The Philippine Islands
EXPLORATIONS by early Navigators, descriptions of the Islands and their Peoples, their History, and records of the Catholic Missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the political, economic, commercial, and religious conditions of those Islands from their earliest relations with European Nations to the beginning of the nineteenth century.
(Translated from the rare originals (Spanish, French, Italian, Latin, etc.), many of which are now published for the first time; edited and annotated by Emma Helen Blair, A.M., of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, assistant editor of The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents, and James Alexander Robertson, Ph.D.; with historical introduction and notes by Edward Gaylord Bourne, Professor of History in Yale University, chairman of the Historical Manuscripts Commission of the American Historical Association, etc.; and special contributions by well-known scholars and bibliographers. Also a full Bibliography and Analytical Index.
Illustrated with facsimiles of rare and unique originals, manuscripts, maps, portraits, views, etc.
The edition is limited to one thousand numbered sets. Fifty-five volumes, large 8vo, about 325 pages per volume, cloth, uncut, gilt top. Price, $4.00 net per volume.
The Arthur H. Clark Company, Publishers
Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.
The difficulties which confront the people of the United States in the administration of their new insular possessions render this work especially timely and useful. Its chief aims, throughout, are to cast light on the great Philippine problem—by making accessible to the reading public the history of those islands, both religious and secular, and showing the character, customs, and beliefs of the native peoples who inhabit them—and thereby to furnish in a thorough and scholarly manner and at a reasonable price the sources of Philippine History.
"This publication is very highly to be commended, as, in the confused state of current information upon the conditions in our insular dependencies, evidence direct from unimpeachable sources is of the greatest importance. The American people realizes its responsibility, but is at a loss to know what should be done, as so much uncertainty exists as to the conditions."—Paul S. Reinsch, Professor of Political Science, University of Wisconsin.
Format of the Publication
One Thousand Sets Only will be printed direct trom type; each set will be numbered and signed as issued.
The work will be printed in the beautiful Caslon type, on Dickinson’s deckle-edged paper. No pains will be spared to make the set a handsome one and in every way in keeping with its great historical importance. Many peculiarities of type have been specially cut.
In fifty-five volumes. The work shall be completed in fifty-five volumes, 8vo, averaging 325 pages per volume. We have carefully gone over all available material, and we guarantee that the work shall not extend beyond fifty-five volumes.
Issued one volume per month. The first volume will be published early in January, 1903, and thereafter a volume will be published every month until completion. We hope to be able to issue the volumes at closer intervals after the first six months, but should we do so, it will be optional with each subscriber whether he takes them as published or continues at a volume per month.
Binding. The set will be strongly and neatly bound in the best imported cloth, uncut, top edges gilt.
Price. Subscriptions are entered only for the complete set, payable as delivered. The price is $4.00 net per volume, delivered, but this price does not include duty in the few foreign countries in which duty is charged.
The illustrations for this series will be chosen with direct reference to their historical importance, and will consist of portraits, views, Illustrations of historical importance, from Spanish originals, manuscripts, etc.maps and plans, facsimiles of writing, etc. Some of the portraits and views will be photographic reproductions from original paintings existing in libraries, archives, and convents in Spain, some of these works of art being of great value. Maps and plans will be reproduced not only from books, but from manuscripts in various archives and libraries at home and abroad. A thoroughly up-to-date map of the archipelago, made in the best manner, will accompany the first volume; this feature will be welcomed by Modern maps, old maps, plans of cities, convents, views,architecture, etc.all classes of readers. The old maps to be published will show the islands at various periods of their history. The plans will show how the cities were first laid out, and where the principal buildings were located. Views of churches, convents, etc., will be of interest as showing the early styles of architecture in the Philippines. Throughout, all illustrations will be chosen with direct reference to enriching and illuminating the text.
The Philippine Islands—1493–1803
Beginning with the earliest discoveries of Spanish navigators and the descriptions of the early explorers, the history of the islands is traced during a period of nearly three centuries, The original sources of our knowledge for three centuriesby means of official documents, narratives of missionaries, and historical works—the original sources for our knowledge of the islands and their inhabitants. Of prime importance in this field is the history of the missions conducted, since the re-discovery by Legazpi and Urdaneta, by the great religions orders in the Roman Catholic Church—of which the missionaries have left many and often voluminous reports; these writers, too, have supplied much valuable information on the secular history of the islands. Besides the material furnished by them, this series will include descriptive accounts of the islands and their peoples, written by the early navigators and by travelers from foreign lands; reports and letters from Spanish officials; royal decrees; and papal bulls and briefs. Few persons are aware of the vast amount of material available for Philippine history; and in this enterprise the effort Accessible for the first timehas been made for the first time to render that material accessible not only to scholars but to the general public. The necessary limitations of an historical work compel the editors to select for publication only the most important documents and books; but these have been chosen with especial reference to the breadth of the field, and with the endeavor to allot to each subject space proportioned to its interest. Especial care has been taken to Social, economic, commercial, political, religiousdepict the social, economic, commercial, political, and religious conditions of the Filipino peoples, from their earliest relations with European nations until the beginning of the nineteenth century. In the presentation of these documents, and in New light on present conditionsall editorial comment thereon, an entirely impartial attitude will be preserved, free from any personal bias, either political or sectarian. It is confidently expected that this matter, thus presented, will throw light on present conditions in the archipelago, both secular and ecclesiastical, and thus aid in the solution of the difficult questions now confronting the American people in the Philippines. The material from which this series is compiled consists of both manuscript and printed documents. In the selection of manuscripts great care has been observed; and noImportant manuscripts now first published effort has been spared to make this selection as full and representative as possible. These documents cover nearly the entire period (1493-1803) of history treated, and all its aspects—secularFrom official sources and religious, social, economic, and political. The writers of these manuscripts were mainly government officials, and ecclesiastics of the various orders; and theyMuch light on the inner history throw much light on the inner history of the times, besides furnishing much matter that supplements or explains the relations found in printed works. In their selection, the editors have resorted to the fountain-Researches made in Spanish archives and foreign libraries for unknown books and manuscriptshead. Manuscripts have been copied from the great Spanish archives at Madrid, Simancas, Seville, etc., and many libraries in this and foreign countries have been and will be visited in the hope of discovering new material relative to the Philippines. The archives at Seville are the fullest, and contain the richest treasures in Philippina; and naturally they have been consulted more than others. But many other archives and many libraries are rich in this material; and in one case a document was discovered and rescued from oblivion,Manuscripts gathered from Portugal, France England, Italy, Mexico, and Philippines the existence of which was previously unknown to even the officials. Researches have been made in Portugal, France, and England; and farther investigations are being made in all those archives, as well as in those of Italy and Mexico, and in the Philippines. These researches are under the direction of one of the editors, Mr. Robertson, who has personally visited many of the archives. Thus much valuable and interesting material has been gathered, and is in process of collection, which is now, for the Heretofore accessible to a few scholars only first time, to be presented to the public; heretofore only the few scholars who were interested in the comparatively unknown Philippine Islands have had access to these documents. At this time, when interest in that region is so wide-spread, and when the relations of America with the far Orient have suddenly assumed Of great importance at this time so great importance, this series throws open to all readers the wealth of information presented in these documents.
The saving of time and expense which the publication of these manuscripts effects for scholars is apparent. The difficulty of access to these sources has hitherto debarred many students from closely studying Difficult to study heretofore the history of those islands; but when presented, as here, in the English language from accurate transcriptions, with all necessary data for locating the originals, and arranged with reference to the printed books, these manuscript documents will prove a boon to The earliest records from the original manuscript the student, as well as to the general reader. The relation by Antonio Pigafetta, taken from the original manuscript preserved in the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris (which will in this series be for the first time reproduced, with accompanying English Pigafetta
Loarca translation) will be found invaluable as giving the earliest and best record of Magellan's voyage of discovery. The relation (1580) of Miguel Loarca, a Spanish goverment official, will prove of great social and economic value. The numerous letters and reports from missionaries will present important information along all lines, religious and secular. These manuscripts are to be presented to the public chiefly through English translation; although a few (as those Earliest manuscripts of Pigafetta and Loarca, above mentioned) will be given in both languages—the former in French and English, and the latter in Spanish and English. From these and other documents printed bi-lingually will beseen the peculiarities of Peculiarities of the manuscripts the old manuscripts; and the difficulty of reading them will be thoroughly appreciated. Those old forms and abbreviations have made the transcription a difficult task. Special and expert copyists were needed Difficult to decipher to decipher the writing of many documents, in order that correct copies might be obtained for translation in this work.
Most of the printed books included Given in English for the first time in this series are here published for the the first time in English. Notable among them is a pamphlet issued in 1566, Copia de una carta venida de Sevilla á Miguel Salvador de Valencia, the earliest published account of Legazpi's proceedings Earliest published account in taking possession of the Philippines for Spain. Of this book but one copy is known to be extant, which is now in Barcelona; on this account, the original Legazpi, only copy known, in Barcelona text as well as the translation will be presented in this series. Occasional copies of other early works have been found, notwithstanding their great rarity, in the large reference libraries of the United States, mainly at Harvard and Lenox: and it is a matter of just pride to Americans that in our libraries may be found copies of some works which are rarities in foreign libraries, sometimes even in those of Spain. Among these is the Chirino, one of the rarest Jesuit Chirino's Relacion de las Islas Filipinas (Roma, 1604), described by Quaritch in 1901 as "one of the rarest of books on the Philippines;" at least two copies of this book, however, are found in the United De Morga States. Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas (Mexico, 1609), written by Antonio de Morga, Spanish lieutenant-governor of the islands, is also exceedingly rare, and even the Hakluyt Society's English translation of it (London, 1868) is now out of print, and difficult to procure; but Harvard and Lenox have each a copy of the original. Philippine commerce The rare memorial on Philippine commerce sent to Philip IV by Juan Grau y Monfalcon, little known to scholars save in the French version by Thevenot, will in this work be given to English-speaking readers, translated from the original Spanish edition (Madrid, 1637), collated with a manuscript (probably contemporaneous) in the Monfalcon
Velarde Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid. Other rare works are Aduarte's Historia de la provincia del Santo Rosario de Filipinas (Madrid, 1640), Combés's Historia de las Islas de Mindanao, Jolo, etc. (Madrid, 1667), and the Historia de la provincia de Philipinas (Manila, 1749) of the great Jesuit geographer, Murillo Velarde. Jesuit missionaries Several letters by Jesuit missionaries are selected from Lettres édifiantes (Paris, 1717–76); and some documents are taken from Retana's Archivo del bibliófilo Filipino (Madrid, 1895–98), as being good reproductions of valuable manuscripts in Spanish archives. Philippine Missions
San Agustin
La Concepcion Some important and excellent histories of the Philippine missions—as Aduarte's, San Agustin's, and La Concepcion's—are so voluminous that they cannot be reproduced entire in this series; moreover, they include accounts of the missions in Siam, China, and Japan, which are foreign to the scope of the present work. Accordingly, careful selections will be made from those authors, giving such matter as possesses most historical value; and in these and other cases will be presented brief synopses of the matter omitted, Synopses thus enabling both scholars and general readers to know the scope and value of those works. Similar synopses will be made of much early documentary material collected by Navarrete and other Spanish scholars, with full citations of sources and authorities. Sources and authorities—Location of rare Philippina in libraries at home and abroad given Another important feature of this work will be that scholars can therein ascertain, for the first time, the location of rare and valuable Philippina in American and other libraries—which will be given, whenever possible to learn it, in connection with each work. Librarians who receive this circular will confer a favor by sending to the editors lists of Philippina contained in their respective libraries, including all works earlier than the year 1800, and all important or especially valuable works of later date.
Early documents reprintedA few of the earliest documents will be given, for the benefit of scholars, in bilingual form—the original text appearing with a page-for-page English version. The translations are being made in a careful and scholarly manner by Scholarly translations by capable linguists capable linguists, and great pains are being taken to give the most accurate rendering of the various languages of the originals. Disputed points are in all cases referred to eminent specialists, both secular and ecclesiastical. The aim is to reproduce, as exactly as possible, and in clear and correct English, the author's own intent and meaning, with entire fairness and freedom from prejudice Without prejudice or prepossession. Historical accuracy, and the sympathetic interpretation of the author's thought and purpose, will be sought in every case.
Introduction by Professor Bourne A general introduction has been prepared especially for this series by Edward Gaylord Bourne, Professor of History in Yale University. Professor Bourne is, by his critical investigations in the history and literature of the Discoveries, and by his study of Spanish colonization in America, perhaps as well qualified as any American scholar to write of the history of the Philippines under Spanish rule. The introduction opens with a review of the train of events that led to the discovery of the islands. This is followed by a broad and lucid survey of the work of the early conquerors and missionaries, of the political and ecclesiastical administration, of the commercial system, and of the social and intellectual condition of the people during the first two centuries and a half of Spanish rule. Professor Bourne has drawn his material mainly from contemporary Spanish sources, and from the best of the early travels; and his essay contains many interesting details hitherto inaccessible to the English reader. The editors believe that the introduction will be not only of real service to those who consult the narratives and documents contained in this series, but also a valuable addition to the limited amount of English literature on the Philippines.
Notes—geographical, historical, ethnological, etc.The text will be further elucidated by careful annotations regarding the geography, history, and ethnology of the Philippines, with information linguistic, scientific, and biographical which will greatly enhance the value of the work to its readers. The researches made by the editors will be supplemented Contributions by well-known scholars and specialists by special contributions from eminent scholars, well known in their respective fields. Among these are Prof Edward G. Bourne, of Yale University; Dr. N. Murakami, of the historical department in the Imperial University at Tokyo, Japan; Rev. Pablo Pastells, S.J., of Barcelona, Spain; Rev. Eduardo Navarro Ordonez, O.S.A., and others.
Bibliography—the most extensive and valuable yet made Each document will be accompanied by brief and concise bibliographical data, giving the reader necessary information as to the location of documents, the various editions of printed works, etc. A specially important feature will be (in a separate volume, devoted to this section) a bibliography of works relating to the Philippine Islands, the most extensive and valuable compilation of this sort that has yet been made in any country. It will include the best features in the works of foreign bibliographers, and others peculiar to this work; copious annotations under many titles; and information regarding prices, location, etc., of rare books. Spanish archivists assisting Several prominent Spanish archivists are giving valuable aid in this department of the work.
Complete analytical indexAn Analytical Index in two volumes will complete the series. This will be one of the most valuable features of the work, as it will render readily accessible all the vast amount of information contained in the various letters, reports, relations, histories, etc., and in annotations thereon. It will form the “open sesame” to the work, as it will give, in the clearest manner known to modern indexing, a summary of every subject treated therein.
Of vital interest at the present time when a correct knowledge is absolutely necessary Coming before the public at this time, when one of the most important questions before the American people is that of our retention of the Philippines and our relations with their inhabitants, this work is of vital interest to all classes. For the proper solution of that question a correct knowledge regarding the character, customs, mode of life, religious beliefs, and history of the Filipinos is absolutely necessary; but there are few subjects which are discussed at once so widely and so ignorantly. Both the people of the United States and the legislators whom they choose to carry out their wishes must study this matter carefully, in order to secure wise and just legislation; Only accessible in this series and the information requisite for such study can be found only in this work, wherein have been collected for the first time the documents which alone truly represent Philippine history. In them will also be found matter of priceless value to scholars and students in many special lines of research—in geography, history, ethnology, linguistics, folklore, comparative religion, ecclesiastical history, colonial administration, etc. To students of geography, ethnology, linguistics, folklore, comparative religion, ecclesiastical history, administration, etc. The history of the Catholic missions will prove to be of fascinating interest for all who appreciate the zeal and courage shown by those soldiers of the Cross who have carried the gospel into heathen lands. The romantic aspect of history is fully displayed in the accounts of early navigators and explorers during the brilliant period of maritime discovery which followed Of fascinating interest Columbus's gift of a new world to Spain.
Economic and commercial aspectsThe economic and commercial aspects of Philippine history were fully appreciated and discussed by many of the early writers, both secular and ecclesiastical; and special attention has been given to these subjects in the selection of documents for the present work. The man of commerce who plans to embark in new ventures in the Philippines needs to know the conditions New ventures in the Philippines, and the natural resources and possibilities of such enterprises, and the the natural resources of those islands, and what has already been accomplished toward their development; accordingly he will profit much by the study of the material afforded by this series.
Of great value in all public, reference, and large private libraries here, in Europe, and the Far East All these considerations must render this compilation of Philippina highly welcome to librarians, who already are often seriously embarrassed in trying to meet the demand, in both reference and public libraries, for information relative to our new Malaysian possessions—a demand which is increasing rapidly, and must continue to increase. An increasing call for information As above mentioned, no work has yet been published which affords a tithe of the material here information supplied, or can compare with it in variety and breadth; it will contain the cream of Philippine literature. This series will therefore Demand for it must increase, yet 1000 sets only will be made prove a necessary and indispensable book of reference to all public and reference libraries, whether large or small, especially those of colleges, universities, and historical societies; Indispensable in colleges universities, historical societies and to scholars, historians, etc. and to the private libraries of scholars, historians and collectors. Attention is again called to the Bibliography of Philippina, which is one of the unique and specially valuable features of this work; it will include not only printed books bearing upon the subject, Unique bibliography but many interesting manuscript documents which are contained in Spanish archives, which limited space will not allow to be included in this series.
Chronological List of Documents
- 1493
- Bull, Eximiae [grant of the Indies]—Pope Alexander VI; May 3.
- 1493
- Bull, Inter caetera [granting privileges enjoyed by Portugal to Spain]—Alexander VI; May 4.
- 1493
- Bull, Extension de la concesion y donacion Apostolica de las Indias—Alexander VI; Sept. 25.
- 1494
- [Extract from Treaty of Tordesillas, between Spain and Portugal]—June 7.
- 1501
- Bull, Eximiae—Alexander VI; Nov. 16.
- 1514
- Bull, Praecelsae—Leo X; Nov. 3. [Extract.]
- 1518–19
- [Synopsis of early documents on Magellan’s expedition.]
- 1519
- *[Letter of king of Castile to king of Portugal, concerning line of demarcation—Feb. 28. Original MS. in the Torre do Tombo, Lisbon.]
- 1519
- Regimento que elrei de Castella deu a Joao de Cartagena, vedor geral de armada de Fernao de Magalhaes—April 6. [MS. in Torre do Tombo, Lisbon.]
- 1519
- *[Letter of king of Castile, commanding Magellan’s fleet to obey him, and to sail first to Moluccas—April 19. MS. in Torre do Tombo, Lisbon.]
- 1522
- *[Extract from letter mentioning death of Magellan. MS. in archives of Simancas. ]
- 1523
- *Nauigation et descouurement de la Indie superieure faicte par moy anthoyne Pigaphete Vincentin cheuallier de Rhodes—Antonio Pigafetta, 1523. [MS. in Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris.
- 1523
- De Molvccis Insulis—Maximilianus Transylvanus (Austrian student at Spanish court); Coloniæ, 1523.
- 1523–24
- Proceedings of Junta of Badajoz, from various documents of the time.
- 1524
- [Treaty of Vitoria—Feb. 19.]
- 1529
- [Extract from Treaty of Zaragoza, between Spain and Portugal, April 23.]
- 1537
- [General synopsis of various early documents relating to the expedition to the Moluccas by Garcia de Loaisa.]
- 1541–43
- [Expedition of Villalobos, synopsized from contemporaneous documents.]
- 1561–66
- [Legazpi’s and Urdaneta’s expedition of discovery and appropriation of the Philippines, from contemporaneous documents.]
- 1565
- Carta a S. M., firmada por Miguel Lopez de Legaspi, Fr. Martin de Rada, etc. [MS. in Seville archives.]
- 1565
- [Relation by Legazpi—1565. MS. in Museo-Biblioteca de Ultramar, Madrid.]
- 1565
- Posesion de la Isla de Cibabao—Feb. 15, 1565. [MS. in Seville archives.]
- 1565
- Vando para que se manifieste el oro sacado de las sepulturas de los indios—May 16, 1565. [MS. at Seville.]
- 1565
- Carta de Miguel Lopez de Legazpi a la S. C. R. Magd. del Rey.—May 27, 1565. [MS. at Seville.]
- 1565
- [Letter signed by Legazpi and other officials of the Philippines—June, 1565. MS. at Seville.]
- Undated.
- Memoria de los rescates y municiones que se pidieron a Nueva Espana, para enviar al campo de S. M. que reside en el puerto de Cubu. [MS. at Seville.]
- 1566
- *Copia de una carta venida de Sevilla a Miguel Salvador de Valencia—Barcelona. [Earliest published account of Legazpi’s expedition (1564); probably but one copy extant.]
- 1566–69
- Autos e Requerimientos que pasaron entre Miguel L. de Legaspi y Goncalo Pereira sobre que saliase de la isla de Cebu—Hernando Riquel (Spanish notary) and others. [MS. at Seville.]
- 1567
- Carta de Miguel Lopez de Legazpi recomendando al capitan Martin de Goyti—July 12. [MS. at Seville.]
- 1567
- Carta de Legazpi dando cuenta de su descubrimiento en las Islas Filipinas—M. L. de Legazpi; July 15.
- 1567
- Carta a S. M. sobre descubrimientos y poblacion de las Islas Filipinas—M. L. de Legazpi; July 23. [MS. at Seville.]
- 1568
- Carta a S. M. sobre cosas tocantes a la poblacion de las Yslas Filipinas—M. L. de Legaspi; June 22. [MS. at Seville.]
- 1569
- Carta del Tesorero de Filipinas sobre la guerra con los Portugueses—Guido de Lavezaris; June 5. [MS. at Seville.]
- 1569
- Carta del factor sobre cosas tocantes a las Yslas Filipinas—Andres de Mirandaola; June 8. [MS. at Seville.]
- 1569
- Titulo Gobernador y Capitan General de la Isla de Cubu a favor de Miguel L. de Legazpi—Aug. 14. [MS. at Seville.]
- 1570
- Carta a S. M. dando cuenta del descubrimiento de Filipinas con los Portugueses—Fray Diego de Herrera (Augustinian); January 16. [MS. at Seville.]
- 1570
- Carta dando cuenta a S. M. de las cosas de gobierno de Filipinas—M. L. de Legazpi; July 25. [MS. at Seville.]
- 1570
- Relacion de lo sucedido en el viage que se hizo a Luzon—[MS. at Seville.]
- 1570
- Posesiones tomadas en nombre de S. M. de las yslas de Luban, Similara, Caluyan, Helin, Luson, y Vindoro o Luzon la menor. [MS. at Seville. ]
- 1570?
- Memoria de las cosas que pide el Gobernador de Filipinas, con expresion de lo que se podra proveer de N. Espana, y lo que sera necesario traer de Espana. [MS. at Seville.]
- 1570
- Relacion de las Islas Filipinas y de la calidad y condiciones de la gente dellas para su magestad—Legazpi. [MS, at Seville.]
- Undated.
- Carta a S. M. sobre la amistad que pretende el Emperador del Japon—Pedro Gonzalez de Carbajal; after 1567. [MS. at Seville.]
- Undated.
- Carta a S. M. sobre la poblacion de las Ysla de Luzon—Juan Pacheco Maldonado; 1570? [MS. at Seville.]
- Undated.
- Carta a S. M. sobre cosas tocantes a Filipinas—Capitan Gabriel de Rivera; 1582? [MS. at Seville.]
- 1571?
- De cierta Relacion y de las veces que se ha tratado, en lo que toco a la Navegacion Descubrimiento y de las yslas del Poniente. [MS. at Seville.]
- 1572
- Conquista de la isla de Luzon—MS. dated April 20.
- 1572
- Copia de testimio de Manila—Riquel. [MS. at Seville.]
- 1573
- *Relacion de las Islas del poniente a q Ilaman filipinas—Capitan Diego de Artieda: 1573. [MS. in Museo-Biblioteca de Ultramar, Madrid.]
- 1573
- Relacion a S. M. de varias cosas del gobierno de Filipinas despues la muerte de Miguel Lopez Legazpi—Guido de Lavezaris, June 29. [MS. at Seville.]
- 1573
- Relacion de las nuevas quescriven de las yslas del poniente—Riquel; July 1. [MS. in Simancas archives.]
- 1573
- [Expenses of the royal estate in expedition to islands Poniente, 1569–72—Melchior de Legazpi—Aug. 14. [MS. at Seville.]
- 1573
- Carta al Rey Don Felipe II.—Martin Enriquez; Dec. 5.
- 1573?
- Carta a S. M. sobre come han venido a ser esclavos los naturales de filipinas—de Lavezaris. [MS. at Seville.]
- 1574
- Carta al Rey Felipe II—Martin Enriquez; Jan. 9.
- 1574
- Parecer sobre los tributos de los Indios—Fray Martin de Rada (Augustinian); June 21. [MS. at Seville.]
- 1574
- [Royal decrees granting privileges to Manila—June 21.]
- 1574
- Testimonio de come el Capitan Mayor de Portugal rompio la guerra Y la hizo a los espanoles que estaban el la yala de Cubu. [MS. at Seville.]
- 1574?
- Respuesta al parecer del padre fray Martin de Rada sobre cosas de Filipinas—about 1574. [MS. at Seville.]
- 1576
- Mandamiento para que los oficiales reales no puedan tener encomiendas—May 26. [MS. at Seville.]
- 1576
- Carta-relacion de las islas Filipinas—Francisco de Sande (governor of the islands); July 5, 1576.
- 1578
- [Bull regarding erection of cathedral at Manila—Feb. 6.]
- 1579
- [Royal decree for religious establishments—May 13.]
- 1580
- *Relacion de las Yslas Filipinas, su descubrimiento, poblaciones de espanoles, usos y costumbres de sus naturales, etc.—de Loarca (Spanish official). [MS. at Seville.]
- 1580
- [Decree concerning offices of cathedral at Manila—May 25.]
- 1582
- Carta al virrey de Nueva Espana sobre lo sucedido con unos navios Japones—Juan Bautista Roman (factor in the. Philippines); June 25. [MS. at Seville.]
- 1582
- Indulgencia a los Dominicanos al partir para Filipinas—Gregory XIII; Sept. 15.
- 1582
- Bull, Exponi Nobis [founding the Dominican province of Filipinas]—Gregory XIII, Oct. 20.
- Undated.
- Cartas a Su Magestad—Fray Geronimo de Guzman and Jhoan de Vascones; after 1582. [MS. at Seville.]
- 1583
- Relacion de las cosas de las Filipinas—Domingo de Salazar.
- 1583
- Fundacion de la Audiencia de Manila y ordenanzas que ha de guardar—1583. [MS. at Seville.]
- 1583
- Instruction De lo que El comisario fue es por tiempo fuere de esta santo oficio en la cibdad y obispado de Manila e islas phelipinas del Poniente. [MS. in Simancas archives. ]
- 1584
- [Decree approving Legazpi's grant of support to the religious—April 24. MS. in Archivo Historico-Nacional, Madrid.]
- 1584
- Relacion de la renta de tributos y otros aprovechamientos que pertenecian a S. M. en cada un ano en las Yslas Filipinas. [MS. at Seville.]
- 1585
- Peticion del obispo de Manila, dando cuenta del estado y necesidades religiosas de las Filipinas—Domingo de Salazar; Dec.
- 1586
- Carta del Rey, del maese de campo y capitanes de las Filipinas—June 24. [MS. at Seville.]
- 1586
- Memorial general de todos los estados de las Islas Filipinas—1586. [MS. in Real Academia de Historia, Madrid.]
- 1586
- Carta del Obispo de las Filipinas a Su Magestad el Rey—D. de Salazar. [MS. at Seville.]
- 1586
- Junta' gen'l q alli se hizo, y resolucion que se tomo en ella de q viniesse el Padre Alonso Sanchez a dar quenta a su Magd. [MS. at Seville.]
- 1586
- Bull, Dum ad uberes [providing for discalced Franciscans in the Philippines]—Nov. 15.
- 1586
- Itinerario del Padre Custodio de la Orden de Sant Francisco, que paso a la China en compania de otros religiosos.
- 1586
- [Extracts from Juan Gonzalez de Mendoza's Historia del gran Reyno de China (Madrid, 1586).]
- 1589
- [Decree containing regulations concerning the Chinese—Aug. 9. MS. in Archivo Historico-Nacional, Madrid.]
- 1589?
- Costumbres de los Tagalos—Fray de Plasencia (Franciscan).
- 1590
- Expediente sobre el trato y comercio de las Yslas Filipinas con la China—(8 documents). [MS. at Seville.]
- 1590
- Carta-relacion de las cosas de la China, y de los chinos del Parian de Manila—D. de Salazar; June 24,
- 1590
- Sobre los cuestiones habidas entre el Gobernador de Manila y el Ldo. Rojas sobre el comercio de los Japoneses—Nov. 21.
- 1591—
- Informacion hecha en la Ciudad de Manila a instancia de la misma sobre que se abra la contratacion y comercio con la de Macan. [MS. at Seville.]
- 1591
- Bull, Cum sicut [prohibits slavery]—Gregory XIV; Nov. 18.
- 1592
- Parecer de los Padres Agustinos sobre el hacer guerra a los Zambales—Jan. 19. Parecer del P. Pedro Baptista Guardian del Convento de Sn Francisco; parecer de los PP. Dominicos de Filipinas; parecer del P. Antonio Sedeno Rector de la Compania de Jesus en Manila; sobre si es licito hacer guerra a los zambales—Jan. 20. [MSS. at Seville.]
- 1592
- [Letter to people of the Philippines—Gregory IV; March 25.]
- 1595
- Relacion del descubrimiento de las Philipinas, y del ataque a Manila por el pirata Limahon, con noticias de Martin de Rada—Geronimo Roman y Zamora; Salamanca.
- 1595
- [Decree erecting cathedral of Manila into a metropolitan church, and creating three suffragan bishoprics—June 17.]
- 1596
- Real cedula concediendo el uso de un escudo de Armas a la Cibdad de Manila—March 20.
- 1596
- [Royal decree regarding the bishoprics of Nueva Caceres and Nueva Segovia—May 15.]
- 1596?
- Puntos principales de la materia de la contratacion de las Filipinas—after 1595. [Rare pamphlet in Seville archives.]
- 1598
- Bull, "se concede facultad de erigir la Confradia de la Soledad en las Indias e Islas Filipinas."—Jan. 23.
- 1599
- Ordenanzas dadas por la Audiencia de Manila para el buen gobierno de aquellas yslas. [MS. at Seville.]
- 1§99
- [Decree in regard to making expeditions—June 22. [MS. in Archivo Historico-Nacional, Madrid.]
- 1599
- [Decree that the Viceroy is to send only useful colonists to the Philippines—Aug. 16. [MS. in Archivo Historico-Nacional, Madrid.]
- 1600
- Relacion verdadera de lo subcedido en las yslas Filipinas con unos navios Ingleses que llegarona ellas el ano de 1600. [MS. at Seville.]
- 1604
- Relacion de las Islas Filipinas—Pedro Chirino (Jesuit).
- 1606
- Relacion verdadera del levantamiento de los Sangleyes en! as Filipinas . . . Escrita a estos reinos por un soldado que se hallo en ellas; recapitulado por M. R. M.—Miguel Rodriguez Maldonado; Seville, 1606.
- 1607
- [Concerning trade—Dec. 15. MS. in Simancas archives.]
- 1609
- Svcesos de las Islas Filipinas—de Morga; Mexico, 1609.
- 1612
- Carta dirigida a S, M. informando sobre mudar a Espana la contratacion de Mejico a Filipinas—Marques de Montesclaros, (viceroy of Peru); April 12.
- 1626
- Guerras en las Filipinas cotra los Olandeses, y hechos de D. Fernando de Silva; Sevilla, 1626.
- 1635?
- De lo dispuesto por Cedulas Reales ya recopilados, en razon del Comercio de Philipinas.
- 1635
- El Procurador Gral de la Ciudad de Manila y Islas Philipinas a su Magd sobre la Cobranza Nueuamte Impuesto a las mercaderias que cargan para el de la Nueva Espana—Juan Grau y Monfalcon. [MS. in Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid.]
- 1636–37
- Cartas—Padre Francisco Lopez (Jesuit).
- 1636–37
- Sucesos felices en Filipinas y Terrenate—1636–37. [MS. in Real Academia de la Historia.]
- 1637
- Memorial informatorio al Rey . . . por la civdad de Manila, sobre las pretensiones de aqvella Civdad y Islas. . . . comercio con la Nueva Espana—Juan Grau y Monfalcon; Madrid, 1637.
- 1638
- Del Estado de las Islas Filipinas y de sus conveniencias—Geronimo Banuelos y Carillo (Spanish admiral); Megico.
- 1638
- Relacion de las gloriosas victorias en mar, y tierra en las Islas Filipinas contra los Moros Mahometanos; Megico.
- 1640
- Justificacion de la conservacion, y comercio de las Islas Filipinas—Juan Grau y Monfalcon.
- 1640
- Historia de la provincia del Santa Rosario de Filipinas—Diego de Aduarte (Dominican); Madrid.
- 1642
- Relacion verdadera del levantamiento de los Sangleyes. [Rare pamphlet in Real Academia de la Historia, Madrid.]
- 1644
- Erection of college of Santo Tomas at Manila into a University. [MS. in Museo-Biblioteca de Ultramar.]
- 1647
- [Concerning English merchants in the Philippines—Jan. 30, 1647. MS. in Simancas archives.]
- 1649
- Entrada de la seraphica religion de nuestro P. S. Francisco en las Islas Philipinas—1649.
- 1667
- Historia de las Islas de Mindanao, Jolo, etc.—F. de Combes.
- 1654
- [Inquisition of Mexico in Philippines. MS. in Simancas archives.]
- 1674
- Martirio de P. Diego Luis de San Vitores.
- 1683
- Relacion svmaria de los svcessos de la Civdad de Manila—Ivan Sanchez (Spanish official); Manila.
- 1686
- Account of Philippines—Wm. Dampier (Engish navigator).
- 1693
- Historia de la Provincia del Santa Rosario de Filpinas; tomo segundo—Baltasar de Santa Cruz (Dominican).
- 1697
- Decouverte des Islas Palaos—Paul Clain (Jesuit).
- 1698
- Conquistas de las Islas Filipinas—Gaspar de San Agustin (Augustinian); Madrid,
- Undated.
- Relation et Memorial de l’estat des Isles Philippines et des Isles Moluques.
- Undated.
- Relation, faite par vn Religieux qui y a demeure 18 ans.
- 1705
- [Noticia de las Islas Palaos—Andres Serrano (Jesuit).]
- 1705
- [Clement XI and Louis XIV on evangelization of Philippines.]
- 1710
- Decouverte des Isles Palaos [letter by a Jesuit missionary].
- 1711
- Lettre au P. Willard—P. Taillandier (Jesuit).
- 1712
- De lo que ocurrido desde el ano de 1640, hasta el de 1702, y desde este ano de 1712.
- 1712
- De la Comprobacion que se hizo en el ano de 1712, siendo el Duque de Linares Virrey, de los excessos de la permission de Philipinas, y dificultad de su remedio.
- 1718
- De lo que informo el Comercio de Espana sobre los perjuicios del de Philipinas, y ordenes dadas por su Magestad en el ano de 1718, prohibiendo los Texidos de ; a de China.
- 1720
- Lettre sur les Isles Palaos—Philippe Cazier (Jesuit); Nov. 5.
- 1721
- Lettre au P. Chambge—Gilles Wibault (Jesuit).
- 1722
- De lo que ocurrido desde el ano de 1718, en que se probihio el comercio de Texidos de Seda, hasta el ano de 1722.
- 1722
- Descubrimiento y descripcion de las Islas Garbanzos [Caroline Islands] —Juan Antonio Cantova (Jesuit).
- 1723
- [Account of Palaos mission]—Charles le Gobien (Jesuit).
- 1724
- De lo executado en Manila al recibo de la Cedula de 27 de Octubre de 1720. Recurso al Consejo por sus diputados: Contestacion del Comercio de Andalucia, y ; olucion en este negocio el ano de 1724.
- 1730
- Refiere el reglamento presentado por los Diputados de Philipinas para su Comercio en el ano de 1724, y sus resultas hasta el de 1730.
- 1733
- Exponese lo ocurrido en razon del Comercio de Philipinas desde el ano de 1730. hasta del de 1733. en consequencia de la pratica del Reglamento del ano 1726, con ; sion de la quexa dada por el Comercio de Andalucia.
- 1733
- [Letter to Louis XV]—Fernando Valdes Tamon.
- 1736
- Refierese lo ocurrido sobre este Comercio desde Noviembre de 1734. hasta el presente mes de Mayo de 1736. con motivo de la instancia hecha por el Consulado, y ; ercio de Andalucia, proponiendo ceder al de Manila el trafico, y transporte de toda la Canela, Pimienta, y Clavo, que pueda consumir el Reyno de la Nueva Espana.
- 1738
- [Brief account of the martyrdom of Cantova—1736.]
- 1739
- Relacion en que de orden de Su Magestad se declaran las Plazas en las Islas Filipinas [description of Manila]—Tamon. [MS. in Museo-Biblioteca del Ultramar, ; rid.]
- 1740
- Relacion de los sucesos de la mision de Santa Cruz de Ituy—Manuel del Rio (Dominican); Mexico.
- 1744
- Chronicas de la provincia de S. Gregorio en las Islas Philipinas—Juan Francisco San Antonio (Franciscan); Sampaloc.
- 1748?
- Carta escrita por el Provincial de la Compania de Jesus de Filipinas al Comisario de su Orden en Madrid—1748?
- 1749
- Historia de la Provincia de Philipinas de la Compania de Jesvs: 1616—1716—Pedro Murillo Velarde (Jesuit); Manila.
- 1753
- Dissertacion historico-politica, y en parte geografica de las Islas Philipinas; extension del Mahometismo en ellas, etc.—Joseph Torrubia (Franciscan); Madrid.
- 1756
- Misiones a los Igorrotes, Tinguianes, Apayaos, y Adanes—Manuel Carillo (Augustinian); Madrid.
- 1763
- Noticia historico-natural de los gloriosos triumphos consequidos en las misiones que tienen en las Islas Philipinas—F. A. Mozo, (Augustinian); Madrid.
- 1764–65
- [State documents, concerning the capture of Manila by the English—1764-65. MSS. in Simancas archives.]
- 1792
- Historia general de Philipinas—Juan de la Concepcion (Recoleto) Sampaloc, 1788-92.
- 1803
- Estadismo de las Islas Filipinas o mis viajes por este pais—Joaquin Martinez de Zuniga (Augustinian); Sampaloc.
In addition to the above, there are still in foreign archives many manuscript documents—reports, relations, letters, etc.—to be included in this series, but which cannot, at this date, be given place in the list.Annotation from manuscriptsAnnotations on the published documents will be made from many manuscripts of which space will not permit the entire reproduction. In all such cases, the location and designation of each document will be fully indicated.
The editors reserve the right to make any additions, omissions, or changes in the above list which may, in the course of the work, prove necessary.
What Prominent Authorities and Librarians say of the series:
The project is impressive in its scale and, to judge by the list of documents appended, will cover the ground with great thoroughness. If carried to completion, it will certainly be a most valuable reservoir of sources. We heartily wish it success.— Herbert Putnam, Librarian of Congress.
Such an undertaking would be decidedly useful in furnishing the historical data necessary to a proper understanding of the political, social, and religious problems of the Philippines. The work which you did as assistant editor of the Jesuit Relations is a satisfactory guarantee of the excellence of the editorial work.—Frederick J. Turner, Director of the School of History, University of Wisconsin.
I commend your plan of reproducing, with the chief authorities on Philippine history, linguistics, and antiquities, also the many documents (drawn from Church and civil sources, here and abroad) bearing on the several religious, social, political, and economic phases of that quarter of Malaysia—all media of acknowledged value in the solution of problems in the various realms of science, industry, and trade that are bound to confront statesmen as well as men of affairs in their dealings with those far-away islanders. This enterprise will, it is undoubted, result in a monumental work, of admirable perspective, on broad and scholarly lines—a veritable Encyclopedia Philippina, that must commend itself to men of intellective, upright spirit.—Rev. Dr. Thomas Cooke Middleton, O. S. A., Professor of Church History in Villanova College, and Chairman of Committee on Historical Research of American Catholic Historical Society.
One is divided between admiration of the enterprise and audacity of the undertaking, and satisfaction in the prospect of having available in the English language such a mine of information about the islands and their people. If anything can save us from many and egregious mistakes in our dealings with these distant wards of ours it will be knowledge of them, a knowledge deep and far-reaching. One must conclude that this effort should command the hearty endorsement of American scholars, statesmen, and patriots everywhere.—Ww. I. Fletcher, Librarian Amherst College. Since it brings together the most important original documents concerning the history and institutions of the Philippines from 1493 to the early part of the last century, this series must have special value at the present time. All Americans who are interested in Philippine affairs will be glad to have the information which this work will convey rendered generally accessible. It should find its way into public libraries generally throughout the country. Miss Blair is extremely painstaking, and, having had long experience in work of this kind, and a very valuable training in the State. Historical Library of Wisconsin, I regard her as unusually competent to undertake the task.— Dr. Richard T. Ely.
A great undertaking, characteristically American in its scope and thoroughness, and worthy the hearty support of librarians and scholars.—Wilberforce Eames, Librarian Lenox Library, New York City.
As the Philippine Islands occupy so large a place in the attention of the nation, and indeed of the whole world, your projected work, in which you propose to tell the story of their gradual evolution from utter barbarism to their present state, will undoubtedly arouse very great interest. The plan of publishing detailed accounts of navigators, explorers, and officials, lay and ecclesiastical, drawn directly from original documents, will give your work permanent historical value, and enable us all to form a solid and correct judgment on the work done by Spain and the great religious orders in the far East. Nothing could be more timely or more important. I trust that your prospectus may elicit orders enough to warrant an extensive edition.—Rev. Thomas E, Sherman, S, J., St. Ignatius College, Chicago.
The proposed work covers a long and large period of history. It represents relationships which have become of peculiar significance. To the wisdom and thoroughness devoted to the preliminary parts of the work I am glad to bear testimony. For the excellence of the results which will through the work be accomplished I entertain the heartiest hope.—Charles F. Thwing, L.L.D., President Western Reserve University. It gives me very great pleasure to state that Miss Blair’s six years of service as my principal assistant upon the Jesuit Relations gave her a fund of experience well qualifying her for undertaking such a work as she is now engaged upon. She has the true spirit of the editor of historical materials, and is a master of the technical details of the art.—Reuben G. Thwaites, Editor of “The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents,” “Wisconsin Historical Collections,” “Chronicles of Border Warfare,” etc.
I am glad to learn that you propose publishing the old works relating to the discovery, colonization, and early history of the Philippine Islands. You may rest assured that the United States Embassy and myself will assist in every possible way those engaged in collecting documents for this most valuable publication. I heartily commend this enterprise, and congratulate you on having undertaken the work.—Henry Vignaud, Paris, author of "Toscanelli and Columbus," etc.
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