STEIN, Mark Aurel (1862—). An English Orientalist, archæologist, and educator. He was born at Budapest, Hungary. He studied at Vienna and Tübingen, and in England at Oxford and London. In 1888 he was appointed registrar of the Punjab University and principal of the Oriental College at Lahore, and in 1899 principal of the Calcutta Madrasah. He was deputed by the Indian Government to conduct archæological and topographical explorations in Chinese Turkestan. The first results of his discoveries on this journey are published in his Preliminary Report (London, 1901). On his return from Turkestan he became inspector of schools in the Punjab. Among the more important of his publications are a critical edition of Kalhana's Rājataranginī, or Sanskrit Chronicle of the Kings of Kashmir (1892), together with an English translation and commentary on the same (2 vols. 1901); A Classified Catalogue of Sanskrit MSS. in the Raghunath Temple Library, Jammu (1894); and The Sand-buried Cities of Khotan (1903).