ALBANY. A city and county seat of Dougherty Co., Ga., 107 miles south by west of Macon; on the Flint River, at the head of high water navigation, and on the Central of Georgia, the Plant System, the Seaboard Air Line, and the Albany and Northern railroads (Map: Georgia, B 4). It is in an agricultural region, and controls large commercial interests, particularly in cotton, cottonseed oil, bricks, fertilizers, lumber, etc. The city has wide streets and handsome residences; is the home of the Georgia Chautauqua; and is noted for numerous artesian wells, which are the exclusive source of the water supply. Settled in 1836, Albany was incorporated two years later. The government, under a charter of 1899, is administered by a mayor, elected every two years, and a city council, whose consent is required for all appointments of administrative officials made by the mayor. The water works and electric light plant are owned and operated by the municipality. Pop., 1890, 4008; 1900, 4606.