< The New International Encyclopædia

MÜNSTERBERG, mụn'stẽr-bĕrK, Hugo (1863). A German-American psychologist, born in Danzig. He received the degree of Ph.D. at Leipzig in 1885 and that of M.D. at Heidelberg two years afterwards, and taught psychology at Freiburg for live years (1887-92). In l892 he became professor of psychology at Harvard University, he devoted himself mainly to the physiological side of the science, and it was under his supervision that the psychological laboratory at Harvard was organized. His more important publications are: Die Willenshandlung (1888); Gedankenübertragung (1889); Der Ursprung der Sittlichkeit (1889); Beiträge zur experimentellen Psychologie (1891); Psychology and Life (1899); Grundzüge der Psychologie (1900); American Traits (1901).

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