< The Pilgrims' March



Non-Violence and Readiness for Jail.

Bombay, Dec. 12.

Mr. Seth Chotani, Mashhulmulk Hakim Ajmal Khan and Dr. Ansari have issued the following appeal to the Mussalmans of India:— The policy of Government towards the movement of the country is no longer a secret now. Our prominent leaders who peacefully carried out the movement and successfully kept the people within proper control are being put into prison. A new situation has therefore arisen in the country. We deem it absolutely essential to explain their first and foremost duty to our national workers and people at large in these circumstances. We all know that human nature sometimes quickly yields to external influences and consequently requires stern rules and regulations of perfect organisation and discipline which should have a firm hold on the mind of the people. Man is a rational being, as such is expected to act wisely. With a well disciplined will he should march in the path of progress with firmness of purpose and unconquerable determination without allowing his passions to override his senses. If he keeps his animal power in subordination to, and within the control of, the spiritual power he is sure to win. The present circumstances have put our human nature to a very severe test. We hope all our brethren in faith will come out successful in their hard trial. Our just and religious demand still remains unfulfilled while our popular leaders are being arrested and sent to jail for their freedom of faith and conscience. Repression has gone beyond all limits and has no doubt created greatest excitement and indignation among the public.

Under these provocative circumstances we earnestly appeal to all our coreligionists to keep the sacred cause in view and not to resort to any kind of violence whether in deed or in word. It is our firm conviction that any violence on the part of the people is highly detrimental to the sacred cause of the Khilafat. General repression so vigorously started by Government which has resulted in the arrests of even the most prominent and peace-loving leaders like Pandit Motilal Neheru, Lala Lajpat Rai, Mr. C. R. Das, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and Maulana Salamatulla is likely to disturb the public mind but it must be remembered by adopting repressive measures Government have challenged not individual leaders and workers but the very movement upon the success of which freedom of our faith and our national existence solely depends. Let therefore every Mussalman, whether young or old, engrave on his mind that if he loves his religion and country he should face the situation boldly with undaunted courage and perseverance and in entire submission to the peaceful programme of non-violent non-cooperation.

Mussalmans of India have made a compact with Mahatma Gandhi to follow his programme peacefully and let that compact be fulfilled up to the last. Every young man should be prepared to go to jail cheerfully and work should be unceasingly continued with accelerated speed.

All Khilafat Committees are requested to empower their presidents to fill up the vacancy immediately at their own discretion without undergoing the formality of calling a meeting, whenever any of the office bearers or workers is arrested, so that work may not suffer owing to the delay in making a new election. A list of workers should be kept ready beforehand and a gap should be filled immediately whenever the necessity arises. Mussalmans should vie with their Hindu brethren in facing the repression with the utmost firmness, patience and fortitude and should cheerfully fill the jails one after another. This is a struggle for existence and let the Mussalmans give proof of their traditional strength, energy and self-sacrifice. Victory is ours only if our people stand firm. The Khilafat cause has awakened united India and let the Mussalmans champion the great cause and take the lead in gaining Swaraj by peacefully following the country's programme even under the gravest provocation, so that when Khilafat wrongs are redressed and Swaraj attained the good name of Mussalmans should ever shine on the horizon of history as saviour of the freedom of their faith and country.

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