TABORITES. The most radical party of the Hussites in Bohemia. They derived their name from their fortress of Tabor, near the river Lužnič. They asserted the right of individual judgment, rejected all ordinances of the Church not expressly appointed in the Bible, and had democratic tendencies. Their leaders were John Ziska (q.v.), Nicholas of Pistna (Husinec), Procopius the Great, and Procopius the Lesser. (See Procopius, Andrew.) At first, in the face of common danger, all parties of the Hussites held together and inflicted repeated defeats upon the Imperial troops. After the Calixtines (q.v.) had made terms with Sigismund and the Church (1433), the Taborites continued the war, but were overthrown in the battle of Böhmischbrod, May 30, 1434. The remnant of them was absorbed in the Bohemian Brethren (q.v.). See Hussites.