Table of Contents
Adele (Short Story). Goldie Robertson Funk. Illustrated by Henderton la
Astonishing Story of Zim-Zim, The (Short Story). Eleanor M. Hiestand-Moore. Illustrations by Henderson 167
Avatar of Tack Pemberton, The. Agnes Deans Cameron. Illustrated by E. M. Murray 305
Beautiful Willamette (Poem). Sam L. Simpson 356
Blue Sea Calls, The (Poem). Ella Higginson 29
Big End of the Horn, The (Short Story). Thos. H. Rogers. Drawings by E. Barrett 158
Beet Sugar Industry in the Northwest, Tlie. Fred Lockley, Jr. Illustrated by photographs 17^
Birds of the Northwest. Gertrude Metcalf. Illustrations from photographs 211
Balanced Rock, A, Garden of the Goda, Colorado 31 1
Counties of the Willamette Valley. Elaborately illustrated 357
Evolution of Hydraulic Placer Mining in the West, The. Dennis H. Stovall. Illustrations from photographs 281 Foot Ball in the Northwest, Season 1902. H. H. Herdman, A. A. U. Commissioner for the Northwest.
Illustrated by photographs 19
George Rogers Clark Expedition, The. Wallace McCamant 99
Great Newspapers of the Pacific Coast (First Installment: The Oregonian.) E. G. Jones. Illustrated by photographs 238
Ck>rgc, The, Victoria, B. C 298
How to Take up a Timber Claim. R. H. Kennedy. Illustrated by photographs 71
Hoodooed (Short Story). Lou Rodman Teeple. Drawings by Rita Bell 88
Hill Lesson, The (Poem). Adah Thomasson 108
Hour Glass, The (Poem). Adah Thomaxson .► 171
Hydraulic Giant 380
In the Days When Love Is Dead ( Poem). Florence May Wright 3'S
Kipling and the Children. Agnes Deans Cameron 109
Love's Comoass (Poem). M. J. Gates 114
Love, the Sovereign (Poem), x lorence May Wright 166
Lake Iliamna Region, The, Alaska. M. W. Gorman « 299
Mystery of Lo Wan See, The (Short Story). Eleanor f. Hiestand-Moore. Drawings by Henderson 82
Natural Wonders of the Northwest. From photographs 93
Needed: A Peacemaker (Short Story). H.'H. Herdman, Jr. Illustrated by Rita Bell 248
On Beacon Hill. Victoria, B. C. (Poem). T. R. E. McJnnes. Illustrated 4>
Puget Sound. John Muir. Illustrated by photographs 3
Pniet Sound (Poem). T. A. A. Siegfriedt 11
Pocket-Hunter's Dream, The (Short Story). Dennis H. Stovall 244
Poet's Epitaph, A (Poem). T 310
Prominent Newspapers of the Pacific Coast — The Tacoma Ledger. A. E. Grafton 312
5>ccnes in the Yoho Valley, British Columbia 30
Song for a Child, A (Poem). Belle W. Cook 327
Story of the Lewis and Clark Exposition to Date, The. Henrv E. Reed, Secretary of the Board of Directors 32
Springtime in the Willamette Valley. William Bittle Wells .' 349
Sheep- Eaters' Monument 211
"Sprmg's Green Witchery" 348
Sunlight on the Hills (Poem). C. W. Pefley 237
Spring's Caprice (Poem). E. S. C 289
S>cenes in the Selkirk iVlountains, British Columbia 290
Spirit of the the Lake (Short Story). Goldie Robertson Funk. Illustrated by G. A. Henderson 293
Tyranny of Fear (Short Story). Beatrice E. Rice. Drawings by E. M. Murray 223
Upper and Lower Falls, Spokane, Wash. (Photograph) 18
U. S. Battleship Oregon, The 140
Water Babies (Short Story). Goldie Robertson Funk. Illustrations from photographs 94
Wind in the Trees, The (Poem). Marion Fatten Lin/isley 32S
What the Pacific Coast Has Done for the U. S. Navy. Col. Robert W. Mitchell. Illustrated by photographs 141
Winter Ascent of Mt Hood, A. L. L. Hawkins. Illustrations from photographs 230
Young Bunchgrasser, A Frontispiece
Pag^ OUR POINT OF VIEW— William Bittle Wells.
Among Ourselves 45
Awakening at Hand, The 177
Labor and Capital 317
On Things that Should be Changed iiS
On the Utility of a College Education 385
Promise of the New Year 44
"Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might" 251
Word to Our Friends, Readers and Advertisers, A 316
Anthracite Coal as an Object Lesson. C E. S. Wood 46
Capitalistic Combinations and Labor Unions. Geo. M. Gage 387
College Idea, The. Dr. J. R. Wilson 117
Ethics of Business. C. Lombardi .-^ 1 79
"Leopard's Spots" and the Negro Problem, The. H. S. Lyman 318
Lewis and Clark Exposition, The 387
Plea for Higher Education, A. Robert Treat Piatt 253
Sutecraft and Trade f^',>^ -^w >^i-^- • • "7
Digitized by '
/(Soogie Table of Contents
Adele (Short Story). Goldie Robertson Funk. Illustrated by Henderton la
Astonishing Story of Zim-Zim, The (Short Story). Eleanor M. Hiestand-Moore. Illustrations by Henderson 167
Avatar of Tack Pemberton, The. Agnes Deans Cameron. Illustrated by E. M. Murray 305
Beautiful Willamette (Poem). Sam L. Simpson 356
Blue Sea Calls, The (Poem). Ella Higginson 29
Big End of the Horn, The (Short Story). Thos. H. Rogers. Drawings by E. Barrett 158
Beet Sugar Industry in the Northwest, Tlie. Fred Lockley, Jr. Illustrated by photographs 17^
Birds of the Northwest. Gertrude Metcalf. Illustrations from photographs 211
Balanced Rock, A, Garden of the Goda, Colorado 31 1
Counties of the Willamette Valley. Elaborately illustrated 357
Evolution of Hydraulic Placer Mining in the West, The. Dennis H. Stovall. Illustrations from photographs 281 Foot Ball in the Northwest, Season 1902. H. H. Herdman, A. A. U. Commissioner for the Northwest.
Illustrated by photographs 19
George Rogers Clark Expedition, The. Wallace McCamant 99
Great Newspapers of the Pacific Coast (First Installment: The Oregonian.) E. G. Jones. Illustrated
by photographs 238
Ck>rgc, The, Victoria, B. C 298
How to Take up a Timber Claim. R. H. Kennedy. Illustrated by photographs 71
Hoodooed (Short Story). Lou Rodman Teeple. Drawings by Rita Bell 88
Hill Lesson, The (Poem). Adah Thomasson 108
Hour Glass, The (Poem). Adah Thomaxson .► 171
Hydraulic Giant 380
In the Days When Love Is Dead ( Poem). Florence May Wright 3'S
Kipling and the Children. Agnes Deans Cameron 109
Love's Comoass (Poem). M. J. Gates 114
Love, the Sovereign (Poem), x lorence May Wright 166
Lake Iliamna Region, The, Alaska. M. W. Gorman « 299
Mystery of Lo Wan See, The (Short Story). Eleanor \f. Hiestand-Moore. Drawings by Henderson 82
Natural Wonders of the Northwest. From photographs 93
Needed: A Peacemaker (Short Story). H.'H. Herdman, Jr. Illustrated by Rita Bell 248
On Beacon Hill. Victoria, B. C. (Poem). T. R. E. McJnnes. Illustrated 4>
Puget Sound. John Muir. Illustrated by photographs 3
Pniet Sound (Poem). T. A. A. Siegfriedt 11
Pocket-Hunter's Dream, The (Short Story). Dennis H. Stovall 244
Poet's Epitaph, A (Poem). T 310
Prominent Newspapers of the Pacific Coast — The Tacoma Ledger. A. E. Grafton 312
5>ccnes in the Yoho Valley, British Columbia 30
Song for a Child, A (Poem). Belle W. Cook 327
Story of the Lewis and Clark Exposition to Date, The. Henrv E. Reed, Secretary of the Board of Directors 32
Springtime in the Willamette Valley. William Bittle Wells .' 349
Sheep- Eaters' Monument 211
"Sprmg's Green Witchery" 348
Sunlight on the Hills (Poem). C. W. Pefley 237
Spring's Caprice (Poem). E. S. C 289
S>cenes in the Selkirk iVlountains, British Columbia 290
Spirit of the the Lake (Short Story). Goldie Robertson Funk. Illustrated by G. A. Henderson 293
Tyranny of Fear (Short Story). Beatrice E. Rice. Drawings by E. M. Murray 223
Upper and Lower Falls, Spokane, Wash. (Photograph) 18
U. S. Battleship Oregon, The 140
Water Babies (Short Story). Goldie Robertson Funk. Illustrations from photographs 94
Wind in the Trees, The (Poem). Marion Fatten Lin/isley 32S
What the Pacific Coast Has Done for the U. S. Navy. Col. Robert W. Mitchell. Illustrated by photographs 141
Winter Ascent of Mt Hood, A. L. L. Hawkins. Illustrations from photographs 230
Young Bunchgrasser, A Frontispiece
Pag^ OUR POINT OF VIEW— William Bittle Wells.
Among Ourselves 45
Awakening at Hand, The 177
Labor and Capital 317
On Things that Should be Changed iiS
On the Utility of a College Education 385
Promise of the New Year 44
"Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might" 251
Word to Our Friends, Readers and Advertisers, A 316
Anthracite Coal as an Object Lesson. C E. S. Wood 46
Capitalistic Combinations and Labor Unions. Geo. M. Gage 387
College Idea, The. Dr. J. R. Wilson 117
Ethics of Business. C. Lombardi .-^ 1 79
"Leopard's Spots" and the Negro Problem, The. H. S. Lyman 318
Lewis and Clark Exposition, The 387
Plea for Higher Education, A. Robert Treat Piatt 253
Sutecraft and Trade f^',>^ -^w >^i-^- • • "7
Susan B. Anthony 257
Andrew Came^e ; 1 20
De Wet's Humor 184
Charles Frohman S^
Chas. R. Flint 324
German/s Emperor 184
Gov. Odcll's Methods 3^5
Good and Faithful Servant, A 1 256
Tom Loftus Johnson 183
Richard Mansfield 121
New German Envoy, The 325
Perquisite of OflSce, A 257
President as a Business Man, The 183
Roosevelt the Orator 120
Thos. B. Reed 50
Re-election of Jones, The 389
World's Richest Man. The 256
Woodrow Wilson ,,.,..., 50
C. E. S. Wood 50
Ability to Do, The 185
American Girl, The 185
As to Conversation 258
Books for Children 123
Best Children's Books, The 327
Futility of Worry, The 185
Girl Who Earns Her Living, The 259
Grown-up Daughters 122
Our Spoiled Children 391
In the White House. 391
Home Life of Joseph Chamberlain 53
"Little Boy Blue" 123
Mrs. Roosevelt's Kitchen 122
McCorkledy Veranda, The S3
Need of Play, The ^ 326
Our Boys 258
Parental Influences ....*..*...;.*;.;..;;;; 326
Sweet Aroma of Love, The S3
Anecdote of W. G. T'Vault 361
Anniversary of Founding of Civil Government 393
Correction, A 188
Early Friends of Oregon 328
First Wedding in Oregon 55
First Picture -taking in the Northwest SS
First Steamship of the Pacific, The 124
First Court in Washington 187
Solomon Hirsch 56
Joke on Col. Nesmith, A.. . 187
Oregon Historical Society, The. . ..... ;.;...:. 260
Portland's Pioneer Ferries.:..::::...:;.;: ; ; ^ 392
Reminiscences of Dr. McLoifghlin ..;..:.....:.;;. 328
Washington Historical Association, The. 188
Washington Semi-Ccntennial, The 260
THE READER {Formerly "Books). W. F. G. Thachet.
"Banner of Blue, The" ^ 126
"Conquest, The" .'.... 126
"Calvert of Strathore" 262
Captain Macklin ,,..,,, .>: , , , 57
Foreword, A. . . . .... .:....,......... 57
"Francezka" 262
"Four Feathers, The" 330
"From the Unvarying Star." H. H. Herdman 394
"Oliver Horn" 126
"In toe Garden of Charity" 263
"Master of Appleby, The" 330
Oregon Literature loo
"Pride of Tellfair, The." H. H. Herdman 331
"Pit, The." H. H. Herdman 393
Poetry of Robert Browning, The 58
"Stumbling Block, The" . ....;...................... 331
"Sea Lady. The". 58
"Told by the Death's Head" 127
"Tangled Up in Beulah Land" 189
"That Printer of Udell's." H. H. Herdman 393
"Thoroughbreds" 189
"Things That are Caesar's, The 190
"Two Vanrevels, The" 57
"Truth" 263
THE MONTH 59, ,28, 191. 264, 332. 395
General Survey, Politics, Science, Education, Art, Music and the Drama, Religious Thought.
PROGRESS 64, 133. 196, 269, 336, 401
For January and February — Oregon, Washington, The Pacific, Idaho, Montana, British Columbia. March, April, May and June — In Transportation, Population, Irrigation, the Lumber Industry, Mining, General, Opportunities. ^--> ^