< The Philosophical Review
The Philosophical Review
Volume XII
Angell, James R.—The Relations of Structural and Functional Psychology to Philosophy |
243 |
Bakewell, Charles M.—The Philosophy of Emerson |
525 |
Bawden, H. Heath.—The Functional Theory of Parallelism |
299 |
Creighton, J. E.—The Standpoint of Experience |
593 |
Gehring, Albert.—The Expression of Emotions in Music |
412 |
Hyslop, James H.—Problems of Science and Philosophy |
386 |
Irons, David.—Rationalism in Modern Ethics |
138 |
King, Irving.—Pragmatism as a Philosophic Method |
511 |
Ladd, George T.—Prolegomena to an Argument for the Being of God |
130 |
McGilvary, E. B.—Altruism in Hume's Treatise |
272 |
""Ethics, a Science |
629 |
Ormond, A. T.—Philosophy and its Correlations |
113 |
Proceedings of the Second Annual Meeting of the American Philosophical Association |
163 |
Proceedings of the Third Annual Meeting of the Western Philosophical Association |
537 |
Rogers, A. K.—Professor Royce and Monism |
47 |
Smith, Walter.—The Idea of Space |
493 |
Stoops, J. D.—The Real Self |
37 |
Thilly, Frank.—The Theory of Induction |
401 |
Tower, Carl V.—An Interpretation of Some Aspects of the Self |
16 |
Tufts, James H.—On the Genesis of the Æsthetic Categories |
1 |
Van Becelaere, F. L.—A Summary Exposition of St. Thomas Aquinas's Philosophy of Knowledge |
611 |
Woodbridge, Frederick J. E.—The Problem of Metaphysics |
367 |
Book Reviews.
Baldwin, James Mark.—Development and Evolution |
442 |
Cassirer, Ernst.—Leibniz' System in seinen wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen |
81 |
Couturat, Louis.—La logique de Leibniz: d'après des documents inèdits |
649 |
Duff, Robert A.—Spinoza's Political and Ethical Philosophy |
557 |
Dunning, William A.—A History of Political Theories: Ancient and Mediæval |
199 |
Flint, Robert.—Agnosticism |
666 |
Hammond, William A.—Aristotle's Psychology: A Treatise on the Principle of Life |
320 |
Hobhouse, L. T.—Mind in Evolution |
664 |
Irons, David.—The Psychology of Ethics |
336 |
James, William.—The Varieties of Religious Experience |
62 |
Joachim, Harold H.—A Study of the Ethics of Spinoza |
557 |
Léon, Xavier.—La philosophie de Fichte |
68 |
McTaggart, J. E.—Studies in Hegelian Cosmology |
187 |
Maudsley, Henry.—Life in Mind and Conduct: Studies of Organic in Human Nature |
437 |
Rand, Benjamin.—The Life, Unpublished Letters, and Philosophical Regimen of Anthony, Earl of Shaftesbury (Author of the Characteristics) |
451 |
Rickert, Heinrich.—Die Grenzen der naturwissenschaftlichen Begriffsbildung: Eine logische Einleitung in die historischen Wissenschaften |
330 |
Sidgwick, Henry.—Lectures on the Ethics of T. H. Green, Mr. Herbert Spencer, and J. Martineau |
548 |
Snider, Denton J.—Social Institutions |
75 |
Spencer, Herbert.—Facts and Comments |
193 |
Stratton, George M.—Experimental Psychology and Culture |
553 |
Wundt, Wilhelm.—Grundzügc der physiologischen Psychologie. Bd. I u. II. Fünfter Auflage |
430 |
Summaries of Articles.
Baensch, Otto.—Die Schilderung der Unterwelt in Platons Phaidon |
460 |
Baldwin, J. Mark.—Mind and Body from the Genetic Point of View |
563 |
Bentley, I. M.—The Simplicity of Color Tones |
675 |
Bergson, H.—Introduction à la métaphysique |
455 |
Binet, A.—Le vocabulaire et l'idéation |
213 |
""La pensée sans images |
350 |
Bolton, Thaddeus L.—A Biological View of Perception |
212 |
Bonser, Frederick G.—A Study of the Relations between Mental Activity and the Circulation of the Blood |
464 |
Bosanquet, B.—Hedonism among Idealists (I and II) |
677 |
Bradley, F. H.—The Definition of the Will (I) |
92 |
""The Definition of the Will (II) |
677 |
Chartier, E.—L'idée d'objet |
344 |
Dessoir, Max.—Die ästhetische Bedeutung des absoluten Quantums |
682 |
Dewey, John.—Emerson—The Philosopher of Democracy |
574 |
Dickinson, G. L.—Optimism and Immortality |
565 |
Dunan, Ch.—La responsibilité |
213 |
Duprat, G.-L.—La négation: étude de psychologie pathologique |
675 |
Durkheim, E., et P. Fauconnet.—Sociologie et sciences sociales |
680 |
Eucken, Rudolf.—The Present Estimate of the Value of Human Life |
564 |
Fauconnet, P., et E. Durkheim.—Sociologie et sciences sociales |
680 |
Fouillée, Alfred.—The Ethics of Nietzsche and Guyau |
94 |
Galloway, G.—The Distinction of Inner and Outer Experience |
347 |
Gaule, Justus.—What is Life? |
672 |
Gérard-Varet.—La langage et la parole: leurs facteurs sociologiques |
91 |
Guimaraens, F. da Costa.—Le besoin de prier et ses conditions psychologiques |
214 |
Hawkesworth, A. S.—The Non-existence of Matter |
345 |
Hébert, M.—La dernière idole: Étude sur la "Personnalité Divine" |
351 |
Howerth, Ira W.—What is Religion? |
217 |
Howison, G. H.—Personal Idealism and its Ethical Bearings |
673 |
Jones, Henry.—The Present Attitude of Reflective Thought towards Religion |
459 |
Kozlowski, W.-M.—La psychogenèse de l'étendue |
566 |
Külpe, O.—The Problem of Attention |
88 |
Ladd, George T.—Direct Control of the Retinal Field |
464 |
Landry, Adolphe.—Limitation dans les beaux arts |
571 |
Le Dantec, F.—La place de la vie dans les phénomènes naturels |
343 |
""Instinct et servitude |
569 |
Lindsay, James.—The Place and Worth of Oriental Philosophy |
460 |
Lindsay, James.—The Ethical Philosophy of Marcus Aurelius |
461 |
Lipps, Theodor.—Fortsetzung der 'psychologischen Streitpunkte.' IV. Zur Frage der geometrisch-optischen Täuschungen. V. Zur Psychologie der Annahmen |
463 |
Lossky, N.—Eine Willenstheorie vom voluntaristischen Standpunkte |
347 |
MacDougall, R.—The Affective Quality of Auditory Rhythm in its Relation to Objective Forms |
466 |
McTaggart, J. E.—Hegel's Treatment of the Categories of Quality |
85 |
" " Some Considerations Relating to Human Immortality |
218 |
Marshall, H. R.—The Unity of Process in Consciousness |
91 |
Milhaud, G.—Le hasard chez Aristote et chez Cournot |
208 |
Nöel, L.—La philosophie de la contingence |
86 |
Ostwald, W.—The Philosophical Meaning of Energy |
564 |
Palante, G.—Moralisme et immoralisme |
94 |
"" La télèologie sociale et son mécanisme |
95 |
Paulhan, F.—Sur la mémoire affective |
465 |
Perrin, J.—Le 'second principe' de la thermodynamique |
672 |
Perry, R. B.—The Practical Consciousness of Freedom |
216 |
Pfeffer, W.—Die Entstehung der Philosophie Descartes nach seiner Korrespondenz |
461 |
Pieron, Henri.—Essai sur le hasard |
209 |
Poynting, J. H.—Physical Law and Life |
681 |
Rauh, F.—Du rôle de la logique en morale |
350 |
Réeéjac, E.—La confusion entre l'ordre social et l'ordre religieux |
215 |
Rintelen, Fritz.—Leibnizens Beziehungen zur Scholastik |
572 |
Roberts, G. L.—The Domain of Utilitarian Ethics |
568 |
Rodier, G.—Sur une des origines de la philosophie de Leibniz |
95 |
Rogers, A. K.—The Absolute as Unknowable |
457 |
Royce, Josiah.—The Concept of the Infinite |
209 |
" " The Problem of Natural Religion |
458 |
Schiller, F. C. S.—The Ethical Basis of Metaphysics |
674 |
" " On Preserving Appearances |
674 |
Schinz, A.—Esquisse d'une philosophie des conventions sociales |
679 |
Schulz, Paul.—Gehirn und Seele |
670 |
Sheldon, W. L.—The Evolution of Conscience as a Phase of Sociology |
218 |
Simons, G.—Le principe de raison suffisante en logique et en métaphysique |
210 |
Stodard-Walker, A.—Is the Altruist Idea Evolving in Man? |
219 |
Tannery, Paul.—Un mot sur Descartes |
572 |
Tarde, Gabriel.—The Inter-Play of Human Minds |
566 |
Tawney, G. A.—Feeling and Self-Awareness |
211 |
Taylor, A. E.—Mind and Nature |
86 |
Thomsen, A.—Über die Entwickelung der ethischen Theorie Benekes |
573 |
Twardowski, K.—Über sogenannte relative Wahrheiten |
345 |
Vierkandt, A.—Natur und Kultur im sozialen Individuum |
93 |
Volkelt, Johannes.—Die entwickelungsgeschichtliche Betrachtngsweise in der Aesthetik |
220 |
" " Die Bedeutung der niederen Empfindungen für die ästhetische Einfühlung |
676 |
von Aster, Ernst.—Über Aufgabe und Methode in den Beweisen der Analogien der Erfahrung in Kant's Kr. d. r. V. |
462 |
Weber, L.—La notion idéaliste de l'experience |
670 |
Whittaker, T.—A Compendious Classification of the Sciences |
456 |
Wilde, Norman.—The Limitations of Ethical Inquiry |
682 |
Notices of New Books.
Aikins, Herbert Austin.—The Principles of Logic |
481 |
Alexander, Hartley Burr.—The Problem of Metaphysics and the Meaning of Metaphysical Explanation |
231 |
Baldwin, James Mark.—Fragments in Philosophy and Science. |
471 |
Bibliothèque du Congrès International de Philosophie. IV. Histoire de la philosophie |
474 |
Binet, A.—L'année psychologique |
226 |
Bon, Fred.—Die Dogmen der Erkenntnistheorie |
361 |
Bray, Lucien.—Du beau: Essai sur l'origine et l'evolution du sentiment esthétique |
106 |
Couchoud, Paul-Louis.—Benoit de Spinoza |
583 |
Croce, Benedetto.—Estetica come scienza dell'espressione e linguistica generale |
105 |
Defourny, Maurice.—La sociologie positiviste: August Comte |
690 |
Eisler, Rudolf.—W. Wundt's Philosophie und Psychologie, in ihren Grundlehren dargestellt |
101 |
Grasset, J.—Les limites de la biologic |
228 |
Halleux, Jean.—Le évolutionnisme en morale: Étude sur la philosophic de Herbert Spencer |
100 |
Heilmann, K.—Psychologie als Grundwissenschaft der Padagogik |
480 |
Hibben, John Grier.—Hegel's Logic: An Essay in Interpretation |
353 |
Kabitz, Willy.—Studien zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Fichteschen Wissenschaftslehre aus der Kantischen Philosophie |
230 |
Karppe, S.—Essais de critique et d'histoire de philosophie |
229 |
Kinkel, Walter.—Joh. Fr. Herbart, sein Leben und seine Philosophie |
691 |
König, Edmund.—W. Wundt, seine Philosophie und Psychologie |
101 |
Kühtmann, Alfred.—Maine de Biran: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Metaphysik und der Psychologie des Willens |
223 |
Landry, Adolphe.—La responsabilité pénale |
580 |
Lane, Michael A.—The Level of Social Motion |
99 |
Lapie, Paul.—Logique de la volonté |
225 |
Laurie, Henry.—Scottish Philosophy in its National Development |
575 |
Lechalas, Georges.—Études esthétiques |
106 |
Lulmann, Lic. Dr.—Das Bild des Christentums bei den grossen deutschen Idealisten |
106 |
Mackenzie, John S.—Outlines of Metaphysics |
97 |
Marvin, Walter T.—An Introduction to Systematic Philosophy |
683 |
Mellone, Sidney Herbert.—Leaders of Religious Thought in the Nineteenth Century |
103 |
" " " An Introductory Textbook of Logic |
481 |
Orestano, F.—L'idee fondamentali di Fed. Nietzsche |
478 |
Orr, James.—David Hume and His Influence on Philosophy and Theology |
582 |
Packard, Alpheus S. —Lamarck: His Life and Work |
236 |
Patton, Simon N.—The Theory of Prosperity |
689 |
Paulhan, Fr.—Les caractères |
231 |
Riehl, Alois.—Zur Einfiihrung in die Philosophie der Gegenwart |
583 |
Roberty, E. de.—Constitution de l'éthique: quatrième essai sur la morale considérée comme sociologie élémentaire |
477 |
Ross, Edward—A. Social Control: A Survey of the Foundations of Order |
359 |
Salvadori, Guglielmo.—L'etica evoluzionista: Studio sulla filosofia morale di Herbert Spencer |
227 |
Seligman, E. R. A.—The Economic Interpretation of History |
102 |
Seth, James.—A Study of Ethical Principles |
101 |
Sharp, Frank Chapman.—Shakespeare's Portrayal of the Moral Life |
483 |
Sidis, Boris.—Psychopathological Researches |
232 |
Snider, Denton J.—The State, Specially the American State, Psychologically Treated |
484 |
Spiller, Gustav.—The Mind of Man |
357 |
Storring, Gustav.—Die Erkenntnisstheorie von Tetens: Eine
historischkritische Studie |
224 |
Sturt, Henry (editor).—Personal Idealism: Philosophical Essays by Eight Members of the University of Oxford |
577 |
Sully, James.—An Essay on Laughter |
468 |
Turner, William.—History of Philosophy |
687 |
Vanni, Icilio.—La teoria della conoscenza come induzione sociologica e l'esigenza critica del positivismo |
105 |
Wartenberg, Mscislav.—Das Problem des Wirkens und die monistische Weltanschauung mit besonderer Beziehung auf Lotze |
221 |
Adickes, Erich |
240 |
American Philosophical Association |
111 |
Bain, Alexander |
696 |
Baldwin, James Mark |
696 |
Bosanquet, Bernard |
364 |
Buchner, Edward Franklin |
240 |
Caldwell, William |
590 |
Darroch, Alexander |
590 |
Development and Evolution |
588 |
Emerson Hall of Philosophy at Harvard University |
491 |
Flint, Robert |
364 |
French, F. C. |
491 |
Fullerton, George S. |
491 |
Hill, A. Ross |
491 |
Hyslop, J. H. |
111 |
Knight, William |
111 |
Laurie, S. S. |
364, 590 |
Lazarus, Moritz |
491 |
Lefevre, Albert |
590 |
McTaggart's Interpretation of Hegel's Category of Cognition |
694 |
Montague, W. P. |
491 |
Newbold, W. Rr. |
491 |
Ormond, A. T. |
111 |
Ritchie, David George |
240, 363 |
Shieb, Edward E. |
491 |
Singer, E. A. |
491 |
Smith, W. G. |
240 |
Sorrensen, A. D. |
590 |
Stout, George F. |
363 |
Taylor, A. E. |
590 |
Uebinger, J. |
491 |
Washburn, Margaret Floy |
364 |
Western Philosophical Association |
111 |
Whitney, G. W. T. |
491 |
Witmer, L. |
491 |
Woodworth, R. S. |
491 |
Wright, Henry M. |
590 |
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