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La Rose D'Amour.
Or the Adventures of a Gentleman in search of Pleasure. Translated from the French.
I coasted round and put into Bordeaux for the purpose of giving the sailors a chance of getting themselves girls.
In two days they were all mated, and we put off for Havana, intending to stop there a short time, as I had heard much of the beauty of the women of the island.
Arriving at Havana, I took some rooms at one of the best hotels, giving orders to the Captain to keep the brig in sailing order so as to be able to sail at a moment's notice.
At the table d'hote I noticed a handsome, vivacious brunette, evidently an inhabitant of the island. Her eyes were fairly hidden under a mass of deep black hair which overshadowed them; but I could perceive whilst at the table, she was continually glancing at me, and the moment my eyes met hers she would suddenly drop her eyes on the plate or look in another direction. From this I augured favourably and deemed success certain, thinking that I had made a conquest.
In the evening I attended the theatre accompanied by the Captain, and both of us well armed. I there saw the lady in a box in company with a couple of elderly gentlemen.
The one whom I took to be her husband was a cross-grained, ugly looking fellow.
I followed her home with the intent to win her.
In the morning I got an introduction to Senor Don Manuel Vasquer, the husband of Donna Isabel, my lovely vis-a-vis at the table.
I told him I was a gentleman of rank and fortune, traveling for the pleasure with a vessel of my own, and invited him down to the harbour to look at the brig.
He accepted the invitation and was very much pleased with the neat cleanliness of everything on deck, and with the luxury displayed in the fittings of the cabin.
I had a lunch set out and plied him well with champagne so that when he left the vessel, he was in very high spirits. On reaching the hotel he invited me up to his apartment and introduced me to his wife and a couple of other ladies we found with her.
I endeavoured as well as my looks could express to let her see that I had taken particular notice of her, and was much smitten by her charms.
After conversing for a short time I retired to my room to dress for dinner and penned a declaration to the Donna Isabel, declaring my passion for her and imploring her grant me an interview, as I had read in her eyes that I was not disagreeable to her.
After dinner I joined her and her husband and slipped my note into her hand, which she immediately hid in the folds of her dress. I then went to my room to wait for an answer, which I felt sure would soon be sent to me. Nor had I to wait long, for in a couple of hours a negro-wench opened the door, poking her head in to ascertain if I was in the room, threw a note to me, and shutting the door without saying a word, retired.
I hastily picked up the note and opening it found my expectations confirmed!
She granted me an interview. Her note stated that her husband would go out to his plantations the next day and that at three o'clock in the afternoon she would be alone taking her siesta.
The evening, night and morning hung heavily on me, and after dining, I retired to my room, laid my watch on the table and sat gazing at the dial to see the weary hours pass away; but as the minute-hand pointed to three; the same black wench again opened the door, poked her head in, looked round and drew back, leaving the door open.
I jumped up and followed her to the rooms of her mistress.
Here I found Donna Isabel reclining in an elegant dishabille, on a sofa. She held out her hand to me in welcome, which I took and pressed to my lips.
She invited me to be seated and I placed myself on a foot-stool at her side. Taking her hand between mine, I disclosed my passion for her, imploring her not to refuse my love. At first she pretended to be much surprised that I should make a declaration of my love to her and appeared half angry. But as I proceeded with my tale of love and pressed her for an answer favourable to the passion which was consuming me, she appeared to relent, and rising from her reclining position made room for me to sit beside her on the couch.
As I sat down by her side I dropped an arm round her waist and drawing her to my bosom I implored her to grant me her love - even to leave her husband and fly with me to some remote corner of the earth where we could while away our years in the soft dalliance of love.
I told her that her husband was an old man with whom she could not enjoy life, and from whom a young woman like herself could not receive those tender attentions, and the soft and real pleasure which she could enjoy in the arms of a young and devoted lover.
She sighed and hung her head on her breast, saying she never knew what it was to receive those delicious and tender pleasures from her husband that I had just spoken of. That from the time of her marriage to the present moment, her whole time was taken up with drinking and gambling. That he left her to amuse herself as best she could in the house, he was so jealous that he would never allow her to go out except in his company. She sighed again and wished that heaven had given her such a man as myself.
I know not how it was, but when she stopped, I found one of my hands had opened the front of her dress and slipped beneath her shift and was moulding one of her large hard breasts, and my lips were pressed on hers.
My leaning against her had insensibly moved her backwards till, without our knowing it, her head was resting on the cushion of the sofa and I was lying on top of her.
Whilst I was assuring her of eternal love and constancy and begging her to allow me to give her a convincing proof of my tenderness and affection, and also to let me convince her that as yet she had had the mere shadow of the ecstatic pleasure of love, but that if she would allow me I would give her the real substance and a surfeit of those pleasures of which I felt convinced she had received but a taste from her husband, I had been gradually drawing up her clothes, till my hand rested on a large, firm, fleshy thigh. Isabel had closed her eyes, her head hanging to one side, her lips slightly apart and her breast rising and falling rapidly from the quick pulsations of the blood caused by her fierce and amorous desires.
I raised her shift still higher till it disclosed to my sight a large tuft of long black hair. I then unbuttoned my pantaloons and with a little gentle force parted her legs, and got between her thighs.
Parting the lips with my fingers, I inserted the head of my engine of love, and in a few moments we both died away amidst the most exquisite transports of love.
I lay heaving and panting on her bosom while she lay motionless under me, till finding that my stiffness had scarcely diminished and knowing by the short motions and jerks of the head that he was once more ready for the field and impatient for the word to start again, I commenced moving in her.
"Beautiful creature," I cried, "what delicious sensations! What pleasure! My God!" said I, "you are almost virgin. How lusciously tight your sweet flesh clasps my rod!"
Her arms were clasped around my neck, her thighs around my back, her moist rosy lips glued to mine. Our tongues met. With what vivacity, what voluptuousness she moves up to me, giving me energetic heaves for my thrusts. I felt from the increased motion of her bottom that again she is about to dissolve herself into bliss. I too feel it.
"Ah, my God! Oh! what pleasure! I come; there, there, dear love, you have it now - joy, love, bliss unbearable!" And I was swimming in a sea of pleasure, in a perfect agony of bliss.
When we recovered from our delirium, I arose and drawing her clothes down slowly over her legs, I pressed her to my side. Planting a soft kiss on her pouting lips I folded her in my arms and asked her how she liked the reality after being fed for more than a year on the mere shadow of that delicious substance she had just largely partaken.
The answer was a kiss that sent a thrill of pleasure through every vein.
"Oh, my dear, this is nothing to what you would enjoy were you to link your fortune to mine and fly with me to France. Then we would live a life of love and pleasure such as you have just tasted. Our whole lives would be nothing but love and pleasure, morn, noon and night it would be love, all love. There should be nothing around us but love - nothing but pleasure!"
Isabel rang a small bell and the same piece of ebony who had twice placed her head in and out of my chamber-door entered.
Her mistress told her to bring in some lunch and she soon returned with an elegant cold repast and some delicious wine.
After eating and drinking we again turned our attention to love. Rising from the chair I led her to the sofa, and drawing her on my knees, I stripped her dress and shift from her shoulder and loosening the strings of her petticoats toyed and played with her breasts, which were really beautiful, large and firm, and tipped with two most tempting strawberry nipples.
Nor was my companion idle, for whilst I was thus engaged she had unbuttoned my pantaloons and taken out my genitals, which she admired and toyed with, capping and uncapping its red head till she had brought it to a most beautiful state of erection.
I raised her on her feet and all her clothing slipping on to the floor, she stood in all her naked beauty before me.
What charms, what beauties did my eyes and lips feast on as I turned her round and round. Her soft round belly, her plump bottom and then her dear little cleft, that masterpiece of beauty, how I hugged it to me. What kisses I lavished on it, all of which she repaid with interest.
She sinks down on the floor between my legs. She caresses my pego, she presses it to her lips. They pout and she puts its large red head between them. I push a little forward, it enters her mouth, she sucks it, her soft tongue rolls it over and over. She continues tickling it with her tongue. Feeling that if she continues I must spend, I jerk back and drag it from her mouth. She again wants to keep it. I lay her down on the floor with the cushions under her buttocks. I get on with my head between her thighs, my prick and stones hanging over her face. Again she takes it in her mouth, while I put my tongue between the lips of her cunt and frig her clitoris with it.
The motion of her rump increases! I find she is about to spend and I suddenly rise up, seat myself on the sofa, and she sprang after me, jumped on the sofa, her cunt touching my face, tightly clasping her arms round my neck.
She slowly let her bottom come down, till it touched the head of my pego. I directed it aright and she impaled herself on it.
A few motions and I most plentifully bedewed her with the nectar as she was paying down her own tribute to the God of Love. .
When she rose off me, the sperm dropped from her salacious slit in large gouts upon me, attesting the bountiful measure with which nature had endowed both of us with the elixir of life.
In the evening she sent her maid to order her supper to be sent up into her rooms, and after quietly supping we retired to bed and I spent the most agreeable night that I ever passed with any woman.
Her husband returned the next day, but I found an opportunity to meet his wife in the evening and renewed for a short time the transport we had enjoyed the day before.
A few days later, her husband had invited a party of six young ladies and the same number of young men to visit his wife and take dinner with them. I also was invited.
Immediately after receiving the invitation I sent word to the Captain to raise steam and be ready to sail at a moment's warning.
I joined the party at dinner and found three of the invited girls to be very handsome and the other three very good-looking.
After the dinner was over, I invited the party to visit my yacht and take an evening's excursion with me.
The husband of my mistress was very loud in his praises the beauty of the yacht and of the rich and elegant manner in which she was fitted up and joined his solicitations to mine; the party consenting, we ordered carriages and drove down to where the yacht lay. Getting aboard we sailed up the harbour and ran up the island.
After we were out of sight of the city, I took the Captain aside and told him that towards night I wanted him to run the brig in towards the shore; and that I intended to seize the seven men and land them in a boat and make off with the women. I told him to go and speak to the crew about the matter and have them in readiness to obey my signal.
A little before dusk, we ran close in shore at a place where there was no plantation visible. I had ordered some lumber to be strewn about the greater deck and commanded the Captain to send the sailors to carry it away.
Sixteen stalwart fellows came aft and suddenly seized on the men and bound their arms and legs. I then told them what I intended to do, ordering the men at the same time to the women below. Their execrations and implorings for the girls who were their relatives, I would not listen to, but I had them put in a boat and sent ashore. They were unbound and and let loose. The boat returned to the brig and we set sail for France.
The girls did nothing but sob and weep for a day or two but I soon brought them to their senses. Immediately after setting their companions ashore I went into the cabin, and bringing Ibzaidu and Mary out of their hiding places, I introduced them to the company.
When supper was served they all refused to sit at the table and eat. But I told them if they did not comply with all my wishes that I would hand them over to the sailors to be used by them as they chose. This had its effect on them and they seated themselves at the table.
I rang a bell and two of the handsomest women belonging to the sailors entered stark naked, as I had ordered them to wait on the table.
The Spanish girls were all about to rise up, but putting on a fierce aspect, I threatened them the first who should rise should be passed forward to the men. This had effect on them and they sat still.
Whilst the servant was pouring out the coffee I arose and went to the side-table as if to fetch something, but in reality to pour a few drops of a certain liquid into each cup of coffee.
The quantity put in each cup was enough to set any woman's amorous and licentious desires on fire.
They all drank their coffee and in about half-an-hour the effect was very visible, as all the coyness of modesty had disappeared and they languishingly cast their lascivious glances at me, joking the servant-girls on their nudity, and whenever they came in reach of them, pinching, slapping them, etc., so great was the effect produced by the drug I put in the coffee.
When the supper was over and the tables were cleared, I commenced playing and tussling with them. Rolling them about on the floor and playing them a thousand amorous tricks which they repaid with interest - throwing me on floor, falling in a heap on top of me while I would catch a kiss from them, squeeze a fine bubby, slide my hand along a thigh, or slip it up under their petticoats and grasp a large calf or a well-turned knee. I ordered in some wine of a very strong quality, well drugged with the love-potion.
I plied them with the wine of which they drank very freely and in a couple of hours all reserve and modesty had left them.
I took the Senora - the wife I had seduced at the hotel and whose husband I had set ashore with the others - on one side and invited her to step into one of the staterooms with me, I then asked her if she could forgive me for robbing her from her old cuckold of a husband. She threw herself into my arms and with a fervent embrace and kiss sealed my pardon with her lips.
(To be continued.)
It has without doubt been Truscott's ambition
To get the new Temple Bar in position.
He thought of it by day, dreamt of it by night,
And one morning woke in a terrible fright.
"I dreamt, my dear love, that this thing came to pass,
That the public had shoved Temple Bar up my arse;
That they greeted me loudly with hisses and calls
And the dragon grew lively and bit off my balls."
An Unfortunate Family.
Miss Jones, whose father was a wealthy alderman, and thought nobody but a rich city man was good enough for his daughter, took the precaution to allow young Brown to get her in the family way.
When the youngster was about three months on the road she one morning appealed to her papa to sanction their engagement and she asked for a speedy marriage:
"Egad! Do you think I'll ever have that penniless puppy?"
"Oh, oh, Papa! But the puppy's had me and there's a baby coming!" sobbed Miss Jones, covering her crimson face with her hands.
"Well, I'm buggered!" exclaimed the alderman.
"Father! Father! Don't say that; we're such an unfortunate family!"
Hoar Frost.
A Yankee travelling on the London and North Eastern Railway the other day, had for his vis-a-vis a gentleman who had lost his nose. The disfigured countenance so fascinated his gaze that at last his fellow-passenger, getting impatient at what he considered an impertinence, exclaimed in a rage: "Really, sir, you are very rude and insulting to look at me so! Did you ever see a person before who had had the misfortune to have his nose frost-bitten?"
The Yankee apologized for his seeming want of manners, and reassured the annoyed person by informing him that he was going to alight at the next station. However, after leaving the train he continued to walk up and down the station-platform in seeming thought, till just as the train was on the move, his curiosity again came over him and thrusting his head through the carriage window with a meaning grin on his face, he said: "I guess, stranger, that must have been a darn sharp Hoar Frost!"
Lord E. T-e, when a youth, asked his mother the following question: "Mama dear," said he, "what is the meaning of the word bugger?"
"Bugger, my child? Why do you ask?"
"Because I heard my tutor call the coachman a damned bugger."
"Well, my child," replied the Marchioness, "a bugger is a person who does his fellow an injury behind his back."
My Grandmother's Tale or May's Account of Her Introduction to the Art of Love.
From an unsophisticated Manuscript found amongst the old lady's papers, after her death, supposed to have been written about A.D. 1797.
I need not tell you that after all reserve was laid aside amongst us we certainly enjoyed ourselves amazingly.
Carle and the Captain seemed to delight in fucking us turn and turn about, but everything was done openly and by general consent.
The books and pictures were freely used and we tried to act the scenes depicted or described.
The Captain would lay Hilda on her back across the table. Then, placing me over her so that her face was between my thighs while my feet rested on the floor, he would produce his prick, and Hilda looking up, would pop it into her cunt and hold it while he fucked.
Carle would beat the other side of the table between Hilda's uplifted thighs, while I, stooping forward, would take his prick and stick it into her open cunt and then handle his bottom and balls. The Captain leaning over my back would watch the operation with great interest, and, waiting until Carle's prick was all absorbed within the hairy lips, would cry:
"Now, old fellow, let us make a fair start! Draw out first, and when I say one, push."
"ONE."- The two bottoms heaved, driving the two pricks into the deep recesses of our cunts.
"TWO."- Another energetic shove, making our breasts and bellies rub together.
"THREE."- A vehement push; the Captain's belly smacked against my bottom, and Carle's balls banged against Hilda's rump.
"FOUR."- The two excited pricks rushed with delicious force into our throbbing cunts, making us bound to meet them.
"FIVE."- We felt the pricks rammed home, they seemed to reach our very hearts.
"SIX."- A flood of boiling seed burst into our cunts and filled our reservoirs so that they overflowed and the hot sperm poured out, saturating pricks, ballocks, and cunts in love's sweet juice.
The next time that Hilda and I were alone she pointed to some whipping scenes among the pictures and suggested that we should make a trial of the boasted efficacy of the birch rod in producing emotion.
"But where shall we get a rod on board ship?" I asked.
She at once replied: "Oh, I know where there is a broom without a handle. I can easily abstract some of the twigs and tie up a rod with enough for our purpose."
So, that evening, when I was in my nightdress, Hilda came into my cabin and showed me a rod which she had prepared and neatly tied with ribbon.
I was a little frightened at the sight of it and said: "Won't it hurt?"
"Oh, it may a little at first, but when one begins to get the feel, the pain will be turned into pleasure. However, begin with me, I am not afraid."
She then placed herself on the sofa with her naked bottom up, and making me tuck up my shift, she put her arm round my hip and told me to whip away.
I touched up her beautiful white posteriors while she played with my cunt. "You may hit harder than that, Kate," she said, wriggling her bottom about.
I began to enter into the sport and struck her so smartly that the cheeks of her bottom assumed a rosy hue like two blooming apples.
"Oh," she cried, as she rolled over, "my cunt is on fire - put your finger into it, Kate. How I would enjoy being fucked now. How I wish Carle was here."
"Well, you have your wish," he said, as he stepped in quite naked and holding in his hand his fine red-headed prick in stiff erection.
He seized her round the waist and making her stoop forward he plunged his prick into her cunt from behind.
"Stay a moment, Carle," she said. "Kate is to get her whipping now, and lest you should cover it with your hands let me tie them here."
And without asking my leave she secured my wrists and tied them firmly to the legs of the sofa, and then to keep my legs apart, she tied my ankles, too. I did not quite like my position but as I was helpless I only said:
"Remember, you must stop when I tell you."
Then she leaned forward and Carle introduced his prick into her cunt from behind.
They both laughed while she played away at my poor innocent bum. At first I tried to bear it as patiently as I could but Carle became more energetic in his strokes, and she imported more force to her blows. At last I said: "I say - Hilda - stop! Hilda, you wretch, what do you mean? You cruel girl, let me up, you are torturing me!"
My whole bottom felt in a flame. I made frantic efforts to release my hands and I began to sob. Just then she fell forward, and Carle pressing against her bottom discharged into her cunt. Then, coming to me, she untied my hands and laying her cheek against mine, said: "Forgive me, dear Kate, I was so excited. I am just burning!"
"Oh, Hilda, you cruel girl, how could you? Oh, I am hot; I am just burning!"
"Where are you so hot, darling Kate?"
And I felt a hand slip up between my thighs and press the lips of my cunt. Looking up I saw the Captain's good-humoured cheery face.
"Never mind, Kate, we will punish her for this. Let me give you what relief I can."
Then, gently separating my thighs he pushed in his prick while Hilda kissed away my tears. The soft head of his prick had a most soothing effect on the terribly excited folds of my cunt and as it gradually passed up I forgot the pain of the whipping in the intensely amorous excitement I now experienced. I never felt anything more delicious than the sweet friction of the Captain's cock in my fevered cunt; it made every nerve thrill again with pleasure.
"Does not that repay you?" Hilda whispered.
"Oh, yes," I replied. "Push it in; drive it home, fuck me - fuck me. Oh, fuck - fuck - fuck!"
The Captain now declared that Hilda ought to be well whipped for her cruel treatment of my poor bottom.
"Very well," said Carle, "but as I am the real offender I will bear it in her place."
So putting the rod into my hand he leaned over the berth and stuck out his great fleshy rump, while Hilda sat below him, holding his prick and sucking it in her mouth.
"Now, Kate," said the Captain, "lay it on strongly; don't spare his impudent backside, hit him, hit him hard! Don't mind, he used to be flogged every day at school!"
I whipped away and soon his bottom began to glow, his balls were tightened up and his prick swelled and stiffened. He heaved gently so as to work it in and out of her mouth and then with a tremendous "Oh!" he spurted his seed down her throat.
Now, sweet May, that must do for the present. Good night, my love, good night.
Before I resume Kate's narrative I must tell something that happened to myself the following night.
Kate was later than usual in coming and when she did I was in bed, my lamp out and the room quite dark. When she got into bed she put her hand on my cunt, and asked if I had ever any longing for a prick now. I told her I had but that I was waiting for my lover to come and then I should have plenty of fucking.
"But would not any other prick do you as well as his," she asked, all the while frigging my cunt until she had it in a glow.
"Well, Kate, you have so excited my cunt with your finger that I could enjoy being fucked by most any prick."
"Well dear, your finger has done the same for me. Let us try to relieve each other and as the night is hot let us get outside the clothes. Come, lie over me."
And placing herself on the edge of the bed with her feet on the floor, she put me astride over her, my breast and belly resting on hers, and my bottom turned out. Then she threw her arms around me and thrusting her tongue in my mouth held me firm. I felt something touch my bottom and then a soft round stiff thing poked against my cunt. I spluttered "Let me up, Kate, I am sure there is someone behind us."
"Nonsense," said Kate, "it is only your own overheated imaginative mind."
"I tell you it is no imagination. Oh! - it is pushing in - let me up - there is someone fucking me. Oh, Kate, I feel his prick, my cunt is filled with it, do let me up."
But she held me tighter than ever.
"Don't be foolish, keep your bottom quiet. It is only my finger."
"No, it is a prick, I feel its head - in - ever so far. Oh!"
"What is it doing?"
"It is fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking. Oh, there the feeling comes, how delicious!" And I lay motionless on her bosom. Then the prick was suddenly drawn out and must have been thrust into her for I felt a belly with hair on rubbing against my bottom as the prick was worked in and out.
Then a pair of strong arms clasped us both together and after holding us for a moment, quickly withdrew.
After we had returned to our usual places in the bed I asked: "Who was it, Kate?"
"Oh, never mind, let me go on with my story."
"Both the Captain and the mate had good voices and they sometimes sang for us when taking their grog in the evening.
"Our custom was to sit reclining on the broad stern locker which was well covered with cushions. Carle was generally between Hilda and me, and with a hand on each of our cunts. I would be occupied petting his prick and balls while she would be similarly engaged with the Captain. The latter while sipping his grog would strike up one of his favourite ditties in a bold rollicking tone, and Carle would quickly follow suit. After which there would be a general fuck such as I have already described.
"I only remember two of their songs, which I will repeat you as specimens if you like."
"Do please, I would like to hear them."
I care not what squeamish lovers may say,
The maiden that best suits my mind
Is the sweet girl that will meet me half way;
And while she is free, be as kind.
With her rich beauties I never am cloyed,
Fresh pleasures I find at her side;
I don't love her less because she's enjoyed
By many another beside.
Shall I try to describe all her merit,
I feel that I'd never have done;
She is brimful of sweetness and spirit,
And sparkles with freedom and fun.
It is bliss then to hold her and win her,
She never proves peevish or coy;
But the farther and deeper I'm in her
The fuller she fills me with joy.
She opens her thighs without fear or dread,
She points to her sweet little crack,
Its lips are so red, and all overspread
With hair of the glossiest black.
Reclined on her breast, and clasped in her arms,
With her my soft moments I spend;
And revel the more in her melting charms,
Because they are shared with a friend.
My Jamie is a lover gay,
He is so very funny.
When last we met to sport and play,
He took me by the cunny.
Then drawing out his sturdy prick,
Right in my hand he placed it,
And said 'twould be a jolly trick,
If in my mouth I'd taste it.
I kissed its bright and rosy head,
And then began to suck it;
He felt about my cunt, and said,
He wanted now to fuck it.
Down on the bed he laid me,
With bursting balls, and prick's round head,
Love's sweetest debt he paid me.
Let maidens of a tim'rous mind
Refuse what most they're wanting;
Since we for fucking were designed,
We surely should be granting.
So when your lover feels your cunt,
Do not be coy, nor grieve him;
But spread your thighs and heave your front,
For fucking is like heaven.
When Kate had repeated these songs she asked me what I thought of them.
I told her they were excellent, especially the mate's, and that I certainly should learn that one and sing it to Mr. Trevor. Kate then continued her narrative:
I ought to tell you that during our voyage my maid Nina had not been idle. She attended me every morning to assist in giving me a sponge-bath and in dressing me. She amused me by the recital of her adventures with the sailors who coaxed her to come to them at night in their hammocks. She said fucking in that position was quite new.
She had an adventure which I must repeat to you. Our passengers were a sailor, Jim Murphy, sent home on sick-leave, his wife and her daughter Jenny, a buxom damsel about twenty.
Now, Mrs. Murphy kept a sharp look-out on Jenny, with whom the boatswain soon fell in love, and he tried to find opportunities of being alone with her to press his suit, or in plain language, to get a fuck out of her.
Mrs. Murphy had at times to be in her husband's cabin to give him medicine or attend to his wants, so she told Nina in her absence never to leave Jenny alone with the boatswain. Nina faithfully promised and kept her word in the following manner.
One evening Mrs. Murphy was sent for to attend to her husband and the moment she was out of sight the boatswain came and sat down by the side of Jenny and Nina and asked Jenny to sew a button on his shirt.
"Yes," said Jenny.
"Then come to my cabin and I will give it to you."
Nina said: "Yes, Jenny, we will both go."
So all three went into the boatswain's little cabin and Nina said: "Now if you want to show Jenny your prick Mr. Boatswain, now's your chance, and I will unbutton your breeches for you." And suiting the action to the word she did so, and released his noble pego from prison. His swelling head stood proudly erect, and Nina, taking hold of it, said: "Look, Miss Jenny, here's a noble plaything for you to put in your cunt."
Jenny blushed scarlet all over neck and face, and said: "Oh, for shame, Nina, to talk about such names!"
BOATSWAIN.- "Well said, Nina! You know a thing or two and pretty Jenny here will soon know how pleasant it is to make love. Come sit on my knee, darling, and give me a kiss before your mother comes back. You know, I want to make you my wife if you will marry me as soon as we get ashore. And then I have a nice little house of my own we can live in. Give me a kiss and sit on my knee, there's a darling."
Jenny did both and the boatswain made her grasp his prick with one of her hands while one of his own quickly slipped under her dress and touched her knee. Jenny called out, "Don't, don't," but the hand goes further up until the bower of bliss is reached and one finger gently intrudes and tickles her slit.
"Say yes, darling Jenny, and I swear to marry you and to give you a silk dress and a home of your own. For I am very sure your mother is cross to you."
JENNY.- "Yes, that is true, she is cross, but I'm afraid."
NINA.- "Now Jenny don't be a fool! Do you expect to get a better husband than the boatswain who earns more than a pound a week? You do all he asks and I will be a witness for fair play! You will find it most delicious to have his sugar-stick stirring you up - you will like it so much that you will ask for it afterwards."
"But will you be certain to marry me, Mr. Boatswain?"
"Yes, by the Holy Virgin, I will, as soon as ever we get on shore and can find a priest to marry us."
"I should like a house of my own and to live away from mother, for she is very cross at all times."
"Then that is all settled, darling Jenny! I consider you my wife; and now I will teach you a wife's duty. Lay down on my bed here, dear Jenny, I suppose you know a wife and husband occupy one bed?"
BOATSWAIN.- "Now, Nina, keep watch at the door. There now, my prick is getting into Jenny's cunt. Oh, it's heavenly! Why, Jenny, what is the meaning of this? Where's your maidenhead?"
"Oh, the priest took that when I had my first communion. Mother knows all about that."
"Well, I'm going to have a good fuck now."
And Nina said it was half-an-hour before he left off and she saw Mrs. Murphy coming. I went into the boatswain's cabin and Mrs. Murphy followed me and saw him fucking her daughter. "
"Oh, you villain, you dirty blackguard!" she exclaimed: "you have ruined my daughter, my precious Jenny! Stop your fucking this minute," trying to pull him off and turning to, me: "As to you, you promised to keep a close watch over Jenny, you wretch!" And she gave Jenny a look and Nina a blow on the shoulder with her fist that stretched her on the floor.
(To be continued.)
Flunkeyania; or Belgravian Morals.
It may seem an extraordinary circumstance to some of my readers, and did not at first seem natural to me, that a spoony girl, such as Justine, should not only have not felt jealous at the prospect of a liaison between her mistress and myself, but should even do her best to foster and encourage it. But moments of reflection will, I think, serve to dispel partially, if not entirely, the idea of there being anything peculiarly uncommon about the matter.
In the first place, Justine regarded the Countess of Pomeroy as quite a superior being, so far above her as to render anything like rivalry out of the question. Moreover, in a certain way, she perfectly adored her and regarded everything Her Ladyship did as right.
Then again, the shrewd girl had sense enough to know that neither she nor I had any money to speak about, and that if we left the Countess under Her Ladyship's displeasure, we were neither likely to get any other situations. Whereas, if we were serviceable to my Lady, especially in the way of amours or secret fancies, our devotion and faithful attachment would very likely be rewarded in our ultimate marriage and an establishment in the shape of a good shop or perchance a fine boarding-house where we hoped not only to reap substantial profits but get an occasional cut in with our superiors, as we ministered to their lecherous appetites by favouring assignations for amorous dalliance.
These ideas floated through my brain as I dressed myself with more than usual care to attend upon my Lady. Adding, however, to my reflections a pretty strong conjecture that if my dear little soubrette were to catch me visiting anybody but her Lady with such ideas in my head - say Sophie, the pretty chambermaid for instance, the young woman's cheeks and my hair and even a more sensitive part would most likely come to grief.
These meditations brought me to the door of my Lady's dressing-room where Justine admitted me, and I found my noble mistress lying on her sofa, attired in a most graceful dishabille, dressed in a morning-robe of light blue silk so negligently open at the front that I could see the orbs of love, whilst one beautiful leg, hanging carelessly over the side of the sofa, as she reached sideways, displayed to my gaze a ravishing calf, ankle, and tiny foot encased in pink silk stockings and Turkish slippers, for she did not intend to appear at the dinner-table that day.
She looked rather pale and languid but my entrance caused a slight perceptible flush to pass over her beautiful features and I also perceived an increase of palpitation on the part of those ivory bosoms as she seemed to draw a long breath before addressing me. She began by saying:
"Justine has told me, Ernest, that you have promised to be true and faithful and to keep secret my clandestine interview with Miss Courtney today; I have a particular wish that it should not be known." Here she slightly coloured again. Then she continued:
"May I depend on you faithfully?"
With this she extended her white hand to me which I kissed with as much devotion as if it had been a Queen's, indeed I should say with a great deal more. This did not seem to cause her any displeasure, for she remarked that it seemed on my part an act of homage, devoting my service.
To this I replied that if kissing her feet could better express my devotion I should be happy to do so.
As she smiled at this and did not object, I took silence for consent and proceeded to kiss her lovely foot and ankle and, well - perhaps a little higher. At any rate, my lady readers must form their own opinion from the Countess's saying to me, half laughingly:
"I perceive, Master Ernest, you are one of those greedy people who, when given an inch, must take it all."
"My Lady, I would rather give you all than take an inch," I exclaimed, to which she replied:
"If this kind of thing goes on you must submit to have your eyes bandaged! Justine, bandage his eyes with your handkerchief!"
Now, the truth of the matter is I was grossly infringing on my tacitly permitted privilege of foot-kissing, having slightly raised the blue silk robe, till I found she was minus underskirt or drawers and I almost saw the heaven of love itself while my bursting pego felt the soft slippered foot gently pressing upon it, but as Justine seemed in no hurry to obey the cruel order of her Lady - indeed, I strongly suspect that her binding would not have been effectual - I availed myself of the delay to beseech the Countess in the most devotedly affectionate terms that I could use consistent with respect, not to be so cruel, that as I had already been partially admitted to the gate of paradise, it was very great severity to deprive me of a glimpse of it, with some more extravagant nonsense to the same effect which seemed to amuse Justine amazingly, and actually did not seem to displease Her Ladyship, for she said something, if I recollect rightly (for I was very far from being in a condition to pay correct attention to what was said) about my being a foolish boy, but that as I had vowed myself to secrecy and her interests, and as it would be an insult to offer me money - why, why I must choose my own reward!
At least I know if I have not exactly reported my Lady's words, that was the practical termination of her speech; indeed I fear I took advantage of the kind tendency of her words before she had quite brought them to an end.
My fingers had already got possession of her clitoris and were revelling in the juicy moisture with which the vermilion lips of her aristocratic crack was already bedewed in anticipation of the fresh bit of meat it was her intention to devour. The effect was electrical. Justine had guessed the propitious moment and her busy fingers let loose the engine of love from the restraint of my breeches. With a bound I threw myself on Her Ladyship as I raised or opened the robe which had hitherto presented a slight obstacle to my view. Her legs mechanically opened and I was in paradise, Justine keeping her fingers busy titillating the parts in conjunction, as she knelt by the side of the sofa, and really seemed to enjoy the sight of our transports. And what was my astonishment when, after three emissions I withdrew exhausted for the moment, to see the soubrette bury her face between the thighs of her mistress and greedily suck from the love-spot all that her tongue could lick up of the mingled sperm which oozed from that delicious aperture. It was a scene of voluptuous enjoyment such as my youthful ideas had not previously entertained.
The ice fairly broken, all ceremony (except outward form) was at an end. But these it was of course highly necessary to observe, if possible, with more strictness than before, so that in the course of an hour or so I was sent with an order to the housekeeper to provide something light and delicate for her Lady, who was an invalid and would not dine at the family table. This of course was promptly supplied but I was sorry to observe (for I was retained to wait on Her Ladyship,) that the order had been so literally observed that the Countess, who was really only languid and no invalid at all, actually required nourishment and was likely to come off second best under this sick-room regimen.
I suggested this at once to Justine, who perceived the error made and volunteered to supply the deficiency. She showed herself a capital forager, for she returned speedily, bringing not only several dainties herself, but also accompanied by one of the under-footmen who bore a tray containing a capital supper with a bottle or two of wine.
This, the clever girl asserted, had been ordered by the Countess for her two attendants who were, after their duties were over, to have supper in the anteroom.
By this manoeuvre the Countess obtained the supper she absolutely required, but there was also plenty left over for Justine and myself, when (Her Ladyship having concluded her repast) we sat down to enjoy it in the anteroom.
I mention this little circumstance to show how familiarity was cemented and kept up between the Countess and us two, her special servants. Indeed, she expressed herself warmly on the subject to me for suggesting the idea and to Justine for executing it. There was yet another cause for mutual congratulation and it was this.
What our beloved, but supposed to be invalid, Lady would have done on a wing of chicken, some jelly and the ghost of a glass of wine and water, I cannot tell, and shudder to think of, but I think we all three congratulated ourselves upon the effect produced by such condiments as tongue, potted meats, to say nothing of two or three bottles of good wine.
The colour returned to my Lady's pale cheeks, her languor gave way to vivacity and high spirits, and her eyes sparkled with the combined fire of passion and champagne. Justine exhibited similar symptoms in a modified degree while I, thanks to my youth, strength and strong constitution, felt as if nothing particular had happened.
I had reason to bless my stars that I had partaken of a good supper, for after a little laughing talk, the Countess dispatched Justine to my room with orders to lock the door and bring her the key, exclaiming: "Now, Ernest, where do you suppose you are to pass the night?"
Under any other circumstances this might have been a puzzling question, but as Her Ladyship asked it, flung herself upon my knee and began kissing and hugging and fondling me in a style more becoming to her passion than her rank as a Countess, her question answered itself or rather her behaviour supplied an answer to it.
Not that I was ungrateful, however, for these proofs of endearment, far from it; on the contrary, I reciprocated them with all my heart and soul and repaid them with interest both physically and mentally. So that when Justine arrived with my bedroom key she was not at all surprised to receive an order to prepare her mistress for bed, to prepare another for herself in the anteroom and to call me at five o'clock in the morning, before any of the household were up. However, as the Earl was absent on a visit to the Duke of Dashwood, and nobody else had claim on my services, there was little fear of my being wanted or of any exposure consequent thereon.
I rather suspect that putting the Countess to bed was a longer business than usual, and I am afraid that Justine found me a nuisance rather than otherwise, for I was so proud of my newly invested privileges and other important offices, which I considered myself entitled to, that I insisted on acting the part of a chambermaid to a somewhat indefensible extent. And the beauty of it (in every sense of the word) was that the Countess rather backed me up in my vagaries than otherwise, until at last Justine lost all patience and vowed that if I did not retire into the anteroom and leave her alone with her mistress for a few minutes, I should go back to my own room as I deserved.
"Now, she's jealous, throw her on the bed, Ernest," ordered the Countess, "and do her over at once. I shall be delighted to see two such handsome persons playing the Adam and Eve game: besides, I've got a little tickler here to increase the fun and add to our enjoyment."
My affair was again in prime condition. So, throwing Justine over the edge of the bed I was into her in a moment. "Ah! ah! oh! Pray don't, my Lady!" I called out almost in a scream, as one, two, three slashing cuts of a heavy birch rod warmed my bottom behind. Justine held me to herself like a vice and I could hear the Countess laugh as she plied the merciless rod, till presently such a beautiful glowing sensation added to an extraordinary bursting stiffness in my piston-rod, drowned all sense of pain as I shot such a profuse emission into my sweetheart that I almost fainted from excess of emotion.
And here it was my intention to draw the veil, or more correctly speaking, to drop the curtain and to balk the necessity of my friends by giving no further record of the proceedings of that delicious night; but I think in common gratitude to my beautiful Lady Pomeroy I ought to acknowledge that I was in a state of exquisite bliss and I may say with vanity that my lovely companion owned to something very like that enviable state herself.
We were both a little too happy, for when Justine came to call me in the morning I was almost exhausted. And the faithful girl could only rouse me by insisting that her mistress was faint, that I must leave the room while she administered restoratives.
(To be continued.)
The Old Dildoe.
Tune— "The Mistletoe Bough."
The beds were all made in the bawdy house fine,
And the whores were rejoicing in gin and wine;
And the old bawd herself, dressed out so gay,
Was making them drunk on Xmas day.
And there was "Peg Watkins" the brothel's delight,
Got lewd on a cove, as was there that night.
And said she to herself: "If I don't have a go.
I'll content myself with the old Dildoe."
Chorus- Oh! the old Dildoe, oh, the old whore's Dildoe.
"Oh! I am weary of lashing," Peg now did cry,
"Come upstairs with me Joey, and let's have a shie."
But Joey determined to stick to the gin,
And wouldn't leave his liquor to have put in.
And Peg cursed him and told him to go to hell;
But drunk as a fart, from the chair he fell.
So away she ran with her blood in a glow;
Determined to try the old Dildoe.
Chorus- Oh! the old Dildoe, oh! the old whore's Dildoe.
To the old bawd's bedroom at once she went,
To seize upon the implement.
She looked in the cupboard, she looked in the pot,
She searched high and low but found it not.
She rushed to the couch, she searched the bed,
Underneath the pillow she spied its head.
She seized it and cried: "Full well I know,
Far better than Joe's the old Dildoe."
Chorus- Oh! the old Dildoe, oh, the old whore's Dildoe.
She flew with the treasure into her room
(Its size was the handle of a broom).
Oh! what ecstatic moments she passed there,
As she threw up her legs on the back of a chair.
Through each vein in her body the fire lurked,
Surely and quickly the engine worked;
Face her, back her, stop her no! no!
Faster and faster flew the old Dildoe.
Chorus- Oh! the old Dildoe, oh! the old whore's Dildoe.
Minutes soon passed and the hours flew by,
When there suddenly came a fearful cry,
Which was followed at once by a fearful scream,
Which awoke the whores from their drunken dream.
They all jumped up in a hell of a fright,
In an empty gin-bottle they stuck a light;
And the old whore herself away did go
To look after the safety of the old Dildoe.
Chorus- Oh! the old Dildoe, oh! the old whore's Dildoe.
But the old whore very soon did return
With a look of agony and deep concern;
For her heart was filled with dire remorse,
As she told the whores of her fearful loss;
She questioned them all and implored them to tell,
Where the treasure had gone that she loved so well;
When one of them said: "I think I know,
Peg Watkins is using your old Dildoe."
Chorus- Oh! the old Dildoe, oh! the old whore's Dildoe.
Away they all flew to Peggy's room.
But, ho! 'twas filled with smoke and fume,
And a terrible stench came forth from the bed,
Where poor Peggy lay all burnt and dead.
Sad, sad, was her fate, when, instead of a fuck,
With the old Dildoe she had tried her luck;
And when at the short digs she so hard did go,
It caught fire with the friction - the old Dildoe.
Chorus- Oh! the old Dildoe, oh! the old whore's Dildoe.
An old and favoured servant of two maiden ladies had been frequently reprimanded by them for his free behaviour with the female servants. Caught one day in flagrante delicto, he was summoned to their presence, and while the girl was sacked, he was told that if he did not do better and turn over a new leaf, much as they valued him - his next escapade would be the last. He promised amendment and matters went on very well for a time. One evening, he was not to be found when wanted, and on a search being made, was discovered in the beer-cellar, buggering the page boy.
"How now," he was asked, "is this your amendment? You promised to turn over a new leaf."
"So I have" said he, "only I have begun at the bottom of the page!"
History does not give the conclusion of the matter.
Lady Pokingham, or They All Do It.
Giving an Account of her Luxurious Adventures, both before and after her Marriage with Lord Crim-Con
Description fails me in endeavouring to picture the excessive voluptuousness of this conjunction, trio in uno. My profuse spendings so lubricated their pricks that they were soon quite comfortably rubbing together up and down, up and down inside my delighted cunt, and then: "Ah! Oh! Oh! I spend! I die in ecstasy! Where am I? Ah! heavens! Oh! God, what bliss!" That is how I screamed out and then almost fainted from excess of emotion, only to awaken directly to find them also in the frenzy of their emission.
The excitement was so great that my champions retained their stiffness and kept their place whilst the girls, not to be outdone, jumped up on the bed, and Patty, turning her bottom to my face, buried Sam's face between her thighs as she pressed her cunt to his mouth for a gamahuche; Annie straddling and lying over her to present her cunt and bottom to my lascivious tongue, which did not fail to seize the opportunity to revel both in her cunt and little wrinkled pink bum-hole.
This went on until sheer exhaustion compelled us to separate, and how I hugged and kissed them all, when at last I let them retire to their respective rooms.
Next day I was very ill and the day after that a medical man had to be called in, Patty going by my express desire to a doctor with very limited practice whom I thought would not be exhausted by his lady patients.
As soon as he arrived my servants all retired and left us alone.
"My dear lady," said Mr. Loveshaft, "what has brought you to this state of unnaturally prostrating excitement? Tell me all. Don't keep anything back if you wish me to do you any good."
"Oh, Doctor," I replied in a whisper, "pray, put out the light, the fire is quite enough to see by, and put out your ears close to my lips. I can only whisper my confession, and don't want you to see my blushes."
This was done and his face was close to mine when I threw my arms nervously round his neck and drew his face to my feverish lips and I kissed him more wantonly, saying:
"I want love; there's no one to love me. Oh! Oh! Fuck me first and physic me afterwards. I know you must be a gallant man, and mine's a real case of nymphomania!"
Whilst one hand still held him in a most amorous embrace, the other wandered to his prick, which my impassioned appeal had brought to a sense of its duty in a moment. What a fine fellow he was too, both long and thick, as opening his trousers without resistance he let me take it.
"Throw off your clothes, there's a love of a man, and let me have this first, and the medicine afterwards," I exclaimed, thrusting my tongue into his mouth.
He was a most amiable doctor and it was nearly an hour before the consultation was over.
I rapidly declined after this and in spite of the doctor's unremitting attentions, both to my health as well as my cunt, I grew worse and worse and had to be sent to Madeira for the winter. So I shall conclude my long tale with my adventure on shipboard on the voyage out.
My housekeeper, whom I shall call Miss Prude, went with me as a companion. We had arranged to have a fine large state-cabin in the stern of the steamer, with sleeping beds, or more strictly speaking, berths for four, as I engaged Patty and Annie to accompany us as servants. At any rate, Miss Prude thought so, but I had a deep design to seduce that virtuous young lady in spite of herself. So, by a little bribery, Annie was induced to stay behind and let my dear Charlie take her place in female attire.
As you journey to Southampton at night, we embarked at a very early hour before daylight, my companion being with me in a first-class carriage whilst the servants travelled in another part of the train and looked after the shipment of our luggage. Miss Prude never for a moment suspected the change while she and I retired to our berths as soon as we got on board, leaving everything to the girls.
For the first two days sea-sickness quite prostrated us all, especially my companion, but on the third day she was quite lively and the supposed Annie kept as much as possible out of sight till we all retired to rest. The servants had got into their berths and appeared to be asleep. Miss Prude and myself were both undressed and sitting side by side on the ottoman. I asked her to put out the lamp and as she did so I put my arm around her waist and drew her gently down by my side.
"Isn't it lovely now we've got over the sickness? What a beautiful sensation the motion of the vessel gives. Oh, if you were but a nice young man now, my dear!" I said kissing her most amorously and thrusting my tongue into her mouth whilst one of my hands wandered under her nightdress and invaded all those delicious hairy parts, so sacred to virginity.
"Oh, for shame, my Lady! How can you be so rude?" she exclaimed in a loud whisper.
Still I found she did not repulse me and from the heaving of her bosom she was evidently in considerable confusion.
"What is your Christian name, darling? Miss Prude is so cold," I asked, between my lascivious kisses.
"Selina, but pray, don't, my Lady!" she said almost with a sigh as my fingers found out her little clitoris between the pouting lips which her yielding legs had allowed me to titillate.
"What a love of a name; Selina! and you must call me Beatrice, will you - there's a darling? And we must sleep together in the same berth, there's room for both. I must kiss you all over to prove my love - even there, darling," I said, indicating her pussey with my finger, which was on the spot at the time, "and you shall do the same to me. Or, if you don't like, you shall see how Patty loves to kiss my crack. Ah! Ah! you'll soon learn Selina, to know what is nice, even if it seems horribly rude to think of."
"Did you never guess, my dear," I continued, "why some girls are so awfully fond of each other? Well, I will tell you - it is because they are in the habit of procuring from each other all those forbidden joys which married people alone are supposed to enjoy."
She was all atremble. My fingers were fairly buried in her slit, as far as they would go, and making her spend deliciously.
"Oh! Oh! I must suck it, every pearly drop that distills from your virgin recess is worth its weight in diamonds!" I said excitedly, throwing her back at full length on the ottoman, whilst I fell on my knees between her yielding thighs and glued my lips to her cunt. My tongue revelled in that thick creamy emission which only real virgins give down, for when their love-juices have not secreted so long, they are far more creamy than the spending of a woman is after often being fucked or frigged.
She enjoyed it immensely. How she wriggled and twisted in the excess of her excitement.
At last I got up and woke Patty. Then returning to my ladylove, I whispered in her ear: "Selina, darling, I am going to give you a real taste of what a man is like. Patty is going to put on my dildoe and fuck you with it, while she tickles my bottom-hole and you gamahuche my cunt. Won't that be a delightful conjunction, my love?"
"You frighten me, Beatrice dear. What is a dildoe, will it hurt?" she whispered in a low tone.
"Exactly like a man's affair, Selina! And although it can shoot a delicious soothing emission into you at the ecstatic moment, there is no fear of getting in the family way," I softly replied. "Now Patty is ready; let me straddle over your face and present my cunny to your sweet lips for a sucking kiss. You will like it. It will excite you so, to the unmistakable joy the dildoe will give when it once gets in," suiting the action to the word by placing myself over her.
Her blood was in a boil. She eagerly thrust her tongue into my longing cunt which almost instantly rewarded it by a copious spend which Selina seemed to relish as much as any epicurean gamahucher would have done; her legs lasciviously wide apart, which Master Charlie was not slow to avail himself of; the position in which I was over her effectually preventing the longing virgin from seeing the impending ruin.
Opening the lips of her spending cunt gently with his fingers, the fellow cunningly frigged her with the ruby head of his prick, until poor Selina got so excited that she began to bite me and wriggle about in such an extraordinary way, as well as moan and sob out: "Oh! Ah! shove, shove! Do push it in further, Patty dear! I feel I must have it. Oh! Oh! Ah-h! It hurts now! Pray, don't!" as he commenced to force the maidenhead in earnest. I pressed my cunt upon her mouth so that she could not scream and intensely enjoyed the pain we put her to; for she was awfully tight and Charlie was not to be denied. He pushed and rammed at her in lustful fury, spending, but still going on, till he got the whole of his manhood fairly into her sheath, then he rested for a few moments, making his prick throb in its tight receptacle till all sense of pain seemed to be lost to our victim; and the natural lubricity of her nature asserted itself once more, and answered with a wanton heave of her bottom to every thrust of her partner. There seemed no satisfying her greedy cunt, now it had once got a taste of the real thing.
At last we got off her, and lighted the lamps once again, let her see the dildoe for herself and guess! How astonished she was to find it was real life, instead of a hateful substitute, but she forgave us for the deception which had afforded her such exquisite pleasure.
After refreshing our parts with cold water, she thoroughly enjoyed the sight of Charlie fucking the amorous Patty, and with her own hands handled his balls and tickled them as well as Patty's cunt during their encounter.
As we could not expect to have more than another two nights on board ship, I determined to make the best of the time, especially as I had a particular fancy for a good-looking youth in preference to men; and there were a couple of young middies on board I had quite fallen in love with as they had shown me many delicate attentions when I was so ill for the first few days.
A fine bright morning saw us on deck directly after breakfast.
"Good morning, my Lady," said young Simpson raising his cap with a knowing, wistful look.
"Come here, you impudent-looking boy," I laughed, and as he approached, said, in a whisper: "Can you keep a secret?"
"My bosom is as safe as an iron chest, if Your Ladyship has anything to confide," was the reply.
"I am going to leave you soon, you know, and would like to give you and young William a treat in my cabin tonight, if you can manage to come after all are retired and you are off duty then, I think."
"Yes," he replied, "from 10 P.M. to 6 A.M. and you may depend on us being very quiet."
Putting a finger to my lips as a sign of strict secrecy, I glided away from him and sat on the poop for the greater part of the day, looking at the water in a dream anticipation of the fun I hoped for at night.
I had made ample preparation for them and bribed the stewards not to take any notice if they heard noises in my cabin, as I was going to give a little party to two or three young lady passengers before going ashore at Funchal, the port of Madeira.
After supper, myself and companions lay down to rest in our clothes, leaving the lamps burning and the refreshments all ready to hand. After a while, when all was quiet, our cabin door opened softly and the two handsome boys in their best uniforms quietly saluted us as they entered, both of them kissing me before I could rise from the couch. The door was bolted by Patty, who laughingly told them to mind how they behaved, or they would get served out. In reply to which both of them caught her and kissed her in spite of her pretended resistance.
The middies were hungry and soon did ample justice to a game-pie washed down with several bumpers of champagne as they toasted us, from the servants to myself.
I drank glass for glass with them. My veins were on fire, consumed by my lustful longings to enjoy two such handsome youths, and as soon as they had finished their repast, I begged them to sit by my side on the ottoman. And just as Simpson was in the act of sitting down I drew him upon my lap, saying with a laugh:
"What a nice baby he was to nurse, what a pretty little dear; kiss its dear mama."
My lips met his in a long-drawn osculation which seemed to make him quiver all over with emotion as he lay on my bosom.
"Did you ever have a sweetheart, dear boy?" I asked.
"Yes; such a pretty girl at the Cape. I have rare fun with her when I go ashore."
"What! Are you impudent enough to take liberties with her?"
"Yes, she even let me get into bed with her."
"You impertinent little fellow to mention such a thing to me! Here, Miss Prude, and you girls, tie him up and pull down his breeches! I've got a tickler that will make his bottom smart for this!" I exclaimed, pushing him from me with great apparent disgust.
"What a lark! I should like to see them do it. Here, Peter old boy, help us or these girls will really master me," and he began to find himself rather overmatched.
A smile and a gesture from me only turned his chum Peter Williams to our side and it was fun to see how foolish he looked when he found himself really tied up to one of the berths and his breeches pulled down in spite of all he could do. How he blushed as they tucked up the tail of his shirt and exposed a very pretty white-skinned bum which was soon rosy enough under the hand-slapping he got from the whole party, thoroughly enjoying the joke.
"Stand aside, all of you," I said sternly, "and let me pay him the desserts for his impudence," advancing birch in hand.
He was a plucky little fellow and distained to cry out although I saw two or three big tears roll down his crimson face under my infliction, and I could also see that his cock was as stiff as a poker. He was released, and without even waiting to pull his breeches up, rushed forward to help us as we stretched his friend Peter on the ottoman, and then by my direction he sat on his back, whilst I gleefully let him have a due share of the birch till he begged hard to be let off.
When they thought to adjust their clothes we all began to laugh and joke them about the beautiful red weals we could see, pulling up their shirt-tails and taking such liberties that in a short time they were quite undressed and we had two youths in a state of nature with standing pricks to look at.
"Well, I wouldn't give much for those toys of yours if that is all you have to show the girls!" I said laughingly, as I switched the parts indicated with my rod. "Why Annie here has a better cock than any of you. We'll all strip and you shall see."
This was the expected signal and all further restraint on our impulsive passions was thrown aside in a moment.
I think those two handsome middies had never really had a girl before and that I really took their maidenheads. In fact, I indulged in my letch for having two pricks in my cunt at once, whilst Charlie fucked Miss Prude before our eyes, till she had hysterics from excessive lubricity.
We kept it up till nearly five o'clock, flicking, gamahuching and indulging in every fancy we could think of. I even made Charlie get into my bottom with Simpson in him. Peter Williams also postillioning her companion with his prick in his fundament, whilst Miss Prude and Patty tickled and helped to excite us the very best way they could.
At last they were obliged to leave us and I may say that was the last lustful orgy I was ever able to indulge in, for my constitution broke down rapidly even during my stay at Madeira and I returned to England in the following May, since when, dear Walter, you have been my constant and loving attendant, and seen how rapidly this consumption is carrying me to my grave. Oh! I would that I had strength to do it once more and that you were my manly champion in that combat of bliss which I shall never taste again. Would to Heaven I might die in spending as I felt your very soul shoot into my vitals, but, alas! it cannot be! Still, if there is bliss in the world to be, I feel assured of an everlasting fuck.
Amen! I am unable to hold my pen any longer.
Sweet Polly.
Oh, do you remember sweet Polly, Ben Bolt,
Sweet Polly with a cunt soft and brown;
How she'd grin with delight when you gave her a quid,
And how quickly she'd fetch a prick down?
That girl has now gone to decay, Ben Bolt,
That soft, luscious quim is now dry;
And that lump of delight is now a bag of dry bones,
That wouldn't please you, Ben, or I.
Had she stuck to the Navy, I vow, Ben Bolt,
She'd alive be and kicking today;
But a bloody big soldier got round our poor girl,
And turned the poor mot into clay.
He gave her no coin, but he gave her the pox,
He whacked her while we were away;
He fucked her to death, and true to his set,
He often got in the back way.
Now she's gone dead, and he's off abroad,
And there the cuss had better stay;
For if he comes near me, my toe in his arse
Will remind him of his comrade's play.
The Burial of Sir John Thomas.
Not a sound was heard, but the ottoman shook,
And my darling looked awfully worried,
As round her fair form I a firm hold took,
And John Thomas I silently buried.
We buried him deeply at dead of night,
The tails of our night-shirts upturning;
With struggling raptures and fits of delight,
The night-lights dimly burning.
No useless French Letters enclosed his crest,
For ne'er in such rubbish we bound him;
But he went like a warrior taking his test,
With naught but his fur coat around him.
Few and short were the sighs we gave,
Though we oftentimes groaned as in sorrow,
As at each stroke for the joy we'd rave,
Ne'er giving a thought for the morrow.
But as yet he had not nearly done,
And ne'er had a thought of retiring,
When suddenly to groan we again had begun
Through John Thomas silently firing.
And we thought, as he came from his narrow bed,
As lifeless and limp as a willow,
How lowly he hung down his diminished head,
And how gladly he'd rest on his pillow.