< The Parson's Handbook (Second Edition)

referred to in the foregoing pages

Abbey and Overton. The English Church in the Eighteenth Century. 2 vols. Longmans. 1878.

Archbishop of Canterbury’s Court. Read and Others v. the Lord Bishop of Lincoln, Judgement, 1890. Macmillans. 1894.

Barnes, Rev. A. S. Low Mass in England before the Reformation. Church Printing Company. 1892.

Barry, Bishop Alfred. Teachers’ Prayer Book. Queen’s Printers.

Blunt, Rev. J. H. Annotated Book of Common Prayer. Rivingtons. 1866.

Blunt and Phillimore. The Book of Church Law. 8th ed. Longmans. 1899.

Brand, J. Popular Antiquities. Ed. Ellis. 1813.

Bridgett, Rev. T. E. History of the Holy Eucharist in Great Britain. 2 vols. Kegan Paul. 1881.

Cardwell, Ed. A History of Conferences connected with the Revision of the Book of Common Prayer. Oxford. 1840.

Cardwell, Ed. Documentary Annals. 2 vols. Oxford. 1839.

Carter, Rev. T. T. Collects, Epistles, and Gospels for certain Occasions and Holy Days. Masters. 1882.

Chambers, J. D. Divine Worship in England. Pickering. 1877.

Collier, Jeremy. Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain. 2 vols. fol. London. 1714.

Constitutions and Canons Ecclesiastical. S.P.C.K. 1894.

Consuetudinary. See Register of St. Osmund.

Consuetudinary (Frere). See Frere, Rev. W. H.

Cookson, James. Family Prayer Book and Companion to the Altar. 3rd ed. Winchester. 1789.

Duchesne, L. Origines du Culte Chrétien. 2nd ed. Paris. 1898.

Low, Sidney J., and F. S. Pulling. Dictionary of English History. Cassell. 1884.

Dixon, Canon R. W. History of the Church of England. Routledge. 1881.

Donne, Dr. J. LXXX. Sermons. fol. 1640.

Feasey, H. J. Ancient English Holy Week Ceremonial. T. Baker. 1897.

First Prayer Book of Edward VI., 1549. 8th thous. Parker. 1887.

Frere, Rev. W. H. The Use of Sarum I. The Sarum Customs as set forth in the Consuetudinary and Customary. Cambridge Univ. Press. 1898.

Gardiner, S. R. Student’s History of England.

Gasquet, Dom F. A., and E. Bishop. Edward VI. and the Book of Common Prayer. Hodges. 1890.

Grindal, Archbishop, Remains of. Parker Soc., Cambridge. 1843.

Heylyn, Peter. Antidotum Lincolniense. London. 1637.

Hierurgia Anglicana. Edited by members of the Ecclesiological Society. Rivingtons. 1848.

Isherwood, Rev. W. S. Altar Lights and Classification of Feasts (Society of St. Osmund, vol. i.). Church Printing Company.

Johnson, John. The Clergyman’s Vade Mecum. 6th ed. 2 vols. London. 1731.

Jones, Rev. Spencer. The Clergy and the Catechism. 6th ed. Skeffington. 1897.

Kempe, Rev. J. W. Reservation of the Blessed Sacrament. Palmer. 1887.

Lacey, Rev. T. A. Liturgical Interpolations (Alcuin Club). Longmans. 1898.

Leslie, Charles. Theological Works. 7 vols. Oxford. 1832.

Maskell, William. The Ancient Liturgy of the Church of England. Pickering. 1844.

Micklethwaite, J. T. The Ornaments of the Rubric (Alcuin Club). Longmans. 1897.

Missale Sarum. Burntisland ed. Parker. 1861-83.

Notes on Ceremonial. Pickering. 3rd ed., 1888.

Overton, Rev. J. H. The Church in England. 2 vols. Wells, Gardner. 1898.

Paterson, James. Pietas Londinensis. 1714.

Perry, Rev. T. W. Lawful Church Ornaments. Masters. 1857.

Perry, Rev. T. W. Notes on the Judgement of the Jud. Committee of the Privy Council, Hibbert v. Purchas. Masters. 1877.

Powell, Rev. J. Baden. The Procession in Christian Worship. English Church Union.

Processionale ad Usum Sarum. M‘Corquodale. 1882.

Randall, W. Sancroft. Ceremonial and offices connected with the Burial of the Dead (Society of St. Osmund). Church Printing Company.

Record Office. Inventory quoted from Beckenham in the Olden Times. Miss C. A. N. Trollope. Beckenham. Thornton. 1898.

Register of St. Osmund, Ed. W. H. Rich Jones. (Rolls Series.) Longmans. 1883.

Robertson, Professor J. Craigie. How shall we Conform to the Liturgy. 3rd ed. Murray. 1869.

St. Paul’s Ecclesiological Society, Transactions of (quoted as S.P.E.S. Trans.) 4 vols. Alabaster, Passmore. Harrison and Sons. 1881-1898.

Sarum Missal in English. Ed. A. H. Pearson. 2nd ed. Church Printing Company. 1884.

Services of Holy Week from the Sarum Missal. Society of St. Osmund. Waterlow. 1895.

Scobell, Henry. Collection of Acts in the Parliaments … 1640 … 1656. fol. London. 1658.

Strype, John. Memorials of Cranmer. New ed. P. E. Barnes. 2 vols. Routledge. 1853.

Wakeman, H. Offley. An Introduction to the History of the Church of England. 3rd ed. Rivingtons. 1897.

Walcott, Mackenzie E. C. Traditions and Customs of Cathedrals. 2nd ed. Longmans. 1872.

Wilkins. Concilia Mag. Brittanniæ. 4 vols. fol. London, 1737.

Wilson, Bishop Thos., Life of, by J. Keble. Works, vol. i. (Angl. Cath. Lib.). Parker. 1863.

Wren, Christopher. Parentalia, Memoirs of the Family of the Wrens. fol. London. 1750.

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