LESQUEREUX, lā̇′ke-rẽ′, Leo (1806-89). An
American botanist, born at Fleurier, Switzerland,
of French Huguenot ancestry. After several years
at the academy of Neuchâtel, he went to Eisenach
as a teacher of French. Upon his return to
Switzerland he became principal in a school at La
Chaux de Fonds, but, owing to deafness, he had
to give up teaching. His old love of plants led
him to study botany as opportunity came, and
he published a catalogue of mosses, and later
won a prize for a treatise on peat-bogs. These
monographs won him the friendship of Louis
Agassiz, and enabled him to travel over Northern
Europe studying the formation of peat and of
coal. In 1848 he went to the United States,
lived with Agassiz at Cambridge for a time, and
then became the assistant of William S. Sullivant.
The two, after expeditions into the
mountains of the South, published Museci Americani
Exsiccati (1856) and Icones Muscarum (1864).
Afterwards Lesquereux again took up his study
of coal formation, traveled in Ohio, Pennsylvania,
Kentucky, Illinois, and Arkansas, and worked on
the geological surveys of these States. Among
his reports the “Catalogue of the Fossil Plants
which have been named or described from the
Coal Measures of North America,” the first and
the second reports of the Pennsylvania Geological
Survey (1880), is the most important work in this
field. He also wrote: Contributions to the Fossil
Flora of the Western Territories (1874-83);
The Flora of the Dakota Group, edited by V. H.
Knowlton (1891); and, with Thomas P. James,
the continuation of Sullivant's work, Manual of
the Mosses of North America (1884). He became
entirely deaf in middle life, but was an expert