< The Pacific Monthly


Pacific Monthly

Charles E. Ladd, President

J. Thorborn Ross, Vice-President

Alex Sweek, Secretary

William Bittle Wells, Manager

Volume XIV

June, 1905 - Decemter, 1905

Copyright, 1905, by William Bittle Wells

All Rights Reserved

The Pacific Monthly Publishing Co.

Portland, Oregon


Elbert Hubbard, who is in the habit of saying what he pleases, contributes one of his choicest bits of literature to The Pacific Monthly for February. The sage of East Aurora, in his desire to compliment the people of the West on their attitude to one another, and their well-founded civilization, drops back into the intimate history of the country and draws some invidious comparisons

in this regard.}}


Lge and Autumn (Poem)

.rabella Versus The Family (Story) Illustrated.

architecture of the Exposition Illustrated.

T. Shelley Sutton Kittie Skidmore Cowen

Ion Lewis

rt and the People Lindley Hosf )rd

Illustrated with photographs of paintings at the Lewis and Clark Exposition.

t Exhibit at the Fair, The — An Interview with Frank

Vincent Du Mond, Director of Fine Arts, Lewis and Clark Exposition Illustrated.

t the Gates of Mystery Illustrated.

aby In the Case, The (Story)

ack to the Streets

Illustrated by original drawings.

arbeau "s One News Item (Story)

ells of San Gabriel, The (Poem)

ig Bob and Diana (Story)

orderland, The Illustrated.

reaking in Dolly (Story) ictus (Story) .... ill of the West, The (Poem)

aptain Baldwin 's Air Ship Illustrated.

liris Heddleson; Coward (Story)

iristmas Lullaby, A (Poem) .

)lumbia Eiver Jetty, The Illustrated.

jlumbia Eiver Scenery (Photographs by Sarah H. Ladd and Maud Ainsworth) ......

Eleanor W. Macdonald

Hugh H. Herdman Arthur A. Greene

Byron E. Cooney E. B. Wall T. Shelley Sutton Arthur J. Burdick

E. Binney de Forest E. C. Pitzer Eleanor W. Macdonald Arno Dosch

T, Shelley Sutton Mabel Houghton Brown Kathryne Wilson

)ming Supremacy of the Pacific, The . . . Wolf Von Schierbrand

A series of papers on the development of the Pacific Coast.

. 111-221-383-

555 548





556 331

553 509 455 227

350 565 483 335

344 573 479


Ida E. Albee Christobel Sobey Leiter Laurel Kelsay

msider the Lilies (Illustrated Poem) .

id's Birthday Party (Story)

mce at Beaver Creek, The (Story)

ivenport, Homer (Portrait)

Jcorative Sculpture at the Lewis and Clark Exposition Anabel P. McCann

?fense of the Eanch, The (Story)

inner With Senora ....

Giving recipes of famous Spanish dishes

scord (A Sketch) ....

scrimination of St. Joseph, The (Story)

T. L. Graham Laura Grover Smith

Emma Eoll Edwards Miriam Cruikshank

484-574 208 151 359

408 81 69


367 465 Dream, A (Story) Vlasta Houdek 61

Driving the Iron Stallions Down to Drink . . . Frank Ira White 512

The second great era of transcontinental railroad building of the Pacific Coast.

Eden Postponed Christobel Sobey Leiter

Ethics of Emotion, The (Story) Byron E. Cooney

Events: A review of the most important activities of the month

44 368


Exhibits, The


First in Tara, The (Story)

First Western Athletic Championships, The Illustrated.

Fir Tree on Elliott Bay, The (Story)

Four Winds of Heaven, The (Poem) From the Heart of a Eose (Story) .

Gentleman Jim (Story) Illustrated.

Girl from Oregon, A (Story)

Glad Tidings on the Hackamore (Story) Illustrated by Murray Wade.

Goode, H. W., President of the Lewis and Clark Ex position (Portrait) ....

Grafters and Fakers

Illustrated by original drawings.

Grand Canyon of the Colorado, The (Views)

Grandmother Flint (Story) ....

Greatest Thing in the World, The (Story)

Hater of Matrimony, A (Story)

Haynes, War Correspondent (Story)

How the Pinto Ponies Got Their Spots (Story)

Humor ........

Henry E. Dosch

Alex Bruce

Herbert W. Kerrigan

Rose Simmons

H. H. Metcalf Elizabeth Vore

Charles Lorrimer

Henry Waldorf Francis Arthur A. Greene

Arthur A. Greene

M. M. Picken

A. Lawrence Gritchel

F. Eoney Weir

J. Gordon Smith

Bert Huffman


161 234


43; 44:


2.5 54


23 4f 4^ 2(

2-.. V

Hugh H. Herdman


Charles Erskine Scott Wood

Impressions .......

Eussia; The Whipping Post; Japanese Naval Victory; Interstate Protective Tariff; Charles B. Bellinger; Frenzied Finance; Oregon Land Frauds (100); Mutiny On the Eussian Battleship, Kuiaz Potemkin, and Eevolution at Odessa; Chinese Exclusion; Woman Suffrage; Tyranny of Majorities; Baseball; Anarchy (198); Admiral Jones a Pirate; The Press and the Odessa Mutiny; Eussian Patriots (298); Peace and Progress; Japanese Indemnity; Eussia's Need; Economic Opposition to War; Anarchy; Police; Is Ignorance Purity?; Eetreat- ing Freedom (399); Frenzied and Tainted Finance; John D. Eockefeller and Marshall Field; Three Things to Ponder; Selfishness and Unselfishness; Life Insurance and Assurance; De Profundis (498); Sheepskins; Good Eoads; Oregon Land Frauds (600).

In Defiance of Fate (Story) . . . . .. . E. P. Josenhaus

Indian Head (A Study in portraiture)

Into New Fields ..............

Irrigation in Southern California

It Passeth Undejstanding (Story) ....

Jake McLean (Drawing by Homer Davenport, previous- ly unpublished) .......

Juvenile Sceptic and the Policeman, The (Story) . Illustrated by E. Colburne.

Lafayette at La Grange (an old letter illustrated by an

William E. Smytho Elizabeth Lambert Wood

Ellie Mills Lee

old sketch) Land of Sunshine. The Illustrated.

ast Stump, The (Story) Illustrated.


G. H. Henry


iterature .....

3C0 (Story) R. C. Pitzer

uck of Jimmy Darrow, The (Story) ...... Dennis H. Stovall

adonita (Story) J. Smeaton Chase


atsu-No-Kata (Story) . Sinclair Lewis

ecca for Astronomers, A — Mt. Wilson Solar Obsevatory Frank G, Martin Illustrated.

editerranean of America, The John Muir

Illustrated by Views of Puge.t Sound.

issing Missile, The (Story) Frank M. Becknell

Momentous Struggle for the Mastery of the Pacific Harvey W. Scott Introductory article to the series by Wolfe Von Schierbrand, Ph. D Illustrated.

other Prays, The (Poem) Ella Higginson

rs. Farleigh the Second (Story)







y Gentleman Gardener (Story) . Illustrated.

ew Salton Sea, The

ez Perce Lullaby, A (Poem)

ielson, M. P., a New Sculptor on the Coast Illustrated.


Florence Martin Eastland A. W. Sarel

Frank G. Martin Winfred Chandler

560 589


258 3

593 270 545


562 598

Belle W. Cooke

Kate A. Hall

ating on Puget Sound, An .... Illustrated from drawings by Clyde Cooke.

linter of "Frivolous Girls," The— Henrietta Whit field Dunn .......

Illustrated by her own drawings.

eople — Places — Things (Illustrated) :

Waterfall; Five-Hundred-Dollar Gold Slipper; Squaw Carrying Watermelon; The Church of Our Lady; The Oldest House in the State of Washington; Ladies' Grill, Seattle; The Rainier Club (136); Tourmaline in California; a Barrack in a Los Angeles Pigeon Farm; A Dog-on Calf -lined Pumpkin; A California Live Oak; Meditation; Gallery of a Southern California Mission; Waterhole in Arizona (291); The Massive Santa Ana Bridge (396); Colonel Joe Meek; Gem Mining in California (494).

ersonal Narrative of Homer Davenport Illustrated by his famous cartoons.

Part I . '

Part II

103-201-303 186



The Effect of the Exposition; The Portage Road; Portland and Lumber; Min- ing; Irrigation (106); The Upbuilding of Alaska; The New Forest Reserve; Idaho Mines; Activity in Baker County, Oregon; Railroad Building; Panama Canal Purchasing Agency; The Klamath Project; State Funds for Irrigation; Pacific Coast Exports (204); The Western Pacific Railway; To Open Up Coos County; Oregon Railroad Projects; Lewiston Triumphant; A Trans-Isthmian

r Railway; The Northwest Breaking the Crop Record; Los Angeles' Drinking Water (304); Exposition a Financial Success; A Bumper Wheat Crop; Central Oregon Suffers; The Columbia Southern and Great Southern; The Canadian Fair (404); The Stock Show, Lewis and Clark Exposition, by Mrs. E. W. Bingham (503); Business Excursions; Progress of the North Bank Road (605).

409 517

•ophecy, A (Poem)

ush Button, The (Story)

Henry Clinton George George Whitford

112 153 Question of Identity, A (Story) ....

Romance of a Cattle Ranch, A (Story)

Romance of the Little Old Maid, The (Story)

Rural 'Phone, The (Story)

Russia's Duplicity

Russia's Struggle for Freedom ....

Sacajawea (Poem) E. F. Eldridge


Santa Monica by the Sea .........

Illustrated. Seattle Realty ............


Florence M. Eastland T. Shelley Sutton Eva B. Pillsbury .Linda Jennings William H, Galvani William H. Galvani

Seattle the Queen City ......


Significance of the Lewis and Clark Exposition, The Illustrated.

Singing Kid, The (Story) ....

Situation in Panama, The .... Illustrated.

Siwash Hop Picker, The (Illustration)

Social Life of the Lewis and Clark Exposition Illustrated.

Daniel L. Pratt

Eva Emery Dye

Lute Pease

Hon. John Barrett

Laura Leonard

Annie Laura Miller T. Shelley Sutton

Song of the Western Winter Wren, The (Poem)

Spectre of the Sands, The (Story)

Stage, The (Illustrated):

Mrs. Fiske in "Leah Kleschna, " by Frank Branch Riley (285); Blanch Bates, in "The Girl of the Golden West"; Maxine Elliott; Florence Roberts; Minnie Tittle Brune; Lillian Lawrence (391); Lucia Moore; Dunstan Farnum; William Collier; Eleanor Robson; White Whittlesy (490); Madame Calve; Will R. Walling; George Bloomquest; Henrietta Grossman; Virginia Brissac; Alice Johnson (595).

Stalking Birds of Prey With a Camera (Illustrated)

Fourth paper on Bird Life by William Lovell Finley. Photographs by Her- man T. Bohlman.

Story of the Lewis and Clark Exposition, The . . John A. Morris

Story of Three Bumps, The (Story) .... Ben F. Morris

Strategy in Physic, A (Story) . . . . . Charles Ellis Newell

Tanaka the Coward (Story) J. Gordan Smith

Thing that Impressed Me Most at the Exposition, The Kathryne Wilson With illustrations of the Forestry Building.

To Lady Alice Courteney (Poem) David Starr Jordan

Through the Wonderland of Alaska Daniel L. Pratt


Triumph of "The Palouse," The ArnoDosch


United States Armored Cruiser, The Pennsylvania (Illustration) ....

Value of the Small Cottage, The Guy W. Wadsworth, D. D.


Venice in California ..........'...

Views (Editorial) William Bittle Wells

The political Situation in Oregon; The Moral of the Russian Defeat; The Seventh Year (95); Mistakes; An Encouraging Outlook (194); The Mission of Japan (297); Detectives; An Unexpected Result (403); The Ultimate Step (497).

Way He Took, The (Story) Ella Smith Kraal

When the War Eagle Throbbed (Story) . . . C. H. Honry

Yosemite Valley, The (Views from photographs repro- duced for the first time) ...........



10 2

54 6


4! 1.


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