We came out fully prepared for arrest. It was torture for us as mothers to stay away when our young boys were going to jail gloriously. We entreat all our sisters to take up the work left unfinished. Let them not forget that their place is with their brothers and sisters imprisoned. Let them realize that they are practically living in prison, only a bigger one. It is more honourable to live in a real prison than to breathe the polluted air of a slave-land. We appeal to the students of Government institutions to vacate the colleges in a body and take up the struggle for liberty. Now or never is our last word. This noble struggle will lead us either to victory or to death. Both are glorious. It must be life or death, not this slavery any more. We beseech the policemen to resign their posts at once. Let them realize that death by starvation is preferable to doing this dirty work.
Basanti Devi
Urmila Devi
Suniti Devi
My message to the students of Bengal:— Come out, enlist in thousands as volunteers, Swaraj is within sight. I wish your life may be hallowed by taking part in this righteous fight for your great Motherland's freedom.
(Sd.) Hemanta Kumar Sarkar.