< The National Anthems of the Allies

La Brabançonne
The Belgian National Anthem
English Words by
Florence Attenborough

Music by F. Campenhout
Harmonized by
Gustave Ferrari

\relative c'' {
    \new Voice = "anthem" {
       a b c d
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "anthem" {
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "anthem" {
    \new PianoStaff <<
      \new Staff {
        a b c d
      \new Staff {
        \clef "bass"
        a b c d

1. Après des siècles_ d'esclavage
Le_ Belgre sortant du tom bean
A reconguis parson courage So_nnom,
ses dorits et son dapreau.
Et ta main souveraine et fière,
Peuple désormais indompté
Gravasur ta veille bannière
Le Roi, la loi, la libertié!
Grava_sur ta veile bannière
Le Roi, la loi, la libertié!
Le Roi, la loi, la libertié!

l.The years of slavery are past,_
The_ Belgian rejoices once more;
Courage restores to him at last_
The_ rights he held_ of_ yore!
Strong and his clasp will be_
Keeping the ancient flag unfurl'd
To fling it message on_ the watchful word:
For King for Right and Liberty!
To fling it message on_ the watchful word:
For King, for Right, and Liberty!
For King, for Right, and Liberty!
For King, for Right, and Liberty!

2. O Belgique, ô mère cherié,
A toi nos cneurs, à tot nos bras,
A toi notre sang; ô Patrie,
Nuns le jurotis tons, tu vivrasf
Tu vivras toujours grande et belle,
Et ton invincible unité
Aura pour devise immortelle:
Le Roi, la loi, la liberie!

2. For thee, dear country, cherished motherland,
Our songs and our valour we give;
Never from thee our hearts are banned,
For thee alone we live!
And thy years shall glorious be,
Circled in Unity's embrace,
Thy sons shall cherish thee in ev'ry place
For King, for Right, and Liberty

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