ANTHONY, Susan Brownell (1820—). An American reformer. She was born in Adams, Mass., the daughter of a Quaker. She taught school from the age of fifteen to thirty; was active in the total abstinence and anti-slavery movements, and since the Civil War has devoted herself entirely to the woman suffrage movement. She founded (1868) and for three years published The Revolution, a woman's rights paper. She was arrested, tried, and fined for voting at the election of 1872. She is an eloquent speaker, has lectured extensively in England and throughout the United States, has taken part in many State campaigns, and appeared before many Congressional committees. She has contributed to leading magazines and (with Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Mrs. Matilda Joslyn Gage) published an extensive History of Woman Suffrage (3 volumes, New York, 1881-87). For her life, consult Harper, Life and Work of Susan B. Anthony (2 volumes, Indianapolis,1898).