthies' Library.)
Poems. Edited by A. R. Waller. Cambridge University Press, 1904.
"Crashaw": Seventeenth Century Studies. By Edmund Gosse.


Poetical Works (6 vols).
May Carols and Legends of the Saxon Saints.
Legends of S. Patrick and Other Poems.
Legends and Records of the Church and the Empire.
Inisfail, a Lyrical Chronicle of Ireland.
Mediæval Records and Sonnets.
Essays, chiefly on Poetry (2 vols).
Aubrey de Vere: a Memoir based on his unpublished Diaries and Correspondence. By Wilfrid Ward.
Aubrey de Vere's Poems: a Selection. Edited by John Dennis.
Selections from the Poems of Aubrey de Vere. Edited with a preface by George E. Woodberry.


Father Hopkins' published verses may be found in the following anthologies :—

Carmina Mariana. Edited by Orby Shipley.
Lyra Sacra. H. C. Becching.
Poets and Poetry of the Century. Edited by Alfred H. Miles. Vol. VIII (with critique by Dr. Robert Bridges).


Complete Works: Poems (2 vols), Principle in Art, Religio Poetæ, Rod, Root and Flower.
Saint Bernard on the Love of God. Translated by M. C. aud C. Patmore. 1881.
Poetry of Pathos and Delight. A selection by Alice Meynell.
Florilegium Amantis. A selection by Richard Garnett.
Coventry Patmore. Memoir and Correspondence. By Basil Champneys.
Coventry Patmore. By Edmund Gosse.


The Art of Thomas Hardy.
Ireland and Other Poems.
Selection from Poetical Works.
Post Liminium Essays and Critical Papers.


Sister Songs.
New Poems.
The Hound of Heaven.
Selected Poems. With Biographical Note by Wilfrid Meynell.
Health and Holiness. A Study of the Relation between Brother Ass—the Body, and his Rider—the Soul.
Shelley. With an Introduction by the Right Hon. George Wyndham.
St. Ignatius Loyola.
Life and Labours of St. John Baptist de la Salle.


Later Poems.
The Rhythm of Life.
The Colour of Life.
The Children.
The Spirit of Place.
Ceres' Runaway.
John Ruskin. (Modern English Writers.)
The Flower of the Mind. A Choice among the Best Poems, made by Alice Meynell.
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