< The Naturalisation of the Supernatural
- Agency in telepathy, discussion of, 141–148
- Aksakof, Professor, case procured by, 292
- Alchemy, 7
- Alexander, Professor, eases procured by, 225, 341
- "Angus," Miss, case contributed by, 63
- Animal, apparent telepathy from, 56
- —— apparition of, 143
- Apparitions. See Hallucinations.
- Appreciation of time in hypnotism. 334
- Automatic writing, 72, 283, 299–305, 343, 357–359
- Automatism, 283–290
- B., Mr. H., case contributed by, 84
- B., Madame, Prof. Janet's subject, 44
- Baggally, Mr. W. W., 65
- Bagot, Mrs, case contributed by, 143
- Banshee, 348
- Barcellos, Dr., case recorded by, 341
- Barrett, Professor W. F., 7–9
- Bealing's Bells, 150
- "Beauchamp," Miss, 280, 285
- Benecke, Mrs, case contributed by, 246
- Blavatsky, Madame, 6, 173
- Bonrne, Ansel, case of, 280
- Braid, James, 6
- Bramwell, Dr. Milne, 6
- Brierley. Mr. J. A., case contributed by. 93
- Broussiloff, Madame, case contributed by, 128
- Bruce, Archdeacon, case contributed by, 72
- Buckley, Major, his experiments in clairvoyance, 337, 339–340
- Busk, Miss, case contributed by, 343
- C., Mr., case contributed by, 288
- C., Miss C. P. M., case contributed by, 58
- Cahagnet, Alphonse, and his clairvoyant subjects, 306
- Calculating boys, 334
- Campbell, Miss, and Miss Despard, their experiments in thought transference, 37–39, 49
- Carbery, Lady, case contributed by, 56
- Carnot, President, dream of his assassination, 80
- Castle, Mrs., case contributed by,
- Census of hallucinations, 102–109, 231–234
- Cerebration, unconscious, 279
- Chance coincidence between phantasm and death, 105–109
- Children as agents in spontaneous telepathy, 143
- Cideville trial for witchcraft, 151–16:
- Clairvoyance, 5, 61–62, 111, 331, 335–344
- Clark, Miss C., case contributed by, 125
- Clarke. Mr. T., his sitting with Mrs. Piper, 311
- Clarkson, Miss, case contributed by, 88
- Clothes of apparitions, 111
- Cock Lane Ghost, 150
- Coghill, Colonel, case contributed by, 360
- Collective hallucinations, 230–244
- Community of sensation. 9, 44, 71
- Confessions of trickery in Poltergeist cases, 162
- Conley, Miss, case contributed by, 227
- Consciousness, composite nature of, 277
- ——dissociation of, in hallucination, 138–140
- ——in hypnotism, 279–81
- ——in pathological cases, 280–28 5
- Conscription, dreams of number drawn in, 347–348
- Contemporary notes. See Notes, contemporary.
- Continuous observation, importance of, in spiritualistic experiments, 193–195
- Crookes, Sir William, 11,12, 171, 172 n.
- D., Mrs. case contributed by, 59
- "Danvers," Miss, case contributed by, 118
- Davey, Mr. S. J., his slate-writing, 182, 186–195
- Death, hallucinations coinciding with, calculation of chances, 105–109
- ——predictions of, 352
- Death-watch, 349–350
- Derby, the, dreams of winner, 346
- Despard, Miss, and Miss Campbell, their experiments in thought transference, 37–39, 49
- Diary, notes in. See Notes, contemporary.
- Didier, Alexis, his clairvoynce, 337–339
- Disinterested fraud, 174–175
- Dissociation of consciousness. See Consciousness.
- Distance as affecting telepathy, 12, 21–23, 110
- Divining-rod, 7
- Dixon, Mr. E. T., 168
- Documentary evidence, rarity of, in spontaneous telepathic cases 49, 86, 88. See Notes, contemporary.
- Dog, apparition of, 143
- Dolbear, Professor, case contributed by, 223
- Dove, Mr., case contributed by, 137
- Dreams, general characteristics, 76–80, 346
- ——contrasted with hallucinations, 139
- ——prophetic, 92 n. 344–365
- ——symbolic, 95, 349
- Drowned bodies found through dreams, 229
- E. Mrs., case contributed by, 115
- Ectenic force, 199, 204
- Eglinton, William, spirit medium. 175–77. 182
- Elliotson, Dr., 9
- Esdaile, James, 6
- Eusapia Paladino, spirit medium, 195–203
- Experimental Psychology, Congress of, 102
- Experiments in thought transference, 16–46, 112–119
- ——at distance, 21–23, 32–46,112–119
- ——difficulty of determining scale, 30
- ——evidential importance of, 47–50
- ——gradual development of percept in, 25–26
- ——with sensations of smell and taste, 32
- ——in inducing insensibility to pain, 45–46
- ——sleep at distance, 44
- Flammarion, Professor, 74, 103 n.
- "Fleetwood," Mrs... case contributed by, 118
- Flournoy, Professor, 281
- Fludd. Robert, 7
- "Forbes," Mrs., her automatic writing, 303–304
- "Forcing" choice in spiritualistic experiments, 192
- Forgetfulness of non-coincident hallucinations, 106–109
- Fox family, first mediums, 150
- Fraud, disinterested, 174–175
- Fryer, Rev. A. T., case recorded by, 351
- Garrison, Mr. T. B., case contributed by, 54
- Gasparin, Count de, 204
- Ghost, popular conception of, not borne out by the facts, 222, 272–274
- Gilbert, Dr., experiments in sleep at distance, 44
- Glanvil, Joseph, 149
- Glardon, Rev. A., his experiments in telepathy, 33–37
- ——case recorded by, 352
- Gleason, Dr. Adele, case contributed by, 80
- Godfrey, Mr. Clarence, case contributed by, 112
- Grant. Mr. Cameron, case contributed by, 218
- Gravitation, hypothesis of, compared with telepathy, 14
- Green, Mrs.. case contributed by, 110
- Grottendieck, Mr., case recorded by, 164
- Gurney, Edmund, 6, 45, 100 n., 102, 123, 128, 216, 219, 252–253, 275, 279–280, 340
- Hallucinations, general discussion, 99–111
- ——as explanation of ghosts, 100
- ——associated with Poltergeist cases, 167–169
- ——census of, by S. P. R. See Census.
- ——collective, 130–145
- ——dissociation of consciousness in, 138–140
- ——dreamlike nature of, 130–138, 248
- ——forgetfulness of, 106–109
- ——grotesque. 137
- ——of the sane contrasted with hallucinations of disease 105 n.
- ——popular misconception of, 100
- ——post-hypnotic, 101–102, 139
- ——telepathic, experimentally produced, 112–119
- Haly, Mrs., case contributed by, 216
- Hand-holding at Spiritualist'séances, 196–198
- Hansen and Lehmann. their criticism of telepathy, 21 n.
- Harden, Judge, case procured by, 190
- Haunted houses, 5, 245–274
- Hervey, Miss. case contributed by. 135
- Hilprecht, Professor, dream recorded by. 225
- Hobday, Mr., case contributed by, 132
- Hodgson, Richard, 6, 8:, 164, 177, 182–183, 187, 189, 193–195, 197, 198, 207, 227, 301–302, 308–310, 320, 337
- Holborn, Rev. A., case procured by, 234
- Home, D. D., 173
- Hulin, Professor, case recorded by, 347
- Husbands. Mr. John, case contributed by, 251
- Hyperæsthesia in hypnotism, 10, 106
- Hypnotism. 5–6, 10, 106
- ——work by S. P. R. in, 275–276
- ——clairvoyance in, 335–340
- Hyslop, Professor, and Mrs. Piper, 326
- Hysteria and dissociation of consciousness, 281
- Illness. prediction of, 351–352
- Impersonation in trance, 284–286
- Insensibility to pain produced by telepathy, 45–46
- Janet, Professor Pierre, 44, 281
- Johnson, Miss Alice, experiments by, 16–27, 45
- Kearne, Mr., case contributed by, 132, 138
- King, Mr. G., case contributed by, 217
- Kitching, Miss, case contributed by, 216
- Knight. Mrs, case contributed by, 95
- Krekel, Mrs, case contributed by,
- Lane, Mr. F., case contributed by, 354
- Lang, Mr. Andrew, 55, 62, 92, 149, 151, 159
- Lankester, Professor Ray, 173
- Latency of telepathic impressions, 148
- Latent memory, 223, 229, 342–343
- Lehmann and Hansen, their criticism of telepathy, 21 n.
- Liébeault, 6
- Lodge, Sir Oliver, 196–198
- ——his sittings with Mrs. Piper, 317–319
- Lombroso, Professor, 196
- Mann, Mrs., case contributed by, 91
- Manville, Mr. E., 190
- "Materialisation of spirits," 173
- Maughan, Miss, case contributed by, 125
- Maxwell, the alchemist, 8
- Maxwell, Dr., 202
- McAlpine, Mrs., cases contributed by. 143, 353
- Memory, errors of, in spiritualist observations. 194
- Mesmerism, 5, 8, 9, 32, 44, 61–62
- Michell, Mrs., case contributed by, 130
- Miles, Miss, and Miss Ramsden, experiments in thought transference by, 39–44
- Mirville, Marquis de, his testimony at the Cideville trial, 154–155
- Moir, William, case contributed by, 254
- Montague-Crackanthorpe, Mrs. case contributed by, 256
- Morselli, Professor, 199, 202
- "Morton," Miss, records of a haunted house, 266
- Moses, Stainton, 173, 306, 327–328
- Myers, Frederic, 6, 7, 52, 196–198, 204, 207, 220, 275
- ——his theory of subliminal consciousness, 332–334
- Nery, Donna, case contributed by, 226
- Newbold, Professor R., recorded by, 362
- Notes. contemporary, in cases of spontaneous thought transference, presentiments, etc.. 52, 56, 59, 67, 80, 84, 87, 91, 92, 112, 125, 135, 143, 218, 288, 292, 350, 360
- Observation, continuous, in spiritualist experiments, 193–195
- O'Donnell, Mrs., case contributed by, 249
- Pain, telepathic impression of, 69
- Paladino, Eusapia, spirit medium, 195, 202–203
- Paracelsus. 7, 8
- Parish, Edmund, on hallucinations, 139, 169 n.
- Peebles, Mr. 8., case contributed by, 213
- "Pelham, George" and Mr. Piper, 320–326
- Phantasms of the living,
- "Phinuit, Dr.," and Mrs. Piper, 307–309, 319
- Physical effluence, apparent evidence of, 45
- Piddington, Mr. J. G., 59, 105 n.
- Piper, Mrs., 208, 294, 306–330
- ——her early "controls," 307–308
- ———characteristics of her communications, 309–310
- ——illustrative cases, 311–326
- Podmore, Mr. A., 188
- Policy, Mr. John, case contributed by, 65
- Prayer incited by telepathy, 74
- Precognition, 331–332, 344–365
- Prediction of death, 352
- ——of illness, 351–352
- Prince, Dr. Morton, 280
- Private mediumship, 174–175
- Professor ——, case contributed by, 52
- Pseudo-presentiment, Professor Royce's hypothesis of, 145
- R., Miss, case contributed by, 141
- Ramsden, Miss, and Miss Miles, experiments in thought transference by, 39–44
- Raps, "spirit," 150–15:
- Raseco, Mr., experiments in thought transference by, 32
- Reciprocal action in telepathy, 119–123
- Reddell, Frances, case contributed by, 236
- Reichenbach's researches, 5
- Reverie, 286–287
- Richet, Professor, 196–198
- ——his experiments in telepathy. 44
- Robbery, dreams of, 92, 343
- Robinson, Mr. E., case contributed by, 7:
- Röntgen rays, 11
- Rose, Mr. F. W., case contributed by, 115
- Royce, Professor, on pseudo-presentiments, 145
- "Russell," Miss, case contributed by, 241
- Russell, Mr., apparition of, 215
- S., Mr. H. W., his report on Davey's slate-writing, 183
- Schiller, Mr. F. C. S., 208
- Scott, Miss, case contributed by,260
- Sidgwick, Mrs., 45, 91, 145
- ——experiments by, 16–27
- ——on the Piper case, 329
- Sidgwick, Professor H., 204, 206
- ——experiments by, 16–27
- ——and the census of hallucinations, 102
- ——his reply to Hansen and Lehmann, 21 n.
- ——on private mediums, 173
- Sims, Mr. G. R., case contributed by, 90
- Singh, Prince Victor Duleep, case contributed by, 106, 127, 138
- Skeletons in connection with psychical disturbances, 254–259
- Slade, "Dr.," American medium, 173–176
- Slate-writing by "spirits." 175–195
- Sleep, telepathic production of, at distance, 44
- Smell, transference of, experimental, 32
- ——spontaneous, 69
- Smith, Mr. G. A.. experiments by, 16–27
- ——report on slate-writing by, 178
- Society for Psychical Research,1, 4, 102–109, 231–234, 306.
- "Spirit" communication, 207–211. See also Piper, Mrs.
- Spiritualism, 5, 65, 150, 172
- Spontaneous telepathy, evidential defects, 47–50
- Stramm, Mdlle., case contributed by, 292
- Substitution in slate-writing, 178–191
- Symbolic dreams, 95, 349
- Tandy, Rev. G. M., case contributed by, 217
- Tedworth, the Drummer of, 149–150. 159
- Telepathy, difficulties of a physical explanation, 10–14
- Templeton, Mr. J. M., report on slate-writing by, 178
- Terriss, W., dream of his murder, 92 n., 354
- Theosophy, 6, 173
- Thorel, plaintif in Cideville trial, 151–161
- Thury, Professor, 204
- Tinel, M., defendant in Cideville trial, 151–161
- Townshend, Rev. C. H., and clairvoyance, 335
- Transition between experimental, and spontaneous telepathy, 110, 112–119
- Trickery, confession, in Poltergeist cases, 162
- ——in spiritualism. 172
- Tuckey, Dr. Lloyd, 6
- Tweedale, Rev. C. L..case contributed by, 146
- U., Frau, case contributed by, 67
- Unconscious cerebration, 279
- Venner, Mr., 190–192
- Verrall, Mrs., experiments in thought transference by. 27–31
- ——her automatic writing, 299–305, 357–359
- ——cases contributed by, 350, 357
- Vidigal, Dr., case contributed by, 297
- Wallace, Dr. A. R., 186
- Ward, Captain, case contributed by, 120
- Water, glass of, used for crystal vision, 64
- Wedgwood, Mr. Hensleigh, on slate-writing, 176 n.
- Wesley, John, and the ghost at Epworth, 149
- Whispering, subconscious, as explanation of thought transference, 20, 21 n., 32
- Whiting, Miss Lilian, case contributed by, 224
- Wilkie, Mr. J. E., case contributed by, 294
- Wilson. Mrs. H. J., case procured by, 236
- Wiltse. Dr. A. S., experiments by, 32–33
- Witchcraft in connection with Poltergeist disturbances, 152, 159–160
- Young, Mr. J. F., case contributed by, 56
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