< The Overland Monthly
Chapters (not listed in original)
  • Issue 1 (January) IA
  • Issue 2 (February) IA
  • Issue 3 (March) IA
  • Issue 4 (April) IA
  • Issue 5 (May) IA
  • Issue 6 (June) IA


Overland Monthly



Volume IV.

Overland Monthly - Title Image.png

New York, N.Y.

Reprinted 1965
New York, N.Y. 10013




Agricultural Improvements, Western

“A Lady in Camp”

Among the Islands

A Piny-Woods Character

Arizona, Camp-Life in

Arizona Deserts, Crossing the

Arizona Legend,


A Wild Walk

A Winter Night’s Ride in the Sierra

Barbarian Days

Battle of the Mine, The

Birds, On Some of Our

Boar-Hunt, A

British Columbia

Brown of Calaveras

California, Dairies and Dairying in

California, Silk-Culture in

Candidate from Bull Flat, The

Centrepole Bill

Chinese, The, as Agriculturists

Cod-Fishery, The Pacific Coast


Concerning Popular Assassination

Dutch Gap Canal


Fort Fisher, The Failure at

Frau Trudchen’s Dream

Gold and Gold-Mining

Guanajuato, In and Under

Guatemala, Of and In

Hawthorne’s Haunts, A Day in

Historical Fruits and Flowers

In Search of a Summer Retreat

Javanese Tiger-Fight, A

Jem Catherwood’s Vision...

Lesson of George Peabody’s Life, The Lockwood, Rufus A

Lower California Coast, On the Mackerel-Catching....,.....

“* —-mas has Come”’

Melrose, A Visit to....

Mexico to Costa Rica, From..........+.+++-

Mr. Burleigh’s Way

My English Friends

My South-Sea Show.

New Mexico, An Officer’s Wife in

Old Seattle, and his Tribe

Oregon Mountaigs, Trail-Making in the ............. .Fr. Bret Haris.

Ornithologist, The Story of an

ST HI Ren ccedesdcvecscesecercoeece

Pacific Ocean Lines and Privileges Pioneer of 1920,

Point L) atencon.......

Point Lookout....

Romance of a Trunk, The

Russian Gold and Silver Mining. San Francisco.

San Francisco, The. Presidio of. Sea-Elephant Hunting.


Slang, The Rationale of .

St. Ferdinand, The Char vel of . Staffa and Iona..... ae The Story of the Second Mate .... Tom Tiddler’s Ground

Travancore, A Reminiscence of. Treasure-Trove

éeaseud denes M.

.- Rev. Dudley Chase

Josephine Clifford Manning Ur. Socrates Hyacinth Josephine Clifford..... —_—— Clifford

. Soc rates Hyacinth


Albert S ee Cha rles Warren Stodd: Freeman S. Bowley

Mr. Socrates Hyacinth 2.20.00. 20eceee ee

John Manning

bay WS BNIB one cc cccececceesecess

. Bret Harte i DeGroot. Henry DeGroot ..

Prentice Mulferd ......ccccerseceees ie . f) NETY .... a OO ee

A Xx ammon

Same $ $y Vatkins. Gen. John Ames

..Gen. Fohn Am Rev. F. L. Ver Veh, D.D

Taliesin Ex

fetward St

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Hild ‘a R IST elt . » J. L. Ver Me hr,


¥ ’ Robbing. . Hutchiss.....

Me wd Booth. as

. M. Scammon

Capt. ¢

- John C. Cremony

Leonard Kip

Rev. H. D. Fenkins

Edward Steele

Hilda Rosez elt. eee Rev. H. D. Fenkins cian

Charles Warren Stoddard....

Josephine Clifford. . Harwood Lathrop

Capt. C. M. S 'AaMMON

Mrs. F. F. Victor

Frank H. Head

Fr. Bret Harte

Harwood Lathrop

Mrs. John Melville

Edward Spencer

Marian Fairfield

Thomas W. Knox

James F. Watkins

Maj. Geo. H. Elliot

Capt. C. M. Scammon

Capt. C. M. Scammon Under a Madrofio..

Waysides of Nature, (No. ase

Western Frontier Lift

Wool, A Flock of ....

Chiquita. ED cinhewenene

BOO FEE cscs cccce Figs of ‘Thistle Good-Night .


La Flor del Salvador .. Meridian...


The Years Vashti’s 77 sag

  • While Li

Across America and Asia A History of Oregon W. H Among My Books

lies Bud and R Blow ”


..W. C. Bartlett . William P. Gibbons, 1 . George E. Graves . Socrates Hyacinth ...


Charles Warren Stoddari? ia Oi SE Sin 18s tondncccdngusanneanaeenswhbs deecesee BNE WFP. 6005 cccvcececcccsececcese . Coolbrith ... . Bret Harte .

Ina D. Coolbrit/ ..Charles Warr

-/na D. Coolbrith -Emily Warren

- Edgar Fawectt

Charles W arren -/na D. Coe Sam .. Edgar Faw

Ina DP.

Coolbrith ...


(Raphael Pumpelly) . Gray... cece James Russell Le well,

Among the Hills (Mary Lorimer)

Army Life in a Black Regiment (1


Comic History of the - nited States (John D. She rwood) ..

David Elginbrod (Ge Ecce Femina (Carlos Wi h te). Fair Harvard

Health by Good Living (W. W

> McDonald)


Hedged In (Elizabeth Stuart Phelps)

History of American Socialisms Gladstone)

Juventus Mundi (Wm. E.

Lady Byron Vindicated (Harriet Beecher Stowe)... Letters from the East (William Cullen Bryant) .


Jerningham’s Journal

Notes in England and Italy (Mrs. Hawthorne) Odes and Epodes of Horace (Lord Lytton)

t. Onward (Patterson)

Our Home Physician (George M Townsend) ..

Poems (George A Recent Republications

Sybaris, and other Homes (Edward E. Almanac for 1870

The Atlantic

2. Pleasant Hours (Stewart) ;



The Battle of the Books ‘Gail Hamilton

The C

The Fairy Ege, and Wh

ithedral (James Russell Lowell). hat it Held

Ihe Hohensteins ‘Fricdrich Spielhagen

The Holy Grail, The Innocents Abroad ~ 1. The Intelligence of

lime in Natur

The Sun The Queen of the The River of the West

Animals Ferdinand Lanoye ; 4 Amédée Guillemin

Air (John Ruskin, LL.D.)..

Frances Fuller Victor

and other Poems ( Alfre d lennysm) . Mark Twain

1 The Sub- The Wonders of Glass-M iking, in All Ages (S. Beusey ;

Ernest Menault); 2. Wonders of Pompeii ‘(Marc Monnier :

The Seven Curses of London (James Greenwood)

The Story of a Bad Boy (Thomas Bailey or the Great and other Stories (‘** John Halifax, Gentleman” )

lhe Sunset Land, The Unkind Word, Under Foot (Alton Clyde) Under Lock and Key (T


Pacific Slope (Rev. John ‘Todd, D.D.)....

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